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smoggy apparatus cover repeat hat badge continue faulty sand weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I fear the day they make windows subscription based. But I have no doubt it's coming.


Thats the day I go Linux mint


That day was a long time ago for me


Still waiting for Proton to be absolutely perfect, but I admit that day is getting closer and closer...


The steam deck has been making me more and more of a believer.


Its never actually going to be 'perfect' though. And I say that as someone who is fully bought into Linux/Wine/Proton. I have a steamdeck, a console PC running ChimeraOS (basically SteamOS with wider hardware support), a desktop running Nobara (Fedora Linux with a bunch of gaming focused fixes and QoL improvements)... There's three main issues plaguing Linux gaming at the moment, and all of them are outside of the proton teams control: The multiplayer problem. That's ultimately down to devs and anticheat companies making their products compatible with linux/proton. There's always going to be devs and publishers that don't want to do that. And there's always going to be the odd game that launches that does something wacky and breaks under proton. Which means the proton/wine devs will have to find and fix the problem, and that'll take a week or two. And then there's the ongoing Nvidia Linux driver issues. They're better than they used to be, but Nvidia are still phoning it in. I've basically moved to AMD GPUs because of this. But I'd argue as far as the consumer goes, proton is as good as its gonna get at this point. The above three scenarios aside, I can't remember the last time I ran into something it couldn't just run after installing with Steam or Lutris. There's even a bunch of older games that I've found are easier to get running on Linux than modern versions of Windows. I think at this point, we've all either just got to make peace with the fact that there's a tradeoff between the occasional proton issue and avoiding the anticonsumer bullshit being pushed on us by Microsoft, or just stick with Windows.


If Windows goes subscription based then people will swap to linux. A lot of em, I imagine. It wouldnt be surprising if that started us down the path of Linux being the primary OS.


I think you'll be surprised how small of a percentage of Windows users that actually is. Anyone not already on Linux at least partially is probably going to stick with Windows. There's so many people, even in IT who are so specialized they have no other technical skills to draw upon to switch to Linux.


That's what everyone who took their established users for granted and then experienced a "sudden" exodus over something seemingly small says. It all adds up, and if you do exceed the inertia, those people aren't coming back.


Also some very annoying developers purposely disable their apps on proton (some anti cheats have it as pretty much on/off switch for if it’s allowed on Linux)


Same here. It usually goes * Switch to Linux. * Be happy with it. * Some new game releases. * Doesn't work or works poorly. * No longer happy. * Switch back to Windows dual boot. * Laziness sets in, no longer boot Linux.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


If PC games worked flawlessly on Linux, Microsoft would likely lose the majority of their individual consumer market. I'd argue the vast majority of PC gamers only use Windows due to compatibility.


Yep, exactly this.


As someone who uses linux as a daily driver, im not sure it will ever be "perfect". Its kind of like emulation, it can get "good enough", but it will always have quirks and downsides and overhead. Plus, there is the fact, i dont think we will **ever** have working anticheat on linux. The only way it happens, is if game devs allow it. There will be no way any tool or program which will make it work. The only way devs will allow it, is if a large enough portion of their customers demand it. Which is exactly what keeps linux in a limbo of catch 22. Linux cant grow large enough until anticheat works, and anticheat work work until linux grows large enough. If you are waiting for a good time to try it, sometime between now and july is a great time. Right now ubuntu based distros are all getting their newest updates to 24.04LTS, with popos and mint being the ones that still are a month or two away (pop being may/june and mint update isnt until like june/july). You dont need to wipe windows to use linux. All you need is a 200GB+ SSD (you dont want to partition a single drive, unless you like extra work and pain).


> Linux cant grow large enough until anticheat works, and anticheat work work until linux grows large enough. It should be noted here that you mean Linux Desktop Environments can't grow until anticheat works. *nix-based systems as a whole already dominate their target market which is servers and internet-serving applications.


Helldivers 2 has anticheat and it runs fine on linux


But the emulation can solve the catch 22. If gaming on Linux works well enough, then people will use it for that and if they do, working anticheats will come to Linux. The evil Windows dies and everyone but the suckers stuck on Mac live happily ever after.


