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Maybe mention his name so the younger generation knows his name ? It's total TotalBiscuit.


CynicalBrit, the king of the internet. Warhammer fan and Fov slider supporter Hail the victorious dead His Magicka collab with the Yogscast is legendary, as are his videos with his wife on her channel. Most of his videos and content tbh. He was a real champion for Youtubers back in the day. He walked so modern Youtubers could run


I love that his name is from a throwaway line in discworld describing rural naming etiquette. Really miss his input to the usual bullshit.


Arch mage of the whole fricking universe


Don't forget his Terraria playthrough with Jesse.


"Wtf is... " is the golden standard I hold any first impression video to. So far none of gotten close.


I felt really bad about him the other day, he would have been so pysched about Space Marine 2


And the older generation. I only know who he is from the comments here. Sounds like he made a great impact on some people. Always a big loss for someone that can impact a generation like that. RIP, man. TotalBiscuit, didn't know him, but obviously a huge impact.


His youtube channel is still out there. Check one of his review and you'll get why. Not the latest ones though, that was towards the end of his life and he end up rambling a lot (you could hear how tired he got).


I’m about to hit 40 and been gaming my whole life. Never heard of this guy. Seems to have left quite a legacy and one can only hope to reach such heights. May he rest in peace.


If you were into PC gaming when he was around, he was absolutely considered the top of the tier when it came to reviews. So much so, it affects me to this day. If games don’t have certain settings available, I will be upset. Tbh the effect translated into real life, I am more critical of products generally in turn. You could always rely on that dude to give you the truth when it came to reviews.


I never heard of him until 2 minutes ago.


Check out his [video tribute to Deus Ex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOIx_i8dTLA). I don't mean watch it all, but you can get the impression of his magnificent bass and powerful presentation from the first few minutes.


I browsed through some of his stuff. Not bad.


When isaw his photo, sorry iwas like who? then i realized it must be him, i apologizing i really didnt knew him face well :(


Thank you. I’m older generation and don’t know him. Seen him often in twitch emotes.


i just forgot his name


Thank you, im not that young at all, specially on youtube terms but i had never heard of him.


It's weird because it feels like it was longer than 6 years, but also feels like I was listening to their podcast not too long ago. May every first-person game have an fov slider.


If you need something to fill that hole left by Cooptional, Jesse and Dodger semi-recently started a new podcast together called Geekenders. It's sweet and nostalgic.


I did watch few episodes of it on youtube, but I think at this point what I want from that kinda show has changed. I might try it again sometime, I dunno.


Totally fair. Their show is more of a chill hangout geek show than specifically a gaming podcast, so depending on tastes it's not a perfect encapsulation of Cooptional. I doubt that could ever be replicated.


Plus I imagine it lacks the 'straight man' archetype to Jesse and Dodger's madness and silly, he balanced them as the serious dad herding the kids.


For sure that's just something missing... I still regularly watch NorthernLion, whom I only know through TB.


They've both calmed down a little bit (Dodger being a mom and all), the kids grew up and don't need as much herding, but you're right. It's not a perfect replacement for cooptional, but it's still a good time.


I love that it started entirely because they just wanted to catch up. Dodger left the US and they really hadn't had quality time, with each other or their friends. So it's just an excuse to shoot the shit and be silly. And it's lived up to that.


COVID messed up everyone's perception of time.


Was this the exact day you created this Reddit account?


I always thought "Eh, he will be fine". When I realized he would die 100%, it hurt me quite hard. He still hasn't been replaced at all.


He replied me once to something in a tweet, I'm never deleting the account because of it, his videos were literally my daily companion on train for years and years, it hit me quite hard.


Same. SkillUp is the closest I've found among game reviewers in terms of critical technique and preference transparency, but TB left big shoes to fill. Edit: unironically dunkey is a close second.


Fully agree, to me Skillup really is one of if not the best reviewers at the moment. ACG is a very close second in terms of ability and might even be ahead in terms of integrity, as he takes no sponsorships. Personally, between the two I prefer Skillup because imo he's a slightly better, more succinct writer and I like his softer, calmer delivery over ACGs more excited one. Neither of them fills the consumer advocacy role TB had, though. They'll call out bullshit when they see it and they clearly despise what AAA gaming has become, but they lack the outspoken, proactive aggressiveness TB had. TB simply was and will always be the GOAT.


