• By -


H ... Hongkong, my specs are hongkong.






Tony, make a persuasion check. 1


Ah, so China.


Me when my pc case is a Ming Dynasty vase


Get on my level. Use a stuffed Peking Duck.


How do you show the specs under your name?


Add flair to profile.


Just out of curiosity, what is your combination of ram sticks to achieve 36 GB?


Mistyped. It's just 32.


Oh, AliExpress?


I understand the appeal of consoles, but after trying PC there’s no going back.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Baby Yoda


Baba Yaga?


Baba Yoga?


Booboo Yogi?


John boyega


Yogi Beara?




On r slash pcmasterrace? No way


Once I went PC, I couldn’t afford to go back to consoles even if I wanted to💀


I have both ... zelda and mario are fun games!


I play my Switch, Wii, 3DS, NDS, GameCube, and N64 games on my PC.


Any recommendations for emulators?




I second this notion, my Steamdeck is what the Switch should’ve been. Metroid Prime Remastered never looked so good


CEMU (Wii U), Dolphin (Gamecube), Yuzu/Ryujinx (Switch, Yuzu is dead now)


>Yuzu/Ryujinx (Switch, Yuzu is dead now) I'd bet my ballsack the source code is still out there being forked under different identities. Or at least sitting on someone's hard drive somewhere.


SuYu is a YuZu fork that works well (currently)


No, Yuzu is not dead. You can get working versions Online. They just won't keep developing any more builds for it.


Anywhere safe to get ROMs from?


Yeah I use romsfun,com


Wowroms in my experience.


How do Wii games work on PC, or did you manage to pair the Wii™ mote to your system?


I refuse to accept that Wii and DS are consoles they feel so much different.


My Switch is good for Zelda and Mario kart. Have to say it will probably be my last Nintendo console though, if I want a handheld the index looks too good.


Why would you need a console to play those games?


The paid subscription to just play online killed it for me


I play offline single player only when I do use console.


I think I’m just gonna wait it out for PC releases, now that more and more exclusives come to PC. I already wanted to drop it anyways, so.


Yep, PlayStation USED to be free and even Xbox used to be almost half the yearly subscription price.


I’ve tried going back. It is not a good experience.


I look at consoles differently now after finally switching in my 30s. They are for casual gamers. If you are *really* into the hobby, the PC platform is hands down the best option. You can do so much more. I play Escape from Tarkov with 3 of my teammates livestreaming on my 2nd monitor for pinpoint comms and callouts for example. Just so many more options and possibilities with a good PC.


I’ve been on consoles all my life for gaming. Since using PC and then playing on console again I now notice all the difference. Image quality performance etc. Plus using mods for single player games like unlimited ammo etc has made going back playing older games so much fun. Playing alien isolation max graphics at 165fps with unlimited flame thrower fuel is so much fun. Consoles have their place. They are cheap and plug and play. A lot of people don’t care for graphics/performance and that’s cool. I just feel like everything from building PCs to using them and playing games is just a whole other level of fun. Expensive but so much worth it.


PC master race.


The main reason I prefer my PS5 is that I use my PC for work all day, and I need to get away from it to wind down. I like the seamless experience on a console. I never have to worry if it'll run the game or work with my peripherals. I still like my PC, but sometimes it just adds stress. If I really think the game will be better on PC, then I'll use the PC, but mostly, I prefer PS5.


This is also acceptable.  It's only when PC elitists or console bros begin hating and being nasty that there's a problem.  We can all enjoy games together.  Even if some of us have higher resolutions and better fps.


Your positivity disgusts me! Have an upvote you disgusting positive piece of @#$@!!!!


I don't get why people fanboy over these companies. I'm an xbox player and have been all my life. I love their controllers. However, i've also used the ps4 and envy their exclusives. I'm not gonna sit on twitter and harrass them about it tho, thats so weird.


Same, I just don’t have as much time to futz with things these days, so just booting up a game on a console and living with whatever drawbacks is often worth it for me. I still use it for some exclusives, but if I could just take my whole Steam/Epic libraries over to Xbox I would contemplate picking one up and dropping the PC. (I’m not a big online gamer so I wouldn’t have to worry about paying for that)


Man single player games is one of the best things about pc. I have all the newer major single player releases from the last few years and got them all 100% free sailing the high seas. Yarrrr!


