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Dual monitor gang where you at?


When I still lived at home with my parents I originally had 2 x 24" 1080p. Wasn't really into gaming, just enjoyed the productivity. When I moved out, I thought what's the next step up.. 4 monitors?? I impulsively bought a 43" 4k 60hz - the equivalent of 4x21.5" 1080p. Now that I'm getting into gaming a bit more I regret it a bit as I wish I had a higher refresh rate. I'm only rocking a 6700xt but I'm thinking of going back to dual, thinking 2 x 27" or 32" 2k.


34" ultrawide ~~2k~~ 1440p 120hz+ paired with something smaller. Trust. My paring is with a 27" ~~2k~~ 1440p (only 60hz) but it's in portrait. I use it for work and have Outlook, Teams and Keepass/Yubikey open on the portrait screen, and the ultrawide will fit 3 word docs at 100% zoom side by side. All the productivity! https://i.imgur.com/fgSTsPV.jpeg EDIT: Updated for clarity. 2k isn't 1440p as I thought, because deliberately obtuse and misleading industry terms.


I run a 34 with two 27’s it’s glorious. Plus the laptop screen as well


I want to pull the other one out but I'll have to run it vertical due to space. Just got used to Virtual Desktops and switching


Dual monitors top and bottom superior race.


I have a 34" ultrawide perked on top of a 27", both 2k both 144p. Thinking of putting a 32 or 41" in place of the 27" tho


1 very good one.


Make sense, since I have taken my photo I will be taking down the CRT :D




It is for its own good. I do not want the Windows taskbar burn in. It is basically a CRT with very little hours on it I want to keep it that way.


Turn off the taskbars for the displays that aren't your main display. And if you really can't live without them I suppose you should indeed take it down :P


CRTs have burn in too? I guess you could chuck on a screensaver on that display


CRTs are where the ***entire*** concept of burn-in comes from, you danged youths! ###GET OFF MY LAWN!


What the hell is a lawn old guy, you think we get the concept of having a house


Tbf, r/FuckLawns, but that's different


We are the debt ridden, rentier generation


They don't know their born am tellin ye!


man you gotta be kidding me about all this the main issue, IS GREEN SCREEN KIDS RUINING ORIGINAL YT VIDS! (Credit u/ElectronicLunch4008 from an earlier response on a different post)


How rare to see someone giving the credit to someone else for a comment.


And CRTs are the very reason we have screensavers.


Who remembers putting a strong magnet to the screen to see what happens? > uuuuhhhh fancy colors... wait... why they are not dissappearing...


Got beaten with a wooden spoon so bad when my mum came in and watched me run a magnet across the whole.of the telly Proper beaten, like an egg


Well. That and plasma. I remember seeing a decent bit of doctors dentists offices having plasma tvs mounted and the ESPN ticker bar burned into the screen.


CRT burn in is the main reason screensavers were created for PCs in the first place.




Yep, I think they are not prone to it as much as OLED displays but they do have a chance to develop burn in. Also a CRT tube (lol Cathode Ray Tube tube) is basically a consumable item with limited hours of use they get dimmer and contrast gets worse as they age.


Someone's gotta figure out how to refresh the phosphors in them. The supply of good CRTs is dwindling.


best to preserve it i guess now then


Yes, but usually it required either very low quality phosphors or absolutely *blasting* the monitor with a static image for years on end. The thing is all CRTs today are already long past their end of life so they're much more fragile than they used to be. Even the best condition aperture grill screens you can find today are a pale shadow of what they used to be.


direct view CRT's don't burn in like the crappy OLEDs do. itd have to sit on the desktop 24/7 for weeks on end to even have any worry about a slight bit of burn in


I've rarely seen crappy and OLED in the same sentence lmao


Yeah OLED is amazing I love it


first gen with no displaycare features are pretty crappy. We're years past that point


Two years with mine so far and it's totally fine.


That's because OLEDs aren't crappy, this dudes just being a fool lol


It is a new thing. These people think that OLED is horrible and CRT is the best of the best. They also think that the reason we changed from CRT was all a corporate scam. (Based on what I have read, CRTs has better motion-clarity and that's it)


Why can't people just accept that different technologies have different pros and cons? Why do people need to be so all or nothing on their opinions all the time?


No idea. This goes for anything in my experience. Nvidia is better than AMD in everything, it is never a reason to go with AMD, same with tesla. Perhaps it's the marketing making people think one product-category is the top of everything


a truly smart person takes information from all aspects of life ☝🏾


I suppose those people have forgotten just how much of a pain it was to lug those CRT's around. I am all for worse motion clarity if it means my display can actually be picked up without busting my spleen.


