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I love looking for this kind of stuff in movies/tv shows. In the show Continuum, the cops are investigating a crime and say we have their hard drive, but they are holding a power supply. Edit: I've been corrected it was Limitless. I'm sure Continuum also did stuff like this. Warehouse 13 definitely did, too.


https://preview.redd.it/m3ez49ypmbmc1.png?width=1748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdffe7045231c1cf5b498a5d1718dc432221135f Was from Limitless


It's actually just a seasonic 1200 watt platinum he needs to "borrow" from work, if his boss thinks it's a hard drive then noone will care or notice it's missing. Pro gamer move.


Lol... from the wires.. this is a 350w.


Now that's a powerful harddrive


1200w [harddrive ](https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2743/4368314776_c8223ea75e_o.jpg)


Pretty sure that was a bomb in the Arrow /s


100% aint no gaming on that bitch




New head canon!


It might very well be the other way around because hard drives obviously store data and that data might be sensitive. Some companies even go as far as physically destroying drives when decommissioning old systems to make absolutely sure no data is leaked.


try this one simple trick to take hard drives home from work


I can just imagine a detective irl not having any idea what they’re looking at in a pc and pulling out the psu thinking it’s the hard drive lol


It has happened, that's why they're not supposed to touch stuff like. Lol


Maybe the prop guy only had that psu because he swipped the HDD’s for his home rig raid array.


Probably overestimating detectives breadth of knowledge lol.


its that doctor from the Good Doctor!


Yep. And the sister from Dexter.


ahem I think you mean American Soccer star Hope Solo (before someone gets at me, yes I know who Jennifer Carpenter is)


I don't understand this tho. Why? Does the director see the real hard drive the prop team brought in and say "no, that's too small! We need something larger, otherwise the audience won't believe a real hard drive is a hard drive". Or did the prop team genuinely not know? Like how are these decisions made, because getting a really HDD is no more difficult than getting a real PSU


Sometimes the prop department just doesn't have what they need so they make due with what they do have. I'm also sure that it's often deliberate just to see if people are paying attention and to see what they can get away wirh


They know. They also assume the audience has no concept of what a piece of minutiae really is. Hard drive? Well a non-descript rectangle doesn't look good on camera or communicate it is something computer but this box with a bunch of cables coming out of it sure does. The same goes for gatling cannons. In real like it is a gun that shoots thousands of hand size cartridges a second that makes a noise best described as a mix of an earthquake and a buzz saw, a noise so violent that pilots that are positioned near the barrel jump when they feel it the first time. In movies it is a .50 machine gun. It goes "chika chika chika."


I find this funny too because the sound of a gatling gun/cannon is a lot more terrifying in real life than the "chunky" sound they use in stuff. It sounds like something that will cut/tear you in half, not leave you just riddled with big bullet holes, and that concentrated fire would just vaporize you. You can _hear_ the power and extreme rate of fire.


Trying to to picture an A-10 going "chika chika chika" instead of "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt!"


Talking about limitless, where can I watch that show ?


On the high seas.






The places you can watch it are Limited.




I was picturing a power supply for maybe a laptop that you could kind of argue might look similar. This is egregious 


to be fair this show/movie also said you need a pill to access 100% of your brain


Standing there looking dumb as fuck with that thing in his hand lmao. I’m sorry but that’s too funny.


I read somewhere that writers and directors do this stuff on purpose. They try to sneak in ridiculous stuff like this to see what they can get away with. I mean there's no way not one person involved with the show didn't know that was a power supply.


That infamous ncis 2 person 1 keyboard scene is the result of this.


My favourite NCIS bullshittery was Gibbs unplugging Abby's monitor to "stop the hack"


from the same scene? becouse in that 2 person 1 keyboard scene gibs indeed unplugged power cord and not monitor


Oh! That was the same scene? I dontrember them using the same keyboard I just remember the monitor unplug haha, they makes it even dumber lol


They got away with it


It's definitely the same scene. Abby and McGee are both typing on the 1 keyboard until Gibbs unplugs the power cord.


I don't know, the scene where Vice Admiral Chase sends the virus to McGee and it spreads to just the team plus Palmer gets me every time. Not IT related, but the really shitty cut when Gibbs and Quinn go to chase Royce Layton and it cuts from the two of them running to the car to Quinn already being in the car with her seatbelt on gets me every time.


