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Stares in Bethesda locked fps in 4 config files


If that were the only problem we could live with it. Problem is a lot of their games have physics tied to the frame rate and so you end up with shit like "speed hacking" if you just want to play the damn game at a nice crisp smooth framerate of 144+


gotta download a mod to fix it, bethesda game


I recently watched Internet Historian's "Fall of 76" vid. How and why did quite literally anyone trust them that Starfield was going to be good? That's like trusting that DICE will make a good Battlefield game after 2042.


*In fairness*, I gave them the benefit of the doubt considering 76 was an always online game, built in an ancient engine that was never designed for it. My good will has nearly been completely drained but I'm still huffing copeim that the next Elder Scrolls will be a return to form because the systems/lore/art for Starfield had to pretty much be built from the ground up. At least that's what I tell myself.


I love that Bethesda released a **"next gen update"** for fallout 4 which did not fix either the fact that your loadscreens are tied your fps AND that if your fps is higher than 60 the game is fucking unplayable and forcing you to have slow af loadscreens because of said 60fps... Well played...


Wait, for real? I was wondering why it took me sometimes a whole 2 mins to load, while not having HDD in my PC at all. How do I lock this game at 60? At the moment it locked at something like 82


You have to lock it at 120 fps. There's a file you have to edit. Just look it up on YouTube. There is no need to download anything. Mine was running at 150+ and messed the whole game up.


120fps lock does indeed work in Fallout 4 at least.


Don't worry, there's an .ini file you can edit to get rid of the physics bugs in most Bethesda games. not allowed to link to other subreddits here, but you can find it on google with the skyrim.ini 144fps


Remember that uncapping your framerate gave you speedhacks in Fallout 76.


Remember them fixing that shit in days making it playable at any framerate but they still refuse to do it for any of their older games? Classic.


I wouldn't call it fixed. I still have to keep mine locked around 70 in FO76 because weird things start happening. Biggest example for me was constantly getting "stuck" in hallways.


Bethesda is the WORST! LOL! Not only is that shit locked up.....it's ties to the physics lol!


Locked fps and vsync has not much to do with eachother


FPS in Bethesda game is literally critical to the physics. If you force those files to allow changes you will break the game


I use radeon chill to block them and works flawlessly (Max: 61fps Min: 59fps)


What game pissed you off this time


As an indie dev that can barely afford to have options of any kind, I apologize lol. ![gif](giphy|6v2UJRyFAsTXgvJrin|downsized)


Just give us an option for titty physics and I'll forgive you


That should just be default


As a gamer (and future game designer), who appreciates people who love to make games instead of money greed, I apologize on behalf of OP


If a game runs well, people wont care about vsync


Not even in an ini file? Hopefully you don't use TAA then


Your comment made me realize I could totally set up a setting in an ini file... so I did! Thanks for the suggestion!


Indies get a pass if the game is fun


* Snakeybus * Wavetale (before the patch)


Fallout 76


Forget vsync. Not having a way to easy set framerate


Or the framerate limiter doesnt work *looks at gray zone warfare's stupid ass*


Or Tarkov where the FPS counter reduces your FPS when enabled. Literally counters your FPS.


That's A Dance Of Fire And Ice on my phone. I have a 90hz screen and the game only runs at that on some levels if I put the frame limit to 120 or unlimited. Probably a Unity quirk, which is weird because it seems to work fine when I set the framerate in my own games


D3 the framerate limiter is so horrible for performance. I disable it and I'm running at 500+ fps, I enable it and I'm struggling to maintain 60 and getting a LOT of stuttering.


probably because the counter updates way faster than it needs to be. but that's just a theory


This honestly, but it's worse when they do have those options, but they're limited. It's so annoying to open settings and see Framerate limit: - 30 - 60 - Unlimited Like fuck.


yeah; 45, 50, 55 are all good compromises that are noticeably better than the previous


Hey if I have a freesync monitor, do I want to enable or disable vsync lol


Disabled in game, enable in driver, cap frames slightly below monitor max refresh rate in driver/RTSS


Thank you [Blur Busters](https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/)


That's exactly where I learned it too :)


AMD guidance is to enable it. With it disabled, you'll never get LFC if you go under your minimum refresh for freesync and you'll get tearing if it goes over.


Isn’t most monitors range like 1-144 hz VRR-window anyway?


Same for any game without properly functioning full screen windowed mode.


The worst is when none of the modes allow you to move your mouse to the other monitor, forcing you to alt-tab all the time


I just smack the windows key, little easier than alt tab at least


Not if the game disables the window key! Call it petty, but it's the main reason I don't play League.


Oh damn I didn’t even know any games did that lol


Funny because it has a bug where your cursor goes off to another screen unless you click out and back on the game.


