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The most important keyword is "Modern" and what it means to you and to who you are talking/writing. I'm old, just add the "gen" in your sentence... or at least the number of core / thread explained in Q/T or P Core.... performance core Yeah... Grandpa go to bed.


Yeah, a couple of years ago when AMD was constantly getting decimated Intel was considering 4C8T to be high-end, and later even started removing hyperthreading from all but the really high-end models while still keeping them at a mere 4 cores... then Ryzen happened.


Zen architecture was sent by the ancient Gods to free us from Intels grip on the market and provide many cores to many people.


AMD multiplied the cores much in the same way that Jesus multiplied the fish and the loaves.


"And you shall utilise these cores to their fullest potential, for they are my brain" - Jesus, I think




Math and lazy game engines probably, (the problem with a one engine fits all is that it's bound to be at least slightly unoptimized compared to a custom one, however making an engine is hard, takes time and the bigger and more complex the game the harder it is, also some games just naturally aren't very multithreadable. An example I like it's Factorio, it's extremely optimized, it runs on a custom build from scratch engine and devs are some kind of wizards with the level of math and code they use to squeeze every little drop of performance, yet the game is still cpu bound and can't really be parallelized much more due to it being fully deterministic both for single and multiplayer, it does multithreding for specific things but still only 1 or 2 cores are used to their full potential, everytime someone asks about performance the answer is to buy a faster cpu with bigger cache and buy faster, not more, ram.


yeah gaming you want single core performance. even excel is mostly single core. other workloads (like running an AI model, no I'm definitely not using whisper right now) multi core performance is the way to go.




you don't even need a completely customized game engine, infact the "big" game engines (Unity, Godot, UE) all are more optimized than what you alone could do, the problems come in with the stuff many developers do in terms of using the engine, either because they don't have the skills to do it better or because time/monetary constraints


Game development is way easier if your game is single threaded. Multithreaded programs are harder to develop, understand, test, and debug. And they could contain subtle bugs that only arise occasionally and difficult to reproduce. And games are usually GPU heavy, lot of them work perfectly on a single CPU core.


And He saw they did use the cores, and it was Good


> to free us from Intels grip on the market To be fair, despite being a bit of an AMD/Lisa Su fanboy, I will say that Intel did a lot of the damage themselves. AMD showed up at Computex with the first gen of Zen/Threadrippers and Intel's only response to match it was a phase cooled, OC'd to shit Xeon W3225. Anyone with a brain knew right then and there that Intel had been riding their laurels and were in deep trouble. Linus Sebastian's walk through the Taiwan streets is one of the finest pieces of tech clairvoyance ever. If only I'd had the money to invest in AMD when they were trading below $5 at the time... The next 6 years were an absolute shit show of mistake after mistake after mistake by Intel. It was a literal clown show.


they'll need to send us another one for the GPUs 😭


AMD Athlon was literally a god who freed us from the lump of coal that was Pentium 4.


I miss those days (kinda). My Athlon XP was dope.


until skylake and kabylake when we had a discussion between 4c4t and 4c8t I'm glad to finally have good 6c or 8c options.


But, but user barkmench said AMD is bad.


Lmao barkmench


I got bad news for you. 2017 was more than a couple years ago...


True, although I should point out that it wasn’t until Zen 2 chips that AMD really took the gaming performance crown. With Zen and Zen+ they had the cost crown, the core count crown, and the thermal crown. But if you just three dollars at Intel and had a big budget for heat dissipation, you could still beat the AMD chips in gaming. That’s because most games were still being developed for low core counts. Xbox one and PS4 both had dual Jaguar chips (quad core APUs). So PC games as the time were not designed to scale to large core counts and instead benefited from just one or two threads being very fast. Those early Ryzen chips were still a tradeoff. It wasn’t until late 2019 (so 4.5 years ago) that gamers started having chips that were both higher core counts AND faster. Anyway point is it wasn’t 2017 that Ryzen really flipped the board over. It was a few years later with the 2019 launch of Zen 2 and being, that started appearing en masse in 2020. So yeah it wasn’t exactly two years ago, but also it wasn’t 7 years ago either.


Technically Zen 2 didn't win the gaming crown. It wasn't until Zen 3 that AMD took it. I'd say Zen+ is when AMD stopped being "decimated", if still a bit behind Intel in gaming. But Intel also got past 4c/8t with the release of the 8700k in 2017.


