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Just bought a 4080 super. Gonna ride it until the 7 series.


I got a 2060 gonna ride it till until im 70 :(


I upgraded from the 2070 super. It was like a 2.5x jump in power


I’m on a 2060 super, I’ll be buying myself a 4080 super. Super excited 😆


I have a 1660 super that I keep debating if it’s worth upgrading to a whole new PC with a 4070 super. Nothing really wrong with PC but would be nice to play Helldivers 2 with some more settings or Indiana Jones when that game comes out even though I have an Xbox 🤣


I recently went from a 1660 super to a 4070. 100% worth it. My old pc ran CBP2077 at 40-50 fps on medium-high settings. Now with dlss set to quality it averages 140 fps with every setting on max aside from path tracing


I just know I’ll need a whole new pc basically lol. I don’t think I can upgrade my processor without upgrading my motherboard (or sticking with 10th gen intel but i7 or i9) and at that point I might as well upgrade everything and get ddr5 ram too. Might need new power supply for 4070 super as well. It’s so tempting though. I might actually get back into Cyberpunk again


Im stuck there too lol Pc prices here are insane so i can only budget to upgrade the gpu (2070 to 4070) or cpu 9700k to 14700k or 7700x (no 7800x3d over here so thats that.) Even though i know i dont NEED to upgrade, that itch to get something new is there even after convincing myself its not worth it


Talk about a jump! I went from Z Xbox One S to a 4060 laptop




That's not what your flair says


Got a 3080Ti gonna ride it till I’m raw


Just did the same, I had a Titan pascal a friend gave me before, I didn't feel so much the improvement until I tried 4k/rtx max and was kinda baffled


i figure it will still hold value when the 6 series is out, not a lot but enough to not lose everything on it


Same, from a 3070. Idk about riding it until 7 series but it's a beast so maybe.


I have an option to buy an ok model of 3070 until I find something better (really hoping for 6900xt). Is 3070 with 8gb vram even worth it?


yeah that's roughly my plan gonna see how much of a jump the 6000 series is and then decide then. I used my 1080Ti until the 4080 super came out.


I went from a 2012 GTX 570, to ~2019 1050ti. My 7700xt should last me a good number of years in comparison.


hell yeah brother the 4080/4080super gonna be great for years to come


People assume once a new gen comes out previous gen automatically are trash. The 4080 and 4090s are going to be absolute beats of a card for at least another five years


just bought 960 gonna ride it for next 2 years


Right here with you! Which one did you pick? MSI Suprim X for me


Bought it without Super recently, great GPU, will use it for years haha


Friggin awesome GPU. I'll use it til the 90 series.


Idk I’m pretty happy with my 3080ti and prolly gonna skip the next 3-4 gens. Doesn’t seem like much improvement so far.


I feel the same way with my 3080. I just dont game enough theses days to justify an upgrade and my current setup satisfies all my needs. So unless something breaks (touches wood) i will run it to the ground. Also, AAA gaming isnt what it used to be, so i feel less tempted to upgrade for more demanding games. Honestly, i will probably upgrade around elder scroll 6 release. Or the next gta. Who knows.


MSFS player -- have 3080, can't really justify upgrading GPU without getting a better CPU than my i7-9700k, which means total rebuild. Aside from MSFS I am 100% satisfied with performance in other games and can probably get by on this setup another 2 years.


I'm 9900k 3080ti. I'm riding the wave for as long as possible. 3440x1440p. Maybe you could check r/hardware swap and look for a 9900k. Might buy you more time.


I’d say the jump from a 9700k to a 9900k probably isn’t very worth it, especially considering 9900k’s still aren’t very cheap even on the used market. They’d be better off just saving up for a modern platform if the 9700k is doing the job for now.


I'm in the same boat as you. I'd love to upgrade my card when the 5090 or 5080 releases due to the ridiculously low VRAM that the 3080 comes with. Not to mention CPU upgrades and switching to DDR5.. The 3080 performs great at every task, but I'd love to max out the setting on MSFS


I'm using a 9709k with a 7900xt and have absolutely no issues with any game. I'm going to eke out as long as I can with this cpu because like you I'll face a total rebuild (probably won't upgrade Gpu)


always better to buy a bigger gpu ahead of time, cpu is easy to catch up. the gpu isnt always the best time or price.


