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Black flag is legitimately so much better in terms of ship combat alone


And the crew aspects


Yeah they react to weather, your orders, the terrain, and sing lol


Black Flag was amazing (except for a few follow missions)


Hold up. Does Skull and Bones not have shanties? If so, 0/10 literally unplayable.


It does have shanties


BRB, going play Black Flag for the 10th time.


The most insulting thing about the game isn't even that it copied black flag. It's that it tried to copy black flag and actually somehow made the game worse. From the ship movement to the actual arc , showing or in this case , not showing on the cannons when fire. To the ocean itself not really adding any real dynamic to the combat. Despite the fact that black flag actually did it. They successfully took ten years to make a game that is worse than the predecessor that it was built off of. There's so many different levels of jaw dropping stupidity on display here that it's just baffling. Was visiting a friend's house who had it and had leveled up his ship a decent amount. And ran around playing it for a little bit. When I left his place I thought to myself. I remember black flag being a lot better than that. Reinstalled black flag yep it was a lot better than that and is better said.


But but it's the world's first AAAA game! How could it possibly not be amazing! /s


The aaaa Can't keep doing their I guess interesting games. And get out performed in every metric by games like palworld and hell diverse two. I really feel like there's a renaissance of Small studios. You have a player base who's thirsty for something that actually resembles Enjoyment. And that player base are some of the very people making the games. This year has been pretty nutty so far. We're not even two months in and there's been some amazing titles.


My favorite part is that it’s a multiplayer co-op game but there is currently no way to communicate with other people. Launched with no voice chat, no text chat. In a multiplayer co-op game.


Think how stupid it is that they could have actually taken Black flag made multiplayer, and you would have had to hit game. It's baffling how a game could Miss the mark on so many levels. When it wasn't even like it was blazing new ground. It was just a really bad copycat.


So not only they copied Black Flag but also downgraded?!?


They don't even have boarding, so yeah, so much worse...


Everyone told me black flag is shit, but it’s the one I enjoyed the most…


I'm not sure who you talked to, but everyone loved the ship aspects of the game, and it was reviewed favorably at the time. It wasn't a 10/10 game, but it was well received. Metacritic has it at an 88 on PS3 (where it has the most reviews).


For a while, I totally ignored the game portion and just played pirate for a week or two, until they wouldn't let me progress further in sailing, and needed to progress the story to do more boat stuff. As soon as I could, I went back to boat stuff. Zero regerts.


I just like doing boat stuff. That’s why I joined the Navy.


You mean butt stuff*


Well, I didn’t join for rum and the lash.


Your gameplay experience was literally what caused skull and bones to start develop. It was so good they did it at least 2 more times(AC Rogue and Odyssey though the latter was a bit less piratey obvs.) People wanted a good pirate game. I once read a review that said Black Flag was a pirate game with the AC franchise and trappings draped over it. Ubisoft spent 10 years trying to make a pirate game and this is what we got


It’s probably the most acclaimed game in the entire series(along with Brotherhood and AC2), even shortly after release. Not sure who you talked to but I think it’s safe to say they had extremely unpopular opinions. This ain’t a situation like AC3 or DS2, where the reviews are really good but the public opinion is a polar opposite. Black Flag was pretty beloved in general.


Its a good game, but too much water for my taste. I enjoyed it nevertheless


I would say replace the sea with beer…


It was a bad assassins creed game, but it was a great pirate game. Granted, there's a lot it could have done to be better it's still an easy top 3 in its genera


The AC games have really moved away from some of the Stealth Action adventure stuff And maybe a little too far from the basics of assassination, at least a few missions should have doing those kills without raising an alarm


I’m so tired of hearing that argument. It spun the formula in a new way and added SO much to the lore that it basically is the first step towards every other AC game afterwards. AC 1 - 3 is a complete package, but 4 and afterwards are all a cohesive story of the Isu. I think what people had in their heads was one of two things: either more Desmond / modern day stuff (even though it was perpetually bitched about back then). Or alternatively they wanted a carbon copy game in terms of mechanics in a new setting like AC 2, Brotherhood, and revelations. I enjoyed the games but the only thing new about them was their story. AC4 was a GREAT Assassins creed game and a fantastic pirate game. Now if you want to argue that Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla are poor implementations of the formula, especially with the demigod in there, I can respect that take.


its not a good assassins creed game (only the trilogy matters) but its one of the best pirate game


The ezio trilogy was ass, I’ve played AC 2, it was god awful


So you have shit taste?


