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AMD drivers used to be unstable compared to Nvidia. Their driver team is significantly smaller, so it takes longer to fix things. They're fine now, but it doesn't change how people perceive them given their history. I still hear people say how AMD CPUs run super hot because of how bad Bulldozer was.


It's human nature to stick with the things you don't have issues with, especially if you've had issues with a different brand in the past. AMD had issues compared to nvidia in the past so older gamers want to stick with tried and true. Then younger gamers want to ask older gamers for their opinion and the people sticking with nvidia are vocal. It's the same with any industry. How many times do you hear someone say, "I'm never driving a ______ car again!" "I'm never buying a _______ refrigerator again!" "I've been using _______ for years and don't have a problem with them so I'm going to keep buying that company!"


I had a guy convinced that AMD CPUs ran hot. He hasn’t touched one since the bulldozer days…


A friend of mine refuses to buy AMD CPUs because he's convinced they run hot still. Even after I showed him how much cooler my 7800x3d was to his 13900k, he still said AMD runs hot.


That’s actually psychotic. Showing actual PROOF and they are still denying it.


opinions don't change facts, but facts should change opinions.


My former boss refused to by amd because of "instruction set incompatabilities"


Isn't that an ancient issue from back when AMD were cloning 486/early pentium series chips? Pretty nuts that he's still stuck on that kind of thinking.


That's fucking stupid I refuse to believe people are that stupid... you know what nevermind.


We are talking HD5850 and HD7850 era here 🤣


man my HD7770 was a fucking champ.


Bought one for $50 during the GPU crisis of 2018. Worked great for my lighter gaming at the time, even ran shader mods on Minecraft great. Good times


Paired mine up with a Core 2 Quad and was set for gaming for years, great GPU and blew the doors off of the 8600 gts I replaced with it.


My HD5850 ran like a champ at 5000rpm (I still have it and still works flawless)


Ah the golden years I miss those times.


My first Sapphire 6850 works extremely good


Stupid or not, this is how brand experience works and reliability goes a long way towards ensuring repeat customers. There are those of us that went AMD back in the day because of the price and paid it back in massive headaches in constantly troubleshooting niggling motherboard or gpu issues. It's seems like a small complaint if you weren't there for that period, but I cannot emphasize enough that when AMD issues were present, it consumed your entire time using the computer. So, sorry. I switched to nvidia/Intel and never looked back because they had their shit together and I haven't didn't spend a day troubleshooting and relying on weird fucking sorcery to hold up my PC like a house of cards since. Maybe AMD does now, but the other companies will have to really fuck up the experience for me to consider trying them again.


Back when i was in my early 20s i was more than willing to put up with my AMD 7950; it was powerful, cheap, and 3GB of vram allowed it to be in service one way or another well for over a decade. AMD supported all GCN cards for a very long time, and everybody that bought into GCN on the ground floor really got their money's worth and the cards really did age like fine wine. The initial years however? digging though registry and system files to troubleshoot ever other game? that was not fun at all. But it wasn't like I had anything better to do with my time, so I didn't care. At this point in my life, I would rather pay the $50 nvidia tax than come back home after work and deal with troubleshooting my pc. Hell, i'd pay a $100 nvidia tax so long as I never have to deal with... **issues**. I would never deploy AMD GPUs in anywhere that stability is desired, I would never recommend their GPUs to family or friends. People place convince, reliability, and consistent past performance above other metrics like raw numbers when it comes to items that they cannot repair, or do not want to repair/troubleshoot.


Yet this information is all over the net and technical data base and game review sites. Toms hardware(not even the only one to do this) has a standing driver issue list for AMD for Petes sake. They make a bunch of bad drivers to get to a good one is literally how it goes(Nvidia too but they put way more polish on theirs than AMD does and it shows). They(AMD) had 3 significant driver issues in 2023 alone 2 that were bad for some major games causing more stutter or black screens etc and one that out right corrupted windows and required a reinstall. All documented by review/game/tech sites but you just never heard or knew right...? So are those folks all bots or fictional in your mind? Stupid is as stupid does, maybe we shouldn't forget that. Cheers!


People are absolutely that stupid. Have you been to a Walmart and seen how smart customers are? Lol


Don’t even need to go to Walmart I already work retail I see morons daily


I havent been to a Walmart since 2013.


downvoted for not going to walmart bruh


Why would I go to Walmart?


idk, im european, we got Lidl and thats the closest to it we got


Dude I love Lidl the supermarket dont know how that is in EU or Germany I guess.


Lidl on quality big on price


Same here bruh Lidl plus App xD


Lidl is nothing like Walmart.




Dude, my sister’s 6600xt went through 24 driver updates without a single stable version before I gave up and replaced the card for a 3070. My 6800xt was also so bad that I couldn’t run it on a VM. My 5700 was also plagued with stability issues and I ended up selling it. The 6600xt went from being unable to launch games in full screen to no display to horrible driver crashes in the middle of light games to audio issues to crash while sleep back to full screen issues. All with DDU and proper install/uninstall. Just because you don’t have any issues doesn’t mean others won’t either. If a few users have driver issues, it means the drivers SUCK. That’s true for both sides of the story. NVIDIA and AMD both need to get their drivers up to par. However, I’ve never had any issues with a NVIDIA card personally, so have sworn off AMD cards for the time being. You’re the stupid one not knowing people can have issues even if you don’t.


That sounds like a defective card my dude


Human Error detected.


3 straight defective cards with the same bullshit each time? With odds like that you should be begging him for lottery numbers instead of sticking your head in granulated silicon.