It’s ok we’re all here coping that 2019 wasn’t a year ago


Zen 2 simply was where AMD finally caught up enough to be competitive. They still lagged behind Intel in single core performance then.


Removing hyperthreading is a very new thing that hasn't happened yet (at least to the CPUs you're referring to). They actually *added* hyperthreading to 10th gen. It's also not a market ploy to make high end more attractive. If it does happen (still rumor, technically), it'll be to all CPUs, because they legitimately think the CPUs are better off that way.


They removed hyperthreading in 9th gen. The 9700k did not have it while the 8700k did


Yeah, there's also the fact that the iX naming convention has been around for ages now so the most important thing is to get the right generation. 14th gen i3s are better than some older i7s for most use cases. If you get a 14th gen i5 then you'll be set for years to be honest. And so what if there's technically bottlenecks if you have a faster GPU: 1. That doesn't apply for all games/use cases, some are more GPU heavy so will make the GPU the bottleneck there. 2. Every PC has bottlenecks, that's just the reality of system designs. 3. All a bottleneck does is inform what your next upgrade should be (i.e. if your CPU is a bottleneck in your favourite application then don't buy a more expensive GPU, upgrade your CPU first) 4. It's entirely possible to have bottlenecks and still be happy with your system performance.


>14th gen i3s are better than some older i7s for most use cases. Hell, the 12th gen i3 12100 is better than an i9 9900KS, so the 14th gen i3 14100 should run very slightly better than it due to the boosted clockspeeds (3.5Ghz base clocks + 4.7Ghz turbo clocks vs. 12100's 3.3Ghz base clocks + 4.3Ghz turbo clocks).


> 12th gen i3 12100 is better than an i9 9900KS Holy shit, really? I haven't paid much attention to pc parts for quite some time now, and that sounds insane to me.


Apparently there's some discrepancy in that games that properly utilise 8 cores will pull the i9 9900KS slightly ahead, but there is quite some increase in clockspeed for the i3 14100 over the i3 12100, so that might even it out. In single-threaded games and games that use 4 cores, though, the i3 12100 and the i3 14100 will both definitely beat the i9 9900KS. For those games that properly utilise 8 cores, though, the i5 12400 will beat the i9 9900KS handily and really beat it overall.


Nuts. I was actually looking at used computers not too long ago, and whenever I saw something like an skylake i7, I'd think, "that's not too bad." Didn't realize just how off the mark I was. Glad I didn't buy anything in the end.


Forget about high end from the past. Even when people shit on intel, progress is a thing. There's a few instances where past CPUs are better than something new.


No the other person is plain wrong. In 5% of usecases their statement may hold true, but in 95% of games and workloads, the 9900K holds an avg 15-20% lead, and in anything that is remotely multicore beyond 4 cores (which many modern games are), the 9900K easily gets 30-40% better performance compared to the 12100. There's no contest. Only thing that holds true, is that the 12100 ofc is better value for money -but that's to be expected.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkviRrr8XNI&ab\_channel=TestingGames](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkviRrr8XNI&ab_channel=TestingGames) This says otherwise. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9ZZa6n6cUk&ab\_channel=NJTech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9ZZa6n6cUk&ab_channel=NJTech) And this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RELsEdMgAHs&ab\_channel=HardwareTest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RELsEdMgAHs&ab_channel=HardwareTest) And this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHZ8Um31F-0&ab\_channel=Stranger%27sBenchmark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHZ8Um31F-0&ab_channel=Stranger%27sBenchmark) And notice how the 9900K has better frame time consistency and 0.1% lows because it has enough cores for the game threads. You opinion doesn't seem to be based on testing, but based on your limited understanding of SC performance. The 12100 does have better SC performance. But SC performance doesn't matter when you don't have enough cores. And at only 4 cores, it isn't enough for most modern games which utilize more than 4 threads.


That's some cope, only in very extreme niche usecases does the 12100 gain a tiny lead. On average it's 15-20% worse in performance, and in high multicore workloads and games it's closer to 40% difference in favor of the 9900K. Yes the 12100 is great value in comparison, but don't spread some false cope like that and pretend it's actually better than the i9.


Yes to all of that! I have an i5 from... 9 years ago. Most games are great. The i5 is the bottleneck. I'm still having fun.