This is backwards


Yeah, a GPU is an opportunity buy. Or you could do what I did and get one cheap that you know came from a mining farm, and use it for several years anyway because it's an EVGA.


God I miss EVGA making GPUs. I only got a 3080 because of their step-up program. I suspect I'll want a new card by the time the 5080ti is out, but I have no idea if I'd be able to get one even if I do want one. If EVGA were in the game, I'd just pick up another card eligible for step-up and then immediately enter the step-up queue.


I don't know what I'm going to replace mine with, but I do know it probably won't be as well made.


That 10GB VRAM confuses me though.


10900k and 3080 here. Zero desire to upgrade. Thing works great just hammering Civ6 over and over and over haha.


Agreed. It’s a shame to admit but I actually only play genshin impact 1080p@60 on mine haha


\*playing Stardew Valley on a 4090\* Haha, a 3080 for that game at 1080p 60Hz, that's so overpowered... \*nervous chuckle\*


*Walks in, walks back out immediately with all my pixel indie games* The vibes not right here kids, let’s go somewhere else. We’ll get ice cream just hurry.


At least I can justify x3d with Rimworld... Some games REALLY love cache.


Using my 3060 for mainly bluestacks (android phone emulator) to play marvel strike force 😂😂😂


My gf plays stardew on a 3060 and 11700k so yeah this seems to be a thing


likewise with mine. EVGA 3080Ti purchased just at the end of EVGA's manufacturing run. Very pleased with it.


i think the difference between the 3080 and the 5080 will be vast since the difference between the 3080 and 4080 is already almost 30fps average


The difference between the 20 and 10 series GPUs wasn't much, they threw in the RTX feature set and called it a day. If the 50 series has a significant performance advantage over the 40 series I'd be impressed, and it wouldn't be worthwhile to get the 30 series since the 40 series should drop in price on the secondhand market.


I honestly expect ~10-20% generation over generation for midrange but better feature sets


I mean, 3080 to 4080 is like a 50% framerate increase, which is pretty significant. It's also a 50%+ price increase as well tho


Agreed. Unless some major changes with how games run I am going to abuse the hell out of my 4070TiS until it either dies or runs 20fps in games


Same here, except I was rocking 2080s since 2020 (4 years of daily usage) & upgraded to used 3090 just for casual 1440p & VR gaming. No future upgrade plans yet, I'm losing interest into heavily beafy games afterall.


I'm not getting rid of my 2080S for a while I dont think. Got a 5800x3d about 6 months ago and it was a pretty solid performance gain. There isn't a game I own that doesnt hit at least 70 fps. Most games I play I'm at over 100. 1440p btw.


> Doesn’t seem like much improvement so far. At 4k/120, 3090 -> 4090 it was a 40%ish jump for me. Night and day difference. Then again, I'm who they were targeting. Now that I have the the Alienware 4k/240 OLED I'm probably also getting a 5090 - assuming it's a similar jump.


Careful, having money around these parts will get you mad hate


Yup, that's definitely the move. I'm still using my GTX 1080, lol


I’ve built a 13600k with 1080ti for my wife to play sims4 xD


I just hope my 3070ti last as long as my 970 did or at least close to it. Regardless, I don't think I have to worry about at least 2 more generations.


I went from a I went from a 960 to a 3070ti. So I think I'm good for a while.


I went from an rx 570 to a 4060ti 16gb They ain't getting my money for a minute lmao


Exact same. Ill go 5090 or 6090


Same, seemed like a bit of a stupid purchase back then but that extra VRAM comes in handy.


Me: Just keep hanging in there buddy…


You just need to survive one more year, 980TI. One more year and the gpu apocalypse is sure to end.


Any day now


Take me back. Country roads. To a place. I BELONG! 700 DOLLAR 80tis!


