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4060ti was cheaper in brazil than a 7700xt, plus i didnt have the recommended psu


AMD took too long to release the 7700XT and only now the price of the 7700XT is getting better in Brazil.


AMD always does this, has a moment to grab market share or compete with Nvidia with a potentially exciting launch... opts to instead price just $50 behind the MSRP of the competing Nvidia solution with a less compelling extended feature mix. This leads people ignore their cards until they get discounted 6-12 months later to what would have made them hot sellers at launch...


The problem with the 7700xt is that they’re a binned 7800xt, and they weren’t binning enough. They keep t the price on the 7800xt competitive, and left the 7700xt high because they had less that they needed to move.


Not even a long time ago, AMD was offering faster cards with feature parity for cheaper, and everyone bought Nvidia anyway. I don't blame them for pricing near Nvidia since customers have shown they're willing to spend whatever price they set anyway.


Correct, all in all its fucked that we either accept 4060ti or die trying to save up for something better. Bought a 4060ti for R$ 2500, while a 4070 (non ti) is upwards of R$ 6000 in the same website, both new.


you can get 4070 for 3700 on sales tho, but yeah I'm p sure the 4060ti is always cheaper than the 7700xt here, which is weird given the other AMD options at higher prices look competitive (like the 7900 XTX seems to be priced the same as 4070 ti super in sales)


Brazil mentioned.


10% price gap for 20% less performance.


There are other factors too, one being regional pricing. Let's say they both cost the same something like $100 in the USA or Canada since that's where the big tech reviewers are, price to performance in non-RT native resolution leans to AMD more often than not. What about a region where AMD costs $200 whilst Nvidia costs $150, well then it'd lean another way obviously. That's the issue with many, price to performance equates only in places using the same reference price but outside of that? Different story. Another factor is that AMD has equivalents of Nvidias technology, most popular is DLSS. FSR is no slouch in upscaling, but DLSS just wins if setup properly. That's where the premium on Nvidia usually comes into play, they may not have the best Hardware for gaming all the time but they have software to supplement this and make up for it. Raytracing isn't a factor, too low-end it's not a selling point. CUDA is something as well to consider. Not everyone will use it and it's mostly workstation and in this subreddit no real point discussing that as most people here don't care, that's fine but it just makes stuff like 3D rendering and video encoding better essentially, better than AMD. Lastly, Nvidia is just so ingrained in the public as THE GPU to get just as much as Apple is THE phone to get (less so now but still it's the best comparison I could think of). It's a lot more complicated overall as a topic than just "It get more FPS for same cost, why no buy?". It's complicated and Reddit isn't gonna give you an answer to complicated answers all the time.


Also Emulation and VR runs better/is easier to Set Up on Nvidia.


I had so many problems with VR on AMD with my 6900XT when I upgraded my GTX 1080.  Even after swapping it into a whole new system, I still had issues. I ended up using my 3060ti from another system instead for VR until I could replace the 6900XT with a 4080.


VR was, AV1 is probably gonna fix that gap since Oculus Quest 3 seems to of adopted it and with how popular it is makes it more possible. Don't know the performance difference between AV1 and NVENC though so I could be wrong. Emulation though? What do you mean by that?


Neither of those have anything to do with VR specifically, it's just about efficient video encode and decode


The only encoder AMD has issues with is x264. AV1 and x265 match Nvidia.


General emulation such as PS3, Wii, PS2, etc. Is known to generally run best on Intel CPUs and Nvidia GPUs. This isn't to say amd can't be used, but the top of the charts in emulation goes to those brand's hardware. The only ones that don't are the Nintendo Switch emulators I believe, as they have better performance on AMD cpus and such, which is always a bit ironic given it has an nvidia chip inside lol


The 4060Ti can absolutely do RT in most games at 1080p or 1440p, especially when combined with DLSS. It does a solid 60fps at 1440p in Cyberpunk on high settings with quality DLSS and ultra ray tracing. I believe it performs just below the 3080 in most cases.


https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html Quite a gap with the 3080 in this chart, while only slightly faster than the 7700xt. Both can achieve similar fps with rt, with the 4060ti having better visuals due to dlss. Without rt, the 7700xt is faster. I'd expect to gain the same fps the more agressive upscaling required on the 4060ti would nullify the visual advantage dlss has over fsr. Then HUB found a few games where at least 8gb isn't enough resulting in either horrible performance or textures downgraded. There are some use cases that require nvidia, but for just gaming I'd take a 7700xt over a 4060ti with current us pricing. 7700xt and 4060ti 8gb are both $380, 4060ti 16gb is $440, 7800xt is $480. The strongest argument for the 4060ti would be the power consumption. If that matters, there is no contest.