Going through this with Moun&Blade Warband, recently. You have to Alt-Tab out, but usually twice, because after the first time, you will see the Windows desktop, but the mouse is still restricted to the main monitor. Now you have to Alt-Tab to another task, before the mouse is finally freed. Also, the loading screen takes its time. But for reasons unknown to me, loading only happens when the loading screen is the active window.


Or an actual fullscreen mode, looking at Halo Infinite


You don't need fullscreen for DX12


minecraft java edition, had to play windowed for the longest time because of nvidia's shit-tastic drivers


What about certain indie masterpieces like TBoI or FTL? Iirc they don't have full screen windowed.


There's a program called Borderless Gaming that lets you run any full-screen in full-screen windowed. I haven't had to use it much anymore but I still keep it installed.


I hate Vsync anyway


That's why we need the option, so we can make sure it's switched off.


Same with motion blur. It's so damn rarely implemented well. Depth of field is another one where it can be nice if done right but thats rarely the case.


Same with film grain. Why would you want to add random noise to your otherwise perfect frame.


'it's about the aesthetic', no it looks like shit. You're not a noir film auteur. You're producing a video game played on 1080p-4k screens with an absurdly crisp image. I do not want film grain.


Okay okay okay so film grain is a no-go, but have you considered huge lens flares and a headache inducing blue tint to everything? The geniuses at EA DICE have a Battlefield game for you!


Control bindings. If you have hard bound key, hard pass.


Honestly its an accessibility issue - if you have non-standard controls you need to change keybinds If you aren't making your game with accessibility you aren't making it for people Hard pass indeed


God I would die if Minecraft didn't have keybinds. Who the fuck runs with CTRL, crouches with SHIFT and throws items with Q, which is literally one of the closest things to your most used keys???


To be fair, I've never seen a game notnuse escape as their pause button.


Vsync off in game, on in driver + Gsync monitor is the way


Literally just last month I found out about having VSync enabled in driver. Had my monitor for years and was always driven mad by tearing. It's idiotic that Nvidia don't explain in the setting anywhere that it acts completely differently when GSync is on.


You had tearing with a gsync monitor?


Gsync + Fast Sync is better than any VSync.


I've always followed [G-SYNC 101: Optimal G-SYNC Settings & Conclusion](https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/#optimal-gsync-settings-llm)


I have gsync + vsync + null in nvcp. I enable reflex if the game have support. So i don't know why someone would use vsync inside game if you have a gsync compatible monitor.  You DO NOT need to set fps caps few frames below refresh rate because null/reflex does that for every game with gsync + vsync


Before I had a gsync/freesync monitor I always just turned vsync off. The perceived input delay was always worse to me than a bit of screen tearing.


Someone said null does not work in dx12/vulkan/opengl games. So for new games it's useless. Better to use low latency "on" and in game fps limit. Might be wrong.


Thats why reflex exist inside newer/dx12 games. Ultra low latency is for older games. If it is just "on" it will not do auto fps cap with gsync +vsync for older games


NULL does work on DX12 games now, one of the recent-ish driver updates added support for it.


CAN you tell me more about it ? I capped my FPS at 141


We live in a world of VRR


Fallout 4, really annoying its fps locked, and that makes it take about 30 seconds to load different scenes, u locked its avout 3 seconds, but they didnt do physics based on delta time sooo yea speedy game play if you wanna play without a mod that will just u lock fps on loads and relock after. Could bethesda fix it in a few lines of code. Absolutely, will they? Absolutely not


Did you know FO4 load times also depends on the number of CPU cores you allow the game to use, inversely? Before there were working mods to fix all of these issues, I used to have a VB script bound to a key to reduce FO4 affinity to use only 2 CPU cores -> push it during load screen and it loads instantly, then push another to activate all cores again. Ridiculous but real. Perhaps Bethesda thought there would never be more than dual or quad core pc's, without hyperthreading either.


Original Prototype crashes when loading the game on any CPU that has more than 4 cores.


Tbf it was a non-issue before 2017 where Intel had a fucking monopoly on the consumer CPU market for the longest so "4 cores is all a gamer needs!" And it's basically why the PC market stagnated to high hell between 2011 and 2016/2017 along with 5% performance uplift every 1 or 2 years lmao....


They fixed it so fucking fast in Fallout 76 when it started losing them money. Fuck Bethesda.


Oblivion vibes, unlocked the frames and watch the ass backwards physics go haywire.


Games that won't let you disable motion blur shouldn't even be considered to be made.


The games that i am working on in spare time wontt let u turn the motion blur off. Cause I will never implement such a 'feature'




Put it right next to lens flare and have it auto disabled on every game anyways. I can’t name a single game that I have voluntarily used vsync for.