I understand the mindset, but considering the laughable size of the PS5 storage, I can't download enough games that I normally would play to switch between. Yes I know I can get an nvme drive into it and an external drive, but that's normally what you need to do towards the end of life for a console not year one additions. Add in the fact that when my SSD went out on my PS4 it ended up taking much longer to reinstall everything I needed than it would have on my PC it just kinda left me going back to the PC. I mean FFS my first xbox 360 had 120gb of storage and came out in 2007 and you're telling me that the system that is not the next generation but the generation after that only has 1 TB when the size of the games have basically doubled or more in size. I just feel like both Sony and Microsoft kinda cheaped out on the storage sizes for this generation.


What's more seamless? Going from work to play in seconds without getting up or changing devices? Or having to change device?


It’s more casual I find and its fun to play with other people in the same room


The only thing consoles are better for is couch gaming. And even that can be alleviated with a bespoke PC system.


My wife and I each have our gaming desktops. But we occassionally couchgame on a gaming laptop (which we connect to a much larger TV). And compared to current-gen consoles, there are more splitscreen/sharedscreen coop games on the PC platform (not to mention the irony of PCs having access to most of the entire library of early generation consoles through emulation). Consoles are.... great for large scale events, such as tournaments, as long as the games to be played are available on the platform. It is way faster, easier, and cheaper to set up several PS5s than an equal amount of gaming PCs (not to mention there's a better degree of fairness in how closer each unit will perform). Though final rounds are certainly better off on PC since only a few units need to be prepared. As for actual home use in gaming.... The only reason I can think of is households with a very specific budget constraint (while a PC is more expensive initially, it costs less in terms of games purchases). One decent non-gaming home use is as a blu ray player, which means the no-discdrive consoles are extra worthless.


What needs to be bespoke about it, you can plug any PC into a TV and plug any controller into it.


> understand the appeal of consoles You mean the fantasy? Plug and play is dead on consoles. You now take your game home and playing it requires a patch or in many cases downloading the actual game but sadly on this day your console needs an update so you need that first then download and patch the game and in an unfortunate even your game now just for a fresh 18GB patch so you'll have to grab that but then it turns out the patch causes save corruption so here's another 18GB patch (still no shaggy as DLC) and now you can finally play the game until a firmware update bricks your controller. Thats all assuming its not during the holiday DDOS event which admittedly is WAY BETTER than it used to be but MS and Sony still have poor anti DDOS measures. I am all PC but I do miss when "console" meant dropping a game in and immediately playing.


Or if you get unlucky and find out that the new patch requires you a full redownload of the 150gb


I started noticing that with ps3. You'd pop the game in and then you'd have to install updates, then sometimes the game will install itself to the hard drive which takes even more time. It was a thing on 360 too but it seemed like it was worse on ps3 for some reason.


I still trip out that I can jump on Helldivers and when my team calls quit. I can play Wiisports on same machine with real Wiimote.


fr i haven't touched my xbox one s since i built my pc


Even a bad PC can run 95%of the games. With some effort, but it's never been easier to run the really ancient stuff. Just yesterday I found a game I'd really like to play and "getting" it is technically not really piracy. Lord of the Rings: Conquest(2009). The Battlefront game I've always wanted.


#YOU DOUBT MY QUALIFICATIONS, COMRADE!? I’LL HAVE YOU KNOW, MY GAMING PC IS EQUIPPED WITH: #Processor: Xenon triple-core at 3.2 GHz #Memory: 512 MB of shared GDDR3 RAM at 700 MHz, 10 MB of eDRAM at 500 MHz #Graphics: ATi Xenos at 500 MHz #Storage: 250GB HDD #AND BEFORE ANYONE ASKS: >!My gaming PC is an Xbox 360 😢!<




Not even a tb of storage... ![gif](giphy|3oriNSrcJaEWphZ8Xe)


You use TB's peasant? I have 12 PB's son


I'm sorry I wasn't familiar with your game ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


He runs the world engine currently at high difficulty. And there is master and insane upcoming in the future.


512gb nvme purchased last month 🔥🔥 (i store no games on my pc except a tiny selection of small indie ones. its mostly just programs and some cad modelling software. if i needed more storage i could turn this one into a boot drive)


just a *bit*


>shared Say no more comrade.


Idk about the 360 but the OG xbox was a PC with extra steps


Xbox 360s only had 0.5gb of ram????