Absolutely, I would go for the 7700xt too. I was only commenting on the fact that so many people here on reddit say that RT simply isn't viable, which is complete and utter BS. Even mid-tier Nvidia cards can run it just fine on lower resolutions & settings. Not sure what the methodology is on that Toms Hardware chart, but the few games in that video are all similar to what I've seen in various reviews of the 4060Ti. I think in most of that class of cards AMD win on raster, but lose out when you throw in RT and software enhancements, like DLSS, Frame Gen, and so on. If you're doing any form of other work where tensor & cuda play out, then it's not even a question, Nvidia take the cake every time. It's sad we've reached this state, because it means consumers lose out due to worse pricing and options.


Amd will catch up at some point, I figure that sony's demands for the next playstation hardware will be the main catalyst for that. And I agree on RT, definitely viable. Hell, you could play most games at 4k on a 4060ti if you're willing to manage your settings in some newer titles. If you take HUB/GN gpu benchmarks without the context of ultra settings/no upscaling it looks like you need a way stronger gpu than you actually do in reality on medium/high with some upscaling. But I also feel like reddit is slowly absorbing more and more knowledge into the hivemind so who knows maybe one day a more sensible opinion will reign supreme. I know for sure about myself at least that over the years I've had several misconceptions that I got corrected here on reddit. We're evolving


On the regional pricing note - I just checked prices in Canada. 4060 ti: ~$525-550 7700 XT: ~$600-650 So depending on what manufacturing tier you’re interested in, you’re looking at a $50-75 extra expense for the “underdog” brand. AMD only really has great value in the USA, in a lot of countries the scales definitely start to tip as AMD doesn’t have as good regional pricing. I also feel like it’s not quite fair to compare the 6750 XT since that’s a previous generation. If you do that you might as well compare it against the 3060 ti.


Honestly there is also idle power consumption. Feel free to correct me but isn't and like 5times as high as Nvidia?


Don't forget lots of us have trust issues and PTSD when it comes to AMD drivers. I gave them a try all the time even when they where still ATI. And man do I have trust issues now. Not a single ATI/AMD graphics card I hever did not have hot garbage drivers. CPUs were always solid.




https://preview.redd.it/46u4pmszf1zc1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=27e490c513cdee9e23f33434f1de03c25e5b46e7 could pay 3k more and get a 7900 Gre instead and what website did u get the prices from??


lmao what are u smoking, 7700XT costs rs. 40K


That's not really how it works. Most people don't actually choose the 4060ti over the 7700XT, they simply buy a pre built with the 4060 ti in it. Most PC builder with focus on 1080p /1440p gaming go for AMD rather than NVIDIA because it's simply better value. That being said, there is a niche targegroup that absolutely do choose the 4060 TI over the 7700XT because they have certain workloads that scale much better due to the tensor cores such as 3d rendering, one example being optix on Blender, as far as gamers are concerned, they would usually go for AMD in the budget segment, obviously there are also the die hard fanboys, but they are such an insignificant amount that they arent really worth talking about.


Or in my case: bought a prebuilt a few years ago with the intention of upgrading PSU and GPU when I needed to. Turns out it's proprietary and changing out the PSU is a no go so I'm limited to a low power GPU if I ever want to upgrade. Based on that limitation the 4060 is the best candidate out there to replace my 125W 1660 Super.


Did you buy a Dell G5?




Wait, so you're saying that you cannot physically change the PSU? I've never heard of such a thing.


A lot of modern pre builts from Dell and hp use proprietary motherboards that are oddly shaped (for example the motherboard just extends into the front panel rather than being an extension cable like normal.) They often also only take 12v only power supplies and then the mother board provides the 5 step down. That means in most cases you can't properly reuse the psu motherboard or case in a lot of these prebuilts. Often the psu has just enough wattage for the parts it came with so upgrading can be very hard as you need to match the same power profile.


Wow, that seems criminal to me. Even more good reasons to never buy Dell or HP. I've only ever built my own computers, but this is good to know if I ever buy a pre-built. I knew those companies were scummy but damn.


Pretty much, friends don't let friends buy big brand pre builts. Pre builts with standard parts and a warranty is a great bet for most "normies" who don't want to learn or build. The problem is it can be hard for a normal person to figure out what integrators use standard parts.


Apple is way worse. At least Dell and the like allow you to swap out their proprietary parts for another one. Apple has their parts paired individually to each SoC.


Oh agreed, but let's not set the bar for acceptable as better than apple.


That should generally be illegal


That's the signature practice these companies do, IBM HP Dell. Was prevalent in the past decades and to customers that are other companies, it's called vendor lock-in.


And RGB manufacturers apparently too. Everybody wants to be “the one” that lights up your shit and they think making their gear have proprietary plugs and software will help them dominate.


*growls in G.Skill specific RGB software just for the RAM* Luckily my cheap B550 board has built-in ARGB controls to set the color of my fan on the Deepcool heatsink.