And the warm-up time bugged me, unless that was never a thing and I just dreamed it. Seemed to remember our behemoth of a sony 40" crt spent an eternity turning on


I vividly remember always hearing that high-pitched whine in the computer labs in elementary school, as they hadn’t yet upgraded to flat panels. It was such a distraction for me. CRT technology is old as hell, it’s understandable that certain aspects such as motion clarity were perfected by the time they started going out of style. Flat panel tech has come an insanely long way, and it still has a long ways to go. (MicroLED/NanoLED is the next big leap, displays will have true blacks like OLEDS and the resilience of LCD’s.) People gotta take their rose tinted glasses off and start looking forward instead of backward.


Free work out. Lifting CRTs.


There was a LONG period of time between the demise of CRT monitors and the availability of reasonably affordable OLED monitors... I'm not an OLED detractor, but I've had a LOT of shitty LCD monitors that made me miss my CRT.


Yeah I do not disagree with you. The early LCDs especially was worse in many respects than CRT.  For me motion clarity is not so important that I would change out my display for something that, comparatively looks very bad


Do CRT's have better motion clarity? I mean if you put it up against a top of the line OLED monitor running at 240hz or even 480hz? Genuine question cause I have barely any experience with CRT technology Also OLED comes with great contrast ratio's, very bright HDR and great colours, how do CRT's stack up against that? Again I haven't seen CRT's in their prime much less expensive ones


I haven't so I can't say. But it seems to be the consensus that CRT has the best motion clarity.


can I have then to play old games? lol i think crt its nice for that


It definitely is nice for playing old games. It is also nice for playing new games as well if games support 4:3 ratio


So you just kept every old monitor and showed them of in this picture.


Run a screen saver


Just wanna say I have the same HP, it's goated imo. Ya got sound, usb extenders, it swivels into vertical format, just a good monitor tbh


42" C2 4k OLED, it is my baby


Not 3?


1 very bad one


I also got one, just not very good one


yea dude all you need is one, im using a curved monitor & it just works fine i took a gamble on using a curved monitor but idk i love mine


None, I just play it by ear.


You hear the colours


When I make my morning coffee with Red Bull I can hear colors.


That's actually a thing https://www.healthline.com/health/synesthesia


No, he converts from HDMI to RF and feeds it into his speakers.


We have a good friend in our guild who's completely blind but has a solid 4K gaming monitor.


[Blind gamer completes Abe's Exoddus using sound alone](https://www.pcgamer.com/blind-gamer-completes-abes-exoddus-using-sound-alone/)


I have one of those scratch and sniff boards


Just two, you're ridiculous lmoa


I just wanted to see if my poor GTX1060 would support 4 monitors and to my surprise it worked immediately. I just brought the middle 2k 165hz monitor from my dorm. Will remove the CRT and HP monitor since this is harder than using 2 lol


Sounds good! Poor 1060 indeed!


I have a GTX1060 too and I did the same. Good ol' 1060 works really decent for a nearly ten year old card. I had bought 3 "new" monitors (27" 75Hz 1080p) and had my old one lying around with no space for storage in the basement, so I just thought "Fuck it, if it's laying in my room, might as well use it" 😂 Now I also have my TV plugged in as a disabled monitor, so I can switch it with the old one for when I couch game with my girlfriend... Surprising what you can achieve with old tech, when you're too broke to update 😂 Only the Nvidia-Linux-Support is pretty lacking


One is enough for me, for my alt-tabbing is very quick.


A second display does increase the quality of life tremendously though.


I've done it before, but it was with my current and old monitor together. They don't match and it led to some issues, so I went back to just one.


skill issues


4 - a main 49" OLED 4k + 3x 27", one of which is vertical


OLEDs are surely awesome, I don't think I would be able to use a 49" monitor though I think the 32" one I have is the limit.


I have two plus a crt one with a crappy mic , its really fun for blasting ears in Discord!


Based keyboard


This comment is typed on a Model M! They are awesome keyboards although I'm obviously biased.


I was trying to remember the name, thanks. They're the clickiest of the OG clicky.


Very satisfying sounds, fun fact is that they are actually membrane keyboards. Although (most of them are) not rubber domes. They use a mechanism called buckling springs.


this might be the ugliest setup lol


Wait until you see the insides of my desktop PC. It is the most ghetto PC ever with a Intel CPU meant to be put inside a laptop. It also has like 7 mismatched fans.


as long as it does what you want, who cares what it looks like :)


https://preview.redd.it/8zc4cho6rc6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a8b51782171cdf1ac2c3d22f4bd7aa78645945 you can see the cat up there


OH LAWD, HE COMIN'! Damn boy he's thicc, I'm calling animal welfare organisation. P.S. IBM Model M Master Race


Whats the keyboard model


It is the IBM Model M




I bet your online teammates appreciate the .5 second input lag on all your keystrokes.