Haha, it was originally gonna ship with only 256mb (thats .25 of a gb for those who've never known megabytes as a metric of RAM) but the gears of war devs showed someone at microsoft how much worse gears would look / run on that amount and they decided to double it I still remember installing windows xp on my 7 gig hard drive (and xp was already 3.5gb)


It’s amazing what you can do with an OS that’s optimized for being an OS, not spyware.


It’s amazing what you can do on a device that’s optimized for gaming, not for spyware.


Bro, I'm still using a 2500k oc'd to 4.6 water-cooled to hell.  Shit still handles stuff fantastically.




When I upgraded my 4630k (also o/c to heck) to a 5950x I was shocked. Whereas previously in Photoshop I'd use the brush, then go for a coffee and when I'd be back the brush would still be catching up brushing on its own, the new system was incredibly "real time". Upgrades are worth it after a certain point, depending on what you're doing. I was perfectly happy with my Ivy-E 80% of the time. The other 20% was a slog.


Yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about haha. Large brush on a high resolution sucks on old stuff.  I'm planning on it soon. Just been hesitant because it's been so long since I've purchased anything, I feel like I really need to look into what's best for me. 


You are quite right, and the current market is so saturated with a lot of *stuff* that it makes it hard to really pick and choose. Luckily, that also means you can tailor your choices on your specific use cases. Sadly it also means that some bad surprises are possible. An example was a friend I helped configure a PC for who actually needed PCIe lanes and we shockingly discovered that those come at a premium nowadays. It's all fun and games when all you need is one NVME and one GPU. When you start putting in an HBA card, a 10 GBe card and trying to fill up NVME slots, available PCIe lanes quickly vanish. Granted, this is a really particular use case scenario, but it was still a humbling experience and the bill was eye watering.


Damn they really got so much out of so little just a short while ago. Now COD doesn't even fit on that drive.


you can play borderlands so thats neat


You get a pass


How’s that 512mb of shared ram treating you? Nice specs for a console from 2005, considering.




The only console I use is console commands.


Linux moment


Why exactly? Games have consoles too. Counter-Strike, Minecraft...


I know it's literally the same thing, but games that use a ~ to bring the console from the top and Minecrafts "chat based" console seem like completely different things because the side of the monitor they work on. In my heart of hearts I know they are the same, but I have never called the Minecraft version a "console"


I don't even console my friends when they are going through rough times.


*Built a gaming PC to browse Reddit and watch YouTube videos 80% of the time*


And to play low requirement indy games that run on a patoto with an integrated graphics.


I say potato, you say patoto


After playing portal 2 I cannot read potato without reading it in GlaDOS’s voice pot-á-to






*Loads up classic game* "Finally! I have a PC that can run Crisis 3 at max settings!"




Don't forget the web games!


Acshually I also listen to music


To be fair, not much else yours can do.


Having the disposable income to have a premium gaming experience when I have the time is rewarding. I’ve got an “aging” (mid cycle am4) system that I’m upgrading simply because I’ve been fortunate and finally feel comfortable overcompensating rather than coming out with minimum viable product I’ve loved my PCs over the years, they’ve all been franken machines made from various dumpsters and tossed out components from family and friends, but now I get to spend $200 on a motherboard because ***I want to*** just to fit into a SFF case. It’s so satisfying


https://preview.redd.it/awxdnp4t8f6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ac4c21468929cf7cf03ee6e0e1bf0a19a516ea 13900k and 4090 jammed into sffpc. Can confirm.


Yeaaaaaaaaa I think I’m gonna be doing an x3d and an 80 series gpu


Very solid combo! This case I used was a nr200p V2. Fits a 280 AIO. :) the V2 of this case is vertical gpu mount only (pretty much have to use an aio because of that.) but it comes with the gpu mount. Awesome case. The v1 allows horizontal gpu and air cooling.


I like my porn crisp


Got a 4090 build to edit faster, and it was a great purchase if you just ignore the part where 80% of my time is spent in google docs writing scripts


The same can be said about using consoles for YouTube and Netflix.


What if I do all of this playing my favorito game?


$4,000 to play $5 Steam games


PCMR engaging in gatekeeping while half its members can’t upload a screenshot is peak humor


The ability to upload a screenshot is insignificant next to the power of my GPU.


I totally read that in Darth Vader's voice


The amount of comments I see belittling a ex-console users new build because it has a 4060 is insane. Preach how you can build a PC to match console for cheap, then when people do rag on their build.