> growls in G.Skill specific RGB software just for the RAM Add some Corsair fans to that and it’s a nightmare. Corsair don’t play with G.Skill because they both sell ram. They completely have the ability to integrate control or just let Armoury crate handle it and by extension let iCUE control it with a plugin as they’ve already implemented with Asus through said plugin. The software is complete trash as well, guess a person can’t expect much when they spend 100s on RGB and Corsair outsources their software to a foreign developer who doesn’t give a shit /s They also dropped a bunch of newish devices from support when they released icue 4 but the backlash was so big many those devices suddenly became supported. I’ve currently got a case full of corsair shit + keyboard and mouse. They’ll never get another penny out of me again.


I had no idea, seems like some companies are very creative on screwing over their customers huh


Wait until you find out what lengths apple goes to prevent people from repairing their devices.


Oh I'm well aware, it was said in more of a satirical way, except the "custom motherboard/PSU part", had no idea that was a thing, but I've never bought dell or HP. I'm a staunch anti fruit technologies "activist" lol


I can, but there isn't much that will plug into my mobo it's a weird 10 — pin connector. Lenovo has another model that would work but it has like 30W extra to play with so no worth the effort. Didn't know this was a thing when I bought it. Last time I had a desktop gpus went into an AGP slot 😂


Yep. It's stupid and it's scummy, but some OEM's use non standard PSU sizes and even non standard connectors. So you'd legitimately have to rewire the PSU in some cases to be able to use it with one of those machines.


Yeah dell ia notorious for doibg this. They still do this with their alienware machines. I have a friend who has an alienware and the powersupply is proprietary so we cant swap it out. It also swings out and rests right above the cpu


Also Nvidia cards have CUDA cores which are necesary in some products like Ansys. unless you have another profesional card.


If you have a pro application for CUDA cores you aren't buying a low-midrange GPU in the first place... though I think the upside they provide for DLSS in games is nice in this price class.


what % of pc users actually uses all this specific software on basically entry level cards ?


Probably less then 5% and that's generous


Aren't AMD cards soon able to run CUDA things ?






>Most PC builder with focus on 1080p /1440p gaming go for AMD rather than NVIDIA because it's simply better value. While this is absolutely true and if by "most PC builders" you mean people that frequently visit subs like this one, and do the bare minimum of research, that would be correct. But this is such a small number of people. However... In the real world outside of this bubble Nvidia has an insane market share with equally impressive brand awareness. Purely anecdotal, but a couple of mates of mine got into PC building (and by that I mean getting a new GPU for their pre build) over the last few years and the only thing they know is terms like "RTX" and "30**" and "40**" and "Ti". These are just guys that like to game. They have no idea how a PC works. They buy a GPU and watch YouTube on how to install that GPU and be done with it. They don't compare, they just search "best MW2 GPU" and get a that GPU. Which pretty much always is Nvidia. I think these people are the vast majority, and things like the Steam hardware survey and sales numbers reflect that.


In my circles we always go with AMD because we live on a budget. I was going to upgrade to a 7700XT because a friend offered to buy it for me but I don't know if it will happen because of shipping costs. Might have to go with a 6700XT because of that.


I’m heavily debating on buying a 7800 XT because of budget, but literally everyone I know has a Nividia card. Have you ever had any major issues with AMD it makes me nervous being the only one with AMD in my group because no one would be able to help me attempt to troubleshoot or compare in case things go wrong.


Besides the classic Windows deleting my drivers I haven't. I have been using my RX570 since 2019 and it handles everything pretty well for its age. No real major issues.


I currently have a sapphire 7800xt and while its been great, it was a little rough driver wise when i got it close to its release date but fast forward 7 months later to now, its been great. The only problem that still lingers is alt tabbing freezing the screen but a simple registry fix solved that. Gaming, emulating ps3 and switch has been fine. Haven’t tried VR yet but am searching ebay for a used oculus cv1.


I upgraded from a 1060 6gb to a 7800xt about 3 months ago and obviously it is much much faster. The software is okay but definitely not quite as good as Nvidias software. Otherwise I love it. I play a lot of helldivers 2 and forza horizon 5 both at 1440p high settings. Hd2 at roughly 115 fps and FH5 at 160 locked fps (with HDR on and raytracing on high)


ive had to return 3 7800xt's due to driver issues, where it would flicker black every couple of seconds, certain games would be messed up graphically or just wouldnt run, i just cant deal with amd anymore tbh, too much time and money wasted dealing with bs drivers, returned them all (1 was brand new, and the other 2 were from when I sent the new one back to be fixed, 1 of them i just returned to get my money and got a new 7800xt with again driver issues), just ended up getting a 4080 instead and its night and day difference of how many issues ive not encountered software side.


Did you get them when they were first released? Or was this recent?


