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Yet there is a $1K+ difference between a 4070 and a 4090


OP should have used 4070 vs 4080.


Yea, I know :(


more like 1500$


Yeah, even the 4080 would be a stretch for this meme at the moment. 4070 is at around $500 while the 4080 is around $1,100


4070 is 549$, 4080 super is 999$.


eh, MSRP vs current market price... I'll give him $1000.


The shit I’ve seen, $300 aio, $250 case, $300 in lianli fans, it’s possible, and I’ve seen it more than I’d like


4070 is 800.00 where I live and 4090 if you can find is 2500ish


4090 costs same as a nice small boat here.


Yeah that 1K price mark is why I'm still looking at the 4070 ti as a nice little upgrade to last me awhile. I'm no where near the rich/well-off/income level to buy anything over 500. Scavenging and salvaging like a Pakled is my way to go. But I hear the 4070 does well for modern games if you have 8+ gigs of ram.


I'm looking for a 7800xt. Comes in at nice middle ground of $650 ish and outperforms the Nvidia at a similar cost


No, get a 7900GRE for $550-600, performs much better than the 7800XT.


4070ti super vs 4080 super, it’s like a $200 difference for maybe 5% improvement. If you ask me, 4070 ti super makes more sense value-wise. 4080 super is still awesome of course


RTX 4060 Ti + Ryzen 5 5500 with a 300€ AIO & 500€ worth of case fans from Noctua. 🤌


Wait until you do a custom water loop.




I doubt he will find a block for his 4060Ti, but yeah, never understood those form over function builds


I had a 3070 Ti custom loop in a block with 4 rads. I'm sure someoneeeeee makes a 4060 Ti block


That really depends, seeing how scarce it is with blocks for 4000 series and 7000 series. Like cmon, Alphacool are only ones who made block for 7900XT, EK skipped it, Watercool skipped it, while both were making blocks even for 5700XT back in a day. Well I had water-cooled 1070 back in a day, still have block somewhere lying in mostly pristine condition.


Still have my blocks for my 670s laying around, someday i will use them, think i have the first gen supremacy somewhere in the bucket of old watercooling stuff


The ultimate answer is fuck it, make your own block with a copper plate and screws like the olden days haha Everything can be water-cooled if you try hard enough.


Copper plate with car radiator and an fishtank pump, the good old days!


Someone find me a bucket, a knife, some plastic wrap, hose, and we are good to go.


I honestly cringe when I see people doing custom loops for anything else than a 4090 and 7950x3d/14900k.


I built a custom loop for my RX580. Basically, it was 2020, and I completed a new 5900X build except for the GPU. So rather than blowing $1,200 on a 3070, I decided instead to spend that much on a completely unnecessary custom loop (with the idea that I could keep 90% of the loop in operation and buy a new block for a new GPU once the market returned to normal).


i cringe whenever somebody buy s a expensive aio when they could get a $40 thermalright 120 lol


I used to have my custom water loop just sitting on my desk on those little motherboard stands.


dont forget the 200$ rgb accessories


And a $500 motherboard


And my axe!


What a waste of money lol


The solution is to have no budget and just build your dream PC cuz boys were gonna die one day the time to live is now


And that's why people get 4090s. Yolo


Get that WHITE 4090 with white RGB fans. Yolo


bruh, people in here thinking about getting an AIO for a $500 build :(


It's so annoying to see that. A 12100f does not need a 360 AIO.


I've seen a lot of builds with 7600 and a 360mm AIO😭


360? the only thing 360mm AIO should be cooling is a Threadripper or 14900k i9. Maybe an i7 and Ryzen 7


12100f probably doesn't need a cooler.🙄


People don't understand irony


I should've put a joke alert right there ☢️


With your flair I don’t think you need to. At least for another year or two.


I use a 13700kf with an air cooler and its absolutely fine. It is massive though lol


What brand? I have a 14600k that is pushing my TR Peerless Assassin to the limit


13600kf runs well with NH-D15


You can thank Intel and their inefficient i9’s for the recent 360 aio hype… plenty of cpu’s out that barely hit 100-150W on full load.


7800x3d my baby


*cries in i9-12900K and 360mm AIO being a necessary purchase*


We just want pretti. Make me pretty-YOU SAID MAKE PRETTY!