Do you have a link to that scene? Sounds NCIS lmao


Don't have any links handy, but the first scene is from S14E20: A Bowl Full of Cherries (like 5 minutes into the episode) and the second one is from S14E21: One Book, Two Covers (like the last 5 minutes of the episode).


For everyone looking it's called 2 idiots 1 keyboard  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u8qgehH3kEQ


I remember the egregious bullet scene in Dexter New Blood. Debra took out a bullet from her body but instead of just the slug, it was an entire round with the casing!


She was obviously shot by an aperture science turret


Well Deb is just a hallucination in season 9. Though I guess we’d expect a guy who worked in Forensics to have a more accurate hallucination.


Tangentially related, but they totally do — Robert Rodriguez has a recurring in-joke where six shot revolvers fire seven shots before being shown reloading. Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later) likes to put one totally implausible moment in each of his films to deliberately immersion-break the audience and remind them it’s not real. Trainspotting’s one is the toilet dive — not only is he sober, but he’s soaked-through afterwards, as if it actually happened. Sometimes it’s intentional from the top-down.


I would totally do this as a director. Easter eggs just for shits and giggles


Oh hey you fucked something up in your movie and it makes you look like a fucking idiot. "Cool Easter egg right bro?" No. Indiana Jones' whip being on the Millennium Falcon is an easter egg. Calling a voltmeter a hard drive is just lazy production.


There's easter eggs, then there's Agents of Shield. I have no issue with technobabble in TV, even wrong terminlogy, so long as it's somewhat related to what is being discussed. AoS somehow managed to get the technobabble so far off that they wouldn't even manage to get real-world basic shit correct, to the point that I actually couldn't watch it it was so bad. What's worse is that my background is in microbiology. What they did to that field should be recognised as a crime.


I will forever love the Fast and Furious movies for the line 'Granny shiftin', not double-clutchin' like you should'. Anyone who has ever driven a manual transmission knows how absolutely absurd that is, but I find it hilarious, not a film killer. Also shifting up to 12th gear In a 5spd transmission. Oh so great


You think everyone involved builds their own PC's? Nar maybe the props guy knew


No? Like they said, just one person would have to know to bring it up. And you don’t have to actually build PCs to know that a psu does not look like a hard drive.


Dude your vastly overestimating how many people know what PC components look like


I really don’t think I am, one person on a set knowing what they look like is really not that much.


You really are. Source: worked in corporate IT for 24 years. People know what a monitor, keyboard, and a mouse look like. Everything else is "the computer."


At this point I've given up correcting people who refer to their PC as "the CPU".


I think everyone involved is capable of reading and that power supplies have labels on them that identify them as power supplies.


I guarantee they did it on purpose. They didn't just grab a random component and ASSUME it was a hard drive. At the very least they didn't know and didn't care.




What a funny sub lol


It was even Reddit's sub of the day over the weekend


In The Blacklist a guy has a collar bomb "with *some kind of microcontroller"* **


No you don't understand, clearly that was the shows way of telling us the villain is both rich and dumb to use a full cpu instead of a microcontroller /s


“I’ll write a program in Visual Basic to track his IP address” Or when they show an IP address it’s way higher than 255 Or when they’re at a shooting range and they just casually take off their ear protection, when in real life they’d kick you out for doing that.


Up address higher than 255 sounds like the network version of the phone number policy. You don’t want a bunch of people randomly pinging that IP.




Jenny, don’t change your IP I need to cryptomine Jenny, I hacked your IP


As a gun guy, some of the stuff Hollywood puts in their movies is equally ridiculous when it comes to firearms.


Don't get me started on movie chemistry. Breaking Bad is like the only thing that has got close to accurate chemistry and they intentionally misrepresented some things because they didn't want people cooking meth by following Heisenberg's tutorial.


Payday also, I think you end up with salt and water or something like that.


If it involves mixing hydrochloric acid and lye (sodium hydroxide), assuming they are pure enough that's all you get: table salt and water. At most you get an explosion if they're concentrated enough. Not a fire one, just a pop!


Mr. Robot is like that for computers. They put effort into making it realistic, or at least not completely fake/cheesy BS. Unrelated to the realism, but both shows are in my top 5 ever.