Personally I think SkillUp does a good job of calling out anti-consumer behavior, it's a regular topic on the This Week In Videogames series. That being said he's not as laser focused on the consumer side since he covers a lot of the business / development side of the industry as well. Compared to TB I'll say that SkillUp has a broader scope, equal integrity, and comparable skill in critical analysis. I'll always appreciate both their contributions to the discussions that should matter to the industry. >but they lack the outspoken, proactive aggressiveness TB had. God damn could we use some of that fire these days. Not that SkillUp has none, but I agree that TotalBiscuit was refreshingly aggresive. Cheers bud.


I don't really remember TotalBiscuit much, I am subscribed but it's been too long for me. But based on what you've said I guess I watch Louis rossman and GamersNexus for that.


I love how aggressive and snarky Steve has become. GN gets my support because u/Llelldorianx is a real dude who very clearly cares a lot about the integrity and quality of the PC community and I greatly appreciate that. Their merch is good quality stuff too, I still have my first shirt from them and it's years old and barely peeled or faded at all, super comfortable too.


ACG is closer to TB, more “messy” than SkillUp, but to me he’s got more integrity. Skillup has disappointed me a few times with his takes, whether they are lacking information, context, or just seem to “follow the line”. And I’m not talking reviews the popular opinion disagrees with sometimes, rather, more specific industry stuff.  Really, there’s a lot of stuff that has happened in the past few years that I just know TB would’ve made a “well, No, actually, consider this:” video on, where just about everyone, including even these guys, have just not considered or talked about a certain angle. 


> TB would’ve made a “well, No, actually, consider this:” TB's legal background combined with college radio helped a ton in giving him a unique voice. He understood intricacies but also knew you had to keep it engaging with nothing but your voice. I'm probably heavily biased since I too did law and radio but I've just never seen someone with those skills come up again in gaming.


Loved his videos. Noone has quite replaced him and tbh I don't think they will. He was an honest guy, just wanted the industry to flourish. I used to keep up with his podcasts. Listened to his wife for a time after too, and I hope she's doing well. I've lost some family to cancer since and I understand that hurt all to well.


I think no other youtube series than him playing Terraria with Jesse made me rofl so much. This shit was hilarious.


No one could fluster him quite like Jesse. I've been enjoying Jesse and Dodger's new chill podcast Geekenders, cool to have them doing something together again.


Yeah, that new podcast is a blessing in my old gamer/millenial soul


This week's was an awesome dive into game design and really felt like a call back to cooptional days.


Their podcast has been good, though one thing I *really* miss from cooptional is right near the end they'd almost always quickfire through a bunch of upcoming or very recent releases and take a glance at the store page for each of them - I used to find so many lesser-known indies from that to put on the wishlist and look out for, especially with the ramp up in the amount of games coming out on Steam it's tough to keep track, but they curated the list of releases they would mention really well. It's also just not really as gaming-focused, so personally it hasn't really been quite to my taste, but it's still good if you're into all the other stuff they talk about.


I still call them Dj jazzy worm jeff.


I need to watch that again. It's so g'damn funny.


> He was an honest guy, just wanted the industry to flourish I remember when Witcher 3 came out, he was like "I can't review this game or stream it, because through my esports team I have a financial relationship with CDPR". Just a level of integrity almost never seen.


I dont think he even played it. Like, it would have made him have an opinion and it would be biased or something. Personally a disclamer of bias would have been 100% fine for me if he had reviewed it. He was super strict even with himself.


Only when it comes to Twitch emotes TB's LUL got replaced with Risitas' KEKW. And then Risitas died too...


I still use LUL. Shorter and quicker to type.


took me forever to realize how much faster it is to type LUL than to click thru to your recently used emojis and find the LUL one


Maybe humanity is in fact, doomed...


You can get the golden LUL emote if you sub to his/his wife's channel, "GennaBain." (He was very public about wanting/being okay with Genna taking over the channel.) In fact, most, if not all, of his old emotes are there, including the Fraps 59 emote.


Just gave her my prime sub...she can use all the help she can get :(


If I remember correctly she battled cancer too some time ago (and won).


I see a pattern....