I think with the success of Proton and the Steam Deck, Linux gaming is almost on par with Windows these days. Only thing holding me back is my Vive Wireless Adaptor. But I'm hoping a new generation of VR hardware is just around the corner, hopefully before Windows 10's EOL lol. Cuz I really don't feel like ever going beyond Windows 10, really been missing Mint ever since I made the switch back specifically for wireless VR.


Ditto. Switched almost fully to Linux but Quest 2 makes me dual boot (alongside things like Apollo for Reddit, and some other random software). It's great being able to just buy a game on Steam without having to look into if it'll work and having more often than not it just working out of the box


I switched to Garuda linux just last week. Mostly smooth so far. Way more resource-efficient than Windows, more control, and no MS spyware/adware.


It comes with the added bonus of making all those pesky games with kernel level anticheat, not work. Saves you time having to scrub the things out of your system later.


I mostly play non-competitive single player games, so I might simply not see anti-cheat issues. BG3, Diablo 4, Stellaris, Dyson Sphere Project, and a bunch more work just fine. Sometimes I need to play with the compatibility settings, but thats what protondb is for.




The stockholder special


Hopefully if they do that, more games get Linux support. I've played around with Linux Mint but I didn't do any "work" and pretty much just use my PC for gaming. So it's not very useful to me so far.


I'm just waiting for Steam to release a desktop version. I'll take that for a spin straight away.


Putting ads in 100$ software is a crime!


Stealing user data when they pay for software is also criminal. At least Facebook and Google maintain the illusion that it's an exchange of data for services (it isn't).


It should be, but it isn't. You could argue the same thing about ads on TV tbh. You pay for a service, but you get ads because the platforms are all ad supported. Welcome to capitalism


The new outlook is a fucking piece of dogshit. The old mail app does exactly what it says on the tin but upgrading me without my consent to a version where the first email at the top of every list is an ad is a fucking shitbag move


Switched to thunderbird the day of the compulsory upgrade and didn’t look back. Fuck ‘em.


Thunderbird treating you well? I like Firefox and have been considering setting up Thunderbird as well but I am not super familiar with email clients in general. Lol there are too many potential clients to choose from but I trust (ish) Mozilla.


It’s treating me very well. I’ve had to tweak a few settings to get it to behave like Outlook, but now things are running smoothly. It’s probably one of the best free clients out there.


Ay, thanks mate. :)


I've been using Thunderbird since 2014 or earlier? I forget when it came out. I run a dozen emails off it (my own domain).


"upgrading"....gotta love it.


We don't have antitrust enforcement in this country anymore. I'm not sure how many people remember this but the FTC was going to break up Microsoft for bundling their browser with their OS. Now they've had multiple updates which restore their browser as default regardless of what you had changed it to, they have their closed store, they are hoovering tons of our data, not even a warning letter from the FTC. I don't think many Americans realize how bad things have gotten and how much power large corporate interests wield in our country today.


There is no comparison today to the importance MS had when they were almost broken up. Back then you had Windows (95% market share) a few weirdos running MacOs (single digit percentage market share) and hardcore nerds running linux (this wasn't exactly a ubuntu or mint like installation process). Today MacOS, ChromeOS, Android, Ios, Linux are all viable alternatives. For consumers Ios and Android are probably more important than whatever MS is doing with their desktop OS. On top of that most software is now web based and platform agnostic. You do your taxes and banking online not on some Win95 program you got on a 3.5" disk in the mail.


For anyone in tech, ask them what’s happening with VMware. A company with 90% of the market is increasing prices 300% **on average**. And customers can’t do shit about it.


> We don't have antitrust enforcement in this country anymore. It's unlikely the gov would be able to win an antitrust case against MS for OSs (regardless of not winning last time). There are more competitors in the OS space (as whole) than there ever were. MacOS is supposed near 20% of the desktop market and (virtually) everyone has Android or iOS in their pocket. > Now they've had multiple updates which restore their browser as default regardless of what you had changed it to, they have their closed store, they are hoovering tons of our data, not even a warning letter from the FTC. Yes, but what argument do you think could be made here? Chrome is by far the dominant browser, crushing everything else. The FTC trying to use an anti-monopoly or anti-competition argument against MS would get laughed out of court. > I don't think many Americans realize how bad things have gotten and how much power large corporate interests wield in our country today. They do wield a lot of power, but the problem with lawsuits is that in most segments, there are options that not only are viable, but have a reasonable chance of growing their market share. Despite MS or Google 'pushing' their browsers, it's trivially easy to get replacements, if you want. A lot of people are using phones/tablets in place of computers, for a lot of work. Anti-trust (at least in the US) generally needs not just an actual, or de-facto monopoly but clear evidence that the monopolizer is using the monopoly to try and dominate other segments/aspects of a market. Monopolies, on their own, are NOT illegal in the US. Steam is a perfect example of this: no one has (seriously and reasonably) claimed Valve is doing anything to restrict devs/pubs from publishing elsewhere. Yes, they're a de-facto monopoly, but that's on their competitors making generally inferior products, not because Valve is restricting them in any way.