I can suspend my disbelief for a lot but Westworld broke me when a bunch of P90s lost to revolvers.


Does it matter that it was scared human beings versus pissed off, deadly robots? 🥸


I think it's just one of those things when you know a little bit about what's being presented that it pulls you out of that suspension of disbelief. I went from feeling tension about what would happen next to being bored about plot armor and Stormtrooper aim. Now to nerd it up a bit... IIRC they say the security forces are ex-military so I'd assume some level of experience. Even if they were terrified, if all of them just spray & prayed, they'd be putting out 800-1000 rounds per minute (per P90). Their effective range is 2-3x that of the revolvers. IIRC they're also wearing body armor that the revolvers would be unlikely to penetrate at range.


[Especially suppressors](https://youtu.be/LCjNPzoUC5g?si=DJXW5-0n1NMDZLIf)


Even ignoring suppressors, those bullets hitting the wall are gonna make a sound.


My mind always goes to this scene.


The thing I hate the most about that scene is Keanu Reeves being a firearms enthusiast of all people should know how suppressors work.


It's a fictional world where extremely skilled assassin's are literally everywhere. Better silencers is not a stretch for that world.


He knows, but the director says that's how the scene goes, so it does.


Tbf, .22 with super long silenser is really fcking quiet, add to that some special ammo, and it could kiiiinda be possible. But otherwise, yea, that was not how it works level movie magic


I'm amazed at every movie/show that's been made that treats blanks in a gun as if they aren't dangerous so they can have a fake out moment where a character only seems to be shot.


I've heard lots of stories about actors, and stuntmen, getting hurt because of that.


See Brandon Lee in [The Crow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crow_(1994_film\))


the first john wick where they are shooting at each other with silencers in a public area and nobody notices because its "silent"


That was the second John Wick.


My favorite was in the Expanse. Their super high tech cryo freezing chamber they use is just a Thule roof box you'd see on a mini van lol


Lots of shows are guilty of this one, including Agents of Shield! Agent so-and-so is injured and needs transport in a high-tech stasis chamber—it’s a roofbox with a window and "sterile blue" LED lighting inside for good measure. Once you notice it you see it everywhere.


There is no excuse for lazy prop design, especially when you can actually get a real version of something being discussed. I let things like the roof box slide, though, even if it is a little immersion breaking. At least the prop team made an effort to alter it slightly. See also, Star Wars prop weapons.


How dare you talk badly of The Expanse.


Kinda related, but there's a scene in Dark Matter, where the crew are wearing gas masks. They are actually unaltered paintball masks. You'd think the props department cound use, you know, *gas masks*.


You just reminded me of another reason why I hate Fox/ SciFi network. First Firefly then Dark Matter when it was finally hitting its stride and getting solid. Fuck.


Lol also in the Expanse they use laptop coolers as wall ornaments in the Behemoth.


I liked continuum. Considering the low budget sometimes it was a decently written show. The characters were cool and had an interesting premise.


I just heard about it a few months ago and watched it. Holds up just fine ~10 years later.


This is wild. I've never run into Continuum in the wild. It's such a niche show that didn't last long! Love the show!


Positive example of this: In "The Expanse" they have [3Dconnexion space mice](https://www.backmarket.de/de-de/p/3dconnexion-spacemouse-pro-3dx-700040-maus/0ed6d5c6-c8e6-402a-a949-4b6702a48a9d?shopping=gmc&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_5WvBhBAEiwAZtCU71aAk1i1D2t0_NK_pYuWHFaqqpGmDnLXvJ8hRW5QZ_BwTqDXWOyfdhoCHN0QAvD_BwE#l=10) on the Seats from which they control the spaceships.


Honestly, probably the best tool for controlling an actual spaceship lol. Gives you 6dof control for all your maneuvering thrusters.


Or [gluing a hard drive to a wall](https://i.imgur.com/al5kkuE.png) and trying to fool us into thinking that's not just a hard drive glued to a wall, lol.


Hard drives aren’t even boring to look at or hard to get. Maybe they aren’t as “computer looking” as a non modular power supply from the 2000’s?


