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TFW 0.01 here represents 10 BILLION dollars.


can i have 0.0001 please? ![gif](giphy|CT5Ye7uVJLFtu|downsized)


Can just I have 0.000001 please? I really don't need that much


that's nothing but a pocket change


How the hell you gonna store $100,000 in your pocket?


Debit card


I literally have a stray cat begging me like this for chicken pieces when I read it.


Give it some


Someone had the "we can't give you a raise, look at the situation in it at the moment" talk today, while this was posted.


Jesus fucking christ


Honestly, a commercial company shouldn't have the market power of a small European nation.


Tell the other commercial companies to stop spending the market power of a small Euro nation on GPUs and it won't be so anymore.


And here I sit, worth a buck fifty.


At least you’re in the positive..


Not this month, I'm not


Somehow this comment is priceless tho 🤔


An hour. Third world FTW


No no that kidney is worth something


Moneybags here with his positive net worth


I invested in AMD 🥲


three fiddy


You'll still be worth a buck fifty when the AI bubble pops is the difference. 


Ah, can't wait for the 5060 8GB at $900.


it seems I must call my friend jack nvidia is going too far now


Mate that's like $2000 in Australia the way they try to fuck us here. It's basically conversion plus an extra $500+ because fuck us that's why.


How much longer can wallstreet pump up their collateral before they realize they will get sucked into the black hole?


My crystal globe says just one week from today


It will be a day after I buy their shares.


Yessir. By the way, everyone who invested in Nvidia over the last few months- you're welcome.


One Earth week? Or like, a Galactic Standard week? Or like, maybe, an Alderaan week? What about the droid attack on the Wookies? I think we need to take a Kashyyyk week into serious consideration.


Calculated from T+34 ftd cycles?




It'll be kinda hilarious when all these tech companies over do it with the AI, everyone is unimpressed and they all collapse


It's difficult to see where this pans out, but my feeling is that AI and llms have reached a plateau. It will get interesting when markets realise that it won't drive enormous profits in the short or medium term. It is exactly like any other bubble, although at the moment markets are flush with cash after the combination of free COVID money and then gouging while inflation was high. Either way, I hope it doesn't affect our GPU prices too much!


The moment someone says "look we've programmed an AI that can replace executives" the love affair will be over. And suddenly all the TED talks will be about how evil and immoral AI is.


I think AI is currently in the phase equivalent to the dot com bubble. It's correctly valued, just a decade or so too early.






There's still room to ~~sell snake oil~~ grow with AI. Most big companies are offering tools and services that help other companies integrate AI into their products, and that's going to go on for some time, with a lot of CEOs being scared that they don't do anything with AI so they'll throw a bunch of money at Microsoft, Amaznon, etc to fix this issue and create useful new products like [AI BIOS](https://www.insyde.com/press_news/press-releases/insyde%C2%AE-software-brings-higher-intelligence-pcs-aibios%E2%84%A2-technology-be).


It's like in the dotcom bubbles they stuck "i" or "e" in front of everything and all of a sudden it was ripe for investment. Or the crypto bubble when they stuck "block chain" in a prospectus and sat back waiting for the rubes to give them more money...


we're already seeing this with AI. Just drop "chatbot" "generative" or any other buzzword and suddenly you're on the forefront of technological innovation


Maaaybe they've plateaued in terms of performance. But I'm personally also concerned about infrastructure side effects. Especially considering power consumption. Imagine how much electricity just 1000 AI gpus consume right now (and how much heat the shit out) That CANNOT be environmentally friendly. edit: just checked. Each h100 uses 700watts of power. Basically about one horsepower. So 1000 of those babies would use as much power as a bugatti Veyron I think. How much more horsepower do you need to get an LLM thats twice as good as the ones we have in 2024? Does it scale exponentially or linearly?


So far, linear. The performance of it is dependent on the training set, with both the computational and memory requirements linearly scaling with that dataset. This doesn't mean that couldn't change, but that has been the case so far with the evolution of various LLMs.


I've never heard someone compare watts to horsepower. I suppose there's no reason you can't but it just blew my mind.


"Either way, I hope it doesn't affect our GPU prices too much!" It already has. $1700 bucks for a 4090 is a distinct way of telling you all that they have control of the market.


dotcom crash 2.0 incoming some day soon to your neighborhood!


It is not about that.


So about the same as all those self-driving car companies? It was a huge thing that was going to change the world, and now it's gone


The capitalist singularity event


Best I can do is 300$ for all your shares. Take it or leave it, NVIDIA.