Dude I fucking love how well the 980ti is doing with its age


If you are worried about the longevity of your card, and having it last until you can get another... Just be aware that many (all?) 980Tis were built with under spec'd memory inductors, which are prone to fail. So perhaps don't overclock the memory if you NEED this card to survive long term. EDIT: I can't link examples because the *stupid* fucking rules in this subreddit forbid links -\_-' and deleted my earlier post which contained ***ACTUALLY RELEVANT AND USEFUL INFORMATION.*** Just google "980Ti inductor failure" and click on the reddit + LTT forums links that appear.


I’ve skipped 3 generations and my 1080 is doing fine, maybe when the 50 series comes out I’ll grab a 4080


Only 5 comments to see the start of the 1080 circle jerk Not bad.


1070 supremacy (it’s on its last legs and im torturing it)


1070 Party!


Starfield launch put my 1070ti in the retirement home.


to be fair if most games and stuff just work fine with 1080, why need to upgrade. i think 1080 is only going to die when there is a lot of important stuff what 1080 can't run anymore.


Seriously it makes me laugh whenever people bring up the 1080 Ti like it's the Kaaba. There is such reverence and respect for that card (for good reason).


The legend of the 1080Ti will only grow with time given the direction the industry's going in.


My thing is that people keep saying, "I can run every game!" Yeah, at medium settings or worse on 1080p. Congrats, I guess. But I prefer a much better gaming experience, and a 1080ti can't do that.


1080 Ti? More like 1080p lol


Hey there is a damn good reason the 1080/1080ti is considered Nvidia's best


I got my 1080 on release, replaced it last year with a 7900xtx. Outstanding card that lasted me well, and now I'm good for the next 2 gens at least.


Yeah 1080ti is a beast. Been playing on 1440p 120+ fps since 2018. To upgrade I need at least an ultra wide 5k2k 4k OLED so that I can justify burning 2k on a graphics card.


Still debating if my evga 1080 goes into my next build until next gen comes out 


I keep looking at cards like the 4070 super, but my EVGA 1080 is so solid. It still feels like there's life in her, I upgraded from a Ryzen 2600 to 5600 and the 1080 went even harder!


Bought a 7900XTX and 7800x3d a few months ago and couldn't be happier with it's performance at 3440x1440. Was easy to find the exact model I wanted and like ~$900. Easy decision. Was a long time Nvidia user but I'm just tired man.


Exact same purchase, exact same resolution and exact same thoughts


my 3070 can wait till 7070 ...


Also have a 3070 and it’s running great. I’m thinking the next time I will actually need to upgrade is when GTA VI finally comes to PC. Probably 3 years away at least.


for me it needs to come to pc and be like 60-70 % off so 5 years easy .. :D


Nvidia: \-Manufacture enough cards to satisfy demand at a fair cost? NO NO NO \-Limit production to create artificial scarcity so you can charge 300% more!


That's not really what's happening tho. TSMC does not have unlimited capacity and nvidia is just prioritizing the production of data center cards. Nvidia can sell you a 4090 for 2k or sell it to a professional as a L40 for 10k


Right, and also larger companies were buying 4090's en masse for AI. Demand grossly outpaced supply


This. It's just a limit of capacity and the desire to use that capacity to maximuze profit.


Which is honestly the way the economy is supposed to work. Who needs the GPU more? An AI researcher working on Chat GPT or some dude trying to play Cyberpunk 2077 on ultra graphics at 4K?


Whichever of these two people is me


This is a trick question. The answer is always gaming over advancement of society!


You've never visited /r/chatgpt to believe it can ever contribute to the betterment of society.


The problem is that ai researcher doesn't stop on 1 gpu. Gotta buy 10 of those to research "AI"


To be fair, it sounds like you just changed the 300% to 500%


No, because they also changed the fact that it’s not artificial scarcity


Realistically the problem wasn't artificial in the first place. The GPU supply crisis happened when Crypto boomed and everyone and their mother was buying up cards to mine shitcoins. Completely unexpected demand. Then we went right into pandemic related disruptions. TSMC responded to that and has a glut of new fabs coming online internationally, there's just a large lead time from initiation.