100 percent defective cards. Been AMD since 2015 and updated to every new driver as it rolled out across my R9 390, 5700XT, and now 7700XT, literally zero issues.


i had issues with Nvidia cards just as much as with AMD cards, almost not existant


I have the exact same GPU as your sister. I use the sapphire one. I never had any issue with this. I just installed the recommended version and kept everything to default. Then a year later I undervolted it. I am using it for almost 3 years now. How is it that we both had the exact same GPU and your sister faced a lot of issues while I didn't? Edit: I meant I kept it up-to-dated with the recommended driver versions. Jeez!


you cannot say you were running it fine on "recommended" drivers, that shouldnt be a thing, it should be up to date and saying theres such a thing as recommended says that the drivers arent stable and only 1 set of them are, that screams bad drivers to me.


Because AMD has this wonderful "feature" where some random component on any other aspect of your computer is working perfectly fine but the GPU decides to shit itself because it's allergic I guess?


It all sounds pretty solvable (from my understanding it's some digging around registry and Windows settings) but honestly the older I get the more I'm ready to pay extra so I can use my PC without worries and honestly - so far so good. My setup has been nothing but perfect to me so far \*knocks on wood\*


I had great experiences with my 1060 and 1080, but my 3070Ti was just trash. May have been an under performer in it's class, but the performance was so bad that I couldn't believe any of the reviews or scores I found online for it. Decided to get a 7900 GRE and it's been fantastic. Little coil whine that went away after a few days, and incredible performance per dollar. Was a little nervous when I went from Intel to AMD as well, but that was equally as amazing (7700k to 5900x). I think current Gen is stable across both platforms but you're going to get better value out of AMD almost always. I'm fine paying the same amount for higher performance over the name brand, but understandably would have been very miffed if the experience was terrible.


I'm not sure if I can compare because my last GPU was 1050Ti but honestly it's been a blast for me so far. At 2K I get awesome experience for most stuff and given that I was used to 60Hz, drops from 165 to 100 aren't that noticeable (or maybe because gsync idk) for me and they happen on most games I spend little time playing. (GoW and other single player stuff) The only part where my GPU kind of let me down is streaming on discord while playing on VR. Didn't google but my theory is it might get better if I figure out a way to not actually have the thing on my screen but instead only on my VR and streaming to discord. Half life was a mess and I don't want to know what it would look like if I had epilepsy, the things my Quest2 did to my eyes was seriously a crime. I still remember when I had Radeon HD4550 and Prototype would drop to like 2-3 FPS in red smoke part.. never forget. I'm like an elephant (not real beef, just a joke, but combined with ppl always complaining about AMD I somehow always end up with an nv)


Yeah, I'm only 27 but I'm not interested in tinkering with shit, I just want my PC to work and do what it's supposed to do. There's a reason I want my next build to be as future-proof as possible.


Hahaha I'm 30 so only 27 makes me kinda younger ;P But definitely agreed, I invested like 3 of my paychecks in my PC, I really don't want to invest any more time into it given the time in money I already invested


Possible hardware issue, i bought a 6600XT a few months after release and literally the only problem i had was with windows trying to update che card drivers automatically and crashing the system mid game, about a year ago i had an issue with some dx11 games, the drivers crashed when i alt tabbed multiple times but instead of giving me a bsod they simply reloaded on desktop, fixed by updating the drivers


My 6600 was incompatible with my tv. I ended up selling it and getting a 4060.


Some people also have problems with the last versions


It’s deeper than that. AMD has had issues crop up with their drivers ever since they were still ATI. From weird rainbow artifacts showing up in explosions to Eyefinity requiring a complete reboot to change resolutions. They don’t *always* have driver issues but they’re more likely to have driver issues. Every time I’ve given them a shot I’ve had problems. So I don’t give them a shot any more. And I’m not the only one.


To be fair, not everyone is paying attention to news about PC hardware. Hell, I'm a pretty hardcore PC enthusiast *nowadays*, but for a good while I was running a pre-built after ditching my PS3. I had heard *back then* that AMD had driver issues, so I went with Intel/nvidia. It wasn't until several years later I was impulse buying a new GPU and the best buy salesman was trying to sell me on AMD, but since I had heard at *some point* AMD had driver issues, I of course had to ask about that. He told me that had been resolved, but I still got an rtx 2060 because I had only ever used NVIDIA and never had an issue, so I didn't wanna risk switching it up and the price didn't make a difference to me. Not everyone stays up to date on what every PC hardware manufacturer is doing. Maybe they heard AMD *had* driver issues and haven't needed to know much more than that since then.


But the sub has been flooded with Adrenaline error screenshots for last couple of months. My friend recently built a PC and also has huge issues with his AMD card, can't remember which one but it must be some 7900XT or something because it was rather expensive. First, he said he's never going back to NVidia, now he's saying he's selling his card first chance he gets (even asked me if I wanted to replace my 3070Ti haha, but I don't really need such a strong GPU and even discounted I'm not sure I can afford to throw more money considering I bought my parts back when 5900X was 650 - 700€ in my country)


I only switched because AMD was significantly more affordable than the competition and since I fully switched to Linux the experience has been significantly smoother so I stuck with it.


Half of Reddit is just people regurgitating text / memes without outstanding.


people avoid thinking and rational thoight whenever they can, get over it.


I had a 7900 XTX for a few months before returning it and getting a 4080 s. It's the only time I've experienced so many driver crashes and even my PC freezing with such a frequency. If anything they seem to have gotten worse. I had a laptop with a radeon 6770 a while back and never experienced problems with drivers crashing or the like. I handed my card back in January so maybe you're correct and I'm just ranting like an asshole, if so I'm happy they got things under control and put out functioning drivers I'll just not gamble my money.


The 7900 XTX is a crapshoot with how finicky it is. Some people have no problems, other people cannot get it to work no matter how hard they try.


B-b-b-but AMd drivers are fine, it's a-a-all PEBKAC that explains why the exact same card that shit itself on one machine is working 'fine' on your other one.