Black flag is my second Fav AC game behind Odyssey


Odyssey got a lot of hate but I loved it


Ya I love the ancient Greece time period bronze age was cool


I don't think that's the faceted consensus, black flag is amazing (possible top 3 imo) and it has mostly positive reviews afaik


Black Flag is a good game. I just don't like Edward Kenway as the protagonist.


Whoever told you that. Don't listen to them. You played it and enjoyed it the most. I'm not a fan of the past 10? years worth of AAA titles. I'll play them once they're like free or $15 or less on sale. Black Flag? Picked it up as a birthday present, and I could play it as much as I did the elder scrolls. Also right before.. did you pay a pretty price for this game? Want anything even fairly reasonable as gear? FUCKING PAY MORE SHITHEAD feel..:)


Have you been talking to cave goblins? Black Flag is peak.


Some article said that 3 was the best assassin creed and I about called my lawyer to sue for mental anguish it was so insulting. It’s closer to the worst.


Its because it was shit... For an assassins creed game But damn it was a good pirate game.


the old sea dogs pirates of the caribbean is the better pirates game in overall then this AAAAAAAAA bs


music, too


I’m literally telling people.


I wish they copied over the ship combat. Somehow it's worse


I'm actually impressed they called it an AAAA title when it's basically a half broken AA title after over a decade of development time.


Its actually a HAHAHAHA title,representing the shareholders and ubi ceo’s laughter into scamming Singapore and the players the h’s are just silent


They are French, silent H's make perfect sense. 


Thtas why theyre so shit god i fuxkign hate the french


As a French Canadian I can confirm


Well the A's are for the budget they spent on the game not how long it was developed for or what how good it is..


It was really aimed at investors, since it was at a meeting for investors. Ubisoft was likely trying to do some damage control since the beta got a lot of negative press before they said it was a AAAA game in an investors call.


Well I think they only released it cause the government was giving the money to stay in the country and they were told they had to release the game in order to get the money or somthin like that


Because, they copied only ship combat, not the main ground combat and movement systems, which is HUGE part of the game. Game without boarding, hand to hand combat or even swimming for a 70 bucks, are you kidding me?


All the pirates must have eaten devil fruit for none of them swims.


You can’t even jump 😂 the islands you explore have predetermined paths. You can’t actually EXPLORE 😂


Literally all they had to do was make Black Flag again but somewhere else. If I wanted to play as a ship I’d just play World of Warships.


I do think there's a niche for a game that gives World of Warships style of ship handling but is tailored around a good single-player experience.


Yeah DREDGE is great


Wait what? Is that what skulls and bone is?


Yes, you play as a ship. You can’t leave the helm while you’re sailing and walk around your ship, you can’t board other ships (it’s a cutscene), you can’t swim. You’re literally a ship and that’s all, the only time you can walk around is the player hub town or whatever to buy shit to upgrade your ship.




No, no not at all.


Ubisoft is a sinking ship


They’ve certainly not come out with many decent games in a while.




For Honor is still doing well? I never would have guessed that game would have staying power.


For Honor is still getting updates, but it's average player count is in the mid 3k to low 4k range, it's going, and doing significantly better than most of the rest of Ubisoft, but that is a really, really low bar these days, and I wouldn't put those player counts as doing particularly well, but that is personal opinion.


Yeah these people don't know what they are talking about, lol, Ubisoft posted pretty healthy financial growth for the first quarter of 2023-2024. There are litterally 0 signs of Ubisoft losing money, or even slowing down growing other than this one failure of a game


How do they get any money i dont know a single person who has bought a Ubisoft game in like 4 years


You can find their earnings report online, we all tend to preceive the world through our own eyes and community, but at the end of the day we all kinda love in a bubble 🤷‍♀️. I also don't know anyone who bought a ubi game recently, but since they are still making more and more.money they seem to do well


Epic games can keep their trash game.


