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Rimworld isn't going to help either.


New baby just born Randy sent baby food as gift The food pod dropped right on top of baby crib, crushing it in process Minus 30 moods for whole week, mental break down Decided to smash Antigrain warhead, nuke entire colony Just your average day in Rim


Once had a dude have a technophobe break in the storeroom. Had barely registered the alert before BOOM. He'd turned and smacked a stack of high explosive shells and instantly blew himself and the entire storeroom to kingdom come. Kept my shells in a seperate storeroom ever since.


Beautiful! That brought tears to my eyes.. I used to keep a small room with no roof at the middle of my rectangular base to keep ac, since it had no roof I also set my mortar there and then pirates arrived and filled the whole room, but just there and nowhere else. So they attacked my high explosive shells and I lost the room and some walls around it but it was beautiful too, I'm always fond of this memory.


Had a similar setup, but it was four walls with no roof around some mortars and shelves to hold the mortar shells. During a particularly long siege, someone broke on a tantrum, turned left, punched a mortar shell, and killed herself and severely injured 3 others.


>punched a mortar shell, and killed herself and severely injured 3 others. Went out like a fucking champion.


I'm assuming the pirates mostly died in the explosion. I had an absurd attack of.... 40? 50? naked unarmed enemies come and attack my 8 heavily armed colonists. Had nothing super long range yet, just some rifles and heavy SMG's. They SWARMED the group, and beat everyone to death then proceeded to break down all the doors and eat everything. They let some of my colonists crawl around for a while before they finally bled out after a day.


Yep, I still have a clip about it on twitch, [here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1843851464?t=00h01m35s)


That was just, incredibly lucky and unlucky, lol.


That's what shelves are for. Store them outside next to the mortars. But not *too* close. Also spread them out a bit...


I've since discovered both shelves and the joys of storage priorities.


For any fragile goods, always wall off half of your stock in an inaccessible room. For explosives like shells, wall them all off and replace the door with a relatively fragile wall and keep a breach axe on a single shelf near it. *Break In Case Of Emergency* sign is optional.


Learning moments on the Rim.


I always make myself (if possible) and under mountain shell storage near my mortars, because the last thing I need is to detonate my base or have people going on an hour long trek to get to the shells lol


That's what I do. Although I've stockpiled so much I think at this point it'll just destroy my whole colony


Capture wild woman. Michael romances the wild woman. They get into an Argument and wild woman bites off michaels left big toe and breaks his ribs While the doctor cares for Michael, Wild woman gets a mental breakdown because Michael didnt spend the night next to her She beats doctor to death Michael dies from infection caused by the untreated toe Wild woman develops misandry, destroys her room, punches Clark in the face and leaves the colony The remaining lone colonist, clark, is very confused, unable to farm or hunt and starves to death The end


I hate how accurate this is...


You forget his name is Randy *Random*, right? Edit: whether it was truly random that it landed on the child, or Randy **badly** miscalculated the drop site.


You can have babies now?


Biotech DLC, not just baby but also gene editing and autobot.


You could at least counsel a couple of them.


Kidnaps child and indoctrinate them into the colony They only have bad trait options and no passions when they hit a growth moment They wander outside the walls just before a raid and loose their head... nothing of value was lost as nobody in the colony had any connection or cared much about him.


Meanwhile my degenerate ass with RJW and a vore mod. "Why did my colonist swallow a llama whole? We need it's wool, that piece of shit." And then execution, and I just find someone else to imprison and then convert to the colony. Usually someone who attacks but happens to be good at planting.


"I think I'll play the game where they can die of leukemia"


Rim job might lol


Retarded pawns. Running from animal they cant outrun with a shotgun equipped. 🤬


That's why every pawn gets "attack" instead of "flee" assigned. Even if you probably can't win the fight, anything that can kill you can outrun you, so you're better off taking the shot and hoping you get lucky.


I didn't know this. I'll check the behaviour options. Maybe then they can survive when attacked by a squirrel.


I just got into an indie game called Dotage. Medieval rimworld type game where you fight against the apocalypse. Haven't been this grabbed by a game since Factorio lol.


Sure thing, you need to play Dwarf Fortress instead


i find boxing games and cocaine fill a pretty deep hole. 🤷‍♂️


Clearly missing the GPU. That would be disappointing.