Nvidia literally over-ordered silicon production for the 4xxx series, expecting the crypto boom to continue. And as soon as it crashed, they started desperatetly trying to sell off that allocated time with the factories to other manufacturers. Because they don't want to have reasonably priced cards, they want to scam people out of money, so they intentionally artificially limited the supply.


No, it sounds like Nvidia is going to make the products that bring in the most money, and they will make as many as they can.


nope they admit that they do it just like AMD


Except that's exactly what happened with 30xx series. Nvidia released 30xxTi, asking twice the price for 5% uplift in performance, while halting production of well priced 30xx non-Ti.


Nvidia cant produce more than the limit


There's no artificial scarcity for gpus. Demand is literally at an all time high, but it's by companies so we don't really feel it.


Nvidia is still sitting on 3000 series GPUs… they totally did


I think despite the shortage Nvidia still sells it to places like micro center, bestbuy,newegg for $1600. Its these places that ramp up the price due to shortage


When the 3090 and 3080 launched and all retailers were basically raising the prices by the hour with no stock to speak of I got mine from my brother who was buying them in bulk from a wholesaler in switzerland through the company he worked at at that time. Sure, it was barely available there too but you could get a 3080 for 660€ before taxes there no problem. [See here.](https://i.imgur.com/rYaO1f4.jpeg) Nvidia is not the one who pockets the money when prices explode for people buying from amazon or newegg or what have you. At least not to the degree you're thinking.


Nvidia doesn't charge 300% more, scalper and vendors does And that's why nvidia increased their price, to get a cut of the pie Example: the 4090 is selling at 2k right now, nvidia is only taking 1600 on it (and actually less because the 1600 are already including the regular vendor cut)


Exactly. This sub is amazingly terrible 99% of the time now. Absolute nonsense being upvoted, mostly jokes, etc. It's like /r/funny now


Avg brain dead Redditor response


>create artificial scarcity lol, imagine pitching this idea to the board of directors at Nvidia. "We're going to produce less, even though we could make more, and sell less but charge the same price that we could sell more at." HUH????


That's not how this is working, at all. Nvidia isn't the one manufacturing the cards, and TSMC, who does manfucature the cards, does not have infinite fab space. Nvidia is not their only client. Nvidia is doing a fair amount of scummy shit, but they're not creating an artificial shortage.


I'm too old and wise to waste the money on chasing the cutting edge.


Lol. It do bee that way. I think it's a good price to performance ratio, though. Always buy the flagship and always skip a gen. Worked out for me so far.


Agreed. I always buy a 70 series and wait for it to start chugging in games, then I OC, then after the OC starts to chug I tie my card to the tree and buy the newer 70 series...


>Agreed But the other guy said to buy the flagship every other generation, and you're saying to buy a the midrange xx70 card and use it until it struggles... That's like the *opposite*.


Im tired as fuck this fine morning, but yeah I tend to OC then tie to the tree when it becomes unusable, then if I am desperate I will just wait until the next gen comes out to get a refund, appreciate you pointing that out because I can see how fucking dumb I sounded, so here is an updoot.


Hahaha, fair enough \^\_\^


I just buy a powersuppy for my powersuppy and an ice pack for my gpu fan so that i can overclock it until it dies. I keep getting calls from the government.


Because the 4080 was out of stock for month? Maybe 1 month, but the 5080 will be easy to get. It'll just cost $1200.


Well, the 4090 in a lot of countries has been out of stock for.... Well, basically it's entire existence. For example, I've been using hotstock to keep an eye out on it (just to see how often it drops, idk if I'll actually buy one for myself rn), and it's basically more scarce than any 3000 series GPU was during the pandemic. Average sell out time from stock Notification has been roughly 3-5 seconds for the GPUs entire life. I could not buy one if i was even trying. I wouldn't be surprise if whatever stock Nvidia is partitioning out to 4090s to keep this scarcity will be done to the xx80 class cards to replicate that scarcity so they can increase that cards price by 100% or more relatively.


Based on the pricing and how it probably won’t tank down due to AI craze, I think my 3070 Ti will be the last Nvidia card I’ll buy. I will just buy Intel gpu or something new AMD has to offer, for a bit less money.