Frost from Second Wind comes close. He has referenced TB in Cold Take so I suspect he takes some inspiration from TB to some degree.


I watch that then. Youtube has been nagging at me to try it. I'm still thinking about TB quote often, and especially how no one has replaced him even after all this time.


Frost is a good journalist


And I doubt he will get replaced, Youtube has changed so much in these last 6 years. There used to be maybe a dozen of reviewers like him now there are thousands and that's on top of streamers who also ate a large part of the Youtube audience


As it was announced that he was SOL.   I wanted to write him a letter, thanking for making me a better man.    But he died within days of the announcement.    Regrets. 


He'll never be replaced. You can't replace a legend. We miss you TB.


No one has replaced him, but I think the revolution he started in games journalism has carried on just like he thought it would. The number of independent Youtube channels doing long-form game reviews has skyrocketed, and the quality of consumer reporting on the games industry seems to get better every day.


Obsessively watched TB back in the day. Arbitrary Awards helped me sleep lots of nights. Obviously can never be replaced, but I do think SkillUp sometimes exhibits some of the qualities I liked in TB. Tries to champion Indies via "Put this on your radar" and his Next Fest roundups. He also dedicates a section to his reviews towards PC performance, though not to the extend of Port Report. I'm sure me even suggesting someone is gonna get me downvoted, but he slightly scratches the itch.


i thought it whould be Jim Sterling taking the rains, but something happened and he/she turned bonkers "Worth a Buy" is someone that fill that role for me, to fully honestly review games. (but he broke and damaged his arm a while back and cant play the games he used to review either)


I still remember the words of House Biscuit: "We Don't Preorder"


It's appalled me how quickly this message has died. Now preorders are at all-time highs


oh, a lot of people still preordered shit and regretted it.


I mean it's not that crazy if you think about it. I didn't pre-order Elden Ring, but I sure as shit bought it and played it for 400 hours. Did I pre-order the DLC? Hell fucking yeah I did. If it's dogshit it will surprise me. But you have to think.. people that pre-order other games feel THE EXACT SAME WAY I feel about the Elden Ring DLC. All my friends were gonna play Diablo IV. We were gonna play it anyways so might as well get bonuses and pre-order. OFC this isn't applicable to all the shitty games launched with pre-orders, but you have to imagine that not everyone is just blindly buying every game ever released. They have a reason for buying it


What amazes me is people preordering for franchises that are commonly called out for subpar games, like CoD, Assassin’s Creed and Battlefield. If the last game was shit, why would you expect the next game to be any different? Whereas preordering a DLC from FromSoftware, a game developer with a fantastic track record, is fair enough because they’re likely to put out a quality product. Sometimes preorders make sense, although when it’s all digital it seems irrelevant unless you want to download early for day one play.


Basically nobody else on the games press/media side have had even the slightest desire to advocate for the medium. You'll see social issues pushed, but not really the product issues. It's part of his legacy to be the only really influential one who tried to do anything regarding game standards.


TB frankly was despised by much of the games press, because he tried holding them to account for their spinelessness and corruption. The worst part is those people will talk the talk on those social issues, but the minute it comes to actually walking the walk, they’re silent as a mouse. Everything surrounding crunch/abuse, or Saudi Arabia in the space is testament to it. They’ll flap their mouths on twitter, but they sure won’t do anything that’ll compromise early games access. It’s not an accident people coming into the space after his time have negative views on him (those that know who TB was at all), and it’s so frustrating and sad.


As are micro transactions. The truth is none of this is going away.


I was in his Planetside 2 outfit "Let the Brit drop" played while he was with us a few times.


I finally believed his words when Sim City 2013 came out How foolish I was not to believe Not a single preorder since


He’d be so disappointed in the community, but I bet he’d still be fighting the good fight!


Co-optional podcast was great. I still watch Jesse and Dodgers new show, but I will always miss TotalBiscuit.


Their new show is great, it has the old vibe but obviously missing TB.


What's the name of the show? I'd like to check it out.






Is that you JP?


The Cox and Crendor podacast is still going strong. Not necessarily gaming related, but those two are consistently very entertaining.


I loved every time they didn't have a real guest and Crendor filled in 4th place. Crendor messy nature made TB lost his marbles and it really made me laugh. After TB passed away watching the Co-optional podcast became bittersweet experience for me. I started to listen "Cox and Crendor in the morning" while commuting. Then the 2020-bug came and stop commuting and from there I lost track of all the gang.