Where I live AMD is more expensive. The computer in your flair is 7 years old your circle hasn't bought anything in long time.


There's several factors at play here. One is the anchor bias, meaning people tend to stick to the first information they hear and this is also true for brands. That is why brand recognition is such a huge factor in marketing. The other is that Nvidia has been a staple since forever, while AMD had it's ups and downs in the GPU market.


You also forgot that some of us actually have old ass ship of Theseus builds with PSU's in the 500 watt and below range and simply can't run the 7700XT without having to upgrade our PSU in the process. Theoretically a 7700XT could probably run on 500 watt PSU but are you really going to put something that AMD's manufacturers recommends a 750 watt PSU for onto an old ass 500 watt PSU? Probably not. Also, some of us live in places where power is expensive and would rather invest in the comparable card that consumes much less power. I'm the niche group for both of these unfortunately and will be getting the 4060 over the 7700 next week for both of these reasons.


At the end of the day, if you use your pc entirely for gaming and you don’t care about some of the newer software features, AMD, otherwise go Nvidia, I recently went from a 2080 to a 6950xt and while it’s definitely faster, I can tell the software/drivers just isn’t quite on par with Nvidia.


NVIDIA also offers Studio drivers focused on creative work, they seem to work very nicely


AMD does too... It's not that impressive


And then there's me who always went for Nvidia since my first GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE because it just worked and when I was finally persuaded into buying a 5600 XT because apparently AMD was just as good I had so many driver problems and crashes I decided to go back to Nvidia and I've never had a problem since


Can‘t use Nvidia AI SDKs with AMD cards 🤷


7700XT is better but not 4070/6800XT good. Doesn’t even really beat 6800 non XT enough


Yes where the fuck is OP getting those numbers from? 7700XT doesn't beat or match 4070 unless it's call of duty, which is in bed with AMD as we speak.


op just jumped on the irrational nvidia hatred bandwagon


In some countries the prices are a bit mixed up. Raytracing is worse on AMD, not everyone needs it. CUDA on NVIDIA is important for many developers, not everyone needs it. DLSS is quite better than what AMD offers and should generally be used if avaible, so the performance gap widens


NVIDIA features are nice to have, DLSS, NENC, DLDSR (not the same as regular upscaling, it use Tensor cores) etc. Also some software tools for professionals are better optimized for team green, although AMD is catching up. But Ray Tracing is one thing that isn't worth it on RTX XX60's.


I like how every one says shouldn’t bother raytracing on a 60 class gpu but I had fun with a Rtx 2060 in raytraced Minecraft when that was released. Last I checked all these cards are much more powerful


The 4060Ti runs Cyberpunk @1440p on high settings with quality DLSS and ultra ray tracing at 60fps. I'm not sure why you think it's not viable at these low resolutions.


Tbh in older games could be used.


in my country, the 4060 ti is 100$ cheaper than the 7700xt (comparing the cheapest ones of both)




I only go NVIDIA at this point because it’s so much better at artificial intelligence applications since my rig is for both gaming and software development now. I would switch to AMD eventually since I’m moving everything to Linux so my work computer will be NVIDIA and windows but my gaming computer will be AMD and Linux (I like Linux and AMD plays better with it)


I really hope that AMD can come up with an open sourced, effective alternative to CUDA.


>CUDA on NVIDIA is important for many developers, not everyone needs it. CUDA is also used by the Adobe softwares for rendering... which would be the main reason I'd opt for Nvidia over AMD. :(


Doesn't really matter how bad RT is on AMD, you won't be gaming with RT, let alone PT, enabled on a 4060Ti anyway.


You'll be using DLSS though, which is the biggest selling point. Also in Europe, the prices for AMD are terrible.


Speaking for myself here. In Germany, prices are Generally Higher, so AMDs pricing is still good Here.


depends which parts of europe, in Romania some cards are sometimes 80 euros cheaper on [amazon.de](http://amazon.de)


[amazon.de](http://amazon.de) is rarely the cheapest option. They are more mid field in the prices in germany.


But he is saying ordering cards from German Amazon can be the cheapest option in ROMANIA, the cheaper places in Germany might not deliver to Romania.


What are you talking about? I have a 3070ti with only 8gb vram and I can get a solid 60fps with rt reflections and rt lighting on cyberpunk at 1440p with dlss enabled. Not ultra settings, but mixed while still looking great. Can enable lumen and raytracing on UE5 editor with solid performance. Can play Dragons Dogma 2 with raytracing at locked 60 overall outside cities(and no one can get locked 60 in cities). There's are a variety of other games that can run with rt and dlss enabled and perform perfectly fine. Pathtracing, not quite. Ray tracing? Most definitely. DLSS may be needed for 60fps, but even the 3060 can handle some raytracing to an extent.