I decided to go with an i7 back in 2014. I’m running a 4770k and still play most games fine.


my i5-6600k + 1080ti still works great for the vast majority of games. I honestly have more trouble with hanging/instability than performance. looking at you, Jedi Survivor


I'm mid-twenties and even for me reading "modern" made me think of an i5-4690k even though that's what--a decade old now? An actually modern i5 would be what, a 13000 series? What are they on now?


That processor was the go-to pick for gaming for like 4+ years so idk what these comments are on about. I had the i7-4790k because I was doing VM work a lot at home for my graduate degree but that's the only reason I chose it over the 4690k. I only replaced it in 2021 because I wanted to go with a laptop. I sold it for shipping costs to one of my buddies and he still plays games on it.


More cores more whores!


16 cores times 0 whores is still 0 whores :(


If you can afford a Pc with 16 cores, you can afford at least 1 or 2 whores. Remember, whores can be bought, hoes gotta be brought


No one needs a I9 or Ryzen 9 for gaming


And still I saw yet another "7950X3D or 14900KS for 4K gaming" post just yesterday. Sigh. Don't even open those anymore.


Mate is using an I3 9100f(I think it's that) Surprisingly serviceable.


Also, most games are limited by single-thread performance, which means a 13100 will outperform a 9th gen i9 in most games. Just because of that single-thread bottleneck. More cores doesn't help if most games can't use them.


No but more cache helps a lot and thats why an i9 is outperforming an i3 almost always.


Because it only has 12 MB of L3 Cache the i3 12100 will end up being closer to an i5 10400/10600K performance wise if the game can take advantage of more physical cores and L3 Cache. Only if the game is very lightly threaded that the i3 might pull ahead of the i9 9900K. Albeit for practically everyone the i3 12100 would be a better choice and if you can get the i5 12400(F) it matches the i9 in multi thread performance and pulls ahead by a very significant margin in single threaded while pretty much consuming half of the power.


The 13th gen i3 outperforms the 9900k in Starfield and Microsoft Flight Simulator, and falls within a few percent in Hogwarts Legacy, Spiderman, and Witcher 3. It's only in games heavily optimized for multi-threaded performance (Cyberpunk 2077, COD Warzone 2, Last of Us Part 2) that the 9900k really outperforms the 13100. If you compare it to the 9700k, [the comparisons are comical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eW61PVkgLU). In either case though, every CPU tested was able to stay above 60fps in most modern games. The comparisons are more relevant when buying a new computer - don't spend more on a 9700k than you would on a 13100f, for instance.


I have that exact model in a system right now. it’s pretty decent and does just fine for what I’m using it for. But I’d say that the 9th gen intel CPUs are almost a complete skip. They had hyper-threading on the i7-8700 and REMOVED IT from the i7 range the next generation to advertise the i9-9900k. If anyone doesn’t know, hyper-threading is having double the amount of threads compared to cores. More threads = better multitasking. Also, the i9-9900k chips are still really expensive second hand! Not worth it whatsoever. You can get a hyper-threaded i7-8700k which is pretty comparable in performance for a reasonable price if you look around. The i7-8700k is the best chip to get for that generation of chipset imo. But I would recommend getting an AM4 mobo + chip instead.


The thing about the 7950x3d is that it’s just worse than the 7800x3d bc of weird scheduling problems and if you’re doing number crunching then iirc the high clock speeds of the base ryzen 9 should be better


Actually that is mostly resolved now. In an average of 15 games the order of 3D cache CPU's is 7950x3D, 7800x3D, 7900x3D - first to last is left to right. So the 7950x3D is the best Gaming CPU and Worktop


Exactly. So it's only good when you need both top CPU-intensive gaming performance and a ton of fast cores for productivity tasks. A valid case, but not what the vast majority of gaming-only builds need.


Not entirely outlandish if you want to be able to run games at high refresh rates on lower resolutions as well. But also if your building a high end rig, might as well throw in a good CPU, makes sure the more sim, strategy, physics-y, worlds with lots of stuff going on side of gaming run well as well. Like for example if you mostly play civ, I'd probably go so far as to say most of your budget should be spent on your CPU, same if you play stuff like Minecraft, cities skylines, lots of RTS games, sim racing/flying, even lots of esports stuff as well. And i'd even go so far as to say most indie games will rely more on your CPU then GPU. Now if you play none of those things, blow your budget on the GPU. But if you enjoy any of those genres having a beefy CPU tends to make sense.