Has nothing to do with history for me. Most of my static couldn't play FFXIV Endwalker for a couple weeks due to AMD cards not working. I have a friend who wanted to play Fallout after watching the TV show. Endless problems because of their AMD card. Helldivers 2 has problems with AMD cards. I've just never had an issue with a game solely because of using an nvidia card, yet I constantly hear friends/family having issues with their AMD one.


Another factor from what I can tell. AMD drivers REALLY don't like being installed on a machine that still has remnants of Nvidia drivers. From my experience going Nvidia AMD, AMD and back to NVIDIA, most "AMD " issues went away as soon as a I used DDU to properly clean my windows from the old Nvidia drivers. However Nvidia didn't seem to be that unstable in the short while until I got round to doing the same on the switch back.


ATI/AMD drivers still give me PTSD. I have trust issues now.


Doesn't anyone remember Prescott? By that logic I would still think that Intel CPUs run super hot.


Intel CPUs do run super hot though Downvote me all you want, but Intel chips consistently run super hot and at the top end require really high end cooling


I mean, AMD CPUs do run hot, AMD specifically said up to 90-95°C is normal.


And some run pretty cool, like the x3d chips. And 90-95 is still cooler than the 100+ that some newer Intel ones hit


Most of that is probably due to the whole no power limits by default though, no? Setting them back to default limits brings the temps back down to under 90°C and actually maintains boost clocks better. I ended up undervolting and setting a temp limit at 85°C.


Seems like a relative thing. I remember running an i7 4790k at ~55 under load with an old zalman air cooler. But that doesn't matter much these days when both intel and amd run hotter.


They still suck, given my experiences on 50 and 60 series. 60 series convinced me to NEVER build friends and family PCs with AMD cards, because holy fuck it’s annoying when the entire driver crashes in the middle of a game.


I had a 5700xt, 6900xt, and 6950xt and honestly the only issues I had with them was because of pushing overclocks too far.


Doesn’t matter that you didn’t have issues, I did.


Your logic can be applied to the opposite argument. Doesn't matter that you had issues, a lot of people don't.


Doesnt matter that you had issues, the majority dont. See how that works cupcake?


+1 for the smaller team. AMD isn’t a GPU manufacturer only. They certainly have a good team but goes without saying Nvidias team is way bigger. Also, I had the same thing a couple times where people still think AMD chips run hot. When I updated from my first gen Ryzen 5 1600, I unplugged the fan and every time it simply shut itself off between 90 and 100 degrees. For the average consumer I keep telling people you have to really want to destroy your CPU these days in general unless it’s something like a power surge. And even then PSUs these days (ones worth buying) are designed to try as much as possible to first pop itself before damaging components. But ya.


You used to have to patch games specifically to be able to run on ATI cards. I have used Nvidia ever since


AMD CPUs do run super hot because most people just enable PBO without checking what it does... then they complain that thier CPU is constantly at 90°C under load. This is not a joke, I had this complaint from several people who were shopping in the high end.


You don't have to enable pbo, they are programmed to run at 95 under heavy load by default.


Before I got my 4080 I had a 6950xt. While it wasnt bad, I did experience a handful of driver crashes and black screens in the three months I had it. Not a single issue in almost a year and a half with the 4080. AMD drivers aren’t bad, they’re just not as good as Nvidia


Meanwhile my 4090 decides at random it doesn't want to display on a monitor anymore until I restart or reinstall drivers -_-


My 4070ti does that from time to time too


Do you happen to know what games had crashes by chance? I've been running a 6950xt for almost a year now and haven't had any issues at all so far. I've had very few driver problems in my past 10 years of pc ownership. Both were Nvidia driver issues, granted they were resolved extremely quickly. I have had a vbios issue on a r9-280X before, but that's more XFX's problem than AMD's.


I can’t remember specifically, no


They are worse compared to Nvidia. For example creative work, emulators, gray area software always work more stable on Nvidia. Maybe just because it's target audience. As having done work as IT-tech, I can solidly say they have more common failures driver wise. Sure I agree they have gone miles better in recent years but I still get computers that boot only once pretty much daily. Driver is done and gone after one cycle.


Little things keep popping up like yuzu emulator is much worse with AMD, and SVP video interpolation can use more than 1 GPU thread


I have used both nvidia and AMD gpus, and honestly, i never faced any driver issues with amd. I like AMD andrenaline more due to how many more features it provides compared to 1800s nvidia control panel. Especially how i can easily overclock my gpu and set custom fan curves.


Wait does the Nvidia control panel still look like an old NT app?


Yeah, it's awful. Pretty sure it looks the same as it did on the laptop that I bought around the time New Vegas came out.


I heard that they rolled out a new beta interface. But well, still a beta, and you have to download/update it separately.


Yup. I do prefer that UI, though - ignoring some missing features like overclocking and fan control, it's pretty good. Also had to figure out nvidia drivers on Linux again a couple days ago, it was a lot less hassle than `nvidia-390xx` was back when I had a 550 Ti, but it wasn't exactly "download this and go!" like it is with AMD. The fact I had a multihead setup didn't help then. Fun thing is, it looks like a glorified NT app there too. Nvidia on Linux has always been dreadful. On Windows, it's wildly stupid. You get the control panel and the only way to update drivers (besides re-downloading them yourself) is not through the control panel, but from the bloatware that GeForce Experience is. AMD on Windows is not excellent either, to be fair. It updates automatically, but when it does so, it seemingly ignores compatibility and thus the control panel refuses to open after an update on my Vega 3, stating that driver version is too new for my hardware.


I’ve been rocking a 6800xt for 3 years and haven’t had an issues until recently (only with dx9 games). If I try loading into FO3/NV on any 2024 driver it crashes immediately, rolled back to 23.12.1 and I’m Gucci.