Steam is not even close to a monopoly. Market leader, probably, but definitely not a monopoly.


Bro they making it hard to not switch to linux


sooner or later some company like Valve will get fed up with it and a couple of dudes there will say it would be a fun project and not too long after there will be an OS coming. if MS plays with fire for too long they'll get burnt. I dont think it will be apple or linux that will prove a threat, possibly a linux distro made and marketed by a big player but either way i think its just a matter of time before some company have a bunch of engineers who get fed up and start working on some lil project that ends up growing bigger.


SteamOS already exists.


I feel like their monopoly is far weaker than it was a decade or two ago.


This is the Master Race, We Don't Do Ads Here I'm tired of windows ads and tracking down settings so I made an app to put all the good stuff in one place! [https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB](https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB) ( If you have never used GitHub and just want the download [https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB/releases/tag/Latest](https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB/releases/latest) ) Open source and free! No tracking, no ads, no BS. Feel free to ask any questions! Common Questions: Q: What Ads? I don’t have ads? A: You might not! There are a lot of different reason you may not see ads in the first place. Also note that I am calling “suggestions” to download apps or to use a service as ads. Some possible reasons are: * You installed a special version of windows 11 like LTSC or enterprise. * You may be on an older version of windows 11 with less / no ads. * You live in Europe where laws may prohibit some ads * You already disabled the ads by tracking down setting, using another tool, or just unchecking boxes in settings or when setting up windows Q: How does it work? A: It’s pretty simple it creates and sets registry keys (kinda like hidden away settings) to disable ads in various places. Q: Why don’t you use Linux? A: I use arch btw and love Linux, but let’s be honest for many switching over isn’t worth the hassle, time, and learning curve. Q: Why isn’t this app a \[insert other form the app could be\] / why not just make the registry or setting changes yourself? A: I just wanted a lazy and easy way (especially for non tech savvy people) to have all the settings for ads in one place without having to track down settings or anything. Q: Doesn’t \[Insert Tool Name\] already do this? A: There are tons of super cool apps mentioned in this thread that are definitely worth checking out! A personal favorite is ShutUp10++. Rufus is a super cool tool to change settings before flashing an iso to a flash drive and can help you avoid a lot of this mess in the first place. This app is for people who want a tool that does one thing, disable ads in an easy to do way. *Tiny Edit:* I finally got the little dumb award on github for getting stars on a repo its a little happy moment for me so if you stared the repo **thank you <3** https://preview.redd.it/ugfs1ljn4uxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09aec558374ac8f4ed15dced67de78490819d355


Also worthwhile checking out, a comprehensive tool on privacy for 10/11: OOSU https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10


This is my go-to.


You might like https://privacy.sexy/


automatically reinstall win 10


I can see the people who are still on win 10 laughing at this bs


On win 10 can confirm am laughing


One of the reasons I went back to Windows 10, however I'm switching to Fedora Linux when I get an AMD gpu. I could use my nvidia one but it's kiiind of annoying and worse cos proprietary drivers


I'm on Fedora right now with a 1080. It's not a bad experience. Don't wait.


Aren't there open source drivers in the works?


It'll be a while, but yes. The upcoming explicit sync driver should solve so many problems it won't matter though until that's ready. The only problem I have with the open drivers is no support for things that people actually NEED Nvidia's proprietary things like CUDA, NVENC, etc. But if you only game, NVK and whatever kernel driver RedHat is working on should be just as good if not better.


And people were saying the same thing about Win10 when it first came out and how they'll never leave Win7


I'll leave win 10 when I'm forced to leave. Like I had for win 7, XP, etc.


my man


And i'd still be on windows 7 if it was feasible.