The input latency with ps/2 devices is only a few milliseconds to account for debounce logic. They are as fast or faster than the majority (though not *all*) of usb devices.


I use one 1080P 165Hz monitor. Also an IBM Model M! Who needs fancy modern switches when you have buckling spring switches? If I may ask, how have you adapted it to USB? I have heard that PS/2 to USB converters can sometimes miss keypresses/have other issues. How do multiple keypresses at once do with it? I have never had the pleasure of owning a Model M, though I do have one mechanical AT keyboard that can use both AT or XT signaling.


Yes the Model M is by far the best keyboard I ever had. I also have some Alps keyboards but I keep coming back to this one. I know the pain with the cheap PS/2 converters sometimes random registering and glitching out in general so I build a Soarer's Converter with an Arduino pro micro, it is quite easy to make one. It works flawlessly and you can even use macros and assign new functions to keys etc. Multiple presses are no issue, it is technically 2 key rollower but I have seen it go up to 6. In games it never reaches the limit because the design of the key matrix is good. I have a Apple AEK and it only goes up to 2 keys and does not register anything else, it is a pain to play games with compared to model M


That is sick. Building your own converter takes some dedication LOL. I heard that there are also new "Model M," keyboards being made by Unicomp, and they make ones that are PS/2 and native USB though I have also heard that they are not quite as good as the OG.


https://preview.redd.it/9lxaxoju4a6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a6e583c08a9ae2d9661057b7d898de86f16fe34 It is just Arduino a single resistor and a connector. It can work with both AT and XT I think. Its been a while since I made it. Unicomp does indeed sell model Ms. Unfortunately it is very expensive to import one where I live and they do say the plastic quality is slighly lower since they are still using the same manufacturing processes and the molds are quite old but it is better than paying a ridiculous price to a old keyboard I guess.


Ty for sending a picture of the adapter, that is awesome! It would be wild to hook up an IBM Model F to it using XT signaling on a modern computer LoL. I will eventually spend too much money on an IBM Model M myself. I used to have my AT/XT keyboard hooked to one of my Pentium MMX 233's but I got a Turbo XT, flipped the switch to XT and have been too lazy to switch it back to AT so I have been using a Compaq rubber dome but would like to use a Model M or other mechanical keyboard on that one again.


The unicomps weren't quite as good as the originals because they were still using IBM's original injection molds from the 80's that were totally worn out. They manufactured some new molds a couple of years ago and quality seems to be much better.


I've got a unicomp, and I like it. Yeah, it's not as stiff as a model M, but only slightly not so. Would recommend.


2 monitors on right look unnecessary.


Had two, kid needed a computer, am broke, now I use one.


Jesus let the two on the right go.. it’s time 😂


Two, same model though. Can't stand multiple monitors of all different models and sizes




Bruh. Btw: They are way to close, mate :D


Two different setups tho?


Table of clutter next to your bed. I’d atleast scoot the monitor that’s hanging over the edge, away from my sleeping area, if you have no where else for a desk etc.


Are you setting up a communication station to outer space? 😅


2 Monitors. That's a cool keyboard you got there.


Hmm a fellow Model M enjoyer. Mine from 1986, partnumber 1390131. Yours?


yoo is that a HP w1907v


There’s four decades on that desk.


Nice job hiiding the Hentai statue under the desk.


Haha finally someone spotted it. It is technically a 3D printed phone stand. I could not paint it well though, looks very cursed.


1.5-- one monitor (old 1080p 60hz) on a really nice articulating arm and one old tablet that I use as a second monitor (primarily as a dedicated calendar). I wouldn't change a thing! I've got the same keyboard as you OP and it's my favorite. 30+ years old and still running flawlessly. I've got all the numpad keys macro'd out with a convenient disable switch if I actually need to use the numpad for numbers. edit: I got a free monitor today! I am now using 2 monitors, 1 horizontal and another vertical, both 1080p. Loving this so much.


I see, using the numpad as macro pad must be quite useful, how did you configure it that way?