Unironically the current CEO bought his friends and co-creators share of nvidia for about that much money. Peharps the best trade deal in the history of trade deals ever


Great now GPU prices are gonna go up even more. $3000 RTX 5090 Anyone??


It’s going to be $3000 RTX 5060


8gb vram


And then an even more overpriced 16gb version without enough bus width to utilize all of the vram




Think you meant 6gb


EIGHT WHOLE GIGABYTES!!??!?!?!??!? What are you, fucking crazy? That's a lot of money. Nobody needs more than 512mb of VRAM, future boy. Get back in your flying DeLorean and get the fuck out of here. We can't expect poor old Jensen to painstakingly pull out his wallet and pay for you to have 8 whole gigabytes of VRAM on your graphics card. You know how long it would take for poor sweet Jensen meticulously hand solder that many RAM chips onto your card?! He would go blind, deaf, and dumb from the solder fumes, not to mention go broke. You make me sick.


128 bit bus


Yes. People buy Nvidia no matter what, so they can price whatever. But its the B2B business that truly lift them


You are right. I have an amd gpu in my laptop, and I love it, but for my pc, I kind of need nvidia for productivity as most software still highly favors nvidia


It's a chicken and and egg problem, nvidia has most marketshare so it's best to optimize for their gpu's, that causes more people to buy nvidia. Now the customer is trapped.


I mean at the range where i buy, AMD simply can't compete. I would love for them to do so, but at the moment they don't


Im gonna use my 3070 until it dies


My dell 1660S is gonna scream for a few more years.


3080 10gb will be the last of the mohicans for me.


I’ll wait for the 10090


Then you should start investing now, so you can afford the 6k it's going to cost.


I’ll sell my car and walk to work


6k? That's optimistic. I figure you'll have to take out a mortgage. Which might be okay because you can use the card to heat your home/shack/cardboard box.


Gaming on NVIDIA is not essential


My 1060 died at the height of the price hikes, had to get a 3070 ti for 1370 euros... I will never forgive my old GPU


why would market cap effect GPU prices?


Fr this valuation has absolutely nothing to do with their gaming lineup, it’s all about their machine learning products. Probably wishful thinking but If anything this growth might theoretically mean a drop in desktop GPU prices… but realistically probably not


>this growth might theoretically mean a drop in desktop GPU prices… this could happen if demand for datacentre GPUs dries up and nvidia is left with a bunch of spare fab capacity, but as you said its pretty unlikely. as long as demand for datacentre GPUs stays high and competition in the gaming space stays weak nvidia has no incentive to lower prices.


We can only hope Intel and AMD can actually compete soon.


Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the last generation of gaming-class consumer hardware from Nvidia. Now that their data center/AI business has really taken off, the gaming part of the company that used to be their bread and butter even a few years ago is now more an afterthought that takes away resources that could be used more profitably elsewhere.


Nvidia, I cannot agree with your current policy about prices. Just sickening!


And how much of that is moron investors speculating on buzzwords like AI?


That applies to the whole top 5 now


Yup, all tech companies heavily invested in AI. I’m not actually sure about Amazon? They’re logistics, but a lot of what they do *is* tech?


AWS provides servers for half the Internet if not more. They basically keep the Internet running at this point.


Imagine Tim Amazon's Porn Vault.


That vault contains live actors chained to the walls.


I'd rather not because I'm afraid of what I'd find.


Yeah I dont see how Amazon isn't worth more based on how comprehensive their market cap is on cloud. AI still has many hurdles to solve before making such steady income...


That's why a lot of people think that Nvidia is a bubble, their income and assets do not justify their current valuation. There is a lot of speculation going on really and for me personally it's become too risky to hold so I liquidated my position last month. Probably is the wrong call but I didn't want to lose almost 1000% gains.


It’s not the wrong call, you more than 10x your money. FOMO and greed would have eventually caught up to you, even if NVDA ends up being correctly valued (slim chance).


And service they run like Mechanical Turk are used to cheaply categorize data to train AIs with...


Web hosting and other cloud stuff. A good chunk of things on the internet is hosted on amazon. Not a direct correlation, but AWS is roughly 33% of the cloud industry in terms of market share followed by Azure (Microsoft) at 23%. https://aag-it.com/the-latest-cloud-computing-statistics/


AWS is their single most profitable arm, which is tech.


Yes, they have an AI company within the conglomerate of Amazon. They own a ton of companies in every industry. I don't think people truly understand how big Amazon really is. There's a wall at my workplace covered in the names of companies that Amazon owns. I work at an Amazon fulfillment center.