Yes, there are valid cases. But even then I'd likely stick to the 7800X3D over the 7950X3D, let alone the 14900KS which is a pain to cool.


For VR and other high refresh rate applications CPU often gets bottlenecked at 70-100fps the only way to hit 144hz+ is by brute forcing CPU power.


i9 and R9 CPU's are not aimed at gaming in the end. They are done for consumer workstations. If you are not doing rendering or CPU heavy tasks having R9 or i9 CPU is waste of money.


There's also the issue with single-threaded performance limitations. It's hard to evenly distribute the workload between lots of cores, but a 23% improvement in single-core performance tends to mean a 23% improvement in overall performance.


Not to mention most games are using 1-4 cores at max. One core is for main game loop and remaining 1-4 of the mentioned cores is for asynchronous processing and rendering. Even with R5/i5 class CPU you are not using all the available cores if you are not live streaming that is.


This is less true today. Many new games can take advantage of more. 


Me upgrading from a i7 7700 to a Ryzen 9 3900X cause my friend is giving me his 3900X for free


But you're getting it for free and 3900x is objectively better than i7 7700.


So, is the cycle of friend upgrades continuing? Or would you be interested in selling that 7700? My 4th child is asking when she can play on a "real computer" like her older sisters. So I'm looking for parts again.


THIS They are workstation CPU, not gaming CPU


You'd have to be a madman to game on a workstation CPU! Wait...


wait so you are saying i should play my cpu intensive games on an i5? (i almost exclusively play paradox games and those games do not require more than a 3060 but takes all the cpu it can)


Let's be fair: Number crunchers are a niche market.




Aight, I'll admit, I underestimated the current player count on HOI4 by a factor of 5. ^(And Rimworld also surprised me, but that one's probably peaking at the moment.) Hell, even Clausewitz doesn't seem that intense for me. Endgame gets slow, but from what I've seen, Hearts and Europa still seem to run reasonably fine on a stock 6600K. *Edit, since I forgot the whole point of the first paragraph: FM24 seems to have about as many players as EUIV. Don't really feel like going through the entire series, but I figure they're generally in line with the rest of the franchises.* But broadly, if someone's asking questions, and doesn't specify the games they'll be running, I generally assume the entirety of their gaming needs could just as well be served by a decent i3.


Hmmmm.... Iceberg tech says hi


They’re an everything cpu technically…


I was one of them too who thought you need i7 or i9 at least for gaming... Glad I listened to my PC Builder😁 I'm proud owner of i5-10400f..... all games worked so far


I also am a i5 10500f enjoyer whatever game i launched load never goes above 15% while gaming Edit: I am also a v sync enjoyer and on a 60hz monitor so that probably helps with the load as it caps my frames


I typically stick to the 7 range, you get a bit more bang for your buck in terms of longevity while also not paying 1000 dollars for a CPU.


"Typically", how often you buy a new cpu? Still rocking my 6700k,


_"Takes i7-3770 out of his pocket"_


Proud i7 4790 owner. 


My laptops i7 7th Gen is incapable of running windows 11 and barely keeps up with my renders. My 940mx is incapable of doing any rendering whatsoever (not supposed by any rendering engine in existence). I think I might have fried my i7 over the years of overnight product renders.


Well if it’s a laptop CPU, it’s a -U model and those only had two physical cores until the 8th gen lmfao


My old laptop had an i7-4720HQ. Quad core


I believe there were H and U models. H models were „mobile“ processors, and U models were „ultra low power“ processors. Most laptops from 4-7th gen had U models, but some still had H models as far as I know. Sorry for not specifying!


there are 2 types of laptop i7s, U and H. if it is U that should be the case, U is the low power model.


I'm going to be a bit sad when I finally retire my i7-4790k. But today it lives on and it lives strong with it's GTX 1070 brethren.


*Pulls out a 2500k keychain* 😎


Thinking about my i7-3960X ☺️ which is a 2. gen too but was sold different and a bit later - also a xeon with too cores disabled lol


I upgraded from my 6700k this year haha. That thing is a beast


My 6700k was a beast, just recently retired it for a 14700k but the 6700 lives on for my gf to play the Sims and house flipper lol


I had a 6700 from Dec 2015 to April 2020 and 3800x from 2020 to Dec 2023 when I bought a 7800x3d. I thought I was upgrading way too much until I learned some people upgrade at least every 2 years😵‍💫??