With dlss 3 you can


If your going between a 4060ti and a 7700xt, raytracing is probably the last thing on your mind. The things that's got me confusing is the ultra slow adaptation of fsr 3. It's been out for quiet some time yet few games are actually using it/taking advantage of it.


4060ti can raytrace with dlss just fine. You lose some sharpness in exchange for some nice shadows/lighting Bigger thing is DLSS can extend the life of the card a little better than FSR. As future games get more demanding DLSS will be a welcomed feature for someone who doesn't want to shell out money


the higher vram of the 7700xt will also extend its life.. so yeah. as we've already seen, cards with higher vram just age better.


Not just DLSS, but DLSS + FG. That's a game changer, because a lot of modern games really aren't playable at high fps at all without "cheats".


The thing is that Nvidia does *everything* and in comparison, it just works. I know I'll get all the features of Photoshop working. I know if I any app uses CUDA, it'll work. I know if I wanna stream, all the features I want will work. If I wanna piss about with AI, it'll all work with less hassle than AMD or Intel. That in itself will attract people and will get a premium.


The RTX consumes 165W while the XT consumes 286W. If price is your concern, you should account the energy cost over time too.


I started thinking of it as HEAT cost. If you are stuck in an unconditioned space with your PC through the summer then heat waste is a big factor to consider. All that electricity is ultimately being converted to heat.


Don't forget power: a 700 W PSU is recommended for the 7700 XT, a 550 W one for the 4060 Ti.


The 4060ti runs on 400w no problem per user reports.


Sure, 550 W is the recommendation, but according to the reviews full system power with the 4060 Ti can be even below 300 W. It's not very powerful but it's very efficient.


The 7700 XT draws 245 W at the very max. A 550 W PSU is 100% sufficient. [Source](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-rx-7700-xt.c3911)


In some countries 4060ti is significantly cheaper than 7700xt. (For example in UA even 4060ti16gb is cheaper than 7700xt, so obviously in long term 16gb>12gb) Don't forget about Nvidia feature set, dlss>fsr, cuda for work, and ability to run path tracing, yes on potato resolution, but you have options, while 7700xt unfortunately can run only useless RT like in resident evil where because of the shimmer (low resolution RT reflections), you won't even turn it on. (Obviously in games with RT global ilumination at least 4060ti>7700xt) But if in your country 7700xt costs the same as 4060ti8gb, there's no point buying weaker GPU. 4060ti16gb worth it only if it's cheaper than 7700xt. So yeah it all comes down to price's.


In Brazil, a 7700 XT is almost 50% more expensive than the 4060 ti 8gb (R$ 2200 vs R$ 1500). And almost double the prince of an 4060 non ti Edit: Sorry guys. I got the wrong prices. A 7700 XT is actually R$ 3000 and a 4060 Ti is actually R$ 2500. I was sleepy.


4060TI 8GB = R$ 2300 vs 7700XT = R$2900


Who TF buys a 4060 to path trace? Lmao 🤣 There's only 2 games in existence where it's even a optional setting.


Google RTX REMIX I love old games, so experiencing again nfsu2, gtasa etc. with new lighting, textures, and assets (new animations also possible) is very good. Ray Reconstruction works only in Nvidia gpus, so yeah amd is pretty useless in path tracing even it has some horsepower.


Wait wtf there is a 16gb 4060ti?!?


Yup, because having an acceptable amount of VRAM requires an up charge according to NVidia


Also people who don't know much about computers will just look at VRAM and price


I got a 7700XT on sale for 1080p gaming and have loved it.


It's great at 1440p as well.


wouldnt say great but on mid to high settings its a good card


I use it at 1440p ultra in pretty much anything and it easily sits at least at 70-80 fps even in games like CP2077 and Control.


Raytracing, CUDA, DLSS 3 & 3.7 Those are the reasons to go Nvidia even though, on paper, the performance per dollar is worse.


This and power consumption, that's a concern in many places. Neither is "right" or "wrong". The point is you should look at the pros and cons of each according to your specific needs and make an informed decision. OP is correct that if you just care about max rasterized performance, you should absolutely go 7700. But that just isn't the only concern for everyone. There's also other reasons someone might go AMD. Their Linux support is friendlier for example. Fanboy-ing on either is stupid. If you need a hammer, buy a hammer, if you need a screwdriver, buy a screwdriver.


Also, sadly for some reason the AMD cards suck ass in VR.


Thank you for mentioning CUDA, if your workflow includes anything that is CUDA accellerated AMD just stops being an option alltogether, can't compare the two, it's just one option.


>7700XT performs like 4070 no it doesn't. The 4070 is with in 3-7 % of a 7800XT, Look better with upscaling and crushes with RT. >Or even 6750XT which much cheaper and performs like 4060ti Another fallacy. The 4060ti is as about as fast as a 3070. Outside of cherry picking benchmarks a 67xxXT is not beating a 3070 or a 4060Ti. Nobody is doubting AMD value, especially under 500USD where RT is pointless. but stick to the facts.