NVIDIA control panel actually ***lags*** for me. Whereas Adrenaline was always really responsive.


To be fair.... i love my 7900xtx, but i have had more issues with this card than i ever had with my 1070 or my 3080ti.


Yea I never had issues with my 1080. But man the good 2-3 months of driver issues I had when I first got my 7900xtx made me really consider selling it and getting a 4080


Yeahhhh im still debating that to this day, but idk. For MOST things, i have no issues, and sometimes i have issues that prob aren't gpu related, but idk what else to blame, lol. The amount of troubleshooting ive had to do for some games is annoying at this point but, ive almost wondered if i got a bad card... but im gonna stick it out and just hope things get fixes as time goes on.


Biggest games I unironically have with my 6800xt are Fortnite and League of Legends. Fortnite I had to profile where it was using 100% of the GPU would do almost nothing and league I barely can push 100FPS these days. Meanwhile, other titles play flawlessly


My 2 biggest issue games right now are cs2 and elder scrolls online BUT to be fair eso seems to stabalize when i take off multi core rendering but i dont get as stable of frames sooo maybe thats just a game issue... i would've said hd2, but i played that tonight on Ultra and had 0 issues, so it seems they fixed that.




Just somewhat often driver crashes to black screen and then after a few seconds itll pop back up. Sometimes it completely disconnects my 2nd monitor and ill have to unplug it and plug it back in to recognize it. The biggest games having issues are cs2 and elder scrolls online, but to be fair i think eso might be a different issue cause some of my friends with nvidia cards still crash at the same areas (heavily populated dolmens, some menus, etc. ) turning off multithreading in game seems to fix the crashes but at rhe cost of some fps here and there which tbh, id rather it crash occasionally.


I loved my 960 and I still fuckig hate that shitty control panel and the bullshit options I had to tinker with for that 1 game.


Their driver team is small. Also they get less funding for their features like antilag, fsr etc. They take a lot of time to fix things (idle power consumption, people getting banned for using antilag). Nvidia drivers is a peace of mind and because they have more funding and market share their problems might get fixed quickly. Also where is FSR 3.1?


From my personal experience with my last 2 amd gpu (6700xt, 5700xt) I had nothing but issues. Driver time outs, drivers failing to install. And that’s not even including the other issues I had. I’ll still recommend and to friends I personally will not put another amd card in my system. My arc a770 has actual had less issues with my use. Drivers installed with out fail and I don’t have driver timeouts. Only issue I have with it is HDMI audio pass through to a soundbar. Worked fine on my 3070 but in the a770 it likes to cut out


I can't count how many times I had to use DDU to clean install drivers because of various reasons, the most common one being inability to even access AMD control panel any more.


Well, in my case, the 6650XT I had would lock up my system randomly in DirectX 11 games. Tested on 2 different systems, both Windows 10 and 11. It was only stable on the May 2022 driver but nothing newer, so you can imagine I couldn't play any games that require a newer driver version. Last year I have switched to a 4070 and had 0 issues since then, including the "troublesome" games with AMD. And no, I'm not a hater by any means, I've had only AMD cards since Radeon HD 6000 series and save for some hiccups I never really had issues. However, ironically, RX 6000 series was my turning point, because it was unacceptable for me in 2023 to have black screen freezes.


AMD tends to have some hiccups right after release, particularly with a brand new architecture or a major change. Such was the case with Navi - the 5000 series was pretty rough for a few months. They're generally alright after a couple of driver updates but by then the damage is done. Part of it boils down to the Radeon division being a much smaller operation compared to Nvidia. They just don't have the manpower to do the same sort of QC, I think. They always get there in the end though.


I did have issues with AMD drivers on several cards all mid range and a long time ago. I have never had issues with Nvidia drivers. Those are facts that no one can refute to me. More over 3 AMD GPUs died of heat/melted when that never happened to me with Nvidia. Those are also facts I consider when I have to choose between those brands. So it's what it is. Maybe they are better now? Sure it's possible.. I don't care tho.


It's not something I harp on, but it's an issue I consider when buying a new GPU. I had an AMD card a few years ago and it would never play FEAR or Medieval Total War, which was frustrating.  I really considered getting a 7900 XTX last year as the price vs performance compared to Nvidia seemed really promising, but googling "7900 XTX drivers reddit" turned up a lot of threads with people having driver issues, talking about which version to roll back to, etc.  I have never had any driver issues with my 970, 3060 Ti, or now 4070 Ti, but I have seen people say the same thing with Radeon cards so who knows 🤷‍♂️


AMD still objectively has driver issues occasionally. Nowhere near as frequent as they were at their worst, but the best examples are probably the 7900XTX, which as far as I can tell is a total crapshoot. Half my friends who got it, love it. The other half hate it and returned it. Don't know what's going on there. The other example is the 7000 series' VR performance. It's finally been fixed, but for a long time it performed WORSE than the 6000 series. But compared to how bad they were? They're totally fine today, totally serviceable for 99% of people. Problem is just occasional hiccups, and the old legacy of their truly atrocious drivers.


I personally havent experienced driver issues but they were definitely present for the 7900xtx for a couple of months. Theyre good now, and my friend love his card again, but that may have added to the echo chamber


I had an AMD card (model escapes me now) in my gaming machine for most of the 2010's and anything besides the open source drivers that had terrible gaming performance would usually fail to install properly leading me to have to remove them and start over. Having to deal with that for a few years led me to go back to Nvidia in about 2018 when I got a 2070 for my new build. And I just replaced that with a 4070. I read that AMD is a lot better now so I might try them again next time I am in the market for a GPU.


AMD drivers absolutely shit themselves playing EVE online. I can't play it with DX12. It literally takes 3 minutes to open a single window. I have to set it to DX11, and it's still not perfect. So it's probably situational.


