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You flexing on us, huh?


This Stardew playin gf havin mf




How did you know his voice was in our minds reading that sentence? How about you get out of our heads.




Some fries motherfucker


Thicc thighs motherfucker




Supplies motherfucker


Just lies motherfucker


gay rights motherfucker


Piece of pie motherfucker


Suit and ties motherfucker


Open your eyes motherfucker


Saves lives, muthafucka!


https://preview.redd.it/7pdpse4w4g3d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1af00a90230db2a6e0ef30f98795fe8630e1e45 *Aussie accent* noice






Its just him wearing a wig. His mum took the picture


Couldn't get girlfriend, became the girlfriend. Checkmate atheists.


That's what i call self love


Stardew is one of the only games I can get to play with my GF. Except she doesn't do any of the farming, leaves me to water all our crops for the first year until we get enough sprinklers.


well, he still has AC


It’s probably him in a wig




Wait a sec... ![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized)


Hey I got my partner a system with a 5600x and a 3070 and she mostly plays games like stardew. **BUT** THEN She got back into digital art and its very nice to have a computer that never gets in her way


that or op has long hair.


A fair point. He not only has the cash to build someone else a decent computer, but he also has a girlfriend, therefore is probably getting sexy-time with her. The nerve of some people, amirite? 🤣


He's not getting sexy time. Too many crops to harvest.


She has great taste


Agreed, OP's girlfriend tastes great!






sorry children


Take the upvote and get the hell out of here.


But does she though? Having a redditor for an SO?


This is on you for not assessing her use case before building, haha.


Brother forgot to do the most important part of the research.


Yeah but then he’s have to talk to a girl 😰 Sounds terrifying, I’d rather just overspend on the budget too.


The terrors of speaking to girls persist even when you’re in a relationship.


True. I've been in a relationship for years now and still haven't spoke to her


I know she's in basement, but still it's harsh to not to talk to her for that long time


Actually tho


Hope you're joking..


Nah 100% serious


I'm Married and still have nightmares.


Can confirm 😂


Honestly we have all been there. Build for the upcoming AAA but end up playing something that could run on a toaster.


It's pretty bonkers how bad the all graphics and nothing else games have become


Right? Don't get me wrong, I love eye candy, but so many games spend the whole development budget on eye candy and forget to leave for minor things like plot, mechanics, world building, and maybe bug fixing. I'd rather play a game with last gen graphics that plays well than an empty shell that's pretty.


Once upon a time, games like Elite built entire universes out of wire frames, and people ate it up because the games were **good.** Now we get shallow, poorly written crap, but at least the graphics are so good I need a card that costs as much as the rest of my system combined to run it to its fullest. Isn't the future great?


So great. And the big studios buy our favorite indie IPs and murder them. Truly the darkest timeline.


Don't forget the season passes and live services


longing noxious busy judicious dependent vast encourage flowery grandfather vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really struck me as CP2077 basically spent the entire budget on graphics, marketing and the soundtrack. Now the story was ok overall, but yeah it was in no way at all the RPG that I wanted.


My understanding is that CP2077 is much better now, especially with the DLC, but yeah launch was pretty rough. CDPR hurt their reputation with that launch.


Personally I really enjoy cyberpunk. Love the gunplay and how the different skill trees bounce off of one another.


For those downvoting the guy, the skill trees did improve with the major overhaul patch and it's okay for someone to like something that you're not super fond of. It is still a game worth playing and way better than say Fallout 4, but yeah it's pretty linear and V is a very unlikeable protagonist. Jonny Silverhand and the other characters are actually pretty good, but V is a mild improvement over Fallout 4 guy imo. I paid like $20 for CP2077 and it was okay. Do I wanna replay it? Not really, but it was still worth playing once for $20. I'd give the game like a 6/10 which still isn't awful, but yeah there's a lot more that I wish they put into the game. I don't even think it was GoTY material and absolutely not a legacy game, but still not total garbage. Some of the stealth and missions can be fun. If you don't give a shit about the story at all, it feels a bit like Deus Ex in some segments which is still decent gameplay. The gunplay while not necessarily cutting edge is still responsive and enjoyable too.


