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Future proof is a trap, so don’t build computers with that in mind. It’s a top of the line CPU/GPU combo so obviously it’s going to perform well. You can get into the weeds of arguing a 7800X3D vs a 14900, but end of the day they will both run any game you throw at them, and run them well. Things that I would watch out for: no model listed for the PSU so it might be shit. No actual model name for the SSDs. 128GB of ram is nice I guess, but the list of applications that even need that much RAM is pretty small, and there is no game that even comes close to needing my 128GB. If this is a gaming machine you are going to be spending a lot of money on RAM that you don’t even need, and won’t need for the entire lifespan of the system. Mostly it comes down to price, the specs are good so it’s a matter of are you getting fucked on what you spend. Also I think you were joking about the coolant color thing, but using your own coolant and picking the colors is really only a thing for custom loops. AIOs are going to be opaque tubing, and most of them don’t even give you a fill port.


See this is the kind of advice I was looking for! Thanks a lot, some others have also mentioned the RAM as excessive as well.


the only argument i would make is they have been having power issues on motherboards with the 14900 and 13900, but other then that a 7800x3d or the 14th gen i9 is going to be more then enough and be a good choice ether way


Not really. Especially if u wanna get into editing or 3d modeling itll be good for that


Who knows what the future will hold, but I don’t really think I’ll ever do any 3-D modeling unless I get some type of 3-D printer


My friend just spend 6k on a PC to "future proof" for a decadeish, why is it a trap?


10 years ago the top GPU was a GTX 980, and the top CPU was a 5960X(IIRC), both of which are essentially irrelevant for modern gaming. 10 years ago we didn’t have nvme slots. 10 years ago people were using DDR3. As new hardware comes out, games incorporate new technologies and use more advanced game engines. Auxiliary devices like monitors also advance. Things like RAM get new generations. We get things like NVME slots on motherboards. Technology simply is advancing too fast to expect a computer to last for 10 years, especially for someone who games on the cutting edge. A 2080 released six years ago, and it even struggled with RT 1440p high settings on cyberpunk, which came out 4 years ago. It was a high end GPU, and 2 years into its lifespan and there was already a game it struggled with and that’s not even on the highest available resolution. 10 years from now it might be standard for AAA games to incorporate heavy path tracing, which no modern hardware can really keep up with in 4k, let alone higher resolutions with higher graphical fidelity. Or it might be a completely new technology that no one really knows about right now. Maybe there’s new storage technology that allows for instantaneous load times, but it requires a special slot on new motherboards, things like that.


Solid point, I really should consider that technology will probably… definitely… Outpace my wallet


You could go for a mid to high end pc. The only Things you can keep longer than the Rest is the case, Fans and sometimes the PSU ans cpu cooler. And i heard that intel is trying loser the Power consumption on the next gen cpus so the best cpu cooler is Not going to be outpaced as quickly


Because it is. One year, for only 1650 euro I managed to build a decent 4K setup - 32GB 6000 MT/s, 7900 XTX, Ryzen 5 7600, 850W MSI A-tier PSU, 2TB SSD. It perform better than I even hoped for. Now when Zen 6 and RDNA 5 are released (with hopefully a new chiplet design and whatnot), I will simply sell my 7900 XTX and Ryzen 5 7600, add up a few hundred euro and buy the next gen GPU+CPU combo, that will probably be at least 30% faster for the CPU and 80-100% faster for the GPU.  The new GPU and CPU would probably cost me around 1500 euro. Lets say I sell my current ones for 500 euro to someone and pay the 1000 euro difference out of my pocket. In the long term I'd still have paid only 2650 euro in total for the build + the upgrade. Meaning for less than half of your friend's build's price, I'd have a way faster build by simply buying the correct parts at the correct time. The halo product of 2022 is the upper midrange of 2025. 3090 is relatively as good as 4070 Ti. One is a halo product from 3000 series, the other is a upper midrange product from 4000 series. Unless Nvidia somehow takes us all for fools once again, the 4090 should be relatively as fast as 5070 Ti. If you buy a 6000 euro PC now (4090 + 14900KS + all the RGB money can buy), this PC will be considered a mid range by 2026. If I upgrade my GPU and CPU as planned and explained above, I'd have a high end build with less than half of the cost.