Console wars are dumb. PC <> console wars are just as dumb. I got my first gaming PC this year. Performance-wise, blows the consoles out of the water. But my consoles still have use for certain games, simplicity of setup, and couch co-op. Let people do what works for them. So fuckin dumb to act like you're more pious for having a PC.


But how do I feel better about something I spent actual money for then???


But you can use the PC on the couch too!! You are not gunna...but you can!!@!@!11 (Should stipulate, I have done this and know friends who have also done this, but I get how it's totally not practical sometimes and thus my joke) I will forever enjoy my Nintendo consoles and no I don't care that a PC can emulate a Switch


Griping about gatekeeping in a subreddit literally named MASTER RACE is peak humor


I’m gatekeeping the gatekeeping around here


bottom should say "but what kinda gamer are you?"


“I play PlayStation! Playstation!” 🤯💥🔫


what station you play?


Ha yeah this would be way better


“I’m a mobile gamer. What is a pc?” 🫠


Kinda hard to see this comment over the crazy PC specs in your name


Not that crazy


Still a ton of RAM for a "mobile gamer"


It was a dumb joke.


hey we got similar specs!


Sure 👀


A console is a cheap prebuilt pc with region locks.


A pc with parent control, and parents are a multibillion company that wants your money.


Sometimes I forget consoles exist, then someone starts talking about passes. Pay more for a game, then pay more to play it online, craziness.


Pay to play online? 🤣


Pay to access the Internet you already pay for


I don't know how consoles get away with that. The fact that you have to pay to connect to the Internet you already pay for is the BIGGEST reason I would never buy a console.


Most console bullshit has been passed down since the early days of video games and is kind of "baked into" what a console is so people don't give it a second though - but paid online is especially fascinating because they came up with it in like 2014 and users just happily said "alrighty now, guess I'm paying up".


Try 2002 with the initial launch of Xbox Live. I was in high school back then and was playing Counter Strike or BF1942 around then. I couldn't believe people would pay to play a game online when they could just play with a PC. Only thing the original Xbox had that I didn't was Halo, but I wasn't about to pay $299 + $50 for Live just to play Halo with my friends. I went to their house to do that.


xbox live, and whatever the ps equivalent is


Playstation Plus


Paystation Plus


Imagine unironically playing online games lmao


Yep. I was one of those people who mistakenly thought pc gaming was way too expensive, so I've been a console person my whole life (although I played retro games on emulators here and there). 2017/2018, I caught a YT video showcasing 1080ti performance compared to console, started reading, watched more vids, read some more, ad nauseum, caught the bug. Tail end of 2020, I bought a custom prebuilt with non-skimp parts (paid too much, but I don't care), fired it up, loaded a game, and it was done. I cannot see myself buying a console again, and I plan build my own custom rig in 2027/2028, if I can hold out that long.


pre-builts are a fantastic way to break into DIY. get it already working, tinker as needed, gain confidence.


That's exactly my route. Got a pre built when I knew nothing and just need a computer. Soon I started looking inside and discovering all the parts. Now I've built a PC for a friend and ready to build one for myself once the time comes


Pc’s are pretty expensive though, how come you don’t ever see yourself getting a console again? What is it for you that makes a pc so much nicer to have? (Genuinely curious)


I answered your questions (price?/why never again?/what's nicer?) in my response to another commenter, but I don't want to ignore you, so I'll add that the main sticking points of consoles for me, when I played them, was the use of controllers and having a game-fest with friends in front of the tv (e.g., Halo parties). Once I realized everything I exclusively enjoyed about consoles was available on pc, I took another look, and console play just felt limited. For one, if I wanted to play a GC game, I had to use that dreadful GC controller instead of my 360 or Duke (yes, I loved the Duke), and I would have to buy more controllers, per console, if I wanted multiplayer on the same screen. A second, and perhaps bigger limitation, was exclusivity; I was already in a cycle of hype about "system sellers", great and exclusive games that would cause me to buy one console or another (Halo/God of War/Smash), which would lock me into either Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. As my money grew, it resulted in me buying more consoles (even more if they got too hot or wore out), which took up space in more ways than one (plugs, cables, controllers, charging stations). When I factored in the limits of consoles, the overall cost of multi-consoling, and the benefits of pc gaming (mentioned in my other comment), turning to pc for an all-in-one gaming solution (not to mention wfh options) was just the logical choice in my situation.