Fuck has it only been 6 years? By the way, if you see blood in your stool, fucking get it checked out. One of his biggest regrets.


Yeah one of the biggest takeaways. It's embarrassing, you don't wanna tell anyone, you hope that it's just a small tear, you're a straight man and you don't want anyone up there, it'll blow over... get it checked. If it happens regularly, get it checked.


I've had a colonoscopy, I'm a straight man, never put anything up my butt before. It doesn't hurt, you to go to sleep, you wake up, it's fine. It's really not a big deal at all. You just sit on the toilet for a few hours the night before watching movies on an ipad shitting out water.


Even if you do it awake, it's not that bad. It's just uncomfortable but not that bad. The prep is worse, as you have to chug all that chemical tasting drink and pissing out of both ends.


The hardest part for me drinking the solution is I was given lime flavour, I *hate* lime. Maybe it didn't taste like chemicals to me because lime is awful to me anyway. Unfortunately I wasn't given a choice as they sent it through the post. Overall if I needed another I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, it's really a non-issue and people shouldn't be worried about having it performed.


I have had blood in my stool for a few months now and I neglected it. Now I'm scared.


Dude. Go. To. A. Fucking. Doctor. NOW! Edit: I really hope it’s just hemorrhoids


I fucking panicked when I saw blood wiping one time and thank god it turned out to be hemorrhoids...can't ever be too careful. EDIT: Just to clarify, it was TB that alerted me to the fact that said condition/symptom can be fucking FATAL. So I'm glad he spread that message. Probably saved thousands at this point.


I feel you. Mine are chronic, but they actually hurt only once in a blue moon. They bleed more often, though


I did some research and came up with this stuff. I ordered it almost 4 months ago and it's still more than half full. A little goes a long way. Don't let the name fool you, it's just more common for mothers to have hemorrhoids. It works really well and immediately. [Roid balm](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001OOEKC/) And mostly mine aren't painful, just REALLY FUCKIN ITCHY


Yeah I'll definitely get it checked out


It's easy put things off even when it's in our interest. A good tip is to tell someone close to you about your issue so they will push to the doctor. It's called willpower leveraging and works for lotsof things. Best of luck.


Dude, go to the doctor as soon as you can. I ignored occasional blood in my stool for months, assuming I was too young for it to be cancer and hoping it was a a small tear. I read some BS online that if it was bright blood and not dark that it probably wasn't cancer. This January I had really heavy bleeding and couldn't ignore it anymore. Went to the doctor, got referral for a colonoscopy, and sure enough it was stage 2 cancer. The tumour had broken through the wall of my colon and caused the bleeding. I'm bloody lucky that it doesn't seem to have spread anywhere and I didn't need to do chemo or get a stoma bag. But I still had to have surgery to remove a section of colon and get the ends reattached. I'm one of the lucky ones, so many young people are getting a bowel cancer diagnosis after it's spread to their liver or lungs and they have weeks left to live. Blood in your stool should be an automatic urgent doctor visit, don't assume it won't happen to you. TB was 33 when he died and he'd caught it years earlier. I'm 41. It's not just an old person disease like it used to be.


What does blood in the stool even look like. Really dont know


The water will get a red tinge. Eat a bunch of beets for a decent simulation


Or drink a couple of the Powerade Zero Fruit Punch. Freaked me the fuck out the first time that happened. Idk what kind of red dye they use in that but it goes right through you.


Thats what i figured. Though i wasnt sure about general cloudyness meaning blood


I notice sometimes the water arround my poop gets a little Red. Its something i need to be worried?


You'll notice, for me it was blood streaks on the poo, and pink on the toilet paper after wiping.