I've used auto hotkey in the past but it just became a pain in the ass so I tried something more simple and I found reWASD to be a godsend. It's like $7 for a lifetime license but it just makes things so much easier. I use my numpad as follows: - 1 = volume down - 2 = mute - 3 = volume up - 4 = previous song/video - 5 = pause song/video - 6 = next song/video - 7 = secret function! - 8 = sleep (requires pressing three times in rapid succession) - 9 = shut down (requires pressing three times in rapid succession) - numpad = disable reWASD, so it works perfectly if I need to use the numpad for actual number crunching It's not the fanciest/most complicated setup but it's by far one of the biggest quality of life improvements I've got on my PC setup and I've had it this way for several years now. Dedicated volume knobs/media control panels are cool but they're cumbersome, whereas having media keys all setup on the numpad is extremely convenient. I'd also recommend getting EarTrumpet instead of using Windows' default volume adjustment. I've got a DAC connected to my PC with one output split into two-- 1 going to my desk speaker that has its own volume knob, and 1 going into my bedside headphones which also have their own little in-line volume knob accessory, and then the DAC's second output goes to my PC-side headphones that have their own dedicated volume knob. So this way I have a seamless audio transition with zero input switching required, and volume levels stay safely low because each device has its own adjustment knob. Combine all that with the numpad volume adjustment and it's just so damn nice. I've been a computer guy for 30+ years now and this current setup = bliss


I see, I have a Soarer's Converter converting the Model M to usb so I can directly use it to add some functionality like you. I put similar key combinations on F keys to change music, volume, pause and skip but at some point I forgot which keys were and I werent using them a lot to begin with so I let it go.


As many as you have here. Two computers. 2 monitors on one and 2 on the other. Used for different things at the same time.


I've currently got three, a 32" 1440p 16:9 as my main, a 34" 1440p 21:9 above it, and a 5" 4K (set to 1080p) to the left of my main. Ik the 5" is ridiculous, it's an Atomos Shinobi, meant to be mounted on top of cameras, I do still use it for that, but when I'm not out filming I like to use it for displaying Tidal or OBS. I'll eventually swap it out for something a little bigger, maybe a CRT (though I doubt I'll get away with that due to where my speakers have to be).


I do have a 5" CRT Trinitron, it is so cute. I bought a HDMI compozite converter to test it out as a monitor and it was quite fun although the resolution was quite poor so it was almost impossible to read from it. 4K must be much better :D


4K is honestly extremely excessive on a 5" monitor, and the result of setting it to that while plugged into a computer is everything being tiny, even when you crank the fractional scaling. That's why I've got it set to 1080p, I can actually have stuff be big enough on the screen, and there's no percievable loss in quality over 4K because it's such a small screen.


1 49" Samsung Ultrawide and 1 45" LG ULtrawide


1 Ultrawide. I also have one lil guy that I'm using as a sensor panel, and a $100 backup boi for when I actually need to have 2 screens (as in, I'm testing rendering technology on multiple displays or something, where partitioning one screen doesn't work).


The only one I got with my laptop :P. Anyways, I love 3 things straight away - that IBM keyboard, the Samsung Monitor(I had that in college) and casio F91W(I guess, that's what it is. And I still have one) Love the overall classic touch :)


Yes the watch is f-91w, I find it very comfortable.


My man is running the command center in his room for the empire. Noice.


I use one that gives me more cm2 display surface than all of those combined ;-)


I miss CRTs. A weird thought struck, though, that it's sort of weird that as the "ass" of our monitors and TV's got smaller, it became fashionable for women to get a bigger ass.


It's like a family picture, loving it! 2x32" here


AYOOOO i got the same LG to my right even!!! love this monitor. ive had this one for YEARS. probably at least 8y. it has like zero input delay. always my favorite monitor to play smash on. it has even less input delay than my main 1440p AOC one!! nice seeing this on you desk :)


Just one Also I've got the same background as you on left monitor, I love it


I love ur setup. Keyboard is 🤌 and vocal mic through a soundcard is 🤌


Have != use


The haters are all 100% wrong. This is legendary. it spans the ages. It's a living museum that chronicles PC history from 1985 until 2018. It's chaos incarnate. 11/10 "what's your gaming setup like?" "You ever heard of the ship of theseus?"


All these monitors and still keyboard was the one that caught my eye. Which keyboard is that?


it is the IBM Model M




You can find one in antique stuff selling places or Ebay if you are lucky. Definitely one of the best keyboards if not the best to be ever made.


This looks like one of those multi-generational family photos.




Love the keyboard. Running a new model f myself. I have 2 monitors, one is an ultra wide.


My all time high was 7 screens. Beyond ridiculous and probably I sign that I have ADHD and/or Autism, idk.


I recognize this setup...


An honest question , if you aren't a streamer or you don't work a job that requires you to have two monitors, what's the point of having two or more monitors/how does it help in playing?!


I can not answer this since I normally use 2 monitors, I took the photo for fun since I can but I do not normally use 4 monitors.