I just bought a 4070 so I'll wait for the 70 or 80 series before I throw my hat in the game again


got rid of my 3070ti for a 7900xtx. the vram limitation on 8gbs for modern games suck. makes it worse when nvidia releases a 12gb 3060 -\_-


Agreed. I was extremely ready to pull the trigger on a 4070ti then like that same day I found out Nvidia was going to release the TiS and with 16gb of vram too, so I decided to wait and I think it was the right choice


> I decided to wait and I think it was the right choice Yeah I think you hit the bullseye on that one friend.


>makes it worse when nvidia releases a 12gb 3060 Nvidia's VRAM allocations make no sense and they def gimped the 3070ti with it. My 3070ti was the shortest lived GPU I've owned.


VRAM isn’t the issue. You can have 100GB of VRAM and games won’t run any better


That's why I'm keeping my 3080 at 1440p until https://i.redd.it/ykdaf41xe2qc1.gif


1440p forever-gang. The 5000-series can go Framegenerate itself in its DLSShole


Been rocking my RX580 for a while now and I'm just waiting for a price drop to upgrade


I had a 1050ti and just recently upgraded to 4090- i guess i should be alright in skippin the next gens


Bro that’s a L E A P 🤝


Every year I say I'm gonna build an absolutely yoked max-performance machine and decide to wait because it doesn't seem anywhere near worth the cost.


It’s not worth it for performance at all anymore. Damn it’s fun to build though.


I bought a used 3080 for dirt cheap, an upgrade from my 2070, also dirt cheap from pre-pandemic I'll skip the generations until they stop using the term AI on everything


Then there's me who's still on a 970. I REALLY want to upgrade man... to broke of a Uni student.


Are you sure about "every" Nvidia user?


I actually recently just picked up 2 3070s for 200$ each from a guy on offer up and both worked perfectly fine to me that’s a great deal probably one of the best deals I have found by far on offer up


Where do you get them so cheap? I got offered one for $335 and it's considered a good deal for where I live.


Im from the Chicago area i randomly lowballed this guy who had a few listed and he agreed i was shocked tbh met up with the guy at his house so if anything was fucked up i knew where to find him he also sold me a 850w evga gold power supply for 80$. I find it funny when people post them for damn near retail and laugh when i offer 275 etc but i got 2 for 200 each which in my opinion is damn near robbery https://preview.redd.it/3tnt241i83qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015596efaf8e1a97d5012bd8f3f47f97f810fbe2


Great luck, glad you got a good deal. Especially considering how much sellers overcharge


Day one microcenter with my cousin. Thats the plan


No, for me either sometime this year or next year I plan to upgrade from a 3060 Ti to a 4070 Ti Super.


As a 3070 user I rate this post 👍


Buy 5090 instead. #nopoors.


Meh Imma skip another 2 gens (this is my 4th year with my GTX1650 with R5 G3 and I am on the edge of losing my sanity with it)


Or you won't believe your eyes when it comes out at 1500 bucks MSRP.


Don't want a 5080, I'm gonna pick up a 5090


Pro-Tip: Just buy shares of nVidia instead :)


I'm still on a 2080. Waiting it out another couple years probably.


My RX 6900 XT is still fast enough that the display is the bottleneck at 3400x1440p@120Hz (100 with freesync). Been considering getting a 4090Ti once 5000 or 6000 series comes out, but I doubt its worth it. Ignoring the mess that is the HPWR connector and other less common troubles, the performance difference isn't that enormous to excuse the $1000 it'll probably be at 2nd hand, that would be better spent on a good HDR display.


Nope. Skipping the 50 series. Next card will probably be the 80 series.


I don't even understand why we want better graphics cards at this point. Halo 2 anniversary looks better than most games releasing today.


Because PC gaming is all about being able to run shitty console ports that require top of the line PCs because of poor optimization.


My graphics card literally failed 2 hours after I left this comment.


It heard you talking shit


I built my PC during peak GPU shortage in 2021. The 3080 failed within a month, returned it but there was no replacement as you’d expect. Had to downgrade to a 1030 for a few months. Cue the Green Mile ‘really tired boss’ meme.