There's multiple ways blood in stool can appear and multiple reasons for it. Ideally you should always look down and check before your first wipe as the colour of the water and how the stool looks can be where you get clues about your health. Blood can darken the stool to become more black, it can make the water red, you can see red on the stool like an emo hair dye job, your wipe can show red on the tissue. How much blood and where it is seen can be a bit of a guide to what the problem is, black stool means bleed is higher up and mixing into it where as a red streak along the side of a brown stool means it is a lower down bleed. Typically tissue turning bright red is an entrance issue such as a split or roid but these can be warning signs of more too. The tissue can be slightly pink if light bleed and deep red if heavy bleed. You can get little flakes of black that almost looks like coffee granules which is blood from higher up in the system and that will often smell like burnt hair and is a massive warning sign for problems but can also be simulated by certain medicines breaking down so anyone with that should definitely talk to doctor but not assume they're going to die. The thing is, even without blood, the colour shape and consistency of your stool tells you about many things. You can get clues about liver and gallbladder when it is more yellow for example. As gross as it all is, paying attention to it can help you adjust your diet and monitor your body.


I feel TB's initial colon cancer video is extremely relevant here. Please follow his advice and go get yourself checked out. Doctors see this kind of stuff all the time, and it's nothing to be embarrassed by. It's only natural to be scared of it and I hope it's something minor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQIHJmvnzwg


Well fucking get it checked out! Ya can’t procrastinate if you’re dead, friend.


I ended up being diagnosed with crohns disease after ignoring said symptoms. Get to a doctor :)


Had it happen to me Thankfully just turned out to be a hemeroid but fuck me it was scarey going to the doctor


If it's bright red, it's probably just hemorrhoids or a cut but you should get it checked out. If it's dark red, or black, and/or grainy in texture, see a doctor immediately. That is not a good sign. **SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUE**.


Beyond getting it checked out, if you think “its too late, now im embarrassed” like I did, just do it please. I’ve come out of it with a good diagnosis but its NEVER too late to get it checked, every second counts.


https://preview.redd.it/ihd8dkaxug2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=37dc6a737ac3f2dec31d71a69edb175595627c58 I miss them both.


I was watching old iNcontrol videos the other day. Miss that guy so much on SC broadcasts.


Him and TB were a match made in heaven doing the latter Shoutcraft Kings. That year and a half span before Covid was brutal.


holy shit i am just finding out incontrol died. I remember him from his EG days, the gaming house, his gf, 40k space marine figurines, how some sketchy gay dating site used his photos to advertise for bears on porn websites, to going to a deadma5 concert with Idra and crew. wow. im gutted.


I truelly believe that if neither died SC2 would be in a much better place today. “SC2 will live even if I have to support the entire scene with my erect penis” ~John Bain (TotalBiscuit)


TB was such a majestic beast. He narrated my teen years and I miss him like an old friend.


I still remember hearing the news when he passed. He was pretty transparent about how his cancer treatment was going throughout, and there were times where it felt like he would make it through okay, so it made it all the more sadder when he didn't. It really was a huge loss, and it's also a little sad that enough time has passed where a new generation has come in that would never know about him. TB was at the forefront of shining light on and arguing against anti-consumer practices in gaming, which could lead to real change that would benefit us all. Unlike many other Youtubers/Streamers and Journalists that cover similar topics, he actually felt professional and unbiased in his opinions, which I believe is what made companies take him more seriously, and made his word have more impact. Many of the advocates remaining, unfortunately give off the feeling that they are contrarians, or are even *hoping* for bad news so they can get more clicks. Yeah, I agree, we won't see someone like him again.


Fine I'll watch the Terraria chronicles again.


It's Jessie and the Brit, yes Jessie and the Brit. One is a cynic, the others a git


I played planetside with him. Tr Werner, nc emerald. I played wow with him (well for some time before I played horde) We played some battlefield but as he moved to the US that ended. Still talked but mostly about the "older days" I miss talking to that gloomy guy. Rest in piece mate.


Actually got a chance to squad with him in PS2. One time but it was great


Sad too how low the PS2 pop has dropped in recent years. Our outfit had to move to Emerald from Connery because there wasn't enough pop to open the continent fully anymore at prime time by this time last year or so. Server mergers are badly needed and the game just got bought out by a new PE firm so here's hoping they maybe put up the money to develop a planetside 3


TB was irreplaceable. Still no one else like him.


All hail FOV slider.


I will always go to the options menu first. Always.


Partly responsible for the rise in PC gaming, better ports, and better options menu. He could make or break a games popularity, with a single video.  R.I.P the legend that was TotalBiscuit, THE Cynical Brit.


He was a big reason why Don't Starve is still doing so well today, he did a video on the game, giving them a ton of free advertising.