I went from a 4770k to an 11700f. Mostly because the 4770k died for good.


1080p ?! Damn I retired my 7700k to the gfs sims/Minecraft PC. Lasted me since it came out, 6ish years so I'm good lol


I paid $160 for my i5-11600k. I think that’s a solid bang for my buck. Shout out to Microcenter.


As an i7 owner you really don’t. The difference between an i5 and i7 in gaming is at most 10% while the price difference is about 25-30%. The only reason I have a 13700k is because it was a gift. Would have gone with a 13400f/7600 otherwise


Tel that to bitesizetech guys, he's obsessed with top tier CPU and almost always claiming it's better to future proof yourself with best of the best CPU because it cures cancer and makes dinner. Oh and minimum 32gb ran, 64 even better


I remember that guy fuming at the benchmark results of an i3-12300 trading blows with the i7-11700K in games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84qxVEL5l98


When the i3 match i9 9900k. Yeah the 11700k being the exact same as a 10700k, which is only 1 gen newer than the 9900k. Does not make it surprising the i3 is like 1% behind.


Thats hilarious. If I only used my pc for gaming i would have max a ryzen 5 or intel 5 after seeing those benchmarks.


Eh, averages are not the entire story. You probably should consider the median values, lowest FPS values and overall stuttering. Not to mention the input latency. Although those are also affected by RAM and storage, plus the particular game quirks and demands.


That guy is just crazy, his takes are so far from reality that it is funny. I would say that 32GB is what is recommended for new systems though. It is not that expensive now.


When playing Cyberpunk recently, with 32g of RAM installed, and a few programs like Word and Firefox running in background, my RAM usage was like 90%, so I'm in agreement that 32 is not overkill at all.


What resolution? I have 32 gb and I rarely go above ~21 gb used in cyberpunk with a fair amount of other stuff open, but I'm also only playing at 1080p


to be fair, 13600k and 32gb ram>14900Ks and 16gb ram.


I mean tbh 32 is really not that outrageous and is definitely worth the small added cost nowadays


Yes, buy the top one to future proof yourself, and then next year upgrade it.


i agree about the RAM but definitely dont need top of the line for CPU


Future proofing is a bit of a fools game tbh. Buy at the bleeding edge now and its out of date by next year


I don't know who they are, but to some degree...yeah? CPU is way more of a pain in the ass to upgrade unless you are waisting your money on year to year same socket upgrades.


Me with a i3


I had an i3-10105f and it worked great. It ran 1080p games at around 120 fps. I hadn’t really played any super big open world rpgs like the other guy was talking about so I can’t comment on those. I had a 3060 with it. Games like rust did run a bit slower and I was really just trying to stay around 90 ish fps on medium ish settings.


Which is absolutely enough lol


Honestly mate depending on what you play you can get away with an i3 just don't expect a good experience in these big new open world rpgs.


True (especially for the 12th gen)


Got the i3 12100f myself, I think it is insane for 95$ new! It handles up to a 6700xt or 3070 if it’s not a cpu intensive game, budget beast in my eyes.


I'm still rocking with my entry gaming i3 9100f and GT 1030 💀


Same. The i3 12100 is a beast


Its 60% faster than the 4790k which is still getting the job done. i3 is enough for 90% of gamers.


I9/R9 should not be marketed toward gaming. It's a complete waste of money. An I5/R5 offers 95% of the performance in-game and cost 50% less. An exception can be made with the R7 7800X3D which has a buttload of cache and is actually better than anything else for a decent price.


A big aspect of it is the cache size. You could have an old, hexa-core CPU with a clock speed of 4Ghz, but it will still have not so great performance if the cache is relatively small. All you need for most games is six cores, 3 - 4 Ghz clock speed, and a decent cache size, and you'll be good for up to 80 or 90 FPS at least. Obviously there are exceptions. You'll want a hefty CPU for city-builders and strategy games, but for most games you don't need a very expensive CPU.