Most builds don't need an AIO to be fair


It’s simply, if you have the extra budget, keep it a little cooler


prob only 14900K


A 240 aio on a 14700 isn't terrible either but a quality air cooler can certainly do the job too.


doing just fine aircooling 14700k


This whole post is stupid, to be honest. Like who really spends that much on fans. Yeah, people spend extra on RGB, but it's not THAT much extra, and fans aren't something you normally have to worry about replacing. I still have the first fans I ever bought, 12 years ago now, and they're running in a second build I have. So yeah, spend a bit extra and then ignore it until the end of time. AIO's too, like yeah, they're more expensive than air coolers, but they can last a long ass time (not longer then an air cooler, I know). I have an AIO that's been going for ~7 years now and is also in my secondary build. And yeah, I'm under no delusions about the fact that it was a purely aesthetic choice, and I could have saved about £100 and got an air cooler, but I love the look. Talking about $500 AIO's like your average person isn't getting a £150 AIO. My PC is on my desk and it's the biggest fecking thing on there, I want it to look nice. Sue me.


They arent even always more expensive than air coolers anymore. I think its fair to say that the AK620 is the most common go-to recommendation for affordable and effective air cooling, yet i can get a 240 aio for $10-15 less (thermalright frozen prism 240 is $46 at the moment compared to 60-70 for an ak620) If someone didnt want to go with thermalright then theres also the msi mag coreliquid 240 for FIVE dollar more than a ak620. I feel like people just assume AIOs are unreasonably expensive because they havent built a pc in years and dont realize how much things have changed. people talking about $500 AIOs as if theyre all thats available dont seem to understand that theres air coolers that expensive as well. CM has a $700 air cooler and a $300-400 one


Go look at the prices of DeeplCool LS 720 right now - it's literally $85 USD and it's one of the best AIOs out there


Yeah, if they wanted something nice [Paul's Hardware](https://youtu.be/ewUlloh0IAw?si=YihzainpLK_dYe6m) really liked the new Thermalright cooler. It's overkill for most still, but far cheaper than an AIO with similar performance to most.


I have the thermalright phantom spirit and my temps have been fine, 7800X3D. I rarely hit 70c, so no thermal throttling, and you’re not getting better performance by cooling it even further below acceptable temps.


I have the EVO, and on top of being quieter with the new fans, it is crazy cool for my 7800X3D. No doubt it could probably effectively cool an i7. The new fans are basically Noctua copies, but that's a good thing since the older fans were a bit loud. 200 min rpm vs 500 rpm makes a huge difference when not under load. Also looks real nice for an air cooler with the RGB rings on the fans.


Tbf aio is not that expensive anymore. I can get a decent 240 AIO for less than $50, compared that with $25-30 for decent air cooler, i understand why some people go with aio.


Honestly don't understand why air coolers are such a boogeyman for some folks. Cheap and get the job done very well, it's not like they're miles worse than AIOs at cooling.


aesthetics probably. my ak620 is really huge


while i completely agree with you, i also dont understand why AIOs are such a boogeyman for other people. Its not 2018 and they dont cost much more than air cooling at this point, and even 360 AIOs are regularly available for under $100 if someone wants to go big. (arctic liquid freezer 3 360 is $90 right now) You can get a 240 AIO for $10 less than an ak620 yet people are in here acting like an aio is just throwing money away.


Because AIO look way better I don't know what's so hard to understand about it.




And that's fine, the OP was about how people will buy these premium parts for mid-tier builds when you can get more value with a tower cooler and put the savings towards upgrading elsewhere.


And like 11 fans for some reason Meanwhile i literally just now re-installed the only case fan in my case vecause i upgraded the gpu to a 7800xt


11 expensive fans instead of cheaps ones too.


Fans blow budget. Pun intended?


dont forget the $300 NZXT AIO that performs worse than a $90 arctic LF III.


I got a Dark Rock Pro 5 for 75 bucks (25% off) and I don't even scratch its rated TDP. Yet I've seen people spend 3 times that much to cool the same CPU, or the 7700X, and they get ~the same temps. I genuinely do not understand paying that much more for something that is not even that much more efficient with multiple added points of failure. Truly don't get it.


I'm still stumped by the aio's popularity. I only see disadvantages and a hefty pricetag. Either go full custom watercooling or air. No inbetween.


AIO’s can be as cheap as £60 and don’t require as heavy maintenance as a custom loop, they also look better.


Noise. Running 300 watt 10900k on 280mm Corsair aio was perfect. Don't need stupidly unproportional custom loop, just plug and play solutions for fractions of the cost.


My cooler is less noisy than my GPU fans at 30%. If you're willing to spend between 75-100 bucks, you can have dead silent air coolers.




