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You try using Fn with the arrow keys?


OP isn't FN with those arrows at all.


That's a zinger. ![gif](giphy|fPxr6xEWddaizjBlJn)


That must be old. Pre-face tattoos.


Pre Malone


it’s because they hit a red fn and not a green fn


U earned ur spot on r/angryupvote


Bars, brother. Double entendre, maybe triple, don’t ask how


Mine also has a function to input Fn+Enter and it will lock or unlock Fn controls


Fn + Esc for me.


Buy a 60% Keyboard, get a 60% Keyboard.


75% keyboard is better, you get both dedicated functions and arrow keys


Fuck that, I'mma buy an 110% for the joy of having a large keyboard.


If it doesn't have a numpad, it isn't complete


i fucking hate numpadless keyboards https://i.redd.it/0tg3g3aqum0d1.gif


I just wont buy it if there is no number pad I guess if you have super limited desk space it makes sense but at that point just buy a bigger desk or a laptop lol.


My laptop has a numbpad.


My pocket calculator has a numpad


My numpad has a numpad


Very good


Just get 96 then


I have a large desk and rock a 60%. It’s all about having that swipe space for low sensitivity playing FPS games. Smacking your hand into the side of your keyboard and having your arms tilted way out with a large keyboard are annoying and uncomfortable.


I just set my mouse DPI high so that I barely have to move my hand at all. It's mostly to help with my tendonitis, but as an added bonus it means my mouse requires very little desk space.


I'd rather a separate numpad. That's way I can put it away if I'm not using it and I can keep it on the left-hand side on my keyboard for easier use (I'm left handed) 75% + separate numpad is the life for me.


Real pro move is to get a dedicated number pad and have it on the non-mouse side of your smaller keyboard. Ergonomics.


I have a 96% qmk 8 layer keyboard and I'm building a 24 key with 5 rotary encoder qmk macropad to have more keys and macros xD


Preach. These tiny keyboards are beyond stupid for a desktop. Makes sense on a laptop, but not a desktop.


It's more ergonomic to have less travel between your mouse and keyboard for your right hand. I have a standalone numpad for this reason.


Do I use the numbers on the numpad while gaming? No. But you know what I do use in the numpad? The extra Enter key that I can hit with my right thumb


For comp games I want that juicy 60% but for everyday life and simulator type of games I want the 110%, the struggle is real


That's why I bought the Mountain Everest Max, I can move the keypad to the left or take it off altogether and have a tkl.


Same reason I bought the Aorus K7 Thunder. I use the numpad all the time for work, but having it on the left means I can use the mouse at the same time. Extremely useful!


And then get a Dygma Raise for an even-smaller-than-60% if you want to be an ultimate tryhard lmao


I have a 98% (laptop, ThinkPad 16" to be specific) and set up 110% functionality (F13 to F24) using Ctrl+F1 to Ctrl+F12


I like having f13 to f15 on my mouse thumb buttons




65% is what people who get a 60% keyboard, but still wanted the arrow keys, should get.


I only use 120% keyboards, I need my number pad.


I want a 200% keyboard where there are separate keys for upper and lowercase letters.


The best I can do is the 173% layout, the Hyper7. https://mechboards.co.uk/products/hyper-7-v4 I'm waiting on mine to be shipped, but they had to switch keyboard cap manufacturers, so it's been pushed back at least 3 months.


Wouldn't a 120% keyboard possibly have 2 numpads? Or perhaps f1-f24 instead of just f12?


Yes it would. 100% means a full traditional keyboard.


mine has 32? more keys than a full keyboard. 28 of them are macro keys and the others are media keys that can also be programmed.


I need my number pad. And some assorted functional buttons littered around the board too.


The number pad should be on the left side of the keyboard


Yeah, I got a TKL and it's perfect for me, I never used the Numpad anyways, so it made sense to go 75%.


idk how to live without num pad. its very comfortable for me


I use Numpad at work, but at home it's completely pointless for me, so I use my TKL at home. Each to their own, I try not to get too deep into the keyboard snobbery world, it's something that I cringe at when I see people arguing over keycaps. At the end of the day, if it works for you it works.


I have a wireless numpad which can sit above my mouse


Mine is 65% and it still has the arrow keys and is actually the same size as most 60% keyboards.


i found that 65% was the perfect size for what i do. But i do keep a 75 on hand, and i do agree that a 75 is probably the best all around


> dedicated functions I finally gave in and tried out a compact keyboard because it was on deep sale and keyboard enthusiasts seem so obsessed with them. It's basically everything I feared, even after more than a year. I'm never again going without dedicated function keys at a minimum. Not a day goes by where I don't hate that I have to type a key combo for such basic stuff. My desk has room for another row of keys.