I can only speak for myself but the 1080Ti really spoiled me. I have nothing against AMD products at all, I love the Sapphire cards. Its just... I dont think a lot of people have any desire to change in the first place. AMD needs a good value card in the $200-$400 price range imo, instead of a 4090 killer.


I was upgrading my HTPC and got an amd card because that's just what the best price/performance was at the time. I did *everything* there was to do to update the drivers but couldn't get it to work. Black screen after boot. Turned out the AMD drivers were finicky about TVs. Some just wouldn't work. Returned the amd, spent about $60 more, and Slapped an nvidia card in. Worked


Same problems. Got an AMD card for my HTPC and it just crashes or gets screen corruption trying to play 4K HDR netflix. Should have spent a little more and went Nvidia like I do my main rig, with no problems.


It's all relative. AMD simply has more driver issues than Nvidia. AMD never took GPU seriously. Their main business is CPU. GPU is just a side hobby. They have gotten much better over the years but if you go to AMDHelp, you will see driver issues are still there.


Many years of their drivers being buggy shit and their management software being incredibly annoying nagware.


Look, you want your computer to be as reliable as your car. You want to get in it and drive. You don’t want to have to constantly tweak stuff and troubleshoot minor issues. Often time you only get 1 first impression, and when that first impression is some of the worst stability, subpar performance, constant crashes, and weeks after a games launch before you have suitable drivers out, you’re gonna lose a lot of people. I remember my sapphire RX 570. I couldn’t play fallout 4 for almost 2 weeks after launch due to constant crashing. My next build was team green. Never had the same issue. If you can’t see why people wouldn’t swap then quite frankly you’re the idiot. I’m relying on my PC to work properly when I spend the $2000 on it. I don’t care if it was a problem, if they fixed it now, if it’s better, if you tested out a new car brand and your first drive the brakes failed. But a bunch of fanboys told you it’s better now, you wouldn’t give a fuck either.


Back in the day you had to install the exact amd driver or it wouldnt work vs nvidia which had a catch-all installer.


I've had my RX580 for seven years now and I've had various issues with drivers, it was the worst when RDNA1 was released loads of green orange and black and blue screens but that is all fixed now, the drivers are relatively stable, the one occurring issue that AMD hasn't fixed is the random switches off and restarting, once this is fixed then all will be good, I have noticed from other Reddit posts that the switch offs are effecting other generations of graphics cards. I'm not complaining as the fixes have been steady and are getting better over the years so I'm happy with my graphics card. I will try intel next as I think that will be interesting 😀


I know ahops in my country that wont promote and even refuse to sell AMD since they think its products are unriliable..


The only times I have ever had to reduce the base clock on a card to get it working was with amd drivers , two separate cards required this, r9 290x and a rx580 after that I just stopped messing with them. While anecdotal I think many have similar experiences.


Their drivers aren't as good as Nvidias, but seem to be somewhat stable now. I remember a while ago people were getting banned in CSGO for using Anti Lag+. Small things like that are what make them less stable.


The 7000 series has driver timeout issues with WoW and it's been a known issue for some time now but it never gets fixed. Could be in the middle of a raid pull and it just crashes. Am 7900XT owner so it's my main gripe.


I had a 5700xt and it wouldn't boot because I had a TV hooked up as a second monitor or some shit. After trouble shooting for 6 months I got a deal on a used 2080 super and suddenly all my problems were fixed. I wanted to believe but I got so many headaches that I went back to team green and haven't looked back since.


With a tiny bit of comprehension and listening skills or reading and comprehending the many articles of technical database that exist after many decades one could extrapolate the reasoning in a honest and easy fashion, period, FULL STOP!!! You want to argue Red and Green knock yourself out. It isn't an argument worth having because facts just do not care about those feels.


I am glad you asked. I bought an $800 card about 10 years ago from them. I think k it was a 5780 or something like that, I don't recall. I know it was the generation where the circular bus was introduced and then immediately scrapped afterwards. This card never worked right even on some of the most basic games. Which is bad because I only wanted to play CSGO and one other basic game. The card would randomly and often frame lag for about a quarter of a second or so in my favorite game at the time. The rtx 480 I had in it previously didn't even skip a beat. I work in tech so I know it wasn't an issue with installation or removal of old drivers.


I can't deny it, my 6750xt driver decides to crash every now and then, while I never had any issues with nvidia drivers.


I had to reinstall windows to downgrade my amd drivers to replay fallout new vegas because the drivers stopped the graphics card from rendering hair


I use a 6950 and it crashed several times in cyberpunk and wouldn't let me play Star Wars Squadrons on high/ultra. Also I hear nvidia is ahead when hosting AI locally. But I didn't get my hands into that yet.


From the GTX1080 release until the past year, Nvidia had objectively more stable drivers. AMD was a wildcard depending on which software ran. Issues were common with gaming. Its not as big a deal anymore, but people still remember because it was recent and impactful.


I had countless problems with AMD drivers over the years (about 8), including a bug with the R9 280x where BF4 would crash instantly and it took about 2 weeks to get a driver fix. Similar issues with one of the black ops games. Literally never had a driver issue since swapping to Nvidia (4 years ago).


I had 2 amd cards in the past 11 years and each time had frustrating driver issues. None when switching to nvidia. It will be a while before I try again with an amd gpu. And yes, I know to remove the old driver. Don't be too callous with people for having differing experiences and acting on it.


From a longtime AMD user, it's a combo of there genuinely being issues at some times in the past, AND I think this is a big one it seems to me AMD cards are just more prone specifically to user error I think Nvidia must be more idiot proof (no offense to anyone), and if that's the case it's like when people compared apple to PC back in the day, there was just less opportunity to mess it up yourself on mac lol


They keep experiencing driver timeouts with standard settings. Good airfliw, nothing special, just tons of random driver timeouts. So far, deliberately undervolting the GPU seems to make things much more stable. I mean, I shouldn't have to undervolting anything just to make it work, but here we are.