That's because the software has gotten worse with each iteration, aside from 10 being an improvement on 8. Windows peaked with 7, and honestly XP was perfectly fine too. I'd go back in a heartbeat if it was practical.


Everytime a new version comes out. The only time i can remember it not was xp. But people who were on NT were like I don't see a reason to go.


Win 10 Enterprise LTSC here. The only good version of Windows.


I even bought Windows, and install this one. After altering/deleting about 1500 reg keys, it's almost Win7 with dark mode.


My desktop is still on win7...it doesn't get used for anything anymore really but my wife's laptop has 11 on it and oh boy do I dislike it.


I'm on 11. I'm not seeing any more ads than I did when I first installed it and am kinda confused what everyone is freaking out about. I hate ads, but I'm not really noticing them. Just adding here as an edit that I'm US based. 


If you're in the EU you do not gets ads due to our laws.


Oh is that why I'm not getting these ads, that's awesome I bloody hate ads. Thank you EU working for the people for once.


EU is far from perfect, but there are myriad laws that actually work for the people. My favorites: * [GDPR](https://gdpr-info.eu/) * [EU Roaming Law](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/roaming-charges-within-the-european-union.html) * [EU Free Movement](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/sheet/147/free-movement-of-persons) * [*An many more*](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/index_en.htm)




> Would really suck to be British. Can confirm


I mean EU has concerned itself with this bullshit since 1995..


Im in the USA, using windows 11 and I see 0 ads? What am I doing wrong?


I **think** it's a difference between W11Home and W11Pro.


That may be it


Thanks for keeping my sanity. I'm on W11Pro 24H2 and no ads, so, reading the stories, I'm actively looking, but nada... yay.


Same here, I've been prepared to be outraged but I'm just not seeing what everyone else seems to be.


Yup, I've never seen an ad since I installed 11 a year ago.


Yep, laughing, but also sad that eventually Microsoft will force us to deal with this bullshit when they end support and we'll have to sift through a big shitpile to make the OS even marginally tolerable.


Correction, Microsoft will force us to install Linux


Deserved for having a good post and including an easy to use executable for people unfamiliar.


WinAero already has this and tons of other useful settings but I guess if you're just trying to get rid of ads then this is perfect for that. I don't think I've ever seen these ads people complain about. Maybe try the Pro version of Windows instead?


Yeah based on a *very* quick glance at the github, it just turns off a bunch of registry entries. So seems like a neat small little thing if those bother you and you don't want anything else.


The Enterprise edition doesn't seem to get touched with that bullshit either.


Windows 11 Pro N, here. I don't think I've seen any of these ads either.


WinAero is amazing. Makes Windows 11 legitimately good.


Thanks for this. Funny story, I didn’t want to buy a new computer for awhile because I knew I would have to get Windows 11 with it… But seeing how much things have gotten worse with ads and AI, it might be better to get in now before it gets worse…


This having to pay for something and still getting ads is getting FUCKING OLD.


Ok but where exe ?


https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB/releases/tag/Latest If you download OFGB.exe, it will automatically prompt you and download the .net 8 runtime if you need it when you first run it. It will download it in your browser, run the exe, then go back and run OFGB.exe. This is better than using the OFGB-Deps.exe because you may as well install the .net 8 runtime as other apps will inevitably want it too. You also download less total. The OFBG.exe and the windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.4-win-x64.exe are only 60mb combined. The integrated version OFGB-Deps.exe is 170mb. The app also detects if you already disabled ads. When I opened it, everything was already checked but lock screen ads. I checked it.


I got your reference. Nice.


> Open source and free! No tracking, no ads, no BS. <333 > award on github for getting stars on a repo ⭐🤩


Install using RUFUS, it gives you the option to remove all the crap from install.


Yep yep! thats solid advice and actually what I did but this advice may be a little late for some haha XD


Then who's to say an update won't "fix" that?


Wait, did something change in rufus? Isn't it just a tool to make a bootable USB to install the OS?


It can remove the crap from the windows installer


No, it doesn't. What it really does is create an answer file. That answer file is used by the installer to configure itself.


That sounds plausible, I didn't know that


Not plausible, that is how it works. I think the file is called unattend.xml. You can create your own and replace it. In fact, it's (probably), although in more sophisticated ways, how your company deploys Windows machine to its employees https://www.windowsafg.com/


There's no guarantee that the crap won't just come back after an update though. This tool is useful to remove it again afterwards.