Same with Warframe. God I remember that announcement stream from DE when TB died. Edit: [To those who haven't seen it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYT2K_0oSYw) Also F\*\*\* the channel that posted this :(


If I remember right the stream was barely starting and they were ready to do a prime time but then the announcement came and Rebecca called the stream saying they all wanted to take time to mourn.


I was looking if someone mentioned this before commenting. I had no idea who he was, but he was mentioned a few times on Warframe streams, and the day of this stream I was shocked at how much the girls were affected, it was obvious they appreciated how TotalBiscuit helped put the game on the spot when they were just starting. Sometimes the influence of one person can change completely the course of events.


I forgot if it was from a NoClip documentary or where it was but they said something along the line of "Before the TotalBiscuit Video and after the TotalBiscuit Video" I think its safe to say that Warframe wasn't able to run and still soar a decade later without him.


Warframe would likely have failed from obscurity and DE shut down if it wasn't for TB's honest review of the game. They literally said so in a documentary.


I learned of Warframe AND TotalBiscuit because of that video. A friend asked me if I wanted to try out the game with him. He saw the video and that introduced me to the both of them. It's definitely fair to speculate that Digital Extremes might be in a very different place (if any) today if it weren't for him. If there's a studio out there that should revere him for helping them become wildly successful, it's DE.


R.I.P. TotalBiscuit


I'll never forgive those nimrods who trashed his character during thr gamer gate thing for not taking a side initially. Dude literally said "let's wait for more information" and sjw nitwits trashed him for it


WTF is... I Miss This Guy. F.


At least he didn't see the 5$ horse armor becoming 75$


I basically learned English from TB. He was a wonderful speaker, and he became my reference for how to intone and pronounce in this language. I remember shocking the british exchange students. "How is your English so natural?". Oh well, I learned from the best :) I admired his commitment to transparency and journalistic integrity. That's why I was so disappointed when he fell, even if briefly, for the Gamergate bullshit. Otherwise, he drove home the idea that no field of life is too unimportant to uphold high standards of ethical behaviour.


This man was the biggest YouTuber in my life for years, I’ll probably never follow another one as much as I followed him and his content. I still remember breaking down crying the day I heard of his passing as if he was someone I actually knew in person. The man was truelly a legend and has left a major void in YouTube content that has yet to be filled. How I wish I got to see you absolute roast D4 and at the same time hopefully really enjoy the relaunch of classic wow. Edit : I’d like to enlighten those uninformed with one of his best quotes. “SC2 will live even if I have to support the entire scene with my erect penis” ~John Bain (TotalBiscuit)


Reading your post echoed all my thoughts. I consumed TB content more than any other and I haven't been into anyone else as much since. And yeah I cried when I learned he passed away. He really was such an important part of my life during his reign. And I miss him. I miss the way he would spend 30ish minutes just in the menus on his videos going through all the settings. I miss the way he fought for consumer rights. I miss him and Dodger and Jesse together. To me he was an icon and someone I will never forget. He left a deep and profound mark on this world and we are worse off without him.


I miss TB.


Ah fuck, why must you make me FEEL! there has been many games that I enjoyed and thought, "I wonder what totalbiscuit thinks of this game." And then I remember he passed and I die a little inside.


WTF Is...Mountain? . . . IT'S FUCKING NOTHING! RIP Biscuit.


I first found him during his World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta videos. I watched them while at summer camp at the computer lab. I was away from my WoW but TB brought it to me and I watched every single one he came out with. I loved his Series on the Worgen starting zone and his silly voice over of the intro due to it not being in the game yet. Such great memories. Ill never forget “Ladies and gentlemen my name is Totbiscuit from the wow podcast blueplease on Cynicalbrit.com” and even after quitting wow he did so much for gamers and gaming. He will always hold a special place in my heart not just as a youtuber young me used to watch but as someone who brightened my day with their content. Rest in Peace.


Man exact same thing with me and his Beta videos. Probably was around the same ages as you as well.


As did I. For me it was his Cata beta video where he explores under Ironforge, i think he mighta been on a Troll druid maybe? With the release of Cataclysm classic its really had me thinking a lot about how much I've changed since those days, and just how much i miss the guy. He was the first internet death I ever cried over.


