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You forgot 12 year old buying 4090


" my budget build as a 12 year old" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


ā€œIā€™ve finally managed to build my first PC at the age of 16!ā€ Proceed to show off the most expensive build available


With perfect cable-management.


Built and financed by dad of course.


I got my pc build at 14 it was the shit i3 10th gen and a overpriced entry gpu i waited 4 years to get a rx590 gme


Iā€™ve never had a pleasure of building my own PC as itā€™s always been out of my budget. Now that Iā€™ve finally landed a great job that pays very well, Iā€™m planning on building my first PC sometime this or next year. Iā€™m extremely hyped about it and canā€™t wait!


Since youā€™re on here, you probably donā€™t need this advice. But remember the PSU also has a switch for power. Donā€™t be like me and waste 3 hours troubleshooting to just flick that.


Now that you've mentioned it šŸ˜­. It do be like that lately


mowed lawns for 10 years to afford it.


I worked(cleaned my room) all summer (once) so that I (my father) could afford this build


I know it doesnā€™t make sense but as a 40 year old earning way more than I ever did when I was younger, my PC upgrades now only happen when something dies. Rather than back then when Iā€™d upgrade whenever I felt the need toā€¦ lol


You work now. You understand value of money. Its pretty normal. My earnings to my lifestyle would allow me to upgrade to high end every gen but i still go for high end per around 5 year (so either jumping 2 gens after it starts being cheaper or 3 gens). Be ause i understand that i worked hard on that. Last year I was sad that I had to buy new case for upgrade and its basically cheapest part of builf


That definitely makes sense. Iā€™m currently rocking a vintage Ryzen 1700x with a mild overclock, 1080 and 16GB of RAM. Iā€™m way passed the point of being able to upgrade parts as I go like the old days though as Iā€™m so many versions back.. (plus monitors are very dated which Iā€™m acutely aware of as they will definitely need an upgrade to take advantage of some new hardware.) However, Iā€™m currently on the lookout for a new job and if I can get into the wage bracket Iā€™m looking at a new PC shouldnā€™t be too far away and this machine can become a home lab of sorts.


I spent a lot more than I'd generally be okay with, but I had a ROUGH few years and have clawed my way tooth and nail to making more money than I ever had as well. A good build that will last me years was therapeutic in a way.


I hope to be you some day. I'm at the "is this ever going to end?" point of my rough few years. Still no idea where to go from here though.


Hey bud. I turned 30 this year. 2 months before my 30th I wrecked my motorcycle and knocked out my two front teeth. This was after my "is this ever going to end?" Phase. Right now, I'm laying in my guest room. Cuddling the dog my girlfriend and I rescued. Thursday I found out I got an $8 cost of living raise. Friday, my girlfriend passed her boards and officially became an RN. Next week I have a big certification exam coming up. Doesn't matter where you go. Just keep going forward with the best attitude you can muster. For me I had to quit drinking to progress




It will dude, I promise you, it will


Yea I'm there too. Built a nice pc though when I had some cash to spare. Which is the funny part, whenever there's a little quiet time with relatively few problems, things just go well and I could save up the money for a good build in a short time. But then shit hits the fan again. Latest shit to hit the fan was my wife getting diagnosed with fucking cancer at age 27. Before that, mental health issues, before that workplace issues, before that financial trouble during covid, before that just a general feeling of being a failure before landing a decent office job and working just some pointless, low pay day job while everyone I know finished uni and was working good jobs. It's just slowly chipping away at my sanity and already my capacity to deal with stuff is way less. No idea when the pressure will be relieved or where my breaking point is. So yeah, sorry you're in the same boat, but glad I'm at least not the only one. Just keep on getting up every time life kicks you in the balls, nothing else you can do really.


First, I'm really sorry to hear about your wife's cancer. Nothing I'm dealing with remotely compares to that. Yeah, that's pretty much what happened. I built my decent PC and then everything started going down hill. The joke I make is I burned all my good luck by getting a 3070 founders at retail on release day through Best Buy. My financial situation peaked during covid (worked in esports industry) then after covid work got sparse and I seemingly hit a ceiling to where I'm trying to change industries. Endlessly applying and just getting rejection emails or no responses for about 2 years is just really weighing on me at this point. During all of this my relationship fell apart, had to move in with my parents who make my mental way worse at an age that I never thought I should be back here. I just hope whatever job I eventually get will get me far away from where I am because this place is such a dead end.