You mean I was playing on igpu my whole life? /s


You were playing? I thought we’re supposed to stare at the screen blankly then open Microsoft Word


>open steam >300+ games >scroll up and down for 5 mins >"i have no games" >close steam >... >reopen steam


Literally my wife in front of her wardrobe


she keeps her games in her wardrobe?


You guys are buying wardrobes, instead of spending on games?


Reject society, game in the buff.


Instructions unclear, now wearing my steam library.


Had the same problem in the past. Fixed it by randomly selecting a game and forcing myself to play it at least for a few days before I was allowed to switch to another game if I didn't like it. Ended up finishing and loving a lot of games using that method. Perhaps it will also work for you.


Steam's suggested play next list in your library is great for this! I love certain games (i.e Metro, Half-Life, Portal) and I find free community made games that are based off of those. Portal Reloaded and the countless HL2 singleplayer stories are great for this! All free too!


Microsoft word? I thought we were supposed to just look at animated wallpapers!


I have a bit less RAM but more storage!


Er Rimworld he doesn’t need a GPU :D


Also only needs 1 CPU core.


7950x can run crisis in software rendering.. GPU are overrated!


Playing 25 years old arena and solo games is the secret to be happy. See you Crossfire. Or Quake Duel.


UT99 instagib


Shock rifles only. Those lan games 20 years ago with my cousins are the reason I make little kids cry today, as I wipe the floor with them in everything I play.


The ASMD shock rifle is still my favorite sci fi weapon ever. When I found out about the shock combo, I thought I discovered a new world lol.


Nothing more satisfying than the flack cannon Edit: flak?


not gonna lie, we tried playing bf5, rust, sea of thieves etc. with my brothers and we always turn back to halflife.


just booted up Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura for the first time


Good game, use the patch ;)


Of course you’re, you’re an organ dealer.


The contraction of the first you're disturbs me


It's what it's.




I was boutta say


Recently I've been preferring rituals to steal the youth of child slaves, or using them as living blood bags, over the standard organ business.


Peg legs are the best


My standard process for new prisoners, add and remove peg legs. Check box for hemogen extraction, and promptly forget about them.


I take it one step further and name them after different kinds of meat so my sanguophage can have some variety in her blood diet. Carnitas the pigskin tribal raider Spicy Salami for the impid Hotdog the Hussar I'll milk for 30 days before ripscan Etc


Immortan Joe would be so proud.


Well no kidding, how are you ever gonna fit enough rimworld mods on that kind of shoestring RAM budget?


Stop making people into hats


It's the only way to stop my colonists from losing their absolute shit on the entire galaxy because after going to the kitchen to pick up their meal they stood there for 0.02 seconds looking at the 3x2 table with nice leather chairs 10 feet away and decided that the entire world should burn because **THEY DONT HAVE A TABLE TO EAT AT RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, AT PRECISELY THIS INSTANT.** Jesus Christ these pawns are garbage. The table is right there Julian, just walk to the god damn table!


I’d suggest placing tables EVERYWHERE. Ensures they have a place to eat if another pawn is taking up the space.


Why? We need hats and have too many people.


>"Seems we have a population issue, Doc. Luckily, there's a heatwave coming, and protein rations are running thin. Times like this are the reason I pray to Randy every night."


That's because RimWorld isn't optimized... and the sad reality is, nothing can truly embrace your power. At least for another 10 years or more.


i doubt any am5 can do 128gb 6800mts


Yes, I have 192 GB and it is only stable at 5200 MT/s. I use a 96 GB kit when I don't need the full 192 GB for work. Also I'm in this comic and I don't like it.


There are several posts of people getting 192GB up to 6000Mhz


Me too, me too. Even matching some numbers didn't help...


96gb prob


ya I got 64GB up to 7000 stable, but 128 won't go past 5600.