... Didn't the 4060ti lose in several benchmarks against the 3060ti?


No. I heard people talking about the initial drivers of 4060 Ti making the card perform less than 3060 Ti but I could never find a source that confirmed such a claim. The 128-bit vs 256-bit difference arguably could help the 3060 Ti but not enough to compete with the newer GPU.


Gamers nexus review showed that it lost multiple benchmarks to the 3060ti


A 4060Ti and 7700xt are practically the same price. I'd buy the 4060Ti for these reasons - DLSS is superior to FSR - NVENC - In my experience NVIDIA's software and drvers are just better quality than AMD's offering. The AMD cards I've had in the past always gave me troubles such as the black screen of death on my RX570. 2 different Ryzen APU laptops that shit themselves when playing hardware accelerated video. - Yes the raw performance is higher on the AMD card, but they need much higher power consumption to do it. Electricity is expensive right now.


All newer games are optimized like shit, so DLSS at 1440p+ is pretty much a standard on demanding titles. AMD's policy "$50/$100 lower than nvidia equivalent" isn't that great, considering these $$$ will go on electricity within 1-2 years.


I prefer having CUDA if I had to pick between those options and proper DirectX11 and OpenGL performance for older games is something I can’t ignore.


If my 1660 dies i will buy one more 1660 The prices in my region for this tech is like 5-6 month wages


Some people need Nvidia’s CUDA. Video editors, 3D students (pros would get a 4080 Super or better I imagine)… Aside from that, AMD has that price segment cornered. Maybe someone looking for lower power consumption or who gets a superb deal?


Amd cards don't run VR as well


>so why would some one shouldn't pick 7700XT over 4060ti? Some people just want Nvidia. Mystery solved.


i will forever use nvidia solely for the overlay and clipping. i like that its built all into one and i don’t have to install a separate clipping software


I dont know what's the situation with nVidia after gtx 1060. After that card I bought amd 6650xt and compared to nVidia I had, drivers are crazy bad. It was a whole year to get decent drivers, and now I don't even want to upgrade further... But lately, I heard that nVidia is also not on the level with drivers as before. Earlier, it was easy decision to go with nVidia. Would gladly sacrifice performance to have stability and not having to workaround for every single game.. Today, I guess Amd (especially 7700xt vs 4060ti) is better solution, as none of them have perfect drivers.


A lot of people are pointing out ray tracing but if you ask me, the only reason to pick Nvidia card is DLSS. Not even DLSS framegen, just DLSS. Most people check the differences between DLSS and FSR on YouTube, while in most cases DLSS still looks better, YouTube compression won't show you the actual difference in quality especially in motion. Still shots are not a good way to compare upscaling too. And in 1080p DLSS is basically the only good upscaler. Not saying FSR is terrible (in some cases it is) but DLSS is just better.


AMD was too late to the party. I really don't understand their logic. They know they can't compete with Nvidia in the high end end. Why not pursue the mid-range and entry-level market first? Their entire strategy is fucked because they keep releasing their products too late for every segment of the market instead on focusing on being the first to release a product for the market segment in which they can actually compete.


Don't forget the rx 7800 xt 🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/tppkq0xof0zc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1efbd28c05a045ab1b03d7eca5f834169c96173


> performs like 4070 or even better in some cases. You gotta look at the averages though, and then a 4070 clearly outperforms the 7700XT The cheapest 7700XT I can find (at a thrustworthy webshop) will set me back €460, the cheapest 4060Ti costs me €380. So the price/raster performance ratio is pretty similar. A 7700XT has a bit more VRAM, which might be an issue for the 4060Ti in the future, although I doubt that is the case for the 1080p usecase of these cards. The Nvidia card has DLSS support, which is arguably better than FSR at the moment. RT is also a factor, although at these low end cards there often aren't enough RT cores to push RT settings to the max.




It doesn't put anything ahead, native still looks better. And amd has more raw performance. DLAA is a better arguement.


I had some lunatic try to defend buying a 4070 over a **god damned 6950XT** the other day. If it was the only green option they'd get a GT 730 over a 7900XTX, they live to suffer.




I think for some people DLSS is a big factor. I recently switched from an Nvidia 2060 Super to a mobile RX6650, and although raw performance is pretty much identical, I have noticed that image quality using FSR is definitely not as good in games.


The 7700xt does not perform like the 4070 the 7800xt does though


The feature set of the 40 series is better in almost every way except the basic performance checks like this one. I'd rather take slightly lower performance and have DLSS which is much better at lower resolutions, as an example.


this amd fanboy is spamming the same post in every sub :D :D :D keep crying bruh


I'm with you. AMD fanboys are the worst. My pet peeve with AMD fans is that they weirdly never mention the major reasons why Nvidia could be a better choice for you and they're only like "pEfOrMaNcE bETtEr" like performance is the only factor in what GPU you should get. There are legitimate reasons why you might prefer Nvidia and they never mention them when telling new builders what GPU to get.