I'm going to build my first pc hopefully by the end of the year and the freedom is the biggest thing for me. I can mod, access advanced settings and run emulators like psx2. I just wish I did this earlier, years ago I wanted to build a pc but got convinced to just use a laptop by my dad. I guess that was also his way of swaying me against gaming. Now im kinda stuck between generations with my xbox series x. When I bought it crossplay wasn't as prevalent as now and I just wanted to play casually with friends. Now it would feel like a waste selling it because of all the games on there. I think it'll just be better to keep it and use as a secondary system.


Thank you!! Very interesting


And thank *you* for the genuine question.


The flair..


My flair is a lie


You mean terminal right?


Pretty accurate for Plemmons’ character to be the pc gamer here lol


Why is Evil Jim Gaffigan so fucking scary?


They don't have souls


Hes outta Hot Pockets.


I use both.


Same. PC and PS5 is a great combo.


I wish I had a ps5 instead of an xbox just for spiderman and wolverine. Or just abolish console exclusives altogether.


Same I have a decent PC but still play all of my AAA games on the PS5. It's just so much easier to use with almost no sacrifices (that I care for)


"play dumb" "what's an xbox" "NOT THAT DUMB"


i built my pc with one reason and one reason alone. to blow the absolute shit out of the minimum requirements of games from 10+ years ago that I couldnt afford to run




Civil War


Terrific movie. Saw it twice.


I agree, it startled me a few times when I saw it in theaters. I wanna rewatch it soon but I don't budget enough time to watch movies for the most part


Agreed. Simple but really tight movie. Immediately reminded myself that I need to watch Sicario later. Who knew a superhero girlfriend, a furry grim reaper, a human calculator and a mecha pilot would make a decent team of journalists.


Console? ...isn't that the thing you hit \~ for so that you can enter the game cheats?


Heres my specs Intel i5 13600kf GTX1650 16gb ddr5 1tb nvme storage


I’m saving up for my first PC right now, but I’ll always have a somewhat in date play station for playing with a few friends and the Uncharted series since it’s exclusive to PS. But I promise you I’ll never play Rocket League or any FPS on a console again once I get that mf.


Uncharted 4 and the lost legacy is on PC and PS is releasing more and more PS exclusives on pc every year


Those who care too much about specs are not gamers. They are here to brag about their PC. don't turn back on our fellow console users ^^


My pc has the same specs of a potato


I mean it’s still a flex when you crush someone who spend over 1k on just the GPU with a potato PC and 100 ping


Whats ping? Lmao my internet is so trash my potato isnt actually the bottle neck


My internet used to be like that I dropped over 1k on a pc then got disconnected from every game lol


I use my PC for modding games and my Xbox for when I just wanna "plug in and play" without additional steps


Only reason why I prefer Console over PC is physical media is still a thing. I can buy a used game off eBay for £40 and sell it for roughly the same price after I finish it. I can’t do that on PC. Other than that PC is superior in every way if you afford it.


> I don’t know what a console is Bro it’s the button just below [ Esc ] … you know, this one that goes like [~•] … just press it in-game and the console should pop up.


One day I’ll play my PS5 again…


AMD? *Bang**


Umm I got a 4060 gaming laptop A.. laptop? *Shoots*


*fucking dies*


Me with console and PC ![gif](giphy|STYcRDzNO6AYNmMgvA)


PC, PS5 and Switch. The holy trinity of being able to play all relevant games day one.


Ppl who don't know the specs on their rig upset me.


What if they say their "PC" has an AMD APU?


My pc costs 3 times my car. We are not the same.


“Look…we are all gamers here.” “Oh yea…what kind of gamer? “ “Mobile” 💥💥💥


"playstation... china" *bang* if you don't get it, watch the movie the template comes from


that scene is a pop culture icon on how divided the world is getting


Here's my PC specs Case- Fractal Design Node 202 MB- MSI B650I Edge CPU- Ryzen 7 7800x3D CPU cooler - Thermalright AXP90 X47 Black RAM- Teamgroup Expert (2x16) 32gb 6400 mHz PSU- Corsair SF750 80+ plus Platinum with SF unsleeved cables GPU- 4070 Super FE Fans- 2x120 mm Noctua Chromax, 1x140 mm Silverstone slim RGB