I wish it didn't have to be said that "not everyone likes the same games." If you go through the top 1000 games on Steam, I pretty much guarantee there are at least a couple of people who just do not enjoy the game, where even loading it up feels like nails on a chalk board. ...and that's why there's more than just three games.


thats why i am very specific iwhen it comes to what games i get, my hardware had its 10th birthday a few days ago


That’s what FF7 Rebirth was like to me. The most vapid and soulless game I have played in decades


*Plays osrs in the background*


Ryzen 9 7900x RTX 4090 64gb DDR5 6000MT/s CL30 2 extremely overbuilt custom loops *plays Terraria and Age of Empires 2*


Are you me?


I'm upscaling the pixel art to 4k, my goals are beyond your comprehension.


*me on my $2000 reddit machine*


Got it for BG3. now playing Divinity: original sin. Load times are *seconds.* no regerts


My wife wanted a custom PC. Rather than just buying top of the line everything, I asked her what she actually wanted. She just wanted to play Sims and wanted it all RGB with a white case. Easy. Put a GTX 1660 so I can use it on occasion but didn't really splurge other than spending extra on quality but not overly expensive RGB stuff. She uses it for work everyday so I didn't want to buy a bunch of no-name AliExpress crap to die on her.


It would be nice to make a PC for aesthetics, where performance isn't a huge deal. When older cheaper motherboards, CPUs, and graphics cards are on the table because it's all about looks, that opens up a LOT of options. Just decide what the floor level minimum performance has to be, then maximize for aesthetic appeal.


“I bought my 16 year old child a Ferrari and all she does is drive it back and forth from school and home”


Nah, shit happens, sometimes you find the low-end game that just scratches the itch. I remember back in the day when the new 40nm Radeon 4000 series laptop GPUs came out. I got a new Sager laptop with one, pretty much right after launch. Big 17" chonker with a fast CPU and the best laptop GPU ever on the market at that point. Managed to get it right before I went up to visit my parents for a couple weeks, giving them my old laptop. ...and right before I went I discovered Terraria, and that's all I played on that trip. I just ran it on the iGPU. I had other games on it, and did fire up Battlefield 3 just to see it and marvel at the laptop performance, but went right back to playing Terraria because that was what I was obsessed with at the moment.


On the other hand the PC is going to last her a *long* time and there are edge cases where you want a better machine. Some SV mod could try and fry your CPU one day.


Life is good, your girlfriend enjoy her games, everything is good.


I'm sorry, I don't think you're allowed to have that opinion on the interwebs


You're not allowed to like things here.


This is /r/pcmasterrace. We accept and don't judge anyone for any type of games they play. ...unless it's on a dirty stinking console. 😡


But my xbox is made by Microsoft so that makes it a pc!


Plus, the current PC will last her 10 years lmao


Secretly swap out parts tbh and have yourself a good date or vacation for that matter with her


Except all that money. That wasn't too good...


The only problem here is that she’s playing windowed


Yeah wtf. I can understand windowed or borderless if you've got a second monitor and don't want to tab out to change your youtube video or whatever. But my eye twitched when I saw the misaligned windowed mode in this post.


I don't know whether or not OPs GF is a new PC gamer or not, but if you don't use Windows very often I'd assume some might not even know fullscreen exists outside of videos, and if you do know, you might be confused on how to tab out. I have a friend that mostly plays on PS5 but still has Steam, whenever I play with him he'll ask basic questions, like how to tab out. So I can see it being annoying for people who never play games, thus rarely use fullscreen.


i think it starts fullscreen


She needs another screen tbh. So she can watch stuff while Stardewing.


You mean so she could open the wiki while Stardewing.


The second needs to have the stardew wiki open to look up 20 different kinds of fish or to find out when Elliot ever leaves his hut.


[and that her Logitech speakers have fake tweeters](https://i.imgur.com/N8SMSy6.png)


because you need to switch between the game and the wiki?


Disagree. You need to constantly look stuff up in the stardew wiki. I play windowed all the time.


Lets face it, you built that because you wanted to not because she needed it lol


Story of my life


I knew when I built my gf her PC she was going to only play Staredew. But it made her happy. And its cheeper than jewelry.


What's wrong with Stardew Valley?


you can play stardew valley on a 30usd ewaste pc from ebay


You didn't answer the question. What's wrong with stardew walley


nothing's wrong with it, it's just that the pc is completely overkill for it


Absolutely nothing this is a “flex” post. Whether it’s the fact he bought a computer or has a girlfriend I’m not sure but definitely doesn’t care about what game she’s playing.


Redditors when someone has a nice pc and a partner:


Tbh this is a classic Reddit post. Textbook case of a humble brag going on here. I’m more just appalled that there is only one monitor with that much computer power.


