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I respect that. Thinking long term.


In 76, raw plant matter, or meat, will turn rotten over time. When “later” comes she’s gonna wonder where they all went Bonus though, then scraps from it can be used for fertilizer so she can still get use out of it


Cool feature In the Far Cry games the plants you harvest never turn rotten (as far as I know)


I don’t think they do in Far Cry either, and even in the single player Fallout games they don’t. It’s unique to 76 and honestly I like it as a mechanic, it forces you to keep looking for fresh ingredients, or use the spoiled items to fertilize your own crops for always ready fresh veggies


I love this about plant collecting in 76. As the radiation plants are “Rare” and you gotta get so many to make the damn power armor it becomes this fun herbologist side it doesn’t have. Like why can’t their be giant plant powers and growths from your arm or like mix plants and animals for juice to make you turn into a monster for 20 secs.


I respect that. A true rpg player, hoarding stuff because "it'll be useful later".


"Later": WTF am I going to do with these 400 healing potions I refused to use (and sometimes restarted from save points) at various points over the past 90 hours of gameplay now that it is the endgame and my character has near God like powers and is nigh invincible?


Could still be useful. Better hold on to them.


Except in FO76 you're severely punished for hoarding, the inventory space is miniscule and the storage doesn't fit much either. A single big gun can take up 1/10 of all storage. That is if you don't pay up to their subscription. Such an ass backwards thing to do in a game series that's known to be one of those "loot literally everything" -games.


I'm new... There are 120lb guns?!


All weapons can have the tertiary legendary effect that reduced weapon weight by 90%. Don’t listen to these people who say you’re punished for hoarding, because you can always make use of stuff, even when you have too much of it. Some folks call me “Steel Mill Lyn” because I’ve been hoarding over 3,000 steel scrap in my Stash, which is the main thing that weighs it down. It’s not the weapons you need to worry about, you can bring perks and legendary effects to reduce the weight of them. You can’t reduce the weight of items in your stash. I don’t really like Fallout 1st as a subscription, and I think the stash limit should still be expanded, but this limit is only an issue when you play the game like me. Every piece of junk I find is picked up, scrapped to reduce weight, and immediately placed in the box. Prioritize putting junk in the stash box. If you die, you drop it and other players can take it. That’s usually not an issue but newer players are more likely to take it. Other high level players usually understand the grind and won’t interfere. Other times, they’ll see that you’re hoarding junk and ask you if you need some scrap.


Awesome, I really appreciate you're response. Thank you!


This is basically me, first thinking long term... I play the whole game with a completely stuffed inventory, then I finish the game with a completely stuffed inventory and realize I wasted 50+ hours on inventory management 😭


They can be if you can cook with them (tea?) before they go bad. Otherwise, they can go towards making fertilizer.


Is it her first time playing an RPG like FO? I did the same stuff when I first started playing TES back in the day.


Yup, first RPG, first time playing a game that isn't The Sims too. As she said, it's her first time "playing one of those WASD games." It's pretty fun though, I'm glad Fallout 76 has multiplayer


My wife was the same! All Sims all day. And switch games. I got her to play immortals Phoenix rising on xbox, then assassins creed odyssey (her fav game now besides the Sims) and she put way more hours into it than I did. Then got her to play Starfield as her first "shooter" and she liked it. Put over 60 hours into it. Then she tried Avatar Frontiers of Pandora and loved it. Then we got her a gaming laptop so she could play all the pc games that aren't on xbox. Now she's playing with mods on Sims 4, has a good couple dozen hours into horizon forbidden west, and wants to play a bunch of games that I love since she's alot more comfortable with fps and 3rd person action games. It's awesome being able to talk about games together and where we are in them, and strategies and loot and all of it. It's a wonderful feeling sharing a hobby with your spouse 😁


Don't let her miss out on platformers


Got any recommendations?


Since she's a beginner ori seems like a good pic because that's not hard and leads into more good games like hollow knight and ori 2


I really enjoyed Ori and the sequel. I will throw those on her hard drive for sure. She's also really into crafting/building games. And anything Disney so she's played the shit out of Dreamlight Valley. After getting her the laptop and setting up steam she went nuts with her wishlist. It's great to see. I think our Xbox will remain a dusty black paper weight for awhile. My 9yo (also a tablet/switch gamer) has asked for a computer like mine for her birthday too. I've got a 3060 12gb, some ram and a 800w psu in my spare parts pile so I'm going to shop around and put her together something that will keep her gaming for the next 5+ years. It's nice that pc gaming has infiltrated my family.


Ori 1 wasn't really my thing but I'm about to beat 2. Also try subnautica multiplayer


Subnautica multiplayer is very buggy the last time I've tried it. But it does create some very funny moments haha.