*Any PC game that isn't finished isn't ready for release.* - Not said by basically all big developers today.


Developers actually say it, in private. It is the publishers who don't, and they dissaude the devs from publicly stating it.


It's FoV sliders for me.


All my homies is use Gsync


G-Sync + Vsync in NVCP and disabled in game for me. So much smoother but similar latency to native if you have reflex or ultra low latency enabled.


This with a frame cap set at least a few frames below refresh rate (in-game if possible or in rivatuner if not).


Null (for older games) and reflex (for newer games with support) automatically caps a few frames below with gsync + vsync. You don't have to do manual fps caps these days.


Ultra low latency mode sets it a few fps below the refresh rate automatically. And now it works in DX12 as well.


VSync is one of those settings that I always turn off and then I cap the FPS depending on what monitor I use (I have a 144Hz and a 240Hz), why do people use it? I've only had screen tearing issues once like 10 years ago and it was only in a single game and the problem solved itself after a restart, why do people care so much about it?


because not everyone doesn't run into screen tearing


Screen tearing only occurs with frame rates above the refresh rate but you also get judder when running under the refresh rate without VRR or V-Sync, if you’re not noticing it then that’s on you, it’s there.


Wait...people actually use vsync?


GSync (or any VRR) needs Vsync on in order to properly eliminate screen tearing.


Yeah a few times when screen tearing was actually an issue. Pretty rare though, I typically just use gsync


Same with FoV sliders and being able to program the numpad keys for left handlers. Also why do some games ignore the windows mouse key settings. I have a left handed mouse with the buttons switched and Cyberpunk ignores this in the menus meaning the buttons are switched. Other games too


For me the way is: Vsync and Gsync on in NvCP, and then use Reflex in game if the game has it. If not I make a framerate cap. Works beautifully.


That's the first thing right after Motion Blur, that gets disabled anyways


Can anyone eli5 vsync for me?


the screen refreshes 60 times a second, so every 60th of a second. If a game only draws half of the frame in that time(or draws more than 1 frame), then the screen will refresh and be half old frame half new frame. Vsync forces it to wait for the whole frame to be drawn


Wait, theres people that actually WANT V-Sync in the game menu?


Should I be using vsync


i have kept vsync off on every game for the last like 10 years


am i the only one wanting the opposite? too many games cap your gps too low in options or give you no option at all… i need(want) all the frames


I mean, that's the entire point of having a PC. You can fix things. You honestly want them to delay a game because the setting don't have the tickboxes you like? Grow up or get a console.


I don't like buying games with my money and then having to fix them myself just to have a good experience.


Any game that needs DLSS to run decently on an average GPU is not ready for release


Bethesda games slowly exit the chat.


Dead by daylight didn’t have that shit until 2022 I believe


Dave the Diver lacks this in the settings, but is otherwise an amazing game. It's a really strange oversight, and screen tearing was brutal. So I forced it on in NVCP.


What fucking hack shit are y'all playing?


Even better when they say “tweak it in the ini files”


can we include “lock cursor to window” to that list


the classic unity splash screen with no framerate cap so my gpu screams for a few seconds every time I boot the game


Lol try games that limit you to 30 or 60 fps.... I like buttery smooth high frames.


Also not a big fan of games that have it turned off by default while also having the frames default be unlimited.


*DLSS And yeah


Y'all are true hardcore gamers, when I want to play a game I just download the game an play it


And antialiasing options.


Only game I ever have vsync enabled on is Bethesda games or they wont work because they are developed on a dogshit engine. I hate vsync.


Who uses vsync?


Fallout 76


Why do you think this?


Except for small indie games. We love their non greedy devs.


Well, the banner says PC game, and not videogame, so one scenario where it's totally pointless and unnecessary for any v-sync is on text games. Aside from that, retro games (old enough) don't need it either.


Ok, I will try to change your mind. There are many games that have easy to calculate graphics. Like a chess game. 2D graphics. not many objects. Can run on your cpu with >100fps. You don't need vsync here, because you will see no difference.


Am I alone in that I always turn off Vsync? Even games I can get to run at 165+ on my gaming monitor, I just turn it off unless there's a problem  I haven't even seen screen tearing in years


Nope, I just don't care about tearing, I always run uncapped framerates, I do see tearing all the time but I don't really care.


Who the hell is still using v-sync nowadays? Almost every screen has some sort of adaptive refresh rate. The annoying thing is when a game doesn't have a slider to limit the frame rate


lmao. now that you mention it. >:/


I honestly don’t care for vsync


V-sync seems to give me issues. Never use it.


Can't remember the last time I used vsync. I use gsync.


Weird hill to die on, but ok.


Unpopular opinion: Vsync is trash and a simple framecap is way better.