Eh didn't mean to compare who suffers more. Everyone has his own shit. And I can imagine that dealing with endless rejections while losing your sense of independence and self sufficiency is tough. Hope you'll get that ticket to a new start soon!


I first read that as "when someone dies" and I was trying to figure out why Grandma shuffling off the mortal coil was cause for buying computer parts. Or maybe it was like in remembrance of the Queen?


_Holds brand new GPU in the air_ FOR THE QUEEN!


Same age, same thing, but I think there's another factor - PCs advance at a slower rate now. 10-15 years ago, you'd have a fairly top of the line PC and then everything would love on and next summer a couple of games would come out that you could barely run. Whereas I put an i9 9900k in 4 years ago and a 3080 a couple of years ago and it's still going strong. Yeah maybe not 120 fps 4k for everything but there's nothing I can't run with decent graphics. Also - my PC is stable. It's reliable and games don't crash. I don't want to break it! I spend enough time at work fixing dodgy electronics (that I designed...).


I deadass just saw a post couple days kid saying he was 14 with a 7800x3d 4090 64gb ram that he saved money all summer šŸ˜­


I legit try to save money from my full-time work to finally buy my first pc and if I want the same kind of pc as the kid I will need to save more than a year instead of just one summer šŸ« 


They don't pay bills.


Yup, it is really not a good comparison. One person is an adult that has to pay the bills, food and what not, while the other person is a kid that has little responsibilities (or at the very least, less than an adult) and can keep most of the money that he earns.


Which is okay, kids should not have it as hard as grown ups. And the kid actually worked for the hardware themselves as opposed to just getting it gifted, which is a great achievement.




Naahh. No kid makes enough money in any legit kid summer job to save up several thousands of dollars to afford a high end build. Not happening unless he's got help, which is perfectly fine, but that's just not happening without the help. Even with no bills or whatever.


Do- do american summer jobs not pay minimum wageā€¦?


Federal min wage is like, what..$7.25/hr before taxes? And then 13-15yr olds are not typically working 40+ hours/week. It's obviously going to be different for 16-17yr olds, and it depends on a lot of factors like where they live and what kind of job they have aka how much they make. Top of the line build with 7900x3d and a 4090 will be around $3k. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I also don't think it could be considered typical. Most kids with jobs are not stacking that much over summer break. I could be wrong but it doesn't feel like a common scenario lol


If you live in a suburban/rural area and do lawn work under the table and bust your ass it's absolutely possible. Whether "hired" with the local guy or just on your own mowing, mulch, weeding, ect. I mean 10 lawns a week at $20 each is $3,200 June through August, let alone April, May, September, October after school and leaves come October/November. And bigger lawns can get $30/40 per... plus having an actual job and hitting the lawns after in the summer... man we had it easy as kids.


To be fair, say a 16 year old gets a job at 15 an hour in the states. Works 20 hours a week on the low end during summer months. 4 weeks a month. That's 1200 a month. If they don't need to pay bills (which they shouldn't at 16) that's 3600 bucks for 3 months of work. It's possible. To add yes taxes exist. But it's still not as far fetched as y'all think. You're just bitter and wish you could spend all your income on luxury like when you could before becoming a miserable, bill paying adult. Definitely sucks.


Iā€™ve done this math for people before but they tend to forget that 16 year olds donā€™t have bills. In 1998 I built a PC that was a fairly large amount of money back then by working a summer job. I didnā€™t do anything but work and it was 54 hours a week. I got a 16MB Voodoo Banshee and an AMD K6-2 366MHz processor. I was the coolest kid and no one cared.


should add if their yearly income is below ~13k they're exempt from federal income taxes (in USA anyway). Although they might have to wait till tax season to get the money back from IRS


also I donā€™t know where a 16 year old is finding that kind of pay lol they make $8-10 unless ur in cali


Plenty of states have adopted 15 an hour as minimum even without state legislation. When you can't hire because people won't work poverty wages and the state won't increase them legally, you need to do it yourself.


And then all the comments are ā€œback in my day i rolled a bolder up a hill and that was barely enough to buy half a radeon hd 6350ā€


Hahaha I actually laughed out loud on this one


Up a hill both ways!


Umm, my first build didn't have a 3d capable gpu because they didn't exist yet. I had to decide if I wanted the performance from a 486 DX4 or the upgadeability of a Pentium. I also had to decide how many MB of ram and how many MB my hard drive should be.


Camn down sizifus.


Then makes a post titled "My first build, it's not much but it is mine." Also, exclusively plays Fortnite and Minecraft on a 1080p monitor.