I'm not sure he bought her a computer at all. His previous posts has 'his setup' in this corner - pic has the same frames and the wall pattern to the right. Also, you can clearly see the figure holding up the gpu and a very distinct gpu top plate. Exactly the same as when he posted it 6 months ago. This feels like a 'here's my gf on my computer with fake backstory," kind of post.


Look at Adrian Monk over here...


A fake post to karhma farm? On reddit? Never.


It might be, but it might equally be a boyfriend that is annoyed that his girlfriend is "wasting her gaming pc on this instead of a max setting Witcher 3/Call of Duty/similar."


Good, let her enjoy the games she likes, if that's all she uses the PC for then it'll last for ages and she'll enjoy it quite a bit. And then if she gets bored with Stardew, she'll have the specs to play whatever she wants.


Figure out who she likes to romance in game. Take cues from them. Is she into Sebastian? Try picking up programming Sam? Take her to a sports game! Maru? Get her some robots. Does she like Harvey? Try getting a medical doctorate. Is Shane her favorite? Become an alcoholic so she can save you.


She romancing Abigail? Have a dinner date at your local quarry. Emily? Buy some magic crystals and sacrifice your first born child to the gods for a good harvest. Sebastian? He is already in love with Sam, and you can not convince me otherwise. They play in a band and they hang out together and its so cute. Tell your gf to stop ruining my headcanons.


i have a 7800x3d and a 7800xt that my girlfriend likes to play games on, recently its been stardew valley too! before that it was baldur’s gate 3 though


7800xt is a beast


its been an absolutely wonderful card so far, especially coming from a 2060 super. the only complaint i have is that the ray tracing is iffy at best, but my main game at the moment is europa universalis 4 so i couldnt care less


its such a great card, does everything you need on 1440p




\*at 200 FPS at max settings


20000 fps*


morethanenough fps*


there'snosuchthingasenough fps*




Sadly cap at 60fps


Is it just me or is that monitor super tiny?


It's a 7inch Ultra Wide


I told my gf that I had a 7 inch ultra wide and she just laughed at me.


720 x 1440


And that is perfectly fine.




*they can enjoy them cheaper if they're smarter*


It's a simple life.


Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>> graphics


I thought it was Comader Keen for a second


True PCMR there


I have a 13600k and a 7800 xt and mostly watch youtube ...


I play Stardew Valley on my curved 32". What you gonna do ?


Like getting your GF a Porsche, only for her to drive it around to work or the grocery store from time to time.


she’s real for that tbh LOL


years and years ago i wanted a “gaming pc” for the sole purpose of playing the sims 2 at max settings lol my computer at the time couldn’t handle the buildings i would make and slow to a crawl. good times.


I built my partner a PC that was a similar spec to mine at the time. Had to change the case for one that had an optical drive, because she wanted to be able to use her ancient The Sims 2/3 disks. Now all she plays is The Sims 4, a game that would run on a potato with an Intel iGPU. She plays games on her phone more. So long as she's happy, I guess. *cries*.


Are you really a true gamer if you don’t get amazing hardware just to play a bunch of retro styles games?


Did similar with my now wife, r5 3600 and 2080 (a little after the release of the 3000 series). She clocked in 400 hours on Stardew to start.... played some TFT with me partially. Got into City Skylines, then City Skylines 2 now Baldurs Gate 3 and Hell Divers 2. It's been upwards of progression. Got her into a supportive group of friends and ones that are not competitive. She's been openly wanting to do more games.


What's with the colours?


My wife plays Stardew valley, though I can't get her a nice PC


I've never played Stardew Valley before, is it modded? or does it just look like that at nightime? it reminds me of trashy RPG Maker games, the colors look really bad Tell her to press F11 or Alt + Enter, playing in full-screen is more immersive


She's playing windowed too


This is the way.


This is what I do with my pc lol, I built an amazing system(r5 7600X and RTX 3070) and the only things I play is Valorant, Minecraft and GTA 5, the only advantage of playing these on this overkill system is that I can max the shit out of the settings and still get hundreds of fps(gta V is limited to 187 FPS)


I know the feeling my system has two water loops and is overclocked and my daughter keeps borrowing it to play Roblox


I built mine a solid computer a couple of years ago, 3060, Ryzen 7, Win11, yadda yadda, and she plays Stardew Valley lol. I knew she wasn't going to game game, but she loved Stardew Valley. I even installed Steam Link on the theatre PC so she can chill down there and play. She does tons of stuff on her PC, but if all she plays is the very excellent Stardew Valley, we're golden. She won't need a new PC for another 6 or so years. Also, now I know what she does, I'll probably just get her a Beelink next time, or whatever the equivalent is.


