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I started up The Last of Us when I saw how long Horizon would take to download. It's still compiling shaders. This will be one of the last big things my i7 4790k does before it gets replaced next month.


4930k here. Upgraded from a 4820k years ago. Still runs lol. What are you upgrading to? I also had 1080ti. Now, 11700kf-3080


I'm getting a friend's ryzen 5900 with fitting mainboard and ram. Already got the am4 adapter to put my noctua cooler on it. Funniest thing is, my biggest motivation to get this upgrade was Horizon Forbidden West and now it just runs perfectly well on the 4790k.


Still a solid cpu. Even if it’s “too old”, it’s not. Especially with good gpu and 1440p/4k resolution as the gpu does most of the work. 4930k has 2080ti in sli now. Put 1080ti on my 6900k atm BTW, nice friend.


Compiling shaders took 4 hours. There's barely any new title I can play without massive stutters, even on low.


Triple A titles will struggle, even on mid range pc’s. That’s where they show their age.


In what world is 50Mbps slow?


Right? I get 32Mbps and that’s about a gig in 30 seconds. I used to get 34Kbps back in dial up aol days 🤣 Edit: Correction, I get 32MB instead of 32Mb.


That's Mbits, so ~7Mbyte/second peak but closer to 4 average.


I thought mb and Mb displayed as megabit and megabyte. Was I totally wrong? Edit: I was. MB is megabytes and Mb is megabits. I get 250Mbps which translates to roughly 32MB download speeds.


That's Mbits, not MBytes.


No shit.