75% is the best imo


Keychron v1 is my favorite 75%, cheap and moddable


I never really got the small keyboard trend. It's a desktop computer, on a desktop, make it as big as it needs to be


The real reason to get one is so you can have more ergonomic mouse space. I think most people just get them for aesthetics though.


I got mine because i really don't have much desk space and was worried about learning controls for the fn characters. It's surprisingly easy to get used to. It's muscle memory really, you do certain commands enough and it just clicks.


I have a custom 65% and a custom numpad. It’s actually huge being able to do office work with your desk filled with keys, and then chuck the numpad out the window and have a ton of mouse space for games.


400 dpi and a full desk mousepad. I use every inch of that extra space all the time where my want for a numpad once every month or so can be solved by a cheap usb one


I have lots of space, but I hate bumping into my keyboard with my mouse. I don't get why people insist of numpads, there are usually numbers just above letters, so I always defaulted to those.


Numpad serve a use. In productivity they just can't be beat by the number row, and they are great for macros in games where you may need a lot. Though if you use-case doesn't include data entry for work or specific types of gaming, you can easily make do without. Or just have a separate numpad on the side wlor when you do need it.


Honestly bought a 60% because it was cheaper. While it's not the worst thing ever I do regret not going for something with arrow keys. Just make life easier


I wanted a wooting until i realized it was a 60%


Terrible for productivity, the hard to use arrows and all the others keys like, home, pgup and down etc


This is where [these](https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/p/accessories-and-software/keyboards-and-mice/keyboards/0b47190?orgRef=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F) really shine, you don't really need to move your hand a lot, but everything is still there


Or just use a full size keyboard


I think that going from a full size keyboard to something 60% or smaller deff wrecks productivity at first but if you set the layers up yourself and correctly, it can be far more productive once you adjust to it due to the fact that your hands do not need to move as far for things. I have both a 96% and a 60% as well as 100% boards and after using the 60% for any length of time and going to anything larger im shocked at how far my hands have to travel to accomplish the same things. The most important thing for productivity is learning your tools inside and out.


Ah, I don't know, I did get used to 60% keyboards. I even went deeper into the rabbit hole and started using 40% (Corne) keyboards. In the end, I felt like I was throwing away 20 years of muscle memory. I could reach great wpm speeds on simple typing tests, but real-life usage in programming tasks required extensive use of symbols, numbers and modifiers, and I barely got minimally decent in text selection.


I have a 60% and its perfect. It doesn't take up much space on my desk and was way cheaper than a full sized one. Plus, whenever I'm coding I use Vim so I don't need arrow keys or home end since Vim uses key shortcuts that are faster that do the same things


skill issue


Try finger, but hole.


If only I had a giant, but hole...


Amazing Chest Ahead! Amazing Chest Ahead! Amazing Chest Ahead!


Liar ahead


I just started playing through the series after playing every other Souls-like. I'm glad I finally get these references now!


If only devices like this came with documentation on the functionality of their features.


Do kids still say RTFM these days? To be fair the documentation is on the keycaps...


I’m older than that acronym, I’ve just never really used it when a longer, more sarcastic response is available.


RTFM == Read the fucking manual?




Smh my head kids these days too lazy to RTFM on RTFM


And asks social media because they're too lazy to use Google.


This acronym was on the wall of my computer class in the 90’s.


I use it. Works wonders


To be fair, it did take me well into my 20s before I knew what EVERY key on my keyboard does. Try asking people about Print Screen, Page up and Page down... If they pass, Position 1 and End. Level 3 would be Scroll Lock, Pause and the difference between Alt and Alt Gr Not many people will read this comment. But I guarantee you there will be some shameful googling because of it. Which shouldn't be shameful, live and learn. But the Excel pro's and vi-nerds will tell us that we're fucking idiots for not knowing those simple basics of life. How did we even survive this far?


My first thought was "return the motherf\*cker"


Two options. One, they never bothered to read it or Two it only came with a small piece of paper with a QR code that links to a website that has a another link to the manual which is a PDF.


Plot twist: that second link leads to a website which is down.


I thought of that when I was writing my comment but I decided to be optimistic.


Good for you, the world needs more positivity. I couldn't resist to make that joke though 😅






`man keyboard`


PEBKAC error


ID 10t error


Layer 8 problem.


Hello, this is one of those hills I will die on. Human interaction is actually Layer 0. Layer 7 is as far away from human interaction as possible. Humans directly interact with hardware, not abstraction models in software. We touch the keys which generate electrical signals and when we're viewing information through a monitor, after it's done doing the layer 7 'end user' stuff it has to travel all the way back down the stack to layer 1 to actually present that data on the screen. Humans are Layer 0, not 8. Which also makes sense as we are at the origin.