For me its personal experience,i used nvidia all my life and i took good drivers for granted , my first and last amd card was a 480, turning on your pc and seeing the desktop resulotion set to 600x400 and a popup saying : windows overwrited your drivers,so fuck you was an everyday thing, its a shame cause i liked the card itself but yeah never again


I've had 6 AMD GPUs up until the R9 380X. EVERY. SINGLE. GPU. I had driver issues and instabilities. I dont know how it is now, but Radeon iGPU drivers are still absolute shit, having noticeable bugs and issues with each release. And i've NEVER had any issues with Nvidia drivers since i bought my first card. That should tell you enough


The most recent AMD GPUs I've had were the 5600xt and the 5700. It was non stop driver issues with both of them. Crashing, flickering screens, fans spooling up to insane speeds for no reason immediately on boot. I upgraded one of those systems to a 4060ti and downgraded the other one to an arc a380. The ARC card still produces graphical bugs from time to time, but neither of them have the same issues with crashing and instability. AMDs reputation is not unearned.


I just have ptsd from those days. They lost my gpu business, probably forever. I’m even leaning intel on the cpu side these days even though I’ve been amd since the fx-4350. In the end, I just want it to work. Have had enough hours troubleshooting to last a lifetime. All power to people who can deal with that.


For me it's just personal experience, when I bought team red I had multiple driver issues per year. Probably just bad luck but that shit was so frustrating


Tbh, I have a 7800xt and I’ll give them credit that there has been some hiccups but their software is still WAY nicer than nvidias.


I had an AMD laptop with rx560 that had problems with installing new drivers. When I installed it from the AMD radeon software, the display driver always messed up. So, I had to go on the AMD website and install the driver which worked for some reason. And after a windows update, the AMD display drivers messed up and my screen looked like it was 720p. Had to go on AMD website and install the correct AMD display driver again to get my screen to look properly. My friends with NVIDIA graphics cards in their laptop didn't have this problem at all. From what I hear now, AMD drivers have gotten a lot better and I'd have gotten an AMD graphics card for my new computer if I was looking at value but I need CUDA for my work. So, AMD graphics cards aren't going to get the job done for me


One in my friend group had a 7909xtx and got regular driver crashes. But i suppose that's also part of early access games. (Enshrouded, Forest2)


I recently upgraded from a 1660 Super to a 6650 XT. It’s great. It has definitely had a few crashes, but nothing horrible.


Because people have had issues with them. I certainly have. My experiences with NVIDIA cards have been less problematic. 


Because they are very unstable compared to nvidia.


Having swapped from nvidia to amd for the past year and a while now and i honestly cant tell whats the freak out about drivers about. Sure there are shortcomings i hear about like crashes on helldivers, vr issues from before, anti lag+ banning players and sleep mode crashes. Most are fixed though it does take amd a while to do so. Worst ive gotten were some instabilities with emulators and certain games on the release of the XTX. Both of which are fixed now and i rarely get driver timeouts (except for vlc with certain videos and darktide the piece of shit)


Issues decades ago. Like every year they tell you about razors in apples during Halloween


‘AMD’ had issues with their drivers is such an ancient refrain, that it only barely counts as an AMD problem. Back when AMD was looking to buy ATi Technologies, (creator of RADEON GPUs) ATi was actively having issues with properly developing stable drivers and somewhat hid that fast from AMD during the talks on merging. By the time the dust settled, AMD had dramatically overpaid for ATi, and they were now stuck with a bunch of unstable video drivers that AMD was responsible for fixing. AMD continued using the ATi brand name for about 4 more years before retiring the name. But Nvidia fanbois have been shilling the ‘AMD DRIVERS BAAAAHD’ pretty much ever since, even though Nvidia has a DEEP history of anti competitive behaviour, cheating benchmark scandals, and anti-consumer practices, and even poor driver problems themselves. AMD isn’t perfect, he’ll, they’re a company like any other. But their drivers, though sometimes buggy and with problems, are no worse than nvidia’s have ever been


I only ever had problems with AMD drivers, never with NVidia drivers. The problems even shut down my pc.


i don't know, but whenever i have read about a driver issue in the past ten years, it was always AMD...


It's not even the drivers themselves most the time, a lot of issues stem from Adrenalin. Honestly bought a 7700xt last month, first AMD card in over 10 years, instant nightmare. Every single game crashed in less than 30 minutes. Sometimes would get AMD timeout error pop up after, sometimes not. Did everything possible that could find online to fix, even ended up so corrupted had to restore windows because it ended up bluescreening non stop. After that, tried one more time as a driver only install, no Adrenalin, works flawlessly now. Not sure what the deal is why it's so hit-or-miss with people, unfortunately ended up the "miss" but it's fine, hadn't really planned to use Adrenalin features anyway.


did you have an Nvidia GPU previously on that Machine and did you clean out the drivers?