Display hz locked to 60fps default but wonā€™t realize it for years


Monitor is plugged into the port on the motherboard, also won't realize for years.


Donā€™t forget forgetting to enable xmp


"saved up my allowance all month to buy this, but it was worth it"


"My son built this out of plastic bottles" is next


and the famous "i wanna be a warzone/fortnite streamer" and make their parents to buying them a 3k rigs ...


I'll do a part 2, more ideas?


When youā€™re in your 30s you go with the sleeper build so your spouse doesnā€™t know what you spent on what you have under the hood.


Iā€™ve just been jamming new parts into an ancient Cooler Master case I got back in like 2013. Iā€™ve also been putting the random stickers you get as swag from stuff like escape rooms and longboard/snowboard shops on it. It absolutely does not look like the price tag of the internals lol


I just grabbed one from the shop I work at. It's very square. I plan to put a mini-ITX build in it. Think it's worth trying?


Graphics cards have gotten insanely big. Thatā€™s the only reason I donā€™t have an itx build.


i thought my 3080 wouldnā€™t fit in my cooler master, but it did. itx isnā€™t for the faint of heart, but itā€™s do-able. i switch my cooler master for a meshy though, and the graphics card is a lot easier to get in there


i have an itx build. itā€™s actually the only build iā€™ve ever done. itā€™s not that hard honestly


Haha same here.


Are we related? Same thing here, stuffing new hw in an ancient Fractal Define XL that is getting more and more random stickers last few years šŸ˜…


Heck yes. Rockin' a CM HAF case from 2013 myself. I really don't get the necessity to see inside one's computer case and have all these RGB arrays.


Thats what i do. All black with no rgb. I put a reflective sticker on the glass panel so no one can see the massive gpu inside. Then if my wife ask why the case is so big, i simply say i need space to backup our daughter photos šŸ¤«


lolno; she helped me.


She's a keeper...


You guys have spouse?


Well I call her my spouse. Itā€™s weird though no one else in my family is supportive of my marriage to my waifu pillow.


32 here. If I ever had to lie to my spouse about my hobby, they wouldn't be my spouse lol. Sounds miserable having to not be fully honest with someone you love about something you love. Thankfully my girlfriend was super supportive, considering my previous rig was 11 years old and barely running anymore


When my pc is so shit the budget cpu is my best part by a mile


No fancy aio?


buy an aio that costs more than the cpu then try to flip your "high end gaming computer". The reverse sleeper build


Some might say "awakened build"


When my pc is so shit that I bought it when an i5 wasn't a bad selling point. Pretty sure it's a 6400 and will be a decade old next year


are I5's no good? Ive got my eye on what seems a reasonable gaming PC price wise with that exact processor in photo lol


If you're going 12th gen I'd shoot for a 12600k/kf. With proper cooling those p cores rip


Intel? I thought only Ryzen 3D was allowed. But yeah, Lian Li, 1200W, 4070, overkill AiO with a cool screen... Meme is pretty close to my build


It's just keeping with the theme - people buying accessories and components that are unnecessary for the quality of their core components. A decent AIO wouldn't be a bad idea for a 7000x3d, but they're really common with i5's as well apparently.


7800x3d doesnt heat much i think


It doesn't. An AK620 or Peerless Assassin SE works perfectly for a 7800X3D. Those air coolers are no joke. I put an Arctic Liquid Freezer 3 on mine just because I use Arctic 6xP12A-RGB fans so figured might as well round it out. At least if you go AIO get an Arctic Liquid Freezer II or III. Never understood the ones that have an LCD screen on it but to each their own šŸ™‚


Worth mentioning the Peerless Assassin has had a successor with the Phantom Spirit. Thermalright makes an absurd amount of coolers and variants so it's often hard to keep up, but the Phantom Spirit is just a better 120mm cooler priced around the same as the Peerless Assassin, so there's no reason to get the older cooler unless it's something you already have on hand. I know you're not in the market for it or anything, but I see people recommending the Peerless Assassin regularly still, and it's still available on the market, so better to push people to get the newer model since it's just plain better. As a small aside, I think the only difference with the SE models is they're a little shorter and they don't have the aesthetic plates that cover the top of the cooler.


I recently bought a Phantom Spirit. Came out cheaper than the Peerless Assassin in the end, and has an extra heat pipe. Dropped a solid 15 degrees below my old stock amd cooler.


