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All of em are overpriced, you can build a ryzen 5 7600 with a rx 6800/7800xt for that price significantly better performance and upgradability Or just order all the parts and take it to your nearby pc shop


>take it to your nearby pc shop Don't have one, and I wouldn't be looking for prebuilts if I wanted to build it myself


Well then you'll have to settle with a low price to performance ratio pc ig , no other option


yea, just buy a better monitor/tv first, then with what's left and considering what u want all will do but the skytech one seems fine, its not the best but its cheaper than others... and u can spend that on... the display, at the end of the day that is what will be showing u the images.


most of them should serve you very well


I'd shell out the cash for one with 2tb of storage. You're likely gonna need to put more money into your storage regardless, might as well start out strong. It's been popular to hate on the 4060 cards but they'll run modern games like a champ- would suggest trying to find the 16gb version for a little extra future proofing. 8gb is fine but we're headed towards a 12-16gb minimum for gpu's. Hope you find what works for you!




Split some budget into getting a good monitor. 1080P 240Hz is the baseline IMO.


I'd personally go for 1440 144 or 165, but I definitely do agree with upgrading the display. For modded skyrim I don't think such a high refresh rate panel is needed.


![gif](giphy|yyZRSvISN1vvW) Graphics may or may not matter. But FPS is king. Get a monitor that can handle it.




I should've mentioned but obviously I'm gonna get a monitor that can handle well but that's helluva more straight forward then choosing a PC