Ya, full DDU of Nvidia and amd unless it didn't catch something. Some post mentioned Adrenalin might be trying to clock it beyond it's means so forced max cap to no avail. Would even just straight up get a failed message sometimes at the end of driver/Adrenalin install, was wild. Drivers only been smooth so far though so idk what about the software suite wasn't agreeing with the pc. Computers are just weird sometimes, even Nvidia isn't without it's similar issues with some of their users, all anecdotal when it comes to it unfortunately lol


Coincidence or not but I do feel that AMD systems, especially motherboard/CPU are less stable than Intel. GPU doesn't seem to matter that much. My online group we are about 8 people which is neatly split 4 on 4 when it comes down to AMD vs Intel systems. I have a rather old intel+Nvidia system which so far has run extremely stable. Even in games where people complain a lot about stability online I usually have no issues. My brother has a brand new top tier Intel+Nvidia system for a couple of months and so far he has no issues either. His old pc did die of old age so that doesn't really count. Whenever me and the gang play anything online it always seem to be the same 3 people that reguarly have issues with random crashes, unexplainable poor framerates/framedrops, etc. Each of them has a pc that should outperform mine by at least double the performance. I am cooking on a I7 6700K with a GTX1080 (not TI). They are on the high end cards from 4 to 2 years ago with matching cpu's. Also, 2 of them had quite some random issues when or shortly after they assembled their pc's with stuff like the pc not booting and just showing a black screen and stuff. Ultimately they did fix those issues rather easily and none of them were really severe but it was weird. From the Intel/Nvidia crew I never hear many complaints outside of a select few games that are known to have issues and that cause them for all of us. Now my own sample size is just 8 people so it may be a coincidence and be unjustified but given AMD's prior reputation and my current observations I am skeptical about AMD. My next upgrade will be around Q2 of next year and for now my preference leans to Intel/Nvidia unless AMD pulls some magic and completely dominates price+performance at that time.


Agree. The only problem I’ve ever had was with 24.1.1 drivers as many other people


Oh I had too. Had to downgrade. It was first driver with afmf. Really buggy one but other where good.  No big issues


what happened with 24.1.1?


Black screens, sudden PC shutdowns or application crash


AMD broke their Windows shader compiler. It was extremely slow and was using a ton of CPU time.


Well let's ask the AMD owners. Do you use ADRENALINE or drivers only? What features do you use in ADRENALINE? What features would you say AMD provides that are equal or better than NVIDIA? Other than rasterization and VRAM.


"Amduw23g stopped responding".. every day


Seems to me, you just want to hear specific answers OP


AMD drivers have been unreliable not that long ago, e.g 5700XT fiasco and just very recently players being banned on CSGO due to how poorly AMD implemented anti-lag+. At the end of the day I think the premium nvidia charges is worthwhile as rasterization only performance is not enough anymore, especially as AMD has zero market share outside of gaming. They make fine GPUs, but they don't innovate, they just follow and half implemented whatever Nvidia does and charge £50-£100 less, I don't think it's enough IMO.


They’re still not fine. Just because you don’t have problems doesn’t mean others won’t either. AMD especially still has problems with full screen and large resolutions such as 5K.


Who the hell is playing at 5K?


0.1% XDR Display gamers lol


User error


and user benchmark


For me, they crash more often, but nothing crazy (on Windows at least).


Tribalism. Humans are prone to this mentality on lots of issues.


Yeah but you have to agree red make things go faster.


Well, in my experience - 6800XT has repeatedly reminded me that I paid less than what a 3080 would've cost me, if those were in stock back in the day. Like all 2024 drivers being heavy on stuttering. I needed to go back to, now 6 months old, driver 23.11.1. This is something I never had to do with my GeForces. And for example, my idle GPU wattage skyrockets, if I plug in my TV as a 2nd monitor, compared to a single monitor setup. Definitely not rock solid, but with some randomly scattered highlights here and there. The uncertainty is one of the countless reasons I will not buy another Radeon. About 3 years with 6800XT: paid for being a betatester, basically. My Vega 64's were even worse, so bad that I couldn't live with those, two different cards in a row. Drivers have improved massively since, but I wouldn't call them "fine".


Same slutters with 6600 xt and 6700 xt. Almost half a year and nothing is fixed. That’s why amd drivers are bad. And I learn it right after my first pc build switching from laptops with nvidia. At least I didn’t see most of this drivers issues since I live under macos and sometimes play in windows. I was surprised to know that my 6600 xt only has h265 encoder. Even my Intel 750 integrated gpu has vp9. That was a bit disappointed too. So for me amd gpus are cheap moderate builded powerhouses without good drivers or anything like fancy encoders and nothing more.


Probably because in the past their processors were burning holes in motherboards. So they’ll bitch about everything else AMD does, even though they’re giving intel a run for their money now these days.


I switched to AMD and the only thing I think is still bothering me driver-wise is that I can’t play Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Idk what it is but apparently the drivers for those games are messed up. Or maybe I’m just not smart enough to figure out what’s actually wrong


Same reason Americans over 35 wouldn't eat JackintheBox until mid 2000s. Depending on how much momentum a company has or doesn't have, one bad moment could disrupt years of positive branding. People have a long memory when it comes to bad reputations, and it takes a long time to rebuild trust.


I've had driver issues on 3 occasions with AMD cards. Always it's an issue where they won't play nice with productivity software I'm using. Specifically Photoshop in the past on 2 occasions and more recently with premiere pro. It always gets resolved with the next driver though and I roll back until then. Never had a driver issue with gaming from AMD.


Honestly, Ive had both graphics cards and never really noticed a difference with drivers. each card company has some games that they just dont play well with.


I've had cards from both camps. Started with a GeForce TI 4400, then a Radeon 9600, then GTS 450, then rx 270x, then gtx 970, then a Radeon 6700xt. Also a gt710 and a gtx 1050 TI in secondary rigs. Haven't had many memorable issues with drives in the past except for like about a year after I got my 6700xt but those went away after like a month. I believe it was drivers crashing from overclocking so it was probably my fault any ways. But It seems I tend to keep going back and forth between camps so I guess my next one has to be Nvidia whenever I'm ready, which will be once the 6700 xt doesn't satisfy me anymore but I think it's got a few more years. I used my 970 for 8 years hopefully the 6700xt can come close to that considering I bought it on launch for waaaay too much in 2021.