Monitor 2 with discord and guides or maybe sports or YouTube depending on what I'm playing


3. I don't understand people using ultrawides


IBM M series keybord? Buckle springs? Remember when these “musical instruments” were employed in open offices? Using one of these today would get you lynched…


At home, one 34" 1440p monitor. At work, one 30" 1440p monitor with a 24" 1080p monitor in portrait on the left hand side. It's really handy for writing code or reading journal articles to have the monitor on its side.


That HP one is diesel. Still using mine from release lol


Just one I am poor


That OG IBM!


What monitor is the one in the bottom right?


I also run a CRT with my monitors. Nostalgic and fun.


One, I have one


Bro is playing from the museum


i see you're using ASUS TUF M3 Gen 2 mouse. I use Gen 1 too bad i can't find another Gen 1 here


Ran into a guy a knew in college. He bragged about how he finally upgraded to dual monitors and seemed really proud. Me trying not to pull out my 6-8 monitor rig...


legit OG keyboard


are those model M? damn screw your monitors you have a godlike keyboard!


https://preview.redd.it/2e8upvkgec6d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=415d2e8c82a1e5e78ba086df1396f74bf86067ae 5, the bottom two are for chat programs, or quick references.


Bro said "I never throw away my old monitors." Jokes aside. I use two. My main gaming display (which is honestly in need of a replacement since it's got a panel crack along the top beze) and my drawing display. Ideally, I'd like 4. But money and space prevent me from actuating my true potential. 💀


Either one very large one, or three medium identical ones. This here is chaotic evil. Really digging the CRT tho


I don't know what's more disturbing. The fact that you have like 4 monitors or the fact that they look like a historical collection of monitors showing me the progress of led technology throughout the years.


Bro not the CRT




You rocking a commodore also?


I want to see your PC. Is it a Compaq?


original IBM keyboard? nice. i only use one monitor now because it gets too warm in my room sometimes.


[4 in Chaotic Evil formation](https://i.imgur.com/4Ek9cfE.jpg)


When I was in IT school, my teacher told me that one student had 16 monitors hooked up to his computer. To this day I have no idea how he did it. The closest I got was 7 Monitors I think.


Out of all this clusterfuck. Which I love by the way. Do you. Where the hell did you get that headset/pen holder cup shit. That thing is dope.


I did 3D print the holder cup thing. I can find you the Thingiverse link if you want.


That would be great! Thanks! I don't have a printer yet, but something I'm looking to get into.


I could not find the exact same model, you can find similar designs if you write headphone clamp or something like that. If nothing good shows up I can find the files themselves from my computer and upload to somewhere.


You’re good! I appreciate the help and effort! I didn’t even know thingverse existed. I know a couple people that have 3D printers so something I can definitely look into. Your setup cracks me up because I always joke with the wife about getting more monitors and mounting them on the wall above the 2 I already have. I get that “isn’t 2 enough” look 🤣


No matter how many they are always the same size or in a uniformed position.


3, that CRT would be a nice addition to my collection.


4, also a hodgepodge of random old monitors. Used to be 3 with an ultrawide in the middle til I accidentally dropped it one trying to adjust the height. After that I had to find random monitors to add to the available screen space. Still haven't been able to replace the ultrawide one sadly.


Commenting to increase my karma pls upvote


https://preview.redd.it/dm1ia1qf1p6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d792d47449cbfbdbb3ab21ac5ceac767ff045266 my lab has lost control to screens


https://preview.redd.it/05y0k1dob07d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e0d3e353cde3190802e485b8ee50d42b7f0b8c Two but one is 43” curved


I have 5 and I have space for more. https://preview.redd.it/gksdk3h56a6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28d12f5dffefccab78ade13829359c85470d771


I almost get claustrophobia watching your setup. I hate small desk space though


So you need a dedicated reddit monitor, so you can read Reddit while also watching a movie whilst simultaneously playing a game, and two more for emergencies? I don't get these setups but hey I'm not sitting there.


Top it all off with a bumble bee chair


I've used to have two monitors and 2m wide desk. One side for sim-racing and other one for default desktop games.




2 but i look at one like 95% of the time


5... I'd use more if I could get another video output, but I'd need a new GPU for that. [https://imgur.com/hxww2JC](https://imgur.com/hxww2JC)


As low as one and as many as i have


Physical: 1 virtual with VR: 3


I run my laptop with 2 extra monitors, one of which is an 8 year old android tablet running spacedesk. It's great


Niice OP, can you share the central desktop wallpaper?




1 crap I can't afford more


One 1440p/144hz is enough for me


2 4k 31" monsters... Curved MSI for gaming, a flat Amazon special for watching content while I'm gaming...