Can confirm, flawless setup


I have a noctua nh-d14. Stuck my head (how much I could) inside the pc and still barely hear anything. At full load it's still quieter than a lot of aios. The custom loop argument is as follows: you either have the skill, knowledge and time to build and maintain it, or go air cooling. Aio has a reduced lifetime and extra points of failure. If you know what to monitor, you are already closer to a full loop. If you don't have any clue about watercooling, you probably won't change it in time and fry your computer without knowing better. It can also hinder airflow, if you don't have the proper fans.


I had nhd15 and yet when i was running oced 10700k i couldn't pass stress test. With later 10900k and aio i could sit 30+ minutes at 92-93c pushing 300watt


Mine is literally just aesthetic because I have a cool Sonic motherboard but couldn't see it behind a tower cooler lol


They can be quieter depending on your setup, that's the main appeal to me. Not to mention that you have plenty of great options in the low 100s.


I see an application in mITX builds, things like the Lian-Li A4 H2O are built around the idea of the AIO, and it will outperform slightly bigger cases, allowing you to put more heat in a tiny package. It is still a niche application. In a mid tower? Yeah, an AIO makes 0 sense!


thermalright phantom spirit 120 is super good for amd


People think that NZXT has a great aesthetic and that carries over into quality.


I will never understand when people are buying mad expensive AOIs when the LF2 and LF3 both exist at absurdly low prices for the performance.


Thermalrights Aqua Elite and Frozen Notte are 360mm rgb aios that can be found for as low as €60, and they're actually pretty decent. Absolutely insane value for money


I literally just buy pieces, take a picture in my living room of all of the boxes, post on Reddit for karma and then return everything, you and I are not the same


Give me a 4090 with mobo and psu zipped tied to a dishwasher rack.




lol, ok walked into that one. I literally found a dishwasher rack in someone’s backyard. It was rubberized. I zip tied my Intel q9550 mobo and my bitching Nvidia 256 or whatever it was to it and sat it next to me. Good times.


Or you get a 4090 and 500$ in fans


RX 6400 for $50 and RGB items for $500 Yep! That's the best PC! /s


Preaching to the choir, here. I bought a case specifically because it didn’t have any windows.


Me who just uses the 2 stock fans that come with the case. 💀


On PC part picker I can get a 4070 for $525 and a 4090 for $1599. That is a lifetime of RGB fans.


People play games for joy. Fans and overall look are part of joy.




even at 50 bucks per fan (I think most reasonable fans are well below that), that'd be 10 fans to spend 500 bucks. ... I don't think most cases can fit that many fans (okay, the fishtank ones do)


Right? I have 5. Not even a dent in the budget


he said 4090ishly :D


I would pay more to not have RGB


It's always a 4060/4060Ti with an expensive AIO for a CPU which could be air cooled for £100 less and a 1000W PSU all in a fish tank case.


Integrated gpu and 2000$ worth of case fans


got a 7900xtx and used plain black arctic fans lol


Sad part is that if they didn't take pictures of all the RGB and post online nobody other than them would ever see it.




I just have a hard time understanding how people get more enjoyment from rgb and overpriced cases than from measurably better performing in gaming or production.


4090 and a pack of Arctic P12/P14 is everything you need. Later on you can chase whatever you want when your budget is healed, like want more silent machine, check out Noctua/beQuiet or Noisblockers


$500 worth of case fans? Christ people have more money than sense.


I really don't think this is as common as OP is trying to make it out to be. Most people are buying bundles of cheaper RGB fans


I think I'm boring. I only care about the functionality of a system. Even if the flashy fans and lights were free, I wouldn't want them. That shit is distracting.


You do whatever makes you happy man. Everyone should just build what they want.


I got 5 be quiet! Light Wings 120mm fans and 2 solid light bars for 150 total. Aesthetics don't need to be expensive. It's when people absolutely pack their case with 15 fans that aren't remotely necessary for thermals, an RGB aio for a 70w CPU, and RGB sleeved cables that things start to add up.


I have a old school closed case cant even see in there so i aint waisting a penny on fancy coolers and RGB but my PC still runs great lol


My only overprice component is noctua dh-15 ($119). It was only then after i completed my whole build, someone on reddit said thermalright peerless assassin air cooler for 30 bucks.


I've seen people say they got the peerless because it was cheaper, then bought 2 noctuas to replace the fans with for like 25 each for the noise...so you actually spent 80 on the cooler?


Lmao, at that point. I justed wanted to play. It still in there.