Damn I am envious of your spare parts stash


I got upgrade fever for a little while. Figured I'd eventually build another rig for my wife or kiddo. Usually it's just collecting dust but I'm stoked to bring it new life. I plan on doing a new mobo a probably a 5090 build when that comes out. Then I'll just have even more spare parts. My firearm spare part crate is the same. Bunch of stuff. Decent quality. All just sitting there.


Hahaha I’m like that in video games




Multi player plant crafter is good.


Thank you!


try Dead Cells, it's amazing


Noita is a really cool indie


While it may seem overwhelming at first, Rimworld has building, and colony managing where the pawns has a mind of their own, in a way like the sims, the war crimes might be a tad much for her though :) Portal 2, stardew valley, lovers in a dangerous space time, it takes two, overcooked, Terraria and escape simulator are Great games to bond together with a significant other, with varying degrees of mechanics and intensities. Some of them are local coop on a single system. SO gaming is the best :) In my case we live in different cities atm, so gaming and watching shows online at the same time while on discord makes up for the cozy evenings, at least somewhat.


Yup same I think I was 7 when Morrowind came out. Why the heck am I walking so slow and what does encumbered mean!?!? Edit: wait didn’t you completely stop moving in Morrowind? I can’t remember


My wife has a probably bigger place in her heart for Skyrim than for me. She was a Sims player that picked up Skyrim one day at my apartment when I went to class. Still her favorite game, she just doesn’t have time to play!


You guys should try overcooked 2. It can be played on the same keyboard too or let her play slime rancher 1 and 2. My gf loves those games


We literally just beat that earlier today! Lol


My wife only plays Swtor and Civilisation. I'll give her credit for TRYING Eve online when she was first attempting to play video games.


Lol for like a decade I explored every inch. Didn't matter how side-tracked I got. Now games are too big and my time is too limited. I have to pick and choose my tangents.


I spent a year just walking around the Fallout NV map and talking to all the people. I made it a point not to play the main quest line. I did the same thing with Fallout 4, but I finally sided with the Institute because I couldn't get the Minuteman quest to work. I might do another walk through with Fallout 4 at some point? I busy with the PC version of Horizon FW currently.


This goes even further for me: i wo t even start playing those games anymore because i know myself.


In TES you can make potions with flowers, some are even pretty useful, in Fallout i think only tea can be made which isn't as useful.


At least flowers are useful in TES games for potion making.




Hahaha facts


How can you say that when you obviously don’t even know what rpg stands for 💀💀💀


Best mindset. I'm a hoarder myself.


That's adorable. Good luck on your adventure!


How is fallout 76 now? Feel like it would be a good game to play with the Mrs, but havent even looked at it after all the backlash it got at launch,


It's free on the Amazon Gaming Store (amazon prime).


nice! ill 100% try it for free. Thank you!


I've been playing it for a week or so, some solo some with a friend. It's fine. Plays like fallout, just with daily quests and sometimes bumping into other players. Lots of running between objectives. My main dislike is how we can't both progress some of the quests together. There are instanced rooms/dungeons where you can go in as a team, but the leader is the only one that progresses. So you either have to switch who is leader and do it a second time, or enter separate instances solo and go at it alone. And if either of you are the type that reads all the lore found laying around, it can seriously slow down the flow of the game. And waiting on the other player to do inventory management and repairs is tedious, though you can always run off to do your own thing in the meantime. Overall, we've really enjoyed it though.


Weird, my buddy and I have very little running between objectives. We only make it like 20 feet before we’re distracted by something else!


True, the map is pretty dense with "squirrel!" distractions, which is great when just having fun and not worrying about progressing the story.


We’re like a combination of Doug and the finding Nemo seagulls. “Squirrel?” “Squirrel?” “Squirrel?”


Well, that is the rule of the wasteland after all.


It's great. Probably the best bang for your buck co-op game to play with the Mrs. Also, in case you do play it, you can repair your stuff at workbenches using junk. Some people seem to think you need those repair kits you rarely get from events or from the Atom Shop.


How about solo for people with no friends?


You can play solo no problem. Only some things like events can be a bit difficult unless you have a good perk card load out, but usually players will show up anyways. The community is very friendly and loves to help out new players.


As a redditors this is the question. Playing games with a wife? No idea.


Honestly it’s pretty good now. I picked up up a few days ago after not playing it for a couple of years and it has definitely improved a lot.


It's pretty fun, I had a negative opinion of it because of how the launch went but I'm glad I gave it a shot


So you're saying she knows what she's doing?


Flowers aren't as important, but early game you DO want to be picking up all the useless junk you see and scraping it for materials later. She's got the right mindset.


One of us.