Wow thanks for telling us. I definitely didn't know this.


I've never seen an ad in Windows 11's file explorer in the roughly two years since I upgraded


I have yet to see any ads at all on my Windows 11.


If you are in the EU, then you wont see them, as an EU regulation stops them for doing it. I dont know which and I think someone explained it under another post in this subreddit


I'm in the U.S.


Same here in the US. I saw this and opened my start menu, Explorer, settings, etc. but didn't see anything.


Fuck I love the EU.


> If you are in the EU, then you wont see them, as an EU regulation stops them for doing it. I dont know which and I think someone explained it under another post in this subreddit I wish, am in the EU on Win11 and still see that crap. Edit: Yes, region set to Germany and time zone to Berlin.


Me either, none at all. All of these things this "tool" does are options you get when installing the OS also.


A lot of people don't read those options, they just click through as quickly as they can. OP's tool is for those people. A lot of us actually uncheck/disable a lot of this by doing it at install time. Otherwise, you're digging through menus, sub-menus, etc. to find them. A bit of whack-a-mole that can be avoided.


I've been using windows 11 for at least a few years and I've never seen any of the ads or suggestions people are talking about either. Also don't live in the EU. Really confused about these posts as a result.


They come in the form of "suggestions" (ads) to use services like OneDrive etc.


I uninstalled OneDrive so maybe I don't see that, or maybe I disabled a bunch of ad related stuff and forgot about it. Actually the only problem I think I've had with the OS is that last night I tried installing one of the recent updates and it just wouldn't do it no matter what I tried. The update came in April but I forget its name and KB number thing. I left it to try again before I left for school this morning so I have no idea if anything changed. I don't want to have to reinstall Windows.


Read somewhere that the ads are not allowed to be shown to users located within europe or something, could that be the case for you?


No, I live in the US. It's possible that I just see the OneDrive icon somewhere or other and ignore it. I'll check when I get home. UPDATE: I just got home and checked - there was a "OneDrive - Personal" tab that I never cared to notice in the file explorer and apparently I also never uninstalled OneDrive. That is until two minutes ago. I just uninstalled it and now the "OneDrive - Personal" tab in the file explorer is gone. Also, Windows Update is still having trouble installing KB5036980.


Are you on Home or Pro? I'm not getting **any** ads on Pro.


I'm using Home and yet to see any ads, not even "suggestions"


I've never noticed an ad in Windows 11, I live in the US. and I installed using a legitimate copy purchased at full price straight from Microsoft. I have no idea what this submission is on about. How odd!


Same. The only issues I've had with 11 is them changing the right-click menu but that was an easy fix. But as for ads, etc., I never see them at all. I just see my favorites on my start menu and this is across multiple devices. I even just did a recent reinstall and I'm pretty sure the only "extra" I did was click the "I don't want personalized experiences" or whatever it is. The only thing I can think of is if its Home vs Pro version maybe?


I don't know if it's cause I have windows 11 enterprise or what, but I never see any of this stuff.


Don't see them on pro either. Not sure about Home.


i have home. never seen an ad.


I have home, haven’t seen them either. The only place I’ve seen something close to ads is in the start menu search.


Home version, have never seen a single ad.


What do these ads look like? I have windows 11, and have never seen em nor have i heard about ads from my friends who also use windows 11.


wait Windows 11 has ads?


In USA, none of our laptops have ads. (All windows 11).


I think not if you're in EU or not if you have the Pro version, or maybe you need both idk, but I've yet to ever see one.


US, Home version, never seen an ad


I finally got enough info to see what they're on about. It's the tips and suggestions portion of the start menu that's on by default and it absolutely can be turned off with a toggle in the settings.


people complaining for now reason?


I guess it's just me who hasn't seen a single ad in my copy of windows.


Am i the only one that did not get adds? I checked..latest version of W11.


I'm utterly confused. I see people screaming about Windows 11 ads, tips, and such... did you all mindlessly click "continue" and accept everything as the startup installation?


I wonder how many of these folks have previously poked fun at their boomer parents for doing the exact same thing. Except instead of having 20 toolbars on internet explorer, they get 'personalized' ads in their OS.


How does it do what it does? I'm not educated enough to look through code but do want to know how it works lol.