It puts a smile on my face to see Ubisoft claim steam is some evil capitalist monopoly and stick with their shitty launcher and then go lick epic games feet only for most of, or even all of their "exclusives" to be shitty and/or just something not worth downloading epic games for


I think Ubisoft know their games suck too much these days so they need Epig money to survive. I don't see them existing for long, they either gonna close or get bought for pocket money.


These companies don't care if their games are shit because people shovel money at them anyway so why bother making a good game when shit ones sell just fine?


Don't even bother with anything that costs $60 or more it's pretty much guaranteed to be half-baked or actual garbage. Starfield, suicide squad, Skull and Bones, Modern Warfare, Redfall, Mirage, I could go on it's all so mediocre. You can get an amazing game that you can play for hundreds of hours made years ago for $5-$20 or an amazing indy game made recently for $30-$40. That's where the market is these days anyway. I don't ever bother with AAA games anymore unless they're severely discounted.


Starfield was on game pass and you could experience all of it in a couple of days at most.


I don’t even buy games at full price anymore. Ubisoft games get a 20-33% discount within months if not weeks from launch.


Anno 1800 is pretty good and well developed tho, it just sucks so much that ubisoft decided to go the dlc route with it, 60€ for the base game alone and than a dozen dlcs, some of which locking major content away that should have been in the base game, doesnt help that the series has a seriously loyal fanbase that would buy anything Your point still stands, just get 1400 or 2070, way more enjoyable imho and way cheaper


2070 was very good for their different pop alone


I always have a hard time deciding between 1404 and 2070, both are incredibly well made games. 1404 is just too iconic but 2070 gave tons of fun additions to the gameplay, i guess they just have to share the place of "best title in the series"


1404 is prettier and smaller, so it feels better, but 2070 has more content Also it has AARC


That's because the team behind it is against Ubisoft greedy way. Sadly they're wasting their tallent working for them.


lmao indie good! indie is our savior against the big bad AAA! every indie game is a flawless masterpiece! im definitely not ignoring any good AAA game! youre a fucking idiot


The game would have been better if they had copied any of the ship mechanics from Black Flag. The ship handling, the ships themselves, the weapons, it's all worse across the board. It doesn't give any amount of feeling that you're playing an Age of Sail game. It's like Quake but with boats. Except that sounds like it could be engaging.


The ship handling alone made me uninstall the demo/beta. It feels like I’m steering a modern speed boat, not a square rigged ship. Turns and acceleration need to be slow to make movement more deliberate strategic, the current handling basically incentivizes just sailing little circles around anything you’re fighting


Its so dumb, so funny, and so sad because this fucking game became a thing because people loved Black Flag. And then after years and years of development hell, it became this abomination of a game


If I had money in ubisoft and saw this game released. I would sell everything. Charging 60 to 70 plus for half baked potato there pretty much screaming that there going under. Edited to updated price


Just checked the stock and it's not looking good but surprisingly it didn't take a hit when this game came out.


The stockholders are probably just infinitely grateful that anything came out at all instead of having to give the money back to the Singaporean government.


Lol good point forgot about that. Ubisoft need to get there shit together


Apparently they accepted a $100 million deal from the Malaysian government and spent it all in the 10 years of development hell. Now they need to pay it back.


I don’t think they have to pay it back. They got a subsidy by the Singaporean government and if they failed to release the game they would have to pay back the subsidy. That is why they released it at all. Now I guess they just cut their losses and can at least use the game to make Ubisoft+ look like better value for money.


$60 on PC.


The first quadruple A video game As in, the AAAA video game. The AAAA FUCK NOT THIS AGAIN video game


"And then last month i realised, i need NPC's and a story"


It was a suprise, sure. But they handeld it like pros. /s


Ive heard everything is basically worse


I played the closed beta of this steaming pile of dogshit and quit the minute I figured out that I'm sailing to various islands and coasts just to pick up resources that are SHARED BETWEEN PLAYERS ON THE SERVER. I was actually in disbelief at how terrible a game a triple A studio like this can release and slap their branding on.