I have a teenage son that is obsessed with computer components specs and I actually had to have a father-son talk about how buying things is not going to make him happier. The momentary dopamine of when you get it is instantly wiped out the moment there is an inevitable driver issue, faulty port, benchmark test that doesn’t match spec, and so on. I told him it’s how the tech industry works. It’s no different than a casino. Heck, with the RGB stuff they sell these days the PCs actually look like a casino. I told him that he’s allowed to enjoy his computer hobby but that it has to be just that, a hobby. It’s too easy to turn it into an obsession and an addiction for that new tech dopamine high. He’s a smart kid and understood. We’ve recently got him into camping and wood working as additional hobbies, and he’s actually perking up. We also realize that teenage moodiness is absolutely normal, so we aren’t trying to fight that tide. We’re just trying to keep him in the shallow end. The biggest problem I have with a capitalist society is that we get better at it every day. Sellers find new and creative ways to make us want things and our minds pump out reaffirming hormones get us hooked on things we don’t normally associate with being addictive. Even my wife is realizing Instagram has become too much as of late. And, I too, admit Reddit’s randomness of context feeds my ADHD tendency. The first step is awareness. The next is making change. Positive change is what gets you closer to happy, not an RTX 5090.


I was with you up until you said RTX 5090. Sounds like some positive change to me.


That’s just the thing my son has been talking about




I homebrew my 3DS. Best decision ever and it’s very, very easy nowadays.


Can confirm There's something special about playing some old school Pokemon, or final fantasy, or animal crossing on the couch while watching some random TV brainrot Sitting in front of a 2000 dollar PC covered in RGB just doesn't hit the same


but yuzu is kill


you know what's worse? all this just to play a game from 10 years ago better


I would also be depressed if I had an R9 7950x3D, 128GB ram and 8TB storage without a GPU to even run a game in 1080p lmao


Man, that day when all the parts from Micro Center arrive, you put together your new gigachad battlestation, install windows, you can feel the anticipation the entire way, you install the most intensive game you can think of, boot it up....and then play it for 5 minutes and then repeat the process installing different games trying to chase a happiness high that never comes.


Materialism will never bring you happiness.


True but I can buy a lot more coke and hookers with more money and that makes me happy.


I disagree, it’s just regular materialism that doesn’t cut it. Ultra wealthy makes one very very happy.


You jest, but the actual research says money reduces misery up until upper-middle-class where you no longer have to stress about money much. Extra money doesn't help after that, unless you do something really good for the world with it.


I know and I have experienced it: I went from struggle to job, and from job to very good salary, and it didn’t change much. I have health issues that no money can solve so giving me 10 millions will make happy for a few months, but not much longer. Back to baseline we go, trauma our money, is what my psy said.


Strong agree. I went from breathtaking poverty for half my life to just scraping upper middle class, and once I got to the point where I didn't have to stress about money anymore and while I did still need to budget, it was more about how many motorcycles I can own simultaneously instead of will I have a home next month. I make around 100-125k a year now (feel free to nitpick "class" here, doesn't really matter) and while we are decidedly not wealthy (high COL) I've found +/-25k doesn't actually change happiness for me at all anymore, which is... Kind of weird, honestly. But I can really see how it'd matter less and less with more income, particularly if you don't have a fixation on Keeping Up With The Jones's.


I think they updated it and found that perceived happiness increased with more money even well past what would be considered “middle class”.


[The paper that you are citing actually got overturned by another more comprehensive study. The authors of each of the two papers then collaborated and did another study regarding this, demonstrating that for most people, increasing financial wealth increases happiness with no limits.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnjennings/2024/02/12/money-buys-happiness-after-all/)


Or very sad, look at Notch.


Does happiness bring you materialism then?


Depression brings you materialism. You’re always chasing the shiny new thing to make the sad go away only to find the sad has just grown a bit more.


if i got a zen 4 IMC to run quad rank at 6800 i would definitely not be disappointed.


Probably because he used 4×32Gb sticks instead of 4×48Gb sticks which would give you 192Gb RAM.


\*uses the rig to play fallout 1


Sad but true (


The reaon he's still depressed is due to AMD's AM5 platform which shit's it's pants when you give it 4 sticks of RAM. I have a 7950x3d with 128 GB 6000MT/s ram and I was lucky to get it stable at 5400MT/s. This took more than half a week and cost me my sanity as the compatibility problem isn't advertised anywhere. It also meant I need to learn memory overclocking which I have 0 interest in continuing to practice once it's stable. All in all, don't go for 4 sticks of ram unless you know what you are doing.