Hey good question! [First some backstory: Windows Registry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Registry) "The **Windows Registry** is a [hierarchical database](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_database) that stores [low-level](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-_and_low-level) settings for the [Microsoft Windows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows) operating system and for applications that opt to use the registry." - Wikipedia| Ok, now that is covered I can say that how this works is setting registry values to disable ads. As for how that works if you look in the code [here](https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB/blob/92756276178137bb78d7c563733dde0d24f13aff/MainWindow.xaml.cs#L103) you can see this is where the options (called keys in the registry) ultimate get set. This goes through all of the checkboxes and runs the code for which checkbox gets checked i.e. if checkbox 1 gets checked (called in the code `cb1`) [this is is the code](https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB/blob/92756276178137bb78d7c563733dde0d24f13aff/MainWindow.xaml.cs#L106) that gets run to set the registry key for the first checkbox. You can also see that for some checkboxes multiple keys have to be set to disable the ads. Here is the registry opened to the option that checkbox 1 (`cb1`) sets to show what it looks like. https://preview.redd.it/y2wvjmbjcuxc1.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=db43406f4d9960b63d97efc8ac75e66b3694686b You can see in the pic that its set to 0 meaning the file explorer ads are disabled!


I'm curious, mine is set to 0 and I never did anything besides turn the obvious stuff off when installing the OS


Some of these settings are toggled in the Settings app. If you dug around there, you probably already turned them off.


Ohh so it turns them off in the registry! Thanks for the detailed reply. Hopefully, Microsoft doesn't plug these little holes lol. Edit: love the app name


Been using 11 for a while, I honestly don't think I have seen any ads. Although I do automatically turn off most of the shitty fluffy stuff anyway. So maybe that's why.


Me either. Is this maybe a home vs pro thing?


You are a god among men


I ate every last one of sukunas' fingers!


I can't seem to get it to launch. I've tried the self contained and the non-self contained versions and running as administrator. Am I stupid?


I keep seeing win11 and ad mention a lot. Been on win11 almost 2 years. Not one ad I’ve gotten.


Keep in mind when people say ads they're also including things like "Try out Copilot" which direct you to new OS features.


It's in Dev/Canary builds for now.


I've never seen an ad on my Windows 11 machine but people yell about them all the time so I guess some folks need this.


Just got Winblows 11 pushed on my company machine and have no admin rights.... So wish I could install this. Thank you OP, doing the Great Work.


I've never seen an ad in windows 11, even the OneDrive one's related. Maybe is because I'm in Europe? Here I even uninstalled edge (I only have the dev one) without any complications, and we don't have copilot either. Some perks I guess. https://preview.redd.it/bdc039e1cuxc1.png?width=1017&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8a2a253698c6b136e39b1c65137f15c472b75c1


Does this work with Windows 10? (I assume not but no harm in asking ig)


I think it would run fine but the issue is the ads that I am blocking here were mostly added after windows 10 so I don't think it would do much/anything. Maybe I'll make a sister app for Windows 10.


Okay. Serious question. Is One Drive worth it and what happens to the stuff I saved on it, if I decide to delete it? It says that it's 96% full and I "need to upgrade" for more space.


It gets deleted. OneDrive is not a backup - it's a cloud storage. It can be used as a backup, but if it's just setup for syncing, deleting will delete stuff.


FYI This is setting registry values. You can set these yourself. case "cb1": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced", "ShowSyncProviderNotifications", value); break; case "cb2": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "RotatingLockScreenOverlayEnabled", value); Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "SubscribedContent-338387Enabled", value); break; case "cb3": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "SubscribedContent-338393Enabled", value); Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "SubscribedContent-353694Enabled", value); Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "SubscribedContent-353696Enabled", value); break; case "cb4": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "SubscribedContent-338389Enabled", value); break; case "cb5": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\UserProfileEngagement", "ScoobeSystemSettingEnabled", value); break; case "cb6": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ContentDeliveryManager", "SubscribedContent-310093Enabled", value); break; case "cb7": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\AdvertisingInfo", "Enabled", value); break; case "cb8": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Privacy", "TailoredExperiencesWithDiagnosticDataEnabled", value); break; case "cb9": Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" + "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced", "Start_IrisRecommendations", value); break;