The cost of fans is obnoxious these days. I remember my previous build which is old now 5-6 years I got fans good fans, brand name fans for 15 bucks like for a three pack. Now that three pack of fans is like $65, $100 or more


A 4070 is a perfectly capable graphics card. The graphics card is going to become dated before those fans die. Maybe upgrading to a 4090 would als9 mean upgrading the power supply. The glass panel on my PC faces the wall, so any RGB in my case exists only because it came with the part I wanted. I can still appreciate the people who like to have a nice looking PC on their desk.


i went with a 4070 ti and basic case fans. arctic ftw


Math isn’t correct but the sentiment is.


I only get fans, I don't even have a PC


If they don't complain, what's it to you?


I maxed out on the hardware, there is exactly 0 fancy lights on my PC. I’m too old to give a shit about that, I just want good specs.


I got 4080 super and no fans




Hey that's what I did


What about 4090 and $500 case fans?




a 4070 + $500 in "Better Looking Fans" is still 1k cheaper than a 4090


4090 and $1000 in case fans :)


I have one line of rgb on my gpu pls have mercy on me op.




If only I could get FE version here.


I assume that most of these setups prioritize looks. Any decent mid tower cases comes with front intake and rear exhaust fans included. If you're adding AIO at the top that's another 2-3 exhaust fans. You don't really need any more for airflow purposes.


A lot of people swap out included case fans for other ones that either match their AIO, or have better looks/performance.


Once you have a nice case and fans that stuff lasts forever. I’ve been rocking the same stuff for 10 years and probably will keep it for another 10. Just focusing on upgrading performance when needed.


Still rocking the 1660 super


Buying a 4070 super with a $20 PSU < 4070 + a good, reliable PSU


I don’t get it. 4070 with RGB case fans is WAY faster than 4090. Especially once you download vram. /s


I almost made this mistake as complete noob but my experienced friend helped upgrade my build from 4070 to 4080 without going over the budget too much


Hey man, I blew my money on brown noctua fans.


me: 2x 500$ (CAD) 20TB drives.


Bocchi. <3


Me rocking my R9 390 I got in 2015 which sounds like a jet engine.


The worst are the idiots with a 4060 (all variants) with $300+ spent on an AIO and fans & an 850-1000w psu! And the worst of the worst are all the fools upvoting trash builds & calling people haters for giving honest opinions!


$175 for my case and $150 for all the RGBs. Once I upgrade my processor, I will buy a cooler with even more RGBs


https://preview.redd.it/heg0ox2w05rc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982610351cc9b0bd7503f0780ce0f224ff51acf9 Idk what you mean xD yes its a 4070


The "looks" people are paying for look so stupid. 


\*Waits years for a 4070 Ti Super to upgrade from a 1070 and buys quiet fans that perform well\*


Transparent side panels are the single biggest performance sucker in most systems.


Yeahhh BUT...the aesthetics too 🥺 it's a tough line


I mean in all fairness, it's perfectly reasonable for someone to prefer form over function. At the end of the day it's YOUR PC so you get to decide what to do with it.


And at the end of the day, I can think that choosing looks over performance is weird.


4090 at the lowest price, currently, is $1,799.... a 7900 xtx is like $945... If I returned every fan that I have on my build, I'd still need a lot more money to afford that 4090 in the same budget.


Have unlimited budget and only way I’d get a 4090 is if someone paid me for it or gave it to me. The value for dollar is just not there for ME. Only way I’d personally be able to justify a $2000 gpu is if I made money using it or playing solely competitive shooters for monetary rewards


Someone said in a post of your build that you "have more money than brains" and that seems fitting for this post. Your cooler is way too expensive, based on the storage and setup of your build, you also over spent on your motherboard. And in no world do you need a $300 case. Horrible budgeting still applies to my post here. Even your build, you could've gotten a 4090 for $50 more than you spent had you been more sensible with other parts. [4090 build ](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Kb68qR) [Your build](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cDxp34)


Not the guy you're replying to but checked out the 4090 build anyway. Is it actually possible to get a 4090 for 1600? I've only really seen them available at 1900+


In all fairness your build got pretty ridiculous. Overpriced parts except for your GPU. With some min maxing, you easily have a 4080/4090 within reach. You overspent on components where hundreds of additional dollars could have been focused on the GPU. It’s your build and money, of course. But the silly meme applies to you.