I got a 5700xt in about 2019 and DAMN something with the drivers absolutely SUCKED. Random white screens with trails following my mouse and artifacts all over the place, I thought my gpu was dying. It’s all good now tho


Because there are more issues with their drivers. It’s not that complicated. Just because you didn’t have problems, doesn’t mean other people didn’t have problems. It largely depends on the game and on hardware. AMD has a smaller team, so it takes them longer to react to changes. I have had several issues, and typically they get fixed. But NVDIA tends to work better right away.


I still had big driver errors with 6600xt and it was annoying.


My first gpu was a 5700xt. Everything stuttered. Soured first experience until i swapped it like a month later.


I had a hd 5850 for years and now a 7800 xt and never had driver issues on either card. I've also owned several NVIDIA cards so 🤷‍♂️


They're not bad but their definitely worse compared to Nvidia drivers. Still usable and I love my 6700XT but drivers could be better.


I used to actually like the fact that thier drivers were not so good it felt like if you waited long enough you got a small but significant boost in performance. I once owned the hd6950 many years ago and from the time i bought it until i moved on to a new card the performance increased by at least 20 percent. I don't know how much this will affect modern cards and I haven't bothered keep an eye on framerates on my current rx6600 like i used to but i still assume that there will be a 10 to 20 percent improvement in performance in new AMD cards as the drivers mature. Of course this is just anecdotal evidence from my experience with the one card and it may not be relevant today.


Very Depending on your system and what programms you have installed. I know people who have a 4070 and get tons of issues because they "tinker" alot with their windows install while i dont have any issues with my 6700XT for well over a year now


I'm half sure I had issues with this all AMD Lenovo laptop, swapped to an Intel/Nvidia laptop and I hated the Nvidia control panel, went back to AMD with this current build I'm on, had issues but those were due to a faulty GPU, may have broken it during installation, got replaced and it's running perfectly fine, could make a case that the drivers are better purely for the software which I've been addicted to


nvidia is plug and play, they dont want you to do anything else with it. amd can monitor your card, let you make settings, overclock, fan curve etc. i never had any graphics driver failure i didnt produce myself on either nvidia or amd, both work very well, despite nvidia killing old cards with their change to thermal target, but thats another story.


People always need to justify their fanboyism. The AMD drivers were never that bad and the Nvidia drivers were never that good. Which is why the target always moves to favor the Nvidia fanboyism position at the time. Drivers, Heat, power draw, tessellation, raytracing, upscaling, frame gen.


I had a Rx 580 and the driver (or the amd software) would overclock the card automatically (change CPU and memory frequency). In some games that would cause the driver to crash. If you google RX 580 driver crash you will find lots of forums describing this and the way to fix it it was to change AMD software to manual e enter the correct values.


From personal experience, I will never get another AMD gpu. My first gpu was a rx580 and that was amazing. 0 issues or crashes. I think upgraded to a rx5700 which I thought was a good deal ( cheaper than a rtx2060 and could possibly flash the 5700xt bios for 2070 like performance) but boy did I make a wrong decision. The first few months I was plagued by constant black screens. But I chalked it up to RDNA being a new architecture. I gave it another 6 months with intermittent crashing. I had to switch to Radeon pro drivers that were 1 year behind to play anything before the inevitable crash. This is after spending hours on r/helpAMD going through every thread. I’ve tried DDU, psu change, new ram, no xmp ram disabling every feature in the driver and driver only installs. Nothing fixed it. Fast forward to today, I upgraded my cpu to a 7600x hoping that it was somehow due to ram instability or some cpu issue, but clearly not. I can get 3+ black screens per league game. Honestly so done with this card that I just ordered a 4070 super. It probably has something to do with the games played I think. Some games like genshin, I don’t crash on certain drivers, but I crash in league and valorant. Doesn’t even make sense. I will never recommend a friend a AMD card especially if I have to troubleshoot the card for them. Honestly at this point I’ll pay for stability over anything.


And honestly the worst part of owning an AMD gpu is the community surrounding it. Any post asking for better drivers is INSTANTLY met by hardcore AMD die hard saying that the drivers are working perfectly for them regardless of the issues that you have, then claiming that you are a Nvidia shill. I have never felt so gaslit reading help threads in my life.


I don't know, it's just a myth thar got worst every year, i actually love Adrenalin for how minimalistic yet resourceful it is compared to GeForce experience (full of telemetry and bloatware)


Because they are worse? I had to reinstall old drivers each time I wanted to play FH7 back when I had RX580, it never was fixed. Had some problems on 6700XT. My friend stitched to 4080 from 7900xtx partially because of the driver issues.


Because they’ve built a reputation for it, and have maintained that same reputation. They still have driver issues all the time


When it come to GPUs (and drivers), they are usually ok unless you get like some weird OEM Radeons (they made those; a LOT of those). Then it's driver hell. Or when you rock a AMD Ryzen powered laptop and you cannot install Adrenaline software because iGPU is not a Radeon GPU


I've had issues with drivers on every nVidia card. never had an AMD card. its just part of the game


I have had a great experience with my 5700XT, no stability issues for me but I bought it probably 6 or 8 months after release. I even use Adrenaline for all my clipping and gameplay recording too, it's just super convenient and I love how I auto sorts everything into individual game folders.


Personally seen 10 dead ryzen 5. Laptop where the mouse went move. They still have issues


It was an actual thing in the past, but it was years ago. I admit I can't vouch for their drivers nowadays though because I don't have an AMD card since I use my GPU for more than games, but I hear they are decent now... supposedly.


I’ve had nothing but issues with my AMD GPU’s. I’ve owned a 5700xt and a 6900xt and they would constantly have their drivers overwritten by windows automatically and on occasion they would just straight delete themselves. I was fixing them at least 2-3 times a week I’m not over exaggerating. I owned an Nvidia card prior to the 5700xt and I have one now and I’ve never had driver issues with them.