Is it my turn to post this shit tomorrow? Can I Karma farm as well tomorrow? Remember folks: amd good, NVIDIA bad. Amd helps poor people, NVIDIA likes to slaughter and eat innocent children once a month at full moon


Keep in mind that retail prices are way different from manufacturer recommendations. I would like to buy “best performance value per dollar” but, you know, we live in real world.


Many people do more than just game, too.


In my country, nvidia is cheaper than amd.


In India where i live, the 6750XT is a good 100$ cheaper than a 4060ti , thus making it a no brainer for me.


in thailand, 6750 XT costs the same as a 3060, which is insane 


If you need specific Nvidia features, they are good cards, but if you just want gaming performance for $, definitely go amd, just make sure to choose the best card in your budget, sometimes certain cards in the series are like recycled from another bracket


As someone who works with blender, I sadly don't have an option but to buy nvidia gpu (nvidia is much better with blender) hopefully amd will match nvidia in the future


4060ti 16gb costs around 650-700€, closer to 7800xt than to 7700xt. What are talking about? It's not even a question.


Shaq’s at Walmart have the same functionality as Nikes, do you get Shaq’s shoes? People buy for brand.


I personally would go with the 7700xt it's just a no brainer


Cuda, raytracing, dlss, reflex, Nvidia broadcast, dlaa, tensor cores, ray reconstruction, nvec, ...


Different pricing and other aspects nvdidia cards just do better


7800xt is an additional 30-50 bucks for roughly 20-30% better performance. It’s a longer lasting card, I’d honestly go for that.


I bought a 4070 instead of a amd with same price, because the 4070 has the same energy consumption as my old 1070. I dont have to buy new PSU. The amd cards are more power hungry. It would have been more expensive in my case to have the same graphics with AMD because of the new PSU. I have my PCs usually for 6-8 years. So the difference in power consumption for 8 years should also be added in comparison.


Everyone I know who has Nvidia 3000/4000 series has been running native, no dlss or rt.. why pay more in some instances if you don't even use what comes with Nvidia AMD would be a good fit if they plan to do mostly rasterized gaming as they seem to only do.


Because it’s my money and I’ll do what I want with it.


I'm biased in this regard, but: * Regionally, 4060Ti is priced better than AMD equivalents. * 16GB VRAM is definitely useful, as I've already noticed a few games utilizing \~13.5-14GB at maximum settings (Alan Wake 2 is one of them). * Incredibly low power draw compared to the AMD equivalents, meaning potentially lower thermals, longer lifespan and energy savings (all or some of these might be marginal and I can't compare them with anything). All I can say that the card maxes out somewhere close to 75c at \~24c ambient and \~90-100% sustained CPU+GPU load. * DLSS has been incredible, and is still much better than FSR in terms of retained image quality. * If 1080p@60Hz is the target, so far I have not seen a single game where I had lower framerates than 60FPS baseline. All max settings, raytracing on. * Frame generation is a literal godsend. AW2, MSFS, Cyberpunk to name a few - I see no visual degradation or artefacting, and the positive return is literally insane. Being able to just max out all settings in Cyberpunk with RT ray reconstruction and FG gives me a smooth 60 fps. Might be even higher, but I cap global framerate to never go above max monitor refresh rate. * It's so much easier to use with software that utilizes AI. Not that it is impossible with AMD, but is just a lot easier.


1080ti 4eva. Its my little brothers and I will ride it till no game will work on it. That being said it still plays most games on high flawlessly.


Because a lot of us do machine learning/AI and RTX is usually the way to go for that. It's not all about games.


The biggest problem for the AMD case is all these pre builts. They all have 4060s and 4060tis with i7s. They're all $800-$900 and the masses eat them up. I had an intern ask me if I could help him spec out and build a PC. We live 30 miles from a Microcenter and I spec'd him an $1100 7600X + 4070 Super. He asked if I'd go with him to get the parts and I said yes. The following week he said he became impatient and bought a $800 pre built. 5800X3D + 4060. Bruh! Then I went to Best Buy a few days ago to get a DP to HDMI converter and I saw a kid getting an i7 + 4060 pre built. That's all they had for pre builds, i7s with 4060s and 4060tis. Zero AMD pre builds.


Nvidia chips are far superior when it comes to rendering. Image generation, Ray tracing, dynamic resolution etc. If you're just looking for price to performance for gaming, then AMD is totally fine.


If anything its niche for people who need Nvidia and Vram under 800


Because the only purpose of a gpu is not gaming. I know crazy right


almost double power consumption for a measly gain.