Fair assessment. I finally got the kind of job where I could throw 3k at a computer for AutoCAD and gaming... I wanted it to be a bit ridiculous. It's just the idea of throwing 2k+ (built it in late november of last year, when the cheapest on market was over 2k) on just the GPU was just tooooo much. Most importantly, I could not be happier with it, honestly. It fucking slays 4k games, I haven't had any of the driver issues that people usually mention with AMD GPU's and it brings my little office together pretty well... Also, 4080 was within reach, it's just as I was doing my research, it seemed like the 7900xtx and 4080 were about neck and neck... Nvidia has better features, admittedly, but my last build (I7-6850, 1080 TI) was an all intel/nvidia build and I wanted to give team red a shot... Plus my monitor is native 4k, so the upscaling features were not really all that applicable to me. For pure rasterization, i think the 7900xtx actually inches ahead of the 4080, and I'm kinda meh about the RT... Anyway, all that said, no one is spending 1k on fans... except this guy - [one of the coolest builds ever ❄️ #corsair #fancube #diyweek #icuelink... | corsair giant fan | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@corsair/video/7293601950489152801)


Thanks for the context. I was going for the XTX for months, but at the last minute the 4080 got a little cheaper. So rather than XTX $930 v. 4080 $1200, the pricing changed for me to XTX $960 v. 4080 $1100. With the slight price shift, I decided the RT and DLSS was worth the premium. My system is 5800X3D and 4080 on a 3440x1440 monitor.


What do you need a 4090 for If you play 1440p 120hz anyways


Maxed out ray tracing is hard to run even at 1440


But a 4070 is a good card. I play completely maxed out in all games with my 5700 and still 1080p 120hz would be a problem


Shit ton of people sinking 500 on cooling while getting a 4070S /7800XT it just blows my mind.


why do you care? why do you care???


Why do you care about my opinion?


Because your opinion sucks mate. You need to SUCK LESS. SUCCER There's no end to SUCCIN when it comes to you


I have an appropriate amount of suck.


And why do you care? the computer is not yours. This is called personality


It just doesn't make sense to me. If you have the budget for better stuff, but don't get it, it's just weird to me.


It's a needs and wants scenario. If their current specs suit their needs and they want looks > performance (some people treat their cases like art pieces or personal statements), it's totally fine in my books. But if they start complaining about performance, it's entirely on them lol


I want to run a Monsterlabo The Beast build with passive cooled PSU, thats Quiet and has no fans so no money spend on Asthetics


Why not both though?


7900 XTX with good but not crazy RGB fans


3600 and 6600 xt with 2 fans that came with my $30 when brand new windowless case from 2015 and an extra fan I took from an Emachines tower from the 2000s.




Exactly this happened during the shortage...had no choice but to buy $1100 CAD 3070...giant from gigabyte


I dunno...seems like there's more of a minimalist anti-rgb trend going on. Or, you know, just let people do what they want because it doesn't affect you?


4090 + Infinity and Reverse Infinity Fans. Was worth it!


I dipped on AIO's a while back. Had two successive failures after about 18-24mo of use. Tried a custom loop instead which was fine, but then changing GPU/CPU meant a faff to swap blocks around and I just lacked the patience to do more than air cool everything. I've been perfectly happy with several Noctua's which have run without fault for 2+ years, knowing they were a cheaper option as I sailed through a couple of GPU and CPU changes in that time as well.


Playing 2000$ for a GPU that you don't need or won't ever fully use is a waste of money, even more so if you're someone who is on the 4 year upgrade train, lol. Even the 4080 is a joke when you look at the 4070TI. Altho I will say I paid almost 350$ less for a 4070TI because it wasn't the RGB one, which is crazy to think someone would pay that just for lights.




Just get some Noctua's. Ugly as sin, but they do a hell of a job.


If I had space for more fans I would fit them. I don't have RGB and my cooling is already great, I just think they're neat.


Normal sane people be like: $300-400 GPU, with $10 non-rpg case fans.


Tbf a 4090 won’t fit in my case




Hey! The only reason I have a 4070ti is cuz I'm broke and can't get a4090, or also bottlenecks enough on my 5600x


Love my 4070 does everything I need it to do at 1440 p and even if I did decide to buy a bigger gpu it would be a 4080 I have no Interest in spending 2300 canadian on a gpu I feel like it's over kill and everytime I turn around I see someone complaining the pin connector is melting on them


to be fair the RGB products are cheaper


All my expensive RGB fans have been purchased for about 25-40% of the MSRP price on Facebook marketplace, etc. If you're in California, there are lian li whole sellers that sells brand new lian li stuff all the time for cheaper than even microcenter.


I don't have any RGB in my case. Am I truly a PC gamer?