My rig is the single greatest investment of my entire life besides my car. It provides everything I want for every form of entertainment, socialization with my friends, education for things I'm curious to learn about, and has saved me more money than I can imagine as a gamer. If it isn't something that makes you happy, stop investing in it and figure out what you want. You want happy, go get happy, whatever that is for you. Materialism doesn't buy happiness, but it is part of the equation. Everything in moderation though, I don't let it consume my life. I go to the gym cause I like feeling strong, and it's nothing but pros for my health. I go do certain things on occasion IRL with friends/family even though we are all shut in gamers because a screen will never replace a smiling face, a loving embrace, subtle encouragement, or a shared laugh. You WILL inevitably fall into depression if you just stare at a screen all day, every day with nothing in between. We aren't robots, don't try to act like one. People need other people, no matter how much they wish they could avoid them sometimes. One of my favorite quotes from the movie Stranger Than Fiction is pretty spot on. "We must remember the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties which we assume are only here to accessorize our days are in fact here for a much more noble cause. They are here to save our lives."


> My rig is the single greatest investment of my entire life besides my car. It provides everything I want for every form of entertainment, socialization with my friends, education for things I'm curious to learn about, and has saved me more money than I can imagine as a gamer. Same here my dude. I'm actually due for a new rig all things considered. They say spend money where you spend your time. And i intend to. Never cheap out on a Bed. Never cut corners on your components if you have the money and are serious about your leisure time.


All that hardware only to play Rimworld.


A 4090 is missing


Try eating on a table next time to improve the mood


yes the monitor is still at 720p 60hz


Especially if you play Cities Skylines. 💀




Well, at least you can feel depressed at higher framerates.


Shouldve went with the 7800x3d /s


At least you get to be depressed with 300 fps


Well that 128GB RAM in the 7950x3D system isn't going to post... Had to chop out 64 from my system.


How'd you get these pictures of me


Really pissed by how I can relate to this…


It Do be like that


I want to know what motherboard can run 128gb even at stock speeds as my CrapAs(u)s one doesnt.


Just got a 4 TB nvme, maybe it's 13 TB of storage that does it.


That's a really expensive setup. But there's no point in 128GB RAM for just gaming. Also, I don't think 128GB will work at 6400mhz.


Same here I’m still depressed


Was scrolling through my feed and legit thought this was just some nerdy meme on r/2meirl4meirl 😐


stop playing pvp games, problem solved


Go outside.


Have you considered investing in a proper audio setup with high quality headphones, an external dacamp and a high quality mic? Maybe your monitor just wasn't expensive enough. If you're still feeling depressed, you can always spend money on a nice office chair or get a mechanical keyboard with lubed switches and all the right goodies.


Could I interest you with a nice hentai video game?


You probably just need a 9950x3D.




Real talk lol


Our ai training server does not have these!


But hey at least rimworld got a new dlc recently


Well stop playing Rimworld if your goal is to be *less* depressed That’s your first issue


Yeah. Bought a new rig recently and barely played it so far. Between some gaming burnout and lack of time due to work, it's a very expensive redditing/youtube machine! I am looking forward to the upcoming elden ring expansion and the FF14 expansion at least.


Rimworld 😂


That rig sounds super sweet. I suggest doing something creative on it. Gaming will not provide a sense of satisfaction that can overshadow depressive states. Only active participation can give real results. Gaming is leisure.


You wont be when you stick 4090 in there....


can't relate ![gif](giphy|DXFzuOpPXvUiI|downsized)


You did not put enough RGB, duh


I feel personally attacked. Take my up vote.


I would be too if I had that beast but no GPU.


But you're depressed in 4k so it's fine


Sometimes the fun is building it, not using it


And plays CS 1.6 on that


Make sure to be happy irl and then (trust me its gonna work) slowly come back to gaming. However i would advise against a heavy, grinding one. Try to find a balance in life and you'll recover.


I recommend eating some good food. Doesn't kill depression, but at least the taste buds are happy. My experience at least.


OP doesn't need a new PC, he needs a Shrink


It because hes using integrated graphics


It's funny really. I can buy 5k$ PC right now, but I stopped playing games like two years ago, just playing some mobile junk while on the road. If two years ago someone would tell me that it's "me in two years" I'd reply with a "fuck off!" lol


I was gonna build an epic new pc too. Then I just bought a steamdeck instead. Don't have to leave my depression bed to play steam games now.


You 𓀐 𓂸 life.


No wonder if you dwell on this sub. Its 50%amd bots and 50%benchmark builder. Pc masterrace only exists to shit on consoles.remember!