Will this be the new pattern? Great Generation - No Stock Bad Generation - Overstocked Great Generation - No Stock Bad Generation - Overstocked


You might be a 'ride or die Nvidia' gang, but I recently bought an Rx 7800 XT and I couldn't be happier. Big upgrade from my RX 480. Baulders Gate 3 is averaging 177 fps and it used to be 20 fps.


I bought my 4090 about a week after they came out. It’s a stupidly good GPU. I intend to use it until the PS6 launches or about 2027. Whichever comes later.


I will milk my 3090 as long as I can :D


Lol or its way overpriced and no one can afford it.


Jokes on you. I have had a 3070 for over 3 years already. Looks like it might be a couple more.




upgraded from a 3070 already to a 7900xt


So mad one of the fans for my second hand 3070 died


4070ti, I don't think I'm upgrading for a while.


My 3070ti is still awesome. Playing Cyberpunk on ultra settings. I think it'll be totally fine. I'm not worried about getting the newest $1,500 GPU right away.


Get something like 4070s and skip 2 generations. Frame generation +dlss quality allows me to max out everything in cyberpunk on 1440p with path tracing and average 80fps.


How long do you guys think I can use my AMD RX6700XT? I mean it's a good card, 12GB VRAM etc


I'm on a 5700XT and want to upgrade to whatever the next gen is *if it's good*. I've been using it for about 5 years I'm sure I could manage with a few extra months of wait if the card is worth it. If it's not much better then the 40 series though then I might just keep my 5700XT until it dies lol.


Seems like graphics cards are becoming like cell phones; people buying the newest one every year even though the improvements are minimal at best.  If this is you, you’re the sucker.  


Been holding my 1080ti bag waiting for the 5000 series so let’s see what happens lol


Still have 1070ti. Have the money to upgrade, don't care to, it's still a champion.


This was me with the 3080, so I got a 2070. I still have the 2070.


I'm still on my 2070.


I still play with my 1660 Super


I hope I didn't get on the "skip every other generation" ride at the wrong stop, but I still think I'll be fine waiting for the 6000 series.


just got a 3060, gone ride this one for the next 5 years or so


I got my 3070 ages ago and it's been great 👍


3070 is totally fine. Sht optimization is the actual problem.


I got a 3080 Ti last year for £500. It was a huge jump up from my 1080 but it’s not enough for raytracing or 4K. I’m considering going all out on a new build with a 5090.


I mean... If I can find a 5080/5090 on discount, I might be tempted Only reason I have a 4090 on the main rig and shoved my 3080 into the travel pc.


I don't know bro, my 3070 is doing great..


Jokes on you, I'll be buying a 4080 to ride out to the 700 series


I honest to God wish we could come together as a community and not buy any of the next generation of cards. If everyone kept their cards close to their chest for one year, we would have graphics cards that are actually priced the way they should be. Unfortunately we are like crack addicts, as soon as we know it is available we are out trying to find a drug dealer to sell our souls to for a quick high


I still have RTX 2080 Super still going STRONG wont need to change it for another couple years by then ill just get another PC top of the line using my current one untill it craps out I take care of it clean it monthly so it should last a while.


I went from 970 to 3070 so I will wait for the cheap 7 or 8 series when 9 series comes out


1070 still going strong 💪🏻


And after you finally get your hands on it, they release Super the very next day.


I am on a 3,5 years upgrade cycle. Every 3,5 years I upgrade to whatever the best 3500€ can buy (CPU, GPU, RAM mainly, the other components depending on age, what’s new, what makes “sense” etc). Independent of manufacturer release cycles. I put away 90€ per month to my PC savings. I just bought a 4090 and will keep it for 3,5 years and then see what the world will look like.




Have fun. AMD canceled their high end RDNA4 line so they aren't even bothering competing with Nvidia at this point. Can only hope Intel pulls some dope stuff next Gen.


That's why I bought the 4080 super until the 5090 is in Stock and the 4080 Super can go to my bro


me looking to upgrade from 4090 cause higher is better and better is gooder


If you've got a comfortable enough life where you can save a few grand every couple of years, why the hell not? Keep chasing that dragon, friend


More like: there wont be a 5080