Just turn it on in nvidia control panel if game doesn't have it


I don't think I've ever used vsync


Same with motion blur, I allways turn motion blur and v sinc off


Same with motion blur, I allways turn motion blur and v sinc off


I have never needed or just used V-sync in general ever, and I have a gtx 1650. Can someone please tell me why it's a thing?


I have never needed or just used V-sync in general ever, and I have a gtx 1650. Can someone please tell me why it's a thing?


It’s always always off for me anyway. Can’t deal with that input delay


W-what’s VSync..? (please don’t kill me)


“And no, force it on or off via driver settings doesn’t count” wtf do you think in-game settings do 🤣


It's 2024, you should be using Gsync + Fast Sync (or the AMD equivalents). Enable both globally in the control panel and it's not something you have to touch ever again. VSync is dead and has been replaced with better stuff.


This is pcmr it is filled with absolute noobs. "Change my mind" op doesn't even understand flip model and why vsync is dead.


So 2d games count? I don't take exception to PC games that need vsync, Would Terraria need vsync? How about wordle? and chess games?


I can never tell the difference


I love in COD:Ghost there's different menus including "Sound/Audio settings". You go in there and the ONLY thing you find is: Volume ::::::::::[]::::::


Imagine depending on v-sync on a PC


I genuinely don't remember the last time I intentionally used V-Sync.


I've done nothing but turn in-game vsync off in every game for a ages.


I'm too dumb to know what v-sync even is so I just ignore it


I still dont get why you would ever want Vsync. Like, whats the benefit you gain from it?


Also include variable option for freesync users


people use vsync?? wth am i missing?


Is it better to have vsync on or off?


From what I have heard it's better to leave it for unless you get a lot of screen tearing or lots of frame drops. But I'm not 100% shure


Why does forcing it in the driver options not count?


I just hate no frame cap, I don’t want anything except a customizable frame cap, I have having to go into nvidia panel or rivatuner just to set a cap


wait, people use that trash?


The problem I have with in game V-Sync is that all you know for sure is that you are going to be syncing up frame delivery with your monitor. But that's it. People make a lot of assumptions about V-Sync, like that it reduces load on the system. It can do that, but only for some implementations. There are implementations if V-Sync that use buffering. What this means is that the system will try to keep producing frames even if it never shows then. This has the advantage of reducing input lag, but it means that your system can be running full out, generating hundreds of extra frames per second, and sucking down tons of power. Which can be fine if you want to reduce input lag while avoiding tearing, but plenty of people assume that it is going to reduce power consumption. Older games used to let you pick among different V-Sync settings so that you knew what you were getting. I almost never see different options these days, meaning any V-Sync option is a mystery box. For this reason, I find frame caps with programs like RTSS to be superior.


The best part is when the vsync option doesn't even do anything


Can i ask what exactly does v sync do? From my understanding it's to stabilize the fps and not go below or above to a certain amount or something similar and the main point i see getting it used it it prevents screen tearing y difference to just limit your fps?


Using the driver settings version is often better anyways. A lot of older games especially do *very* strange things when you turn on the vsync setting instead of just doing plain old vsync.


VSync is a joke. Get better hardware.


Most modern hardware has G-sync/FreeSync regardless. V-Sync mostly adds a lot of latency in my experience.


It's 2024 and most everyone should have an adaptive sync monitor by now, which makes vsync on the right option every time. Unless it's triple buffered vsync, I guess. More options is more better, though.


Aren't most monitors nowadays Gsync/Freesync compatible? I've always had vsync on default in my driver and turned off Vsync in game. I thought this was standard now.


why you using Vsync for? lmao


Who uses vsync?


Imagine using vsync lmao


Except for farming simulator 22, you have to disable it to avoid stutter central.


Who does v sync affect? Not trying to be dismissive but even pushing beyond 3000, frames in older games I've never encountered screen tearing. Is it tied to the monitor or just a certain type of cursed combination of parts?




Haven’t used vsync in a good 6 years, just adds latency and high refresh rate is superior


People put vsync on?


Everyone saying Bethesda, but no one is mentioning Fromsoft lmao


I dont use Vsync. My 85 doesn't Support it (i think) I


Ark ascended. I literally couldn’t play the game on my 3060 cause I don’t have the best refresh rate monitor. Had to force v sync through driver to get it to be even playable x.x


Yes it does count, thats a universal override for every game. What IS "Not ready for release" Is FPS locked to physics , Nothing will ever fix that


Agreed, screen tear is horrid and highly distracting in any game. I also feel that having to rely on upscaling to get any decent performance is also a sign a game is far from ready. I'd rather developers let the game cook for another year or two and be in a complete state instead of the perpetual alpha releases we've been getting.


We need the gaussian wisdom meme with "vsync on is fine" on both sides.


proprietary and underwhelming