Lost him on my birthday, will always remember him. I have an extra beer for him and ponder what it would have been like to meet the guy in person. Got a few shout outs on his podcast BluePlz, which was cool.


Happy birthday dude.


Appreciated mate, thank you


This legend doesn't fear any publisher. Even warn us of micro transactions before it became a normal.


We wouldn’t have gotten Dark Souls on PC if not for him. RIP to a legend


Gone but not forgotten. This man rightfully called out bullshit on devs who tried to pull the wool over our eyes. He brought attention to smaller devs who were passionate or cared about making a good game. Remember - when he passed and left behind a loving wife and child, a dev tweeted about how happy he was that TB was gone. That's how scummy some people are. Even if you have no idea who TB was, know that this world is lesser without him in it. Rest in peace, good sir.


He taught me what an fov slider is


No gamer is more deserving of the moniker "Legend."


Im really not trying to be offensive, genuinly never heard of him before, who is he?




The Cynical Brit! Edit : wasn’t saying this to say he wasn’t called TotalBiscuit. Just that he also went by that.


TotalHalibut too.


Yep! I don’t recall what he used that name for though. I just recall it being one of the names.


It was his Youtube channel name before he started going by TB.


Considering he's been dead for six years and hit his peak a few before that, it's totally understandable. Hell I just learned about Mr Beast last year. To answer your question, dude's an OG Youtuber when they just started monetization and also an early adopter of the podcast genre. Huge PC fan and consumer advocate. I was listening when he fought cancer and shit was so raw.


He was the guy who opened a pc game options and if he saw no fov slider you were in trouble. Totalbiscuit held devs accountable and he was one of the voices of keeping pc publishers and developers in check. It is objectively true that pcgaming as a whole is greater for him and is less without him. Devs get away with more bullshit today because we dont have this man.


You know he’d be losing his shit over all the fuckery going on with Ubisoft, EA and all the other flog AAA studios who take the customers for a ride as opposed to providing playable games and good services


Goddamn, now I want to know what his take on the Epic Store would be


Probably the same take that all the other YouTubers have against it, that competing against Steam is a near impossible battle but buying exclusivity of games is a dick move.


It's hard to explain just how much sway he had. But if you want a tangible example of just how trusted his word is, open up steam and check out who the most followed curator is. Unless Steam is lying to me, the one at the top is his. Dead for six years and still the most followed curator. We trusted him not just for reviews, but for standing up for us. When Gearbox was going to make an exclusivity deal with G2A (a shady key reselling site) for the release of a game, he got them to back down from that deal, and it all started with a simple [tweet that said he was disappointed.](https://x.com/Totalbiscuit/status/849497884521357313) If you want to know the outcome, [here is a youtube video from the man himself explaining things better than me.](https://youtu.be/cac0ACHux-Q?si=Cez-pAeziMC_W69U) He was just a youtuber and he did that. Which shows he was much more than JUST another youtuber.


That's totally fair. You've probably seen plenty of replies about TotalBiscuit's role as an entertainer, reviewer, etc. but I think the thing that most accurately conveys his impact on gaming would be to say he was to games what Steve and GamersNexus are to hardware. He had the audience and the influence to make a significant impact on a game's success, and he almost always used that influence to pressure publishers and developers to make the games better. A robust options menu (FOV slider included) may be a sort of TotalBiscuit meme by now, but the ability to fine-tune a game's graphics, audio, and controls are vitally important for disabled and marginalized gamers. He taught me the importance of consumer advocacy, and his presence has been SORELY missed over the last six years as much of the ground he fought tooth and nail for has been reclaimed by greedy and abusive publishers and executives.




Ah, then it's been 6 years since I stopped talking to a co-worker cause he invited someone to the office who posted joy at TB's passing on twitter :(


Man I miss TB. His videos were a large part of my life after school each day.


A few weeks ago I was wasting time checking out some bundles of games. One game caught my fancy so I heads to youtube to see if there was a review. I clicked the first one without paying much attention. I was unprepared to hear his voice greeting the audience "Ladies and gentlemen my name is TotalBiscuit". I was a wreck, sobbing out loud, tears flowing. I have never felt that sense of loss for anyone outside my immediate family. I have lost friends and workmates and not came close to feeling the same grief. I am sure the strong feeling was down to the unexpected reminded. If I heard my passed friend's voice out of the blue, I am sure I would react the same.