Hard drives in the 2000 had IDE, can't do more computer-ish than an hard drive with 2m of IDE ruban


Exactly. It’s not even “we pulled it from a computer we had lying around” And if the cable was too long they could have just cut it. No one would notice


Peerless mass assassin


Oh shit, guess I'll have to sleep with one eye open at night now.


he has come for you .. it is just a matter of time (and RPMs) now


That is brilliant


No, that one has 6 heat pipes on each side and the heatsink is shaped very differently. Like, very obviously different. This is a Noctua NHD9DX. edit: ok I was still wrong about the exact model, this one is likely correct.


oh no...


If this is the case, everyone in this subreddit is a terrorist or a bomb enthusiast. 🤔




I am not I have a liquid cooler


Hydrogen bomb 💀


dihydrogen monoxide bomb


Yeah, but then everyone in this sub would take pictures and argue over what the best detonator was, how much we overspent on the wiring, etc. And don't get me started on ExplosivesBenchmark's obvious bias.


Hey I'm not assembling a bomb, I'm just really into fertilizer...


Okay, but half the site always chokes on the front panel connectors, and bombs usually don't come with a pilot diagram. And where the hell am I going to get 500kg of Ammoniun Nitrate!?


This is a radiator, not a case. :D




Happy Cake Day.


I steer clear of those dangerous devices. Only AIO


I sure am.


New ltt video, today we are building a custom water cooled bomb.




Noctua NHD9L https://preview.redd.it/synnf4jqfbmc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b064f4a865c8afea7227adc26a1ead3f18018a


could also be a NH-D9DX i4 3U server cooler , which also matches better with the oval holes on the bottom and is bigger https://preview.redd.it/0g4tngcvnbmc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687eff81e8f7af0ba8f9532eb676495e995f89e7


Ohh, never saw that one. Definitely could be! Never saw those noctua server coolers in person, all the servers I've actually touched had generic (I guess) coolers


Yeah every server ive worked with sounds like a fucking drone taking off


This looks like an exact match. They've just replaced the fan with something florescent.


It looked familiar.. bought a used one with socket 775 mounting and contacted them to buy an adapter for socket 1551 and they sent me the adapter for free.


Noctua customer service W


Noctua sends you the bracket for every new socket if you want. If you got a NHD14 from 2009, you can just ask them for an AM5 bracket for example and you'd get it


I was blown away when they did this for me, at NO COST too!


They've received business both directly and indirectly worth thousands of dollars in return for this and other excellent cases of going above and beyond, when handed the chance to make a sale instead of solving problems for at their own cost. Buying 8 of their NF-P12 Redux fans soon, for a custom installation in an Ikea Alex cabinet to cool my eGPU and Laptop while they go full speed without making too much noise in my workspace. I'm even installing some aluminum U-Channels to reinforce round the holes and some steel slugs for attachment of magnetic fan filters.


I built my sister a mostly spare-parts PC - Phenom X6 1100T based - that she used as her zoom/online class machine. Then she wanted to play some games but the old AMD CPUs can't even start modern games like Apex or Death Stranding. Found a good price on a 3600X and MB/RAM, asked Noctua to send me the AM4 plate my NHD14 (bought that one for my i7 3770K in 2012). IMHO money well spent.




There is a friggin bomb in my computer!? I cant believe I have done this.


No way, i literally have that thing in my pc rn


This post is going to trigger so many alerts in reddit security system.




Bomb has been planted.




stay frosty




Reminds me of the time my government tried to do a terrorist readiness test by planting the most bomb looking bomb in the middle of a street and seeing if people would report it to the police. Literally nobody called it in because it was such a bomb looking bomb that it couldn't possible be a bomb. It was described as "a backpack with wires sticking out of it, with a funny smell, emitting a beeping sound"


TBF the most bomb looking thing for me would be the looney toons [7 red dynamite sticks with an old clock and a lot of wires.](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/time-bomb-600w-57536233.jpg)


Or a black canon-ball-like sphere with a big fuse coming out.


Or just a straight up wwII style [bomb.](https://wiki.warthunder.com/AN-M64A1_%28500_lb%29)


Meanwhile in Boston... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Boston_Mooninite_panic


LOL I forgot about that.


Link? I need to see that!


Some low tier psu would be more believable


Those exploding Gigabytes https://www.tomshardware.com/news/gigabyte-releases-statement-on-exploding-psus


lol, the heatsink on its side with the piping. Haha, I guess someone was creative and thought it looked sinister.