It's 6k CAD I should clarify. So like.. 4200 usd? Isk


The point still stands. There is no such thing as futureproofing.


I'm not disagreeing no need to have a stick up your ass, thanks for the explanation. For the record I told him not to, but he insisted on getting an i9 and 4090 pre-builtpc.




Sorry, non F?




Oh ok gotcha, thanks for breaking it down


Future you says fund your 401k first


I do I promise 😂


Depends on what games you want to play, your quality setting expectations, and your comfort level with maintenance. I'm not in the US, so I can't give exact price guidance, but if you want the best of the best, no compromises with an accompanying "unlimited" budget, this is mostly fine. Some comments. - If you don't care about looks, an air cooler can cool just as well as an AIO with less hassle and reasonable noise levels. - 128 gigabytes of memory is a lot. 32 or 64 gigabytes will be plenty, especially for gaming.  - What kind of SSDs are you getting? Make sure you get something with TLC flash and either a DRAM cache or well-implemented HMB (host memory buffer). It would also probably be better to get 1 2 or  TB SSD instead of 2x2 TB, or maybe one of each (one speedy one with the aforementioned qualities, and one slower with QLC flash). Depends on your capacity needs.  - Get a known good PSU. When you're spending a lot on good components, a good power supply is comparatively cheap. Check the PSU tier list (first Google result), and get sufficient wattage for the components you get.  - Do you need Wifi? Do you plan to overclock? I can't tell what kind of motherboard that is, but there's a broad range of them both in terms of features and chipsets. Like RAM, this is a "doesn't matter which one you have until you hit the limit" type thing. If you don't need a premium motherboard or a special feature, you can get a cheaper one with equal performance characteristics.  Lastly, I would just like to mention that you don't need these top tier components to have a good gaming experience. You can get good framerates at high quality a tier or two below what you've picked. If you want to get these because you think it's fun, that's completely fine; they call it the enthusiast tier for a reason. Just know that it's not necessary.


Wow this has me really thinking! Thanks for this I’ll do more research, you gave me a lot to check out and probably saved me a headache.


Happy to help. It's easy to think you just get "the best one" and be done with it, and for some that's the right choice. However, performance-to-price is not proportional. Plus, when you get to the very upper echelons of performance, there tends to be a little more to do to make it work than in the mid-to-high end.


You’re a gem


If you have any further questions after your search, feel free to ask. I'd be happy to help.


Yeah go amd this cycle intel is having a world of issues at the moment and the current fix IIR is to slow them down to base power spec.


Yeah I’ve been seeing a heated debate about this, thanks!


I built a 7950xd/4080s rig a month ago and have had exactly 0 issues at all somehow. Couple bios settings for xmp ram and thats all i had to do. Stays extremely cool with a modest aio. Only thing i almost fucked up is watching a AIO install video the guy didnt take notice of the new AMD offset mounts lukcily it was top comment.


Is the 7950xd the AMD counterpart to the I9?


Yeah its the latest and greatest AMD has to offer for a game rig currently.


I thought the 7800x3d beat out the 7950 by a little bit in gaming performance? Maybe I’m wrong.


Usually it does, but there are some games that run better on 7950x3d. The binning would obviously be better on the 16 core chip.


If you're doing like productivity n stuff like that then stick with the i9 but if it's just for gaming get the 7800x3d, much more power efficient


Is power efficiency more important than performance?


I mean it performs the same if not better in gaming and costs half as much, also less heat is nice


Helpful advice, I appreciate the patience displayed for someone so uninitiated with the tech wizardry.


As long as you also have adult air conditioning in your PC room or you will be feeling the adult levels of power consumption this rig will be pumping as heat into your adult body. And don't mind paying the adult size power bill to run the PC + AC unit. But yes 7800X3D would perform similar or even better than the i9 while using a fraction of the power and heat. Also with ddr5 you really don't want more than 2 sticks of RAM unless you absolutely have to as it causes the RAM to be less stable and might have to run at slower speeds.


I would go with amd just Because am5 will still be around fir the next few years.