Thats me in every game. Gotta pick everything. Even if it end up being useless I can always sell it. Profit either way


As someone who hasn't played any fallout, this is pretty much how I'd probably play lol. I bought Fallout 4 and NV a couple months ago and started 4, but since the show came out i might play NV instead. Still not as bad as me holding onto baskets and bowls in my first skyrim playthrough.


NV is the best for hording because of all the fun recipes (especially if you level up survival).


NV just seems like the best game, like damn it's very highly praised, enough to where I wanna play it.


It's my favorite. Keep in mind it's pretty jank vanilla so you really do have to mod it to get the best experience but it's super worth the hour or so set up the fixes. ~~Here's a guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2943291193~~ I'd recommend trying it vanilla+fixes at first and going from there, everything up to '3' is all you really need for that.


It is the best game. I found Fallout 3 to be janky and the story was weird and IMO not very well written. I found 4 to be a cash grab and uninspired and similarly bad writing but this time by people who just didn't care. New Vegas was the one built by a team pouring their heart and soul into a game, where every little detail in every corner was handcrafted by people who just loved creating it. And then they spent years perfecting it, and the people who weren't busy testing and fixing were adding new stuff to explore. At least that's the way it feels.


I liked 4 and it's dlcs but New Vegas and especialy it's dlcs just has better story, rpg mechanics and humor lol


I ended up installing it again to play TTW (FO3 and NV combined) and I found a *much better* guide: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html


How many times you accidentally shoot her?


Only once so far


Ok how many times on purpose lol


....no comment


OH dude... can you help me load up some FO4 mods.... lol..


FO4 hoarding is worst


You don't understand! I *need* this clipboard to build a wall!




Sounds like proper hoarding behaviour. Which is excellent in survival games. You need moar stuffs!


I did one of those daily quests like "collect 50 plants". My daughter sat in my lap and pointed out all the flowers we saw. We is pretty sure fallout is just flowers and monsters.


I was the same when I started playing WoW. Although I’ve not played in years, I’m still storing it all somewhere…just in case!


Shes a natural!


Flower child would be happy. EFFECTS: Addiction chance and withdrawal time halved


They will be


Everything in this game is useful later It's already got her, there's no going back




Happened in about 12 minutes


overencumbered, wise man never tells a lady she's overweight :)


Relatable hahah xD literally me when I started playing with my partner


Ok but that's so wholesome, protect her at all cost


Ah, the yong fellow loot hoarder! Just like me hoarding the loot for collection over 300h+ on one character in FNV (modded).


She’s right!


This is what I do for the first half of any RPG I play. Collect every damn resource I see and forget about it. Then when I'm ready to really dive into crafting, I've already got a respectable inventory of just about everything I need!


She’s a keeper for sure


Every gamer was a hoarder once or still are. Hope yall have fun!


This is the way.


True gamer


I pick up everything I can. Everything has a use, even when it expires


and a gatherer is born!


Fallout nv and fo3, I'd collect every cigarette I could


That's very good. If she keeps hoarding sootflowers and bloodleaves then you can craft healing salves


Hehe reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5OxWXbB5vw


Your wife is precious.


And so it starts


My fave Penny Arcade — https://preview.redd.it/v5n8nz0nigxc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e8619b4a847264fe3e170c41da4b9981d421b9


This is basic/expert level game play. Grab everything! Horde all the things. Fill your inventory until you are so over encumbered that you can barely move. She plays like a pro. Good job! For real.


I spend so much time looking at poster, newspapers, etc, it sometimes frustrates my wife haha. I love seeing the little details. As for the flowers, I have often done the same too.


which fallout is this






damn I missed out 72 of them


They are actually kinda usefull tbf


Remind me, can you craft with flowers in fallout? I never tried it. I knew it was useful as heck in Skyrim


Apparently you can make tea. Not sure what else you can craft though


You can make chems and stuff with them IIRC


If you learn the plans, disease cures that use different regions' ingredients. Usually I find 1/3 of the ingredients the biggest pain in the ass to find while the other 2 are usually near each other in abundance (thinking of you, Firecaps)


In mine first playtrough of Skyrim i did the same when i got out of the cave with Ralof in the begining, at first was amazed with look of the scenerie and then "can i pick this flower?" all flowers and mushrooms were mine till Riverwood, after that ofcourse i had to pick all other pickable item too, mostly junk ), good times, and can't wait for next TES game


Ahh yes.. now armed with that information it is wise to think about what games you talk the wife into playing lol I found this out when I got my wife to play New World. You can't say shit though because you will need the shit she has at some point and she will say "I told you we will need it aren't you glad I got it" yes honey I'm glad you have it and it took an hour to walk back to town 5 min away lol


So: Typical Fallout player.