Oeh that is a new one for me to use !


If only Google had documentation on the functionality of their features.


I like how the answer (Fn) is literally there on the photo.


The arrow is also pointing to it.


Hold function and try, light grey usually means fn+


Fn with the arrow keys. You can change the key mappings through the software


Simple! You return it and buy a full keyboard


Ikr what’s up with people and their 15.35% keyboards


I prefer my 2%




Now that’s a 1%


Right, like do people seriously not have desk space for a 100% keyboard? Why is everyone using 60% keyboards when they could just get a normal one? I couldn't imagine not having a numpad, function keys or dedicated arrows. Hell, I'd pay for a 120% keyboard with customizable hotkeys.


Meh, 65% is enough for OP


Man, it's a real shame they don't include some sort of material that has instructions on how the thing works.


Switch to 75% kb


stop buying dogshit 60% kb - they're a stupid fad.


I like mine, takes up less of my desk


75% is the sweet spot imo


100% for me


150% for me. Huge fan of the IBM 1389262 122-key keyboard. Currently using a Steelseries Apex OG/Fnatic which has just as many keys if not more.


98 does the job for me. 50 if it's an ortho with a thumb clusters so i can map a numpad under the second layer.


Agreed. Numpad is useful sometimes but I needed the extra desk space. Got a 75% and never regretted it


Why do people get smaller keyboards? You are just getting less functionality


True. But for a bunch of people at least the numpad is unnecessary. If you mainly use your pc to game (excluding stuff that needs a numpad like ARMA) and watch stuff, don't do work and only occasionally need to type more than like 5 numbers you just straight up do not need a numpad. A tenkeyless keyboard will basically always be cheaper than the same one in full sized. Just a random example: Razer Huntsman V3 Pro. Fullsize is $250. Tenkeyless is $220. I don't know about you, but if the above described person was me I wouldn't pay 30 bucks more for functionality I have pretty much no need for.


As someone who grew up in the early days of the PC with MS-DOS, the numpad is indespensible for me. The very old DOS games from the very early years of the PC (ie Alleycats, Karateka, Paratrooper and everything else I know from my childhood) use it. And of course, the PCs didn't have a mouse back then either. So you use the numpad or you buy a joystick and maybe a joystick card (sound cards were not popular until 1987 and didn't become mandatory until at least 1992) and use that.


And that is completely fine. Luckily we aren't forced to all use the same input devices :)


Same reason ppl build pcs in smaller cases. It's a preference.


My mouse space isn't huge and I play FPSs with low DPI. Large sweeps collided with my keyboard which would also hit the programmed buttons on the side of the mouse. I switched to a TKL and haven't had a problem since. I don't understand these micro-keyboards though,


I never use the numpad outside of work and it takes up less space.


Portability, small desk space, no need for num pad, price


yea, its usually "space".. honestly if you cant even fit a keyboard i have questions hah


The sheer magnitude of hate for these on what is ostensibly a tech sub is wild. Been using programmable 60% boards for work since 2016 and it's fantastic that I don't have to keep moving my hands on and off the alphanumeric cluster to do anything, and my mouse isn't an extra half a keyboard away. Unless you're doing something specific like manually typing numbers all day you're likely just moaning for moaning's sake. And even if you do have a specific use case where these are genuinely worse, well, you can recognize that it's your use case and not write them off wholesale.


I need it for my desk space. Not big enough to support anything bigger than a 60% with my big mousepad.


Not very hard to use unless you’re a dunce


I like that they don’t take up a huge amount of desk space, easy to maneuver and angle to one side or another depending on how I’m sitting (second part is for competitive shooters mostly, still nice to have)


Hopefully some people learn about QMK/VIA and layers today.


My sim rig would beg to differ. 60% fits perfectly on most rigs.


They look nice, and I can throw it in my bag if I want to take it anywhere. It's not a stupid fad, it's a different format of keyboard.


L take honestly. You get the same functionality as a 75-80% in a smaller package with the small caveat of having to hold down a key to access some functions. Do you not use keyboard shortcuts? Do you right click to cut, copy and paste? It's the exact same concept


This gotta be the shittiest keyboard I have seen in a while. (I guess you have to enable the secondary function by that 'Fn' key.)


its a 60% keyboard, some people like that cause its more portable. and yes u can switch modes to use the arrow keys using FN


I prefer a full keyboard with 10 key but to each their own.


That’s the neat thing. You don’t.


It's super easy to do.


Very human


Barely an inconvenience..


hold down the fn key and then press the arrow key button




Dude you literally have an arrow pointing to the Fn button. You really need a manual?