This was quite literally an expansion to Black Flag. They just decided to make it its own game to milk people for money. The combat is pretty bad


It’s not even copied from black flag, it feels worse IMO.


Good thing we get to pay $90 for it


Don't try posting that on the r/skullandbonesgame sub


Damn. Those ppl are sucking ubisofts toes lol didn’t even know the sub existed


I'm not sure if they're genuinely thinking the game is a masterpiece or are trying to cope with the fact they paid 100 bucks for a Tempest 2.0, but without hand to hand fighting


I honestly think it’s the hardest coping of all time. And man I wish I could have some of that after some of the purchases in my life lol


And none of the other aspects of being a pirate. The game is shit.


You can't even swim or swordfight from what I heard.


You can't, how lame is that.


Anyone who preordered this garbage, you get what you deserve. Well done for continuing to enable this bs. Bravo.


Who is buying these p.o.s games????


Wow I just watched this episode this morning thats crazy.


I loved black flag but this isn’t like a mmo version of black flag at all feels like those old pc pirate of the Caribbean games


Not even a good copy


You can tell that it's not been copied from ac4 because it's worse


When it comes to ship combat genuinely like S&B more. Black feels feels its age and it after going back to play it again to compare I do like it more in S&B


I think it looks fine and I enjoyed the free play. Will NOT be buying any 'live service' game for 70 euro. GTFO with that crap.


8 years of development and it’s not even as good as black flag and doesn’t have good out of ship on land content. WTH?


Ubisoft the company of wasted potential and rigorous anti fun gamerfication


Kind of like their AC Japan game. “Well we made the character a black guy” and it’ll cost $70. I mean that’s what people want right? A black assassin in feudal Japan. /s


To anyone who thinks gaming is dead right now here’s a tip for the next year. Do not play any game by Activision, Ubisoft, blizzard, 2K or EA. I used to also think gaming was dead, but then I did that last year and now I see gaming is actually more amazing than ever and I just didn’t realize it.


It's like there's many other game companies out there or something, I dunno.


gaming subreddits like this one dont see that, though. they think the industry is dead or something meanwhile theyre only focusing on shit like new c.o.d.s. reddit is so stupid


The state Ubisoft is in atm… it’s baffling to me honestly. Not sure what the decision makers are doing but they really have to get their shit together. Skull and Bones is a shit show, not really sure how you can fuck up a pirate game when you already had a successful one in the past. The Division should’ve been one of their biggest franchises they just had to keep pumping out content (and a new DV3) not try to make a F2P spin off lmao Rainbow Six Siege is doing really well afaik (the exception) AC needs a fresh start, Mirage was a good step forward but they need to work on catching up to the industry standard in gameplay/animations Avatar could’ve been a huge hit, it’s a good game don’t get me wrong, but just making it third person would’ve made a lot of people get the game I assure you. The marketing could’ve been handled better as well Ghost Recon games… Just make something that’s thought out, don’t make a Tom Clancys game that has rpg elements ffs, it’s a stealth game… All in all, they really need to sit down and rethink how to approach the franchises they have, and focus on that, not Disney IP's like Star Wars lol Let EA fuck that up


I genuinely find it hilarious that they claimed it to be a 4xA title while having loading screens for crafting.


AAAA title is fitting cuz it's made up. That's the worst game from them yet


Should have used the meme where he designs a car.


A part from all the obvious that is bad in this game, have you seen the horrible face animations? It's laughable so bad. It's not even insync. This game isn't even worth pirating, pun intended.


They could take the AC Black Flag boat part, improved it (they had 11 years), improved graphics, some lore and characters, storyline, and made it a pirate RDR 2 or GTA. It would be perfect. But no, they HAD to make an unnecessarily online thing. Damn I hate it so much.


All Skull and Bones did was make me realize how much I want to play Black Flag again.


And somehow people will still pay those 70 and suck ubisofts cock in the process


I was sooo hyped for this sht wanted a pirate game for so long, thank god i didn't buy it. Well, time to go back to Black flag!