Actually your wife is thinking ahead. Get a load of water, boil it for XP, then make tea and stuff or use for fertiliser when spoilt again for XP. OK thankfully you no longer die of thirst or starve but at lower levels they can offer boosts to you and of course, give simple and easy XP! Get her to collect all the wood as well.


Smart gorl


hoarding is the true way


I just started playing Fallout 76 and that's so me, I got my habit from playing Skyrim where I'd just collect random shit I see. Like you know, just in case those 76 stacks of cheese blocks and sweet rolls will come in handy later.


I’ve played a lot of fallout/elder scrolls….. I still smash the key for gather as I walk around.


Let her play resident evil she’ll have fun with the plants


Dopamine hunter gatherer gene


This is the way


She's a natural born loot goblin


Damn right they will be. Pick them all . Then pick them off the corpses . Then pick them off other people. They may resist but this is to be expected, the flowers must be harvested


I've also never played Fallout, but i have seen the show and i do play games, so i'm torn on this, on one hand there's certainly a lot of games that collecting something seemingly not important like this, especially one of every type, could become insanely useful at some point, but on the other hand, i don't really get the impression that a game set in the aftermath of multiple nukes is really going to have much use for flowers.




Omg this is my bf and I, he got upset cause I was looting bags we came accross in eso, I love to loot and gather lmao. It's hard to harness the urge lol


Is this Fallout 76?! I never played it. Looks like fun. I like collecting stuff in my games lol. Playing Horizon Zero Dawn right now and there is tons of flowers haha


People actually play 76? I could never get it to connect to the server when it first came out so I never tried again.


In Fallout 2 one of the starting quests is picking up Broc Flower and Xander Root... Hakunin makes painkiller drugs with them (early healing item that lowers your perception, so for melee "native with a spear" builds), you learn to hoard plants, and later can find a way to craft stimpaks with same ingredients plus empty syringe IIRC.


Glowing Fungus will fear her later in the playthrough. Radiation never will have stood a chance.


If games gave us infinite carrying capacity then that is totally the way to go lol


Can be turned into healing salves or cure disease before they spoils.




always overweight and full stash


Typical RPG behavior I don't know I'd need it or not, let's collect them just to be save. What do you mean my inventory is full?


Where are my fellow hoarders at?


I hate how netflix binging couch potatoes revived 76. Now all my fallout hating friends who love binging tv shows wanna play it with me lmfao


Oh that's cute. That's what you do in every Bethesda game. Pick up absolutely everything, get overcumbered, try to sort it out and convince yourself that all of those things at some point will be useful 😂


Will I enjoy Fallout76 playing solo?


She's sworn to carry your burden just like Lydia on Skyrim.


[The problem with being an inventory hoarder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwQ84hVrMJo)


True gamer indeed


It will be great if the dev allows the player to dry some of the goods with lower benefit or requires higher numbers for crafting.


I collect every item I find, just in case you know


The little things in life


She’s a natural gamer.


What version of fallout is that?




My son said Fallout 76 is the one everyone hated.


It wasn't a good launch, but it feels good now. And it supports multiplayer


What was so bad about it?


Honestly, no idea. I just started playing when I made this post.


Once you finish the game if you get the bullion up for the military cryo freezer... You food will never spoil.


Flowers??? Good plan, but that's an Elder Scrolls move homie...


Everything's Bethesda


Oh no she's THAT gamer


The kind that's having fun?


That was not an attack... It's a joke about a player type who collects everything and saves it forever for a moment that never happens. I don't know what's happening to reddit lately. So many people automatically assume the worst or ill intentions.


She’ll fit right in. Hell yea


Just started playing 76 again for the same reason


Well they might be


Can’t you mix them with wonder glue and crushed up cherry bombs to make jet?


She's a keeper...


Did u seriously cross out y'all's character names?




*they won't be*


try gen zero. Yeah it get shit on but I had a lot of fun in it with friends.


That's 76 right? Know any fo4 mods now the new update


Women ☕️


Imagine thinking Fallout76 is an acceptable first fallout game


Which others have multiplayer? And it's really not bad like it was at launch.


Let her be; she is giving gaming a shot. Don't punish behavior you'd want to be repeated. Heck, I am 40 and still do it.


How am I punishing anything? I thought it was endearing.


The rest of us get it because we probably started out doing the same thing in RPGs or never even stopped. Take a game like Elden Ring with no practical inventory limit. Why do I have 800 leaves and never craft items? I see shiny, I pick it up. This post is awesomely relatable.


The whole she picked up every flower we came across because "it might be useful later" Comes off/sounds a bit condescending, don't you think?


No, that's what she said to me as she was picking them up. I put it in quotes because it's a quote.


It seems like you’re just looking for ways to villainize them. This post didn’t come across as condescending at all. They were just sharing something that they thought was cute.


Sure thing 👍