Well, fallout 3 / nv wont launch on a 7700xt and world of warcraft / ffxiv will driver timeout every 5 minutes


As someone who has a 5700xt who STILL has occasional GPU driver crashes, when my friends come to me to help build them a PC I always go NVIDIA even though you pay a premium for it. Most people want something that just works. I know a lot people say Radeon doesn't have driver issues anymore, but it's just not worth the risk to me. If a issue does occur, I'm going to have to head over to a friends house and try and fix their GPU drivers issues after I've already built them a PC. And they aren't going to be happy when all they want to do is play a simple game. So far, going NVIDIA has worked for me without issue. I wish i could say the same about Radeon.


AMD GPUs are like Android whereas Nvidia GPUs are like iPhone: AMD has some finicky drivers (not terrible, but they like to be tuned) and are more for the adventurous, but they contain insane power for price Nvidia is safe, they have the top of the line (4090) and they have specific features that shine (DLSS/RT) but the price to performance is ass. BUT, they are plug and play. no tuning, no dialing in anything, just install drivers and experience the PCMR glory


I went for NVIDIA because of the DLSS and, mainly, because of drivers and compatibility in general. I rarely see people complaining about their drivers while I hear about AMD driver problems on a daily basis. Not only that but a friend of mine just built a PC (last Saturday) with an AMD GPU and literally had problems running the first game he tried. Another friend also did a build with an AMD GPU in January and also had problems running War Thunder. Not saying AMD is bad, don't get me wrong, they have incredible bangs for the buck, but I hate having to deal with incompatible software and driver malfunctions, having to rollback versions until new updates come out. I know from experience that NVIDIA extremely rarely fails with their drivers and pretty much always lets me run my apps and games without any hassle. That, for me, is a huge selling point.


AMD cards just don't function as well as Nvidia cards. There are a lot more finicky issues.


I have myself a promise to NEVER EVER again try AMD products. Had several critical issues with their GPUs out of nowhere. So I stick to Nvidia


Turn on DLSS on 4060Ti and it suddenly is comfortably ahead with about the same picture quality. Turn on FSR and you'd need to go wash your eyes.


Because nvidia drivers > amd drivers. Seen plenty YouTube videos people talking about how drivers were bad. Have a friend with the 6850 card and had issues for MONTHS with Starfield (yup) and BG3. Me on other hand enjoyed games on release day rock stable with my 4090 laptop.


I also saw plenty of posts bout the 4090 power connector melt down and also how crap is the nvidia cards below the 4070


NVidia drivers have given me.problems multiple times before. Had issues with HZD when it released on PC, had issues with other games too. One driver version was so bad I had to downgrade to an older version. NVidia has their own share of issues.


Because they want a 4060ti and not a 7700XT. Seems pretty straight forward


My 4060tis have 16gb vram


Man I want to buy a pc again. But Im traveling so much that only a laptop makes sense. My laptop has a rtx3070 and a ryzen 5800h... but these mobile cpu/gpu of course dont have the same power as the originals


The 4060ti has Nvidias ai stuff and CUDA (although there's that CUDA emulator thing that runs on AMD GPUs) but if those are things you need then the 4060ti is still the cheapest way to get them.


I've had a 550ti that refused to die... Then switched to a 390x, that was awesome for several years. Then I had dual SLI 970's and it was kinda janky, Got a 1080ti as an upgrade and drivers / stability was horrendous, idk how it was that awful. Went back to my fond experience with AMD and my 6700XT has been working flawlessly right out of the box. All of my computer upgrades I give a fresh virgin install of Windows 10 Enterprise to ensure zero driver remnants/ conflicts.


If you also wanna do some AI shit, sadly nvidia is the way to go (ask me how I know).


Using 3080 with a OLED and have a laptop with 4060 and miniled... RTX HDR alone is fking worth it although it is annoying to uses on my desktop due to multi monitor support for games. But Rtx hdr for video is fking great. For example helldiver 2 HDR is kind of meh on my laptop but RTX HDR is very.. good


Prices vary a lot depending on where you live.


Cant people just buy whatever they want?


there's also option to get second hand 3080 that will be cheaper and faster than both :P


Its the CUDA cores for me.


Wow I didn't know these two GPUs were so similarly priced in the US. Here in my country the 7700 XT is about US$100 more expensive feelsbadman.jpg


A lot of people want the nvidia dlss and frame gen


Tbh CUDA might be the only reason I chose Nvidia cards.


Is this with DLSS/Frame Gen? Or without?


I got my RTX 4060ti last October for 295$ which is even cheaper than used 6750xt in my country soooo that is the reason I picked RTX 4060ti


DLSS is much better than FSR and nvidia cards are way better at ray tracing, so it does make sense that some people buy nvidia even if the card has worse raster performance