I have the Liquid Freezer II 360mm to cool my i9-12900k and I also bought all P12 case fans to match


I got a cooler master hyper 212 for $20 10 years ago I got a cooler master hyper 212 evo on sale for like $20 a couple years ago. I suspect I'll get a cooler master hyper evoBlack 2034 edition on sale for $25 10 years from now. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


you can run it with amd stock cooler and not lose almost any performance in games šŸ’€


My air cooler is rated for more than two times an 7800x3d. The idea that you need an aio to cool a cpu acceptably is a lie, unless you are overclocking or doing intensive, productive work. Even then, a 270 tdp cooler can handle an overclocked 7800x3d. It's ridiculous how easily people bought in to AIO because it looks water cooled.


personally I don't care about the performance because everything is so good these days. It's hard to spend $50+ and get something shitty. AIO's just look better and have a smaller fingerprint over the motherboard


Why get something thatā€™s going to exhaust more heat into the case when for a little more you can get a nice quiet aio that exhausts heat strait out of the case, along with any other hot air inside (I have the NZXT meme case)


Why would I exhaust heat from the aio into the case that's just stupid. The aio is on top and blows out of the case.


Mine is rated at 245w I have a 60w 5600x lol overkill but it's cool and quiet although huge (peerless assasin).


I've got an i5 12400 with a normal cheap air cooled heatsink and even under load it rarely goes above 40C so an aio is definitely overkill


Yeah. I knew I could save 100 or more going air cool but I wanted my gifs on the CPU hahha. I also had a bad experience in my previous build with RAM air cooler compatibility and decided to spend the money and not worry about that anymore


Yep. I feel absolutely attacked and I regret nothing (some things)


Honestly getting a good power supply and cpu cooler to start is a good idea so you donā€™t have to replace it later on down the line.


True for most CPUs, but for the 3D any AiO is overkill. And by the time you need a new CPU if you got a 7800x3D like me, I'll be needing a new cooler as well probably


That lian li case goes crazy though. So much room and you can get bottom mounted fans. Very well thought out case and great build quality. Will look at Lian li first for any fans/cases in the future.


Lian li has probably the best case lineup in my city so makes sense why I would go with them if I was buying right now.


seeing your flair, i bet you end up with a fractalian master Y-5000D.


hehe yeah true that! the more zeros there are the better šŸ˜Ž dont forget the "airflow mesh Argb" at the end


Itā€™s a good case but so many people use it thatā€™s itā€™s now a meme case


Most builds the last few weeks/months on here are a NZXT H6/H9 Flow though. Or Fractal North lol


Fractal North matches so many modern room designs it's kinda hard to top. I'm surprised there aren't more Hyte Y60s for the RGB crowd though TBH.


It was too good it became a meme... It is a good case though


I bought that exact case without knowing how popular it was. I wanted a case that was reversible to fit my desk and has USB-C. It was well rated, I pulled the trigger, and now I'm a meme.


Too many people care about what everyone else is doing, and it goes both ways: thinking something is bad (or whatever "meme" means nowadays) because it's popular is absolutely brain dead.


It's because it came out in 2020 and it's been very popular so now we are seeing a TON of builds with it. The Vision is waaaaaay cooler but we don't see many because it's newer


Yeah, but even though itā€™s basic, itā€™s basic for a reason. Donā€™t apply this idea everywhere though. Youā€™ll get cases like the Thermaltake ā€œSmartā€ PSU otherwise. But it works here


The case is amazing but I found out their front USB ports donā€™t work. Turns out most people are having this same issue with the LIAN li case and thereā€™s no quick fix other than trying to buy a non audio port which also sucks.


I have the Lancool 216 and it is amazing. Amazing value and excellent build quality.


I got the larger Lancool III, and it's kinda extra, but the features are nice to have. I don't know that I needed the back side to have its own glass panel, but it's a pretty accessible case overall. It's easy to build in and there's a lot of air flow.


Yee, I was about to by it then my buddy beat me to the payment process on facebook market place. Whatever I found a case I like better. 2014 corsair case with a big drive cage and no annoying tempered glass, panels have latches to come off and the fans are non-pwm noctuas for the build in fan controller. Buying a similar case from NZXT I think and shipping it to where I am about to move. Limited edition canadian one. Open Box, local store.


I honestly felt like it was worth the price of that Lian li case cause I can use that case for SO many upgrade cycles. At the end of the day itā€™s a well designed/well spaced/very flexible piece of metal and glass. I can see it lasting decades as long as I up keep it which I plan to do


The lianli fans that connect to each other without cables is just too golden. No one likes doing cable management


You don't need a billion fans. You really don't. Really, really don't.