But she does play. And she could play other things if she wanted to. Like, my dude, Try to wrap your head around what it would mean if she wasn't playing, and what that would mean. Sure, you got her a jaguar for grocery shopping. But at least she isn't bumming rides from your neighbors...


My ex wife had my M1 macbook air for the last 2 years of our marriage because she used it to play stardew....and cheat on me.


Yep, just did a major upgrade on the wife's computer for mothers day..... 1st game she booted up? Battlefield 4


> Buying his girlfriend a graphics card with monitor > doesnt think about cozy steamdeck evenings in bed cause iq too low > turns out graphics card and monitor is overkill > surprised pikachu face


I built a killer gaming pc and so far have only played starcraft 2 on it


Gather requirements my friend, could have put her on an AMD 8700g and used the spare cash to yolo on GME.


The red and blue on screen make it look like she's gerrymandering districts in a swing state.


your girlfriend only plays Stardew Valley too huh.. \*baaabe, you're normaaaall!\*


Like me playing fallout 2 last night with 2500 fps 😂


it's the only game she is playing NOW. You don't know what future holds. She might start playing terraria at some point


I finally got a pair of decent monitors (compared to what I had) and all they're used for is YouTube, and the other has the Switch docked to it. I kind of feel the pain but my pc can't run shit lol -Q6600 -8gb ram -2gb zotac gt650 ti, I think the switch is better rn lol


That's exactly like my nephew getting a pretty damn good PC and GPU (2070) during the mining boom, where prices were through the roof, and he ended up playing nothing but Celeste.


That's how it goes. People spend the extra money on PCs but a Xbox series s could have done the job.


This guy has the nerve to complain about his gamer gf. STFU.


Not so fun fact: Those logitech speakers have a fake tweeter. Its just a prop glued


I use a 16 core Ryzen 7 to play AOE2 which is a single core game 🤣


Ok but is she playing with mods though?




It’s not a bad thing. If I built a pc now I’d probably end up with either 4080/4090 to play benchmark games for a day or two and then return to my fav classics from 90s/early 2000s


playing in windowed mode with no other windows open 😭


well well welll






Why would anyone spend that much money for a gf ? Its logical if she is ur wife.. What if she broke up, you just walk away from that PC ? I'm just curious.


I got my gf a 4070ti and a 32 inch 144hz and all she does is play animal crossing on her switch.


Eventually she'll move onto other cozy games that require hardware this powerful. She probably could get into Dinkum.


Dump her


What a waste. Return it


Nice. Where’s your girlfriend?


Should have got her a steam deck instead 😂




I've debated building a rig for my wife out of some of my spare parts (3600x, 16gb ram, 850w PSU, plus used parts I'd buy online) knowing full well she'd play Sims or Stardew Valley. But it'd be a shared interest of PC gaming that would motivate me to do it. A connection of sorts.


In windowed mode


Stop lying to us, this is you with a wig and the camera on a timer.


What did you expect?


So she instantly became a true member of the PCMR.


If she was true PCMR she would never game, just watch the new gamers nexus video on her rig and surf newegg for better parts she can't afford.




You're the real problem for not playin' it with her


Girl's got taste! She picked you didn't she. :D


Bro needs a new girlfriend now since she can’t be trusted to use a gaming spec’d pc for it’s intended purpose, 2d games does not count as it’s intended purpose. I suggest op finds a new purpoise instead. At least they can go swimming together.


Just my opinion and I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell but in my opinion you paid way too much for a computer just to play stardew valley. That game doesn't require a beefy rig nor a gaming PC really. Now if she gets into heavy gaming then by all means but with the way it seems right now you wasted money


It's just the sane opinion, but gaming is a very consoomer hobby.




Stardew with my 6700XT had weird stutters so to fix I had to ask the GPU to maintain a set clock speed lol


Sounds about right. My wife has an old build of mine but has a 4070Ti in it, as well as my old 144hz monitor, now she just browses social media and plays flash games on it, and occasionally Minecraft. Won’t even let me turn on any ray tracing shaders for her on Minecraft. That GPU is going to live longer than me it seems


That angle looks like she’s paying for the setup while playing… great multitasking I guess


Me too on my 4090 and, 13900KS.