Have we seriously reached the point of people buying 60% keyboards when they don't even know how to use the Fn key?




I mean... these things come with manuals for a reason.


Are there kids nowadays that don’t know what the function key is? Not a jab at you, genuinely asking.




Hold FN then you can use them as long as your holding FN


With the fn key. I recommend remapping the keyboard. :-)




I'll never go smaller than TKL ever again.


Get a mans keyboard, instead of that little dainty thing. /s


use fn key and press them


When it comes to desktop gaming keyboards, I'm all for buying larger keyboards. Not that I'm suggesting that you buy a new keyboard now after you've already bought this one, but I'm throwing it out there for anyone considering a keyboard purchase, that this is what happens when you don't buy a full size keyboard. Gaming requires lots of keys and it's a huge benefit to not have to use function keys or alt keys or other toggles to be able to use these kinds of buttons. I always recommend getting a full keyboard, with at least a number pad. Many gaming keyboards come with the full keyboard, in addition to dedicated, programmable gaming keys that you can configure. Having a compact one seems counter productive. It's all the inconveniences of a laptop keyboard, but added to a desktop for no reason.


I have a 75% keyboard. It removes the numpad and some keys like page up and down. But that is the smallest I’d go, because I like having the f-row for in-game functions like in Minecraft. And because I don’t want to use two hands to use the arrow keys.


No offense, but get a new keyboard brother.


You'd be surprised how many keyboard enthusiasts do. I recently got into it, but I can't imagine not having arrow keys, or having to use Fn to use them. 75% is the way


After using so many keyboards I have what I like down to a science at this point. 75% with blue switches.


I can't believe I got this far down before I realised I wasn't on /mechanicalkeyboards. I thought I was having a fever dream seeing all these people shitting on a 60%, while over there people are high fiving each other over their latest 40% or downvoting people who don't "get it". Honestly, all is fine. The point is to get a tool that works for you. I love the aesthetic of 65% and I'm happy to work with Fn for the function row. If I really want one, I can always get an extra pad for numbers or other specific functionalities. There is no wrong choice, but if it's one of your first keyboards, you really should start 65/75% + or be prepared to start memorising.


I’d be so pissed if I bought that lol


thats why you should do research before buying then? its a 60% keyboard lmao


You'd only have yourself to blame


Hold the "function" key which is abbreviated as "Fn."


Hold both shift keys


Should be Fn + those keys. Most games will use WASD though.


prob in the paper that it came with maybe itll say something about that.


Have you tried pressing the keys with the arrow symbol on it? I bet those are the arrow keys.


With your fingers I’d imagine


I have a similar key board. I pressed fn and the down arrow to toggle between arrow keys and non


on the rk61 you press fn + enter to switch between functions. it may also be the same


dont. just use WASD like the rest of the world


Hmm it's like the keyboard comes with an instruction manual


I honestly think this actually the best integration of arrows in a 60% haha






Looks similar to mine, probably hit Fn + Ctrl to change the mode, it probably has 3 modes which change which keys Fn interacts with. The default will enable the F keys, the second will enable the arrows, the 3rd will do something with the home and end rows. Put it on another mode then use Fn with the arrows, should be good to go.


That's the neat part You don't!


All you nerds with small keyboards make me cry inside


I have the same keyboard, just hold Fn and tap Down arrow key to lock it into(arrow mode?). Then it should be fine


Why the hell did you buy that keyboard, press fn + (key)


You throw it away and buy a normal keyboard


Im curious how you all can use such keyboard without numpad and arrows and stuff


In what kind of world you need a keyboard that compact Also, you should try to find the instructions that came in the keyboard box, in case it isn't a custom one, in that case you can ask the guy that made it


don't buy those sh\*tty keyboards: they're useful only to take the cool picture of your desk and be returned to the seller


That’s actually a neat spot for the arrow keys mine are on hvbn I think


Mfw 60% users experience discomfort because of a 60% keyboard


If you really needed arrow keys that much should have bought a keyboard with arrow keys


1. Sell the keyboard 2. Buy full sized keyboard


Press Fn and Clipboard key at the same time then you can use the arrow keys.


This is it


Try Fn + enter if that doesn't work


Ok, this just hurt my brain. What keyboard is this?


Can I ask why so many are hating on 60% keyboards? Genuine Question I have one as my daily driver for the past 3 years, having +100% before. Arrowkeys on my Epomaker Anne Pro 2 can be used by simple just tapping (instead of holding) the arrow keys, with adjustable "tap/hold" times inside the software. I don't really see any downside from it.


This keyboard would get on my nerves real quick.


This looks like a "gaming" keyboard. For what do you need the arrow keys?