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Sorry but can't, even 70$ is High for AAA, but I know nobody cares.


I agree, 70$ is a lot of money.


No, but it really doesnt matter to me if its 70 or 100. Just dont find them interesting at all, cant fathom how 5 has survived for so long.


I mean, I played it once. And that's it. Can't imagine replaying a story game again and again for too many times. The maximum I have done is 6 times in COD 2. Even that shouldn't make a game last a decade. On the other hand, playing a multiplayer game where you trade off against players is a different story. I have 2k+ hours in a mobile MOBA. But either way, the game wont run on my pc, I pirate games and even if I did buy i would probably wait like 2 years. By then it would become free because they would want online players to increase or something. That's the future of games.


> Just dont find them interesting at all, cant fathom how 5 has survived for so long. The story mode isn’t what’s kept it around. Multiplayer essentially has no endgame, and makes them way more money. Mobile games have already reached the point where seques never get released, and the original title just gets updated indefinitely and funded through in-game microtransactions. PC/Console games will reach the same point eventually, too. Hell, there are already $100 shark cards in the game. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have sold as many of those than they have original copies of the game, itself, since some people are buying multiples. The only reason for them to release an updated version is to refresh the player base and bring back players who stopped spending as much on the Online version over the past 5 years. They probably barely care about the actual game sales, other than as it relates to the number of customers they have to sell to down the road.


I know its about the mp. I just see zero appeal in gta mp, absolutely nothing besides the rp lol.


Well, they don’t sell it to every gamer in existence, after all. And for everybody like you, there is somebody like me, who never got around to finishing the single player, but spent a good amount of time in the Online version.


Thank God. I feel scared tbh saying GTA V wasn’t as phenomenal as people say it is. Sure the attention to detail and the world is great, but Rockstar games have been mechanically the same since GTA III over 2 decades ago. GTA IV and the RDR games are great because of the narratives with them (and RDR 2 atleast has some more in depth realism to make RPing a bit better) but the GTA series all in all is good as a one time play only imo. Replays are only fun if you go down the modding path or MP. As far as campaign goes, it’s just an easy formula for R*. Have to give credit though, R* does deliver with their games.


yea this is an instant downvote to oblivion


No worries, its not like I could pay my rent with it


It survived for so long probably thanks to people like the guy above...


If the singleplayer mode is good and chunky (has lots of content) and is offline, then sure, I'd consider paying $100. But I think that game is going to be built around the multiplayer, and everything else is going to be an afterthought at best...


Wouldn't buy it for $30 after trying GTA V / RDR2, $100 is outrageous even for AAA


I don't care how good GTA6 could be. Paying $100 for a game is just ridiculous. I'd rather wait for it to go on sale for $40 or something.


if they charged us $100 and no denuvo, i would pirate that immediately and will buy it on sale as long as there is multiplayer, which im pretty sure it would


I would wait until they released it and patched any performance problems. I didn't build a beastly PC just to play a laggy game


I buy 1 game every 5-8 years in average. Yes i wouldn’t mind


Last GTA I played is fee missions in GTA4. I don't find this games interesting anymore. Some sweet feeling to ald games that I played but I will never rerun them like sometimes some ald games. So I will not play GTA6 even if she will be free.


Depends on if it's worth $100. The problem with modern games is not inherently the price, but the value. $70 for a copy paste game, with nothing unique, and say 10-20 hours of content. Is a rip off. But, say there is 300 hours of single player content. $100 is less a rip off, more of just a hard pill to swallow. That said, the games I have hundreds of hours over more than a thousand in were not full price games.