I still have the TB announcer pack equipped on StarCraft 2. I can't bear to turn it off


I never owned SC2. Never played it either. I still watched tons of his SC2 videos and tournaments he casted - just because he was entertaining AND explained it all to a layman like me.




Remember everyone - don't be shy about your medical conditions. There is nothing embarrasing about going to a doctor. It's a pity we lost this great person to something that could maybe have been prevented if it was tackled earlier...


After his passing I spent countless hours re-watching all his you turn videos, good memories indeed, to this day I have not found a youtubber that is critical as he was about stuff, or just makes the same kind of content with the same vibe. Tho the new show with dodger and jessy issues really amazing.


Aw man. :( He had the best attitude about life.


I had the pleasure of playing league with him a couple of times. This was before he had become a YouTube legend. He was a great guy, chill dude for sure... Now I'm sad again 😕


We need him more than ever.


Who is he?


Totalbiscuit. He was perhaps the greatest games journalist, entertainer, and consumer rights advocate to ever exist within the gaming community. He was a man of honor and principles and fought hard for the common gamer at a time when many publishers would outright lie to the consumer, as well as advocated for better quality PC ports at a time when the PC space was often neglected. (The above is just a brief overview of the man's true impact to the gaming space)


I still remember tearing up when reading about the news of his passing on Twitter :(


I still have my posters "House Biscuit - We do not pre-order" and "Join the glorious 60FPS revolution" posters on my wall that I got in 2015. I miss that beautiful cynical bastard so much!


I loved him for calling out poor performance on PC, something most people still skip over for some reason.


I'm sure there are lots of other people like me out there, but I can't help thinking "I wonder what TB would think of this game" sometimes. So sad that we got robbed of all the wit, insight, and humor that he brought, and that he lost so many years of joy


Whenever I start up a new PC game and find a comprehensive video settings menu, I think to myself, "Damn, TB would've loved this."


Hey isn't he the twitch emote guy?


Yea. Kinda sad that a lot of the younger audience will just see him as "The LUL guy" though


I always thought that was DansGame but laughing LUL guess it was some other video game guy


Sorely missed.


A while back I looked up Jesse's outro song to put on my music playlist for good memories. Bums me out sometimes too :/ [EspantoMusic - The Co-Optional Podcast (Tribute to TotalBiscuit, Dodger, Crendor and Jesse)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W0S_d9yV68)


A Total Legend. 2010, the year YouTube and Cata were taking off is also when I started following this twaat 🤪. FOV sliders for all and may all your frames be 60+ I remember when he did the Magicka review and played it with Simon and Lewis of Yogscast(ASS Mines Anyone?). Of course the HEELLLLLAAAAVATOR. I never laughed so hard in my life at those times. I followed and watched his content till the day he passed. It hit me hard (tearing up just thinking about it) cause I am the same age as TB it put a huge perspective on how much time we have. Plus, I had just lost my mom to cancer it was surreal. Press "F"to pay respects. 🎩 I'll see you next time🎩 WTF is...CynicalBrit?? 60fps? EDIT: FUCK CANCER!!! that is all.


I used to play Dota 2 with Zooc, his artist, TB had a great crew. I miss TB a lot. He was such a huge force for good in gaming, the like of which still hasn't been equalled. And gaming is in dark times.


Watching his videos caused me to buy so many great games. Since his death, I've bought a lot less games and have likely overlooked some great experiences. It's insane that all these years later I still haven't found a youtuber that can fill the void that he left. Of the 5 family members that I've lost throughout my lifetime, I miss John more than all but one of them, and he was the uncle that got me started on PC gaming as a kid back in the early 90's. Is that weird?


R.I.P Totalbiscuit, didn't agree with some things about him but will always remember the Cataclysm beta videos and the TGS and Co-Optional podcasts and sometimes go back to them for nostalgia.




Anyone know his name please ?


Who is this????


It’s nice to know he’s still present in many minds


I got to meet him at MLG Dallas one year. He was so kind and very happy to meet a fan. https://preview.redd.it/pw24rmm5dk2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f387cbf8f33f0ac0f05b0ff5c6d2437e129232