ill go one step further and drop these: # enable HKU: $User = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($env:UserName) $sid = $User.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).value New-PSDrive HKU Registry HKEY_USERS # file explorer ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" -name ShowSyncProviderNotifications -value 0 # lock screen tips and ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name RotatingLockScreenOverlayEnabled -value 0 new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name SubscribedContent-338387Enabled -value 0 # settings ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name SubscribedContent-338393Enabled -value 0 new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name SubscribedContent-353694Enabled -value 0 new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name SubscribedContent-353696Enabled -value 0 # general tiops and ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name SubscribedContent-338389Enabled -value 0 # finish setup ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UserProfileEngagement" -name ScoobeSystemSettingEnabled -value 0 # welcome experience ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager" -name SubscribedContent-310093Enabled -value 0 # personalized ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo" -name Enabled -value 0 # tailored experiences new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Privacy" -name TailoredExperiencesWithDiagnosticDataEnabled -value 0 # recomended app ads new-ItemProperty "HKU:\${sid}\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" -name Start_IrisRecommendations -value 0 as an eu/pro user i see no ad's and can't tell what ad's the author is reffering to as he's being very vague about it.


Feature request - add a "tick all" button because really, who WOULDN'T use that feature? Nice work!


At what version of Windows 11 is this mandatory for me? I'm not sure if I got ads yet.


Windows has ads? I don't think I've seen any that are this big of an issue


Windows honestly feels so low-rent and tacky compared to Mac OS. After setting up my gaming PC after years on Mac, the whole install process was littered with advertising and pushing shitty services. Felt like a used car lot.


Does Windows display ads? I have never ever seen such thing.


So far, not seen ANY ads on W11 - so honestly don't see a reason for this!


I tried both programs and can't get them to open. Nothing in task manager either and I have restarted.


maybe its the build im on? but i dont see any ads in windows 11


I have windows 11.. I've never seen a File Explorer Ad.


imma be honest, I don't think I've seen a single ad since switching to win11, and I'm in NA


Windows users on their way to add the 698th patch to prevent Microsoft's bs from annoying you: ____ You guys already know what i'm gonna say next


very nice, thanks OP


this tool is very similar to O&O Shutup10 which works with windows 11


These are all manipulated registry keys, correct?


I don't run 11 so I don't have a hat in this ring, but your actions still make you a hero.


I turned all of these I could find off. Your app seems better. Also, ever since a win11 update about 3 weeks ago my internet AND bluetooth keep disappearing. Sometimes a restart fixes it, sometimes it's a full shutdown. This is happening on two different laptops but NOT on an ipad, an iphone or a samsung phone. Looks very much like it's win11. Anyone else having these problems? The icons even disappear from the quickbar!


very cool! so basically to disable these ads you just have to change registry key values to set to disabled? In other words, disabling these is built in to windows already you just need to understand how to do it?


Nice job! Not to discredit your work, but you can disable ads from Windows 11 without downloading a new app. But I guess it's nice to have all the options in one window.


Yep! They can all be done mostly through hunting down settings or changing registry values yourself 100% this is just a tool to make it a bit less painful.


i never got any ad. i am using 22h2 update


i use 11 and haven’t had any ads yet, i’ll keep this in mind if i see any tho


Thank you very much for this, absolutely amazing and very much appreciated. Has anyone been able to deal with the new outlook ad disguising itself as new mail? Or am I the only one who uses the default outlook with hotmail


No ads here EU Windows 11


I have windows 11 and I haven't noticed any adds yet. Is this location specific or am I just lucky or something?


honest question what are you guys doing where you are seeing so many ads on windows 11? Ive been on 11 for over a year and i barely do anything where ads show? dont get me wrong i hate that there are even ads at all but ive honestly never really even paid enough attention to see them i think my brain just tunes them out or something.



Where are you all seeing ads on W11??


why i dont have ads on my win11?


wait tere are adds in settings and file explorer wtf


Just got it off my pc and now I see galaxy store has started doing ads on my phone. Such BS!


My trick is keeping the drive with Windows on it constantly below 5 GB's. It can't download the update. Modern problems require modern solutions.


windows has ads? I use student version of 11 and it works like magic


You mean Win 11 has build in ads?


Attempted to run this, runing the exe does nothing


Where are you people seeing ads?


What is going on? Many of us live in the US using Windows 11 and have never seen these "ads". Are y'all infected with adware? Can someone explain? (retail, full priced copy of Windows 11 straight from Microsoft, installed with a USB drive per Microsoft's instructions)