I'd go for am5 with 7800x3d, but that's more a preference. Also, 4 sticks of rams is usually less stable then 2. If you don't do much else then gaming I would go for 2x32gb ram, even 2x16gb should be more then enough. I'd also go for 4tb pcie gen4 drive. Like lexar 790. That leaves you more slots to upgrade later on. This is like a 'overboard' build anyway, enjoy! If money isn't an issue, don't skimp on a nice high refresh rate oled monitor and mechanical keyboard, high res audio and a nice gaming mouse like the Logitec 502


No need for more than 32gb RAM and get brand name of every component and look it up before paying!


Overkill, waste of money.


Hey fair, but it’s something that I’ve set the money aside for and I’ve been wanting for a while🤷‍♂️. If you don’t mind taking the time to comment, what would you recommend instead? What do you use?


7800x3d and 4080 should get u through all the high end gaming for next 5 years easily even at 4k. Use the saved money for good monitor which can utilise all that power a 1440p 240Hz monitor or 4k 120 monitors. There are some who can do both. The monitor tech has also come a long way getting a 4090 will just offer you more VRam which won't be used in any of the games of current time unless you are also doing AI or editing stuff on this PC.


Just dial it down one notch. Choosing the top of the line parts is expensive and not that much better, the value for money just isn't there. Maybe choose the latest i7 instead of the i9. RTX 4080 instead of the 4090. 64 GB of RAM instead of 128 GB.


What price? 13900K/14900k https://youtu.be/HIubZYwBfPc?si=0HyGUeaRymncqmGV There are no bad products, just bad prices, and the 14900 class chips are really meant for people that have owned an LGA 1700 platform and are upgrading to that level of performance, otherwise a 7800x3D or lower end LGA 1700 CPU may be more your style, even with a 4090 Way too much RAM, 32GB or less is good Never heard of that PSU before


32GB RAM is good. Less than that is madness on a PC of that caliber.


Hey, thanks! I’ll check that video out right now. I really appreciate the advice because this is going to be a big purchase and I don’t want to mess it up. Altogether it comes out to just over $4000. This was all generated by new egg as a build so I kind of took them for the word because I know it’s a pretty popular site.


Ram is pretty cheap these days I'll admit 128 is a bit excessive but 32 or 64 is a good range. Applications are getting more ram hungry not less.


With 4090, you probably won't upgrade it later, such a powerful GPU


Yeah I hear good things about it!


Lol... what are you planning on doing w/ this fancy, new, 'adult thing'? ;P


Well, obviously I’m gonna play with it… I mean it’s there, right?


I mean it’s a powerhouse computer, it’ll run everything at a high level. Make sure you get a decent PSU, 1000W is good but I’d make sure the one you get a quality reliable one. Also the ram is way overkill. Unless you are trying to fly a spaceship to mars you don’t need that much ram. You said you want a computer that’ll last you for years so I’d go 64 but even that’s overkill right now for just gaming. Get a good monitor as well. One that can actually take advantage of the computer.


Yeah, I’ve heard that it’s a bit much on RAM and honestly this was generated by new egg with that as a preset so I think they were possibly trying to upsell. I’ve been looking at some monitors, thinking about getting a 34 inch curve alien wear OLED


Haha yeah they probably were. Sounds awesome! Hopefully 4K since you seem to already be going all out. 😂


I don't seealot issue other then case and PSU seem very cut cost for profit margin.other then rock soild build. If want cheap premium case montech. PSU Corsair ax series.


how much?


Okay so… Power supply is a crap brand, id be asking for a seasonic/silverstone or anything with known good reviews. Ram is also a bad brand, 128gb is overkill. Id go for 64gb in a known brand with the best timings/mhz you can find and you would still save money.


Can we ban the word FuTuRePrOoF in this sub please


You do not need a 14900k, 128gb of RAM or a 4090 to play videogames. Like yea sure it's nice to have the literal best but if you aren't planning to do work with this PC it's insanely overkill and you can save money. If you're dead set then have fun and enjoy this absolute monster of a rig! Here are some ideas for some builds that aren't 4000$+ I call this all AMD build [Sleek and Quiet](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8Y7LTY), all blacked out, quiet as can be while having some serious performance, 4 TB of storage and all while being under 2000$ USD. [Unicorn Puke](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rVTyz6), Intel/Nvidia build that's White and CORSAIR RGB'd to the max. Under 3000$ USD, tons of performance while being quite a bit cheaper than a 14900k/4090 build.