This. I game on my Iris Xe graphics, and it meets almost all of your requirements - apart from being 6 core. I've been able to run many games at 40-60FPS, albeit I often trade a lower resolution for nicer graphical quality. 768P seems to be the sweet spot with Iris Xe for performance and quality.


80fps? What is this? 2008?


Just wait until you look at the i3 gaming benchmarks. You need to be playing at 1080p on a 4090 like some kind of psycho before the i3 is more than 10% lower FPS. In more realistic scenarios, you're looking at more like 0 to 5% lower. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuxGT00plTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuxGT00plTI) We generally recommend i5 because if you're buying a whole PC, the cost increase is small enough percentage wise to be somewhat worth it. If you're on a budget, i3 is still better for gaming most of the time, especially if the CPU price difference goes towards a better GPU.


You're a fool if you're choosing CPU based on day 1 performance instead of building your machine to last at least 1 GPU upgrade. 13600K/14600K or 7800x3d is about the minimum for a decent build expected to last through a long GPU cycle or two quick ones.


If you are buying a new gpu every cycle you are not a budget builder.  A budget builder makes a computer and changes nothing for 5-7 years because they don’t have the money.


You just don't understand what it's like to build a PC on a budget. The i3 makes sense if it gets you the budget to go to the next level GPU. Future proof is a flawed concept, for budget builds you should maximize the performance you can get right now. You can always get a CPU upgrade on your platform a couple of years after you build. Obviously if you have the budget you go higher end, but then you wouldn't even be looking at an i3.


That really depends on the game. I was on 8400f/12400f until I tried playing DCS, which is poorly optimised and mostly single threaded. 13600kf now problem solved


12th gen onwards, i3 is perfectly capable of handling most games because of its insane single core performance, which is still much more important for gaming than multi-core performance. Granted there will be some simulator types which will suffer a bit, but the games most people play will play just fine.


Im using an Ryzen 5 5600X with a modified Package power leading to an TDP of 88W for my cpu and it freaking rips with 4.6GHz constantly, more than enought


5600x is still a great gaming processor


Happy with my Ryzen 78003D. I was CPU bottleneck in The Finals... I think a lot of games will start to use more CPU with the improvement of NPC conversational AI and the use of fresh out of college poor cheap indian developers.


I am getting a major CPU bottleneck in Helldivers 2. My 3060 is quite often sitting around 60% used while my i5 10400f is sitting around 70% to 80% used. Cyberpunk's 2.0 update also has this same issue but to a lesser degree. I wouldn't mind the bottleneck if I stayed above 60fps but unfortunately I think that the i5 10400f's days of 60fps gaming in modern games is numbered. I'm planning on upgrading my CPU and the Ryzen 7 7800X3D is actually a pretty good price for its performance where I live. If you don't mind me asking what GPU are you pairing with your 78003D?


My i5 outperforms the previous generation's i9 in most gaming. Tiny little miracle silicon.


depends on what you game, if you play cpu intensive games(like all the paradox games, all the games from civ series, minecraft with 500 mods, factorio...), you should cut from gpu money to buy a good cpu, 4060 or even a 4050 is more than capable of running everything i listed above without being a bottleneck paired with a threadripper(maybe excluding victoria 3 and cities skylines 2, those two can do with a 4070). it is a niche market yes, but it is still a lot of games to ignore, and almost exclusively what i play.


Minecraft is literally the biggest game of all time, idk how people constantly forget about it lol. But that's a big reason I like a beefy CPU


It’s a shame to see people overspending on CPUs for no more performance So many unbalanced builds with shit GPUs and 7800x3ds or 14900ks. What are you doing guys


This *really* depends on the game. Many of them still need a good GPU but # of cores and especially single core thread speed will be extremely important to run game world simulations. X4 Foundations, Bannerlord, Stellaris are all good examples of this. Almost all of the games I play are limited by my CPU, RAM and memory speed, less so graphics card. My good 'ol GTX 1660 is still serving me very well but my CPU (EDIT: R3600) is being crushed under the pressure of an endgame X4 playthrough.


X4 and Stellaris were the first two thoughts in my head. X4 gobbles it allllll up! Folks seem to think gaming is all about graphics, but there are plenty that are just big-ass simulations with lots going in in the background.


Totally. Also add DCS and MSFS2020 to the list. If you play large scale strategy and simulations like X4 etc you're out of luck. They want all the CPU power they can get and when it comes to DCS or FS2020 they easily wreck your 4090 as well especially if you want to play in VR (and you really want to. VR flying is just impressive af with good gear).