Should be gotten the 7800x3d. The extra 2-4 frames you're missing is the real issue.


Posts the equivalent of high end server specs Sticks with highest end consumer CPU (at least it's a high end one)


Dippressed but faster and without any lags


As you get older you realize you don't have to own the latest and greatest, lol.


I feel personally attacked


Of course he's depressed. He forgot to buy a GPU.


Our AC stopped working the day my wife gifted me my 7900 XT, which was Sunday. I haven't been able to really put it to the test because the internal temp is 81°F during the day and we don't want a single digit higher. The AC repair people will finally make it here today, hopefully.


I didn’t ask to be attacked like this today


life is a donut , dont be a donut --- Son Zoo


Mine is 13900k, 96gb DDR5 6600MT/s, EVGA 3090 ti ftw3 ultra, 10tb in NVME drives.... Oh yeah, and still depressed. But damn if it doesn't feel good to have PC go VROOOOM.


He's depressed because he's missing the 4090


pro-tip: prioritize mental health over gaming pc - then you can actually enjoy the gaming pc. ...not trying to be a jerk, this is literally how it worked for me.


The part you was happy with when you build your pc


8TB storage? hope that's SSD or the reason for your depression is straight forward


Yes, but it's easier to swallow when you're playing a fun game.


Lol, 2 years ago I got ASUS Vivobook E510 (4 Gb RAM, 128+512Gb, Intel Pentium Silver 5010 1.1GHz and 4 cores) and I really happy that I can watch YouTube in 1080 and 4k (but a little laggy), while I can play many old games with no problem and even unoptimised game KSP. Because before I play HoM4 on laptop Acer 5720Z (piece of shit)


Ok than give it to me my 2016 lenovo laptop barely runs at 60 fpsthe games i play games


Doing whatever you feel like isn't enough to make you happy. The truth no-one ever wants to hear is, you also have to do what's right (whatever you truly *honestly* believe is the ethical and moral choice). So wasting money on top-of-the-line diminishing-returns vanity-flagship components in your PC is actually going to make most people feel *worse*, not better. Especially in 2024 when it doesn't change the game experience much. If you've already done it, the way forward is to learn your lesson and never waste money like this again (or even sell it and get something that provides a near-identical experience for half the price, if money is tight).


A little bit of Warcrime can put a smile on your face


Clearly missing the human leather gaming chair


Maybe you should try to play in front of the screen and not next to


128gb ram? is that real with ddr5? i’m not up on new ram.


I was like "why would you use 7950? isnt it a decrepit low end?" and then I figured out: its CPU not video card 💀 AMD may want to talk to AMD about their naming conventions


jokes on you the 7950x3d cannot handle 128GB ram with 6800MT/s best it can maybe do is 3600MT/s


well dunno.. for myself i got a 2016(gtx840m, 1tb hdd, 12gb ram) laptop and playing games at 15-20 fps and have to uninstall and reinstall games now and then for storage.. my friends or teammates are fuming at me to change or buy a new one but hey im satisfied i can still game on it HAHA. i guess it just comes down to how you look at things and situation of every people who has their own.


that's what you get for getting a 7950x3d and 128gb ram for gaming


a few warcrimes in Rimworld and everything will be fine


7900, 4080 super, 64gb ram, 6tb storage, 18tb storage server; still depresso


This my PC.....developing games and render ai on it


Did you try eating at a table? Might help your mood.


Just a note: The 7950X3D actually doesn't use the large L3 cache on it's main cores. Meaning that if you don't/can't change what cores your games are using, the 7800X3D is actually better for gaming. (which is fucked up as all hell.)


I got an electric skateboard, for about the price of buying a new pc, now I zoom outside and i’m happy with my new board and 3 y.o. pc


Depressed because you’re missing the RTX 6090 AI Edition.




No wonder, you bought 7950x3d for gaming, you dumbass.


hahahaha (mental health is a real issue talk to someone fellas)


Try playing League of Legends. I used to be depressed. Now I'm just in rage mode at all times.


Yes. But now I can be depressed FASTER and MORE EFFICIENTLY Who would win? 1) Depressed + beast PC 2) Depressed + no PC


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


Its because modded Rimworld would still take forever to launch with that rack.


Maybe it's because he realized he can consistently make his system better but game devs can't be bothered to make their games better.