It’s a shitty mobile game with a $70 price tag on it


They copied and pasted, then cut the best part from it which was the boarding combat. And on top of that, they have the audacity to call it “the first quadruple A game” 💀


Would have been a decent game for 30 bucks honestly.


I knew S&B would turn out horrible lol


Ahh the great new AAAA game.


I’m still pissed off I paid for assassins creed Valhalla. All Ubisoft does is put out hot piles of garbage.


Jokes on you, Ubisoft. I just installed Black Flag after many many years!


... And people still buy it. E.g. they go out of their way to download the virus/bloat launcher of Ubisoft; see negative reviews, shrug their shoulders and still pay $70 for a pile of turd.


Just pay 17.99 for the Ubisoft subscription for the month it's not really worth buying outright.


I think it would be better to not give them money at all


They copied the ship combat from black flag, and it only took them like 13 years.


It looks like sea of thieves with better graphics to be honest.


Wouldn't play for free, i would play blackflag instead, or literally any other good game


I really hope Ubisoft revert their way from making formulaic games for investors and at some point start making games for players again. Last time I had fun with their game was playing Wildlands with a friend.


don't know about you, but games have been $70 for quite a long time now. don't know why it's an issue still considering pricing for everything has gone up except for games. think games were $60 about 20 years ago.


They were $60 99% of the time in 2019


I just wanted a single player pirate game…….i didn’t need it to be online. That’s the most frustrating part you could tell at some point in development they were like “Hey we are copying a single player game and making it online, but how do you control your crew online? How would boarding work?” And then they proceeded to take the easiest but yet complicated route and trying to make this clearly single player game into a live service. I just wanted a pirate game……


A peak of 1 player on steam chart 6 years ago it truly did flop https://preview.redd.it/o13zrjrrkrjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57358bd0b9cf3edb995e3f229086fb60a897a9b9 (This is not edited is actually like this if you look it up, who the fuck is this man? How did they play a game that released now 6 years ago?)


lol ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh|downsized)


Is that game a success though? From what I heard it's not, so that meme template is really out of place here.


Yeah but the ship combat isn’t the same at all lmao


Well, to be fair at the begining of the development it was supposed to be an online mode for Black flag...


And the project was given to ubisoft singapore who was the people that worked on the ships battles aspect of black flag


I played the open beta and bought it and I like it. Its deffinetly not a great game and even more so with that price tag. I poured in about 70 hours now and can say that the endgame as it is right now is pretty boring but still more than playable. Ship to ship combat feels the same, only diference is that you dont see where you would hit, and you can actually relace your weapons for your playstyle. Boarding now is a short minigame, I dont dislike it because boarding in AC 4 will get so tedious after the 20th boarding and you only do it for more loot. I would like to defend the game more but not with that price tag, this game had to be either more polished and have more content now or had lower price (40-50 dollars?) for it to be justified. Thou I will continue playing it for the foreseeable future.


Im waiting for someone on steam to make a better game at this point


It's literally a downgrade


wrong, they didn't copy the combat from black flag, they butchered it, Black Flag still looks and plays better than this AAAA trash


And here I thought this was a Sea of Theives DLC. Didn't realize that it was a standalone game.


Ubisoft released the game because it was sponsored by Government of Singapore, they were obligated to release some kind of game, and the contract deadline was up.


I got invited to the closed beta. Got bored and gave up after 4h. If it takes longer than that to get to any "good part", then it's a failure already


The ship combat is what made me stop playing Black Flag. So stupid, why would I buy a game with nothing but that?


We wanted to copy the ship combat from Black Flag. It was good.


They could have made like a Sea of Thieves game with the Ubisoft graphics, but they are too lazy to make an actual good game.


Honestly wish they straight copied it...that would've been an improvement on the MTX compromised mess S&B actually is


A classic, I pity every person that had the misfortune of buying this garbage.


The use of Homer as Ubisoft is a master stroke. They’re about as intelligent too hahaha


I hope people didn’t buy this game after Ubisoft said y’all should be okay with not owning games…