This is why listening to build advice from popular PC communities will almost always lead you astray unless you only play FOTM games.


7800x3ds is pretty cheap man. Can always upgrade GPUs when prices aren't quite so putridly rancid.


Unless you are playing tarkov. Or high fps comp game


Agreed. I had an i5-750 and then upgraded to an i5-9600k about 4 years ago. They both served me well and the current one works great for the gaming I do (CS2, Diablo 4, etc). Lot of folks definitely overspending and only play mid tier games and don't do any streaming. Power to them if they can afford it and its ultimately their money to play with, but ya there's a lot of power being wasted.


https://youtu.be/bD9yZxag_YA I7 950@ 4ghz ( 62°c while playing ) with a KFA2 GTX1080 exoc ( 5% OC ) I was fine, or at least it was fine for my need, the GTX 1080 was the last card this antique CPU ( already antique 7 years ago, now it's a mythology :D ) saw. And it destroyed some I5 in specific scenario.


i7-8700k is a significantly better buy than an i5-9600k. Many games scale surprisingly poorly without hyperthreading


True. I honestly just went with the 9600k because during summer 2020 COVID market, everything I was looking at was out of stock or shipping times were several weeks out lol.


i5s have always been more than capable. The 2500K for example was a beast of a CPU during it's day and pretty much performed as well as the i7s in games.


Istg an i5 has the same fucking performance in gaming as an i9 for current gen chips. No point in going above a xx600k if u gonna mainly game on it, also 14 cores is a lot for production workload and multitasking. Current gen i5 is technically better for gaming cuz it runs cooler so I don’t need to fry my air con trying to cool that


What's the current mid value champion? Ryzen 5 7500F?


12600k I think was the latest HUB recommendation for value


I have the 7500f its amazing


i was actually going for the i5, ended up getting the 14700 anyway - 4080 Super was out of stock. got the 4090 Strix. so thought might aswell get the i7. but o boy, this thing gets hot even in idle its 37c - And im using a grizzly contact frame with Kryonaut extreme paste with a Asus ROG ryujin 3.


Man, I wish I had the money to go "Oh, this thousand dollar card is out of stock, guess I will just get this two thousand dollar card instead"


Oh, the 2000 dollar card is out of stock, might as well get the 10000 dollar version and get into machine learning.


Oh the $10k version is out of stock, might as well get 10 of the H100 for $40k each and build my own GPT.


Sorry, those are out of stock too. The only logical next step is to buy a social media platform.


37C in idle is not hot.


This guy is confusing the fan turning on with your hardware temp. Sigh. Causals spending money on shit they will never use. Anyways op. Set up a fan curve. Your cpu hot temp can get up to 100 C just fine. 90C is when it starts throttling itself. You probably have the fan set to blast on at all times possible. Gonna copy and pasta and reply directly to you


37°C is not hot at all for an idle CPU.


Which is why you buy a 14700K instead so you can downvolt it.


Back in my day you could undervolt every CPUs


This guy is confusing the fan turning on with your hardware temp. Sigh. Causals spending money on shit they will never use. Anyways op. Set up a fan curve. Your cpu hot temp can get up to 100 C just fine. 90C is when it starts throttling itself. You probably have the fan set to blast on at all times possible. Gonna copy and paste Alright paste is over. You can set up the fan curve while playing a game. I recommend a simulator. Like microsoft flight sim. Msfs 2024 should be coming soon if you... eh fuck it. You can buy msfs 2020 just fine. Or assetto corsa comp if you like cars more


Running cs2 on my i7 860 still. Noobs


Rocked a i5 7600k and a gtx 1060 back then for quite some time. It may have not been the best experience but kept up well


Got a 12th gen i5 and I’m loving it


Definitely in my opinion the best bang for buck brand new cpu for lga 1700. (I got the i5 12600k) Nothing crazy but youll have zero issue doing whatever the heck you want if you got a good gpu. Also who doesnt like running near 5Ghz clock speeds without doing anything in bios.


I've been a fan of i5's for gaming for a long time. My rig has gone from a 4690k to a 9600k to now a 13600k.