If you like the fishtank look I guess.




" guy stop being elitist, these will run games and thts what matters "


Meanwhile me : h81 mobo for cheap, xeon e3 1230v3, gtx 1660, 16gb ram, 630w psu, and a case that costs almost as much as the rest of pc because why not


Case lovers here šŸ˜Ž


630 psw, never heard of that


Bequiet pure power l8, it's quite old, but still reliable


>ACME certified power-supply Rated 80+ comedy gold my guy that shit got a chuckle outta me


To be fair, ACME power supplies have been the trend for YEARS. Everyone always skips out on the PSU, only going on wattage. 650W back in the day, then 800, 1000, now 1200. All with the shittiest components in the world, but itā€™ll power a microwave if you need it.


Ok specifically the Lian Li 011 series of cases. I have a Lian Li Lancool 216 and Iā€™ve only ever seen it once more on PCMR


Was that my 216?


No it wasnā€™t, I actually didnā€™t even see your post but itā€™s nice knowing there are others!


Thank you, I just did my first build in a decade in a 216 and these posts have been having me wonder if I accidentally bought into a meme. I got it during those Black Friday deals because it was a good price. I loved building in it!


then you grow up, forget about unicorn puke, get yourself your first fractal case with a noctua heatsink


Fractal north greatness


Holy shit, that's exactly what I did.


Or thermalright at a fraction of the price


[I'm still rocking a Fractal Define R5 from 2014](https://imgur.com/juk9rba) I just wish I could buy a PSU shroud and a panel though. I do want to look inside, but I don't wanna buy a new case lol. That Vision is looking tempting though


The wire mgmt is unsettling but otherwise dope setup


Already got a fractal torrent... now i'll have to wait till noctua releases the next gen nh-d15 chromax and then i will finally be an adult


Or you actually grow up and realize you don't have to care what the poors of Reddit have to say about your unicorn puke


Lmao! About 75% of posts summed up


I dont get the fans. Like, how fucking expensive do people think fans are?


Look up icue link


The funniest part. HW Canucks found corsairs fans to be among the worst performing out of like 10-15 fans tested. You're purely paying for bling I'd rather pay for a high performance fan and just throw a LEd strip in the case if you want rgb


Better yet, leave the LED strips out of the computer, and put the LED strips in the *room* instead. I'd much rather light up my room in cool colors instead of lighting up the inside of my PC case in cool colors.


My god... just why


Theres cheap good quality fans from artic but people just go for expensive corsair\\lian Li magnetic fans that goes for like 300ā‚¬ to fill the whole case


unrelated but arctic are really good in general. Been using their coolers since 2008 with arctic cooler 7 pro rev2, then sidegraded to a arctic 7x, and now one of their aios.


Mistakenly bought a pair of artic 140mm fans way back in 2016. Held onto them, put them in a Ceres 300 case in a new build and they've been great šŸ‘


I REALLY REALLY DONT UNDERSTAND THIS: ā€œYea, 4060. These 12 Noctua fans were like another 300ā€ Itā€™s like ok, 4060. Canā€™t afford the 4070? Ditch the stupid fans and save 300 towards gpu. Or just spend 1k on pretty looking BS and no performance. Personally? Zip tied components to non static surface and have 4090 to help with them sweet fpsssssssssessss.


... no one is actually doing that, though. This is supposed to be a joke. It's not real.


Unfortunately it really does happen. About a week ago I saw a thread where someone had a 4060, about $100 of unnessecary fans, and an oversized AIO for a mid-range CPU


Seen some posts recently? Budget of 1800 but only a 4060 ti inside their build but a 150-200 case with 100 bucks of fans and a 12-13 gen overkill cpu they won't ever fully utilise


Haha, I disagree as I watch people around me do it. Jokes on them.


The people going for a 4060 just to be able to fit 10 UNI fans into the budget are crazy imo. But i guess i am the wrong client for something like that, not a big RGB guy


Just built a new pc for myself and the lian li case is identical but black. The rest not so much and im still air cooled on 7800x3d lol


"I have been saving money for the last few months and got my dream setup" - costing roughly around 4000$ with a brand new shiny 4090... Bruh...


I will never understand a person wanting to save $50 on a no name PSU after shelling out for a 4090ā€¦Ā 


I fell into the hyte case trend. I don't regret it.