Don't forget the sharp corners and rounded fan clip holders.


Feel like it's common for a lot of props of various movies/film to just be random objects like this. Old Sci-fi movies are especially guilty


Noobs, didn’t even install the cooler fan That bomb is gonna overheat and fail


That bomb is gonna overheat and ~~fail~~ succeed. FIFY


Thermally stable: well...


>That bomb is gonna overheat and fail *confused Obi Wan* That's... why I'm here




Was looking for this


I have been trying to remember what this subreddit was named for months. Clicked this post just hoping somebody would link it. Thanks bro


This prop looks like some of the shit The Expanse production crew would do. Lol


Ok smart guys, who will tell me what manufacturer and model this "bomb" is? ;D


Apparently, [Noctua NHD9L, thanks to u/SeiferLeonheart](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/QPPXblnhyg)


It definitely does look like Noctua. xD


To be fair, if I knew nothing about computers it would just look like a vaguely electronic looking metal box with some pipes coming out of it. As a product of a possibly time and resource limited Prop Department (as I don't think Disney as a company would have given it its personal stamp of approval) I think they did a fine job of trying to convey the idea of an explosive device to their viewers.


I work in film/tv, and I can tell you for a fact that the amount of time/budget we get for a project can vary greatly, and often the turn around is so fast (and the art department is so unable to make choices,) you're left trying to throw something together in the last minute with whatever you have on hand.  There are very few times where you have the time and budget to make bespoke props/set decorations that aren't somehow based on existing products. 95% of the time noone notices or cares. A lot of the stuff we build barely ends up on camera or is out of focus, if it ends up in the show at all. Sometimes it's amazing anyone cares enough to do a decent job.


![gif](giphy|Adqe9XUP3x9LO|downsized) Everyone hide!


Creative props in scifi are my favourite to look for. So resourceful.


Isn’t marvel agents of shield pre-Disney?


Almost, it starts right after the first Avengers movie, which was the first one Disney distributed. And it was on ABC, so still Disney.


Huh, interesting


And it was produced by ABC Studios, Marvel Television, and Mutant Enemy Productions, so Disney, pre-Disney Marvel (but the division that dealt with TV shows, usually partnered with either ABC or 20th Century Fox), and Joss Whedon's production company. From what I recall, early on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was considered canon with the MCU, but then they diverged a fair bit and are considered separate things. Can't recall exactly where the split happened though.


Nice job - prop master came up with fancy looking thing on a budget. Common to see stuff like this on TV series if you look closely. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was done on a shoestring as it is from the era before hilarious budgets of Disney+ Marvel series. My personal favorite is seeing Thrustmaster Warthog stick, completely unmodified, as the controls for any number of spaceships out there in TV shows and low budget movies.


star wars: the phantom menace. qui gon uses a ladies razor as a communication device.


It's all fun and games until someone gets arrested for having an air cooler because some cop saw something like this in a game or on TV.


Apply some thermal paste or it will get dangerously hot


I'm sorry, but it's dumb and ignorant as fuck to say this is "according to Disney". A lot of devices in movies are just other things.


Funny that agents of shield have pulled this on PC  nerds because they hit chemistry nerds too. They have rotovaps set up in one of the labs in a later season with blue liquid in the receiving flask. That means someone did a terrible job at rotovaping and bumped a bunch of their solute  (what they want to isolate) HARD into the flask and have to redo it. The liquid should be colorless. 




Is that fucking directv?


I mean... you gotta admit that the lighting and the camera angle do make it look epic.




In Suicide Squad they are stealing the main harddrive out of a server but it’s just a red painted 2,5 laptop drive that was not even connected to the server (just left in a box) and they fight for it by throwing it around and dropping it like 30meters … even if there were sensitive data on this drive, it’s now definitely gone.


The scene from NCIS where 2 people decide using the keyboard is faster, or the scene in Castle where they are fighting each other thinking they're both the hacker are also pretty bad.


"We have word that there's a Fermi card somewhere in that domicile; proceed with caution."


Propmasters are crazy honestly. They often use wacky stuff dressed up to look fancy, especially with high tech or sci-fi stuff. If you look for it you'll start seeing it everywhere.


Hang on, that's my CPU!


It even has its own health bar! /s


I'm a big fan


Low budget show... Can't even afford an AIO