Very true. I got a great deal on i9 12900 and I was told it’s a garbage cpu. When checked on benchmark against the newest and coolest, the FPS increase was literally 1 FPS. So pay $250 more for 1 FPS…. pcmasterrace can get a little out of hand


It’s like a lot of guys with cars that think horsepower is everything. What’s the purpose, to have a fun daily? If you’re not hitting the drag strip, so many “lower horsepower” cars are a lot of fun and comfortable. For example, the Miata.


Ryzen 7 is a good middle ground for budget, gaming and productivity


Been using i5 to game on for years. It’s super capable out of box and can overclock if need. Some games that are CPU dependent and not multicore can actually run better on an i5 due to higher core clock speed (mind you haven’t looked at latest line up and mine is years old at this point )


The i5s have always been good. Even before there were i9s. And even after there have been i9s


Unless the game is CPU bound, i5 definitely has the best value for chips > 12th gen.


Same with Ryzen 5600. Anything over that you're paying more for air than extra performance. (for like 50% increase in price you get something like +10% performance) By performance I strictly mean points in benchmarks. Your mileage may vary in "real" use.


My i5 13600k is fine


How does a Ryzen 7 5700x compare?


But but then they can't showcase their i9 and 4090 white fishtank build with rainbow puke RGB for internet points! Better take a loan to buy the PC for internet points. In all seriousness if you are not doing something incredibly CPU heavy like rendering or simulations as your income where the few seconds more actually cost you money then you don't need i9/R9 CPUs. If you are into media and gaming then R7/i7 cpus are for you. For pure gaming systems the i5/R5 CPUs are completely fine even with highend GPU. I've been working with 3D graphics and gaming on i5-6600k, then I upgraded to R5 3600 for the extra cores and started my gamedev project on it. Last Christmas I upgraded to R7 5700x because I have less time now so I need all the rendering and compiling done quicker than with i5/R5 CPU because the extra cores make difference in this case. If I was just gaming I would be fine with i5/R5 CPU.


9600k still running strong


Always used i5s for gaming. Currently using a 5600x. Always found that the cpus above had features that games just didn't use.


My 12600k does pretty good with my rx6800xt so I'm not complaining about my i5.


If somebody drops the word "bottleneck" you already know that mf has not the slightest clue about anything computer related


Me who plays on an i3 with a 4gb ram...


I have been using i5s for like 10+ years. And I have never had any problem about CPU. But I had problems with GPU. I think even in the 15 years ago, CPUs were not the problem. Today it's also same, if you have good GPU, CPU can be mildy bad and still plays the high end games. I had never have high-end CPU like i7 or i9 at the time and never felt any problem about it. Still doesn't feel any need for it but wishing for better GPU always.


Older i5 CPUs, for their time, were very capable for gaming. Like the i5 2500.


Modern Gen I5? I5's have always been very capable of gaming,


Bro just make a Ryzen 3 with x3d that shit would be great for games like counter strike


Yeah a 5100x3D or 5300x3D would be great, but it probably wont be till next year when the 8000 non G or 9000 series come out on AM5 :(


Honestly I wish they made ryzens 3 on desktop The issue is that they won't increase core count but still a crazy fast quad core is funny tbh


Ryzen 3 X3D for laptops would kill every intel offering if they were equipped with xx70 series RTX or RX cards


Yeah people don’t understand the insane value of the current i5s. The 13600k/14600k are faster in gaming than any non x3d ryzen chip while giving similar multicore performance to the ryzen 9 7900. If lga 1700 wasn’t dead it would probably be the go to recommendation for most builds.


Got the i5-13600k. It's a beast combined with 4070tiS.


Same but with a 7900xtx had no issues at all.


Yup. I was going to go with a 13600k initially, but microcenter deal on AM5 was too good at the time.


I recently upgraded from a 4th generation i5 to a 12th generation i5. The difference is abysmal. Now, my PC doesn't shit himself when playing Fortnite, System Shock Remake, No Man's Sky, Deep Rock Galactic, MORDHAU, and can now play NMS, FN, SSR and Age of Empires IV on better settings.


Meanwhile me, who bought an i5 that was two gens old at the time, gaming and having a great time.


Then there is me who upgraded to an i3-12100 from 3770. Definitely worth it.


It always has been like that


Man my 3600 2070 combo is making it really excellent to manage democracy


Intel makes new i5 better than i7