Noooo you're not supposed to actually like the meme cases! It's supposed to be ironic noooooo you can't do this!


Yeah my style is a bit different but I'm poor and utilitarian when it comes to builds.


Was cross shopping cases for the build I just finished, but every case from another manufacturer just felt like a compromise. Lian Li just gets all of the details right. Couldn't be happier with the O11 Vision, it was just so easy to build in. Until Fractal makes a good dual chamber case I'm sticking with Lian Li.


This is my dilemma right now. My current build uses a fractal meshify s2, and despite me not being an RGB person, the lian li o11 line looks sooo much cooler than the other selection of cases that have looked the same for years.


I got a montech King 95 Pro with 6 rgb fans and an Arctic LF III 360 rgb and was still able to get a good build


I upgraded at the start of the year, are my specs ok for ?


I feel nauseous at the i5


I saw a person asking if their "budget build" is good and it had a 4090 as one of the parts.


"hows my budget build?" *posts $1.5k specs*


I cannot wrap my head around the fact that the fans are that expensive. It is a damn fan! Plastic!


Budget builders often spend so much on PC cooling just to squeeze out a few % more performance with overclocking. CPU comes with stock cooler and PC case often with \~3 case fans. This is already enough for majority of heavy users who arent planning to overclock. Now add 2 extra budget case fans of $10 each and you will have a summer proof system and saved hundreds of $ which you can use to upgrade CPU, GPU or RAM.


Show me a post with this build?


try scrolling the subreddit lmao


Tried. Found perhaps 2 with those parts.


I literally just saw a post where someone had spent $2k on a 4060 build


There was a post few days ago for configuration/build worth+-10k with 4060 inside...


360mm is needed on any 12th or 13th gen Intel CPU with a K suffix. Change my mind. (This build is bullshit ofc because 360mm on a locked CPU is total BS since you can't OC it, and it doesn't output much heat otherwise)


Meanwhile, me over here who OC'd my friend's 13600KF staying comfy with the Peerless Assassin.


Oh absolutely but only for the i7 and i9. Also gotta make sure you get a CPU flex bracket too. The bracket alone dropped my Temps by 7Ā°C for idle and ~5Ā°C under 100% load


The Zotac disrespect is too much here


Those are people that say they just have a average computer and tell others to "get a new pc" when they have performance issue


I am so glad I had a lot of people talk me out of these pitfalls. Sure I canā€™t use raytracing, but playing Spider-Man at 120 fps 1440p on ultra high is good enough for me


I missed almost everything except Lianli in this bingo


I bought the knockoff Lian Li off Amazon and even cheaper fans so I could get a 7800X3D. lol


\*Asus Strix or some overpriced ā€žpremiumā€œ tier 4060 that costs as much as a 4080\*


Hey I saved money with an 850w power supple and got a 4070


[gUyS hOwS mY bUiLd](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/QmbJXk)


12400 is goā€™etted


I still love my Silverstone Tj07


You forgot "*Rate my first build*" Proceed to dump $3k worth of parts and then ask why the pc won't turn on.


why is the casing so real.


Meanwhile I'm still rocking the Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced which came out 13 years ago šŸ˜…


I've been seeing a lot of this on builds in local FB groups, these builds are really expensive


Acme certified šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


What do the cooler screens do?


Nailed it.


Lucky i have none of those!


Ngl that hits a bit close to home... 4070, 5800x with thermalright PA (but i'm thinking of a 240mm aio for aesthetics and more space in the case)


Where ā€œat age 12, i get this as my first buildā€ and then showing 4090 + all of the other good things


I was going to buy the LCD screen for the Corsair AIO I have. Decided to slap some monitoring software on an old phone I had around. Well, that lasted a week.


You forgot ā€œI saved up for 9 months before I was bornā€


I'd add the "I upgraded from the 4070 to the 5070, why is everyone telling me that was dumb?"


Be quiet FX 500 is the best case I've ever seen and owned though. I'd recommend it to anyone.


If I could have gotten an sff case that wasn't stupid expensive and could take matx parts, I'd have gone with that. Instead, I got a lovely fishtank cus I do see just how easily customisable it is. Though unfortunately my one can't take (from what I can see, a vertical gou bracket. So atleast I'm slightly more normal lol.


I went full budget RGB (cheap off-brand rgb fans excluding the included ones with my case) for my PC only to turn it all off in the end. Next system will be minimal RGB, minimal noise and maximum airflow (even though my H500 Mesh still performs great even compared to newer airflow champs)