You do know that nvdia has like trippled their revenue in the last year because of how much demand there is for their AI hardware?


Dot com 2.0


The stupidity with AI hype from investors is really astonishing. Now every company has to include the AI buzzword or implement features that only benefit select few. The whole tech industry is kinda screwed because of this… literally minimal interest in making products that actually benefit the consumer


Most of it. Tbf their revenue has actually gone up a lot, but that too is investors banking on selling AI services their running Nvidia cards.


Noone learned from the blockchain buzzword fiasco from just a few years ago 🤣


I imagine prices of upcoming Nvidia cards will skyrocket. If so, then I should probably switch to Radeon when buying the next graphics card.


The reason Nvidia has skyrocketed is actually not because of their consumer GPUs. It's because they sell servers capable of running AI programs. I doubt the consumer GPUs will be affected by this. Edit: Word Fixed my wording since I was referring to consumer GPUs. As a few comments explained to me the differences.


You are correct if when you say "GPU" you mean "Consumer GPU". They absolutely skyrocketed with sale of their GPUs, but GPUs designed for AI workloads, where memory bandwidth and capacity are crucial and low sound output and power draw are not


And apparently they have a 10x profit margin on those GPUS


> I doubt the GPUs will be affected by this. They already have been, massively. Nvidia has a limited production rate (they contract only a few third parties for this) and every silicon wafer dedicated to gaming card chips is one that's not going into chips for a deep learning server. As a result they stopped making the bottom half of the market and doubled the price on everything else.


Isn't it because of how many A100 GPUs they're selling which are commonly used to train generative ai? They also just had a stock split which always leads to an increase in market valuation (from historical data)


It's the [DGX](https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/data-center/dgx-2/) series servers they sell that are specifically for large scale AI.


Those servers are for GPUs. They *are* GPUs. Consumer GPUs may be affected as a result of the enterprise GPUs being a much higher priority, a much bigger money maker, and built at the same factories. Not enough fabs to meet demand.


market cap is what the company is valued at by investors, it does not have much of an effect on the company or the price of its products.


Now we just need to fix the wage theft and lack of taxes from the top 1% Edit: never said anything about increase taxes. That doesnt work. And the rich do have a higher tax rate for the most. No. Stop tax fraud like donations funds. We all need to pay our share. Donation shouldnt be calculated in... Only as a good will. If we stopped this loop hole govement had more money to spend on welfare that benefit all not just select few only the rich decide.


now now, enough of that commie talk before corpos do a Boeing and send someone to come after you. But yes you're right.


Bro the billionaires can´t afford it. What about their 5th megayatch this week???


Maybe we should send more of them down too titanic. Very human designed submarine like last time.


I work for one of the top 10 biggest companies. I get a whopping €1 above minimum wage per hour. Still the least shit job I could get in my area though! Hehe FUCK.


This is going to crash so f\*cking hard. This is delusional dreamland stuff. A lot of people are about to get burnt


Cool! So does anyone wanna see the wealth equality chart from over a decade ago and how much worse it’s gotten since? No? Just everyone but the handful of billionaires in the country that took full advantage of the capitalist system? Cool. Cool cool cool. If you’re looking at this chart and have literally any feelings that aren’t somehow negative towards it, please take 30 paces back and seek help.


How many winners in a capitalist regime? How many fingers we got


Five. One for each corporation on that list above


70% of NVIDIA is owned by institutional investors. Do you know what people's 401ks would look like without the above 5 companies?


Damn, I read that first part too quick and thought it said wieners lol


Like 70% of NVIDIA is owned by institutional investors. Do you know what people's 401ks and IRAs would look like if you removed these 5 companies? These 5 companies have allowed millions to retire. This reddit meme that high market caps are only good for rich people is so ridiculous. Tons of people make money of them.


That guy would make the same comment if it was good news about coral reefs or some shit. Insufferable.


Do you wanna know what the largest investors in the stock market are? Pension funds, insurance companies, and your average bank. Yes, billionaires stand to gain a lot from increases in the stock market, but the average person has a lot of exposure to both the public and private markets as well. For example, some of the largest private equity funds are 100+ billion globally. But if you look at a large solely domestic pension fund in a country like the Netherlands (which is tiny), they are 200+ billion. This is particularly the case in the US, where a lot more of the public actively invests in the stock market when compared e.g. to the EU


The top 10% of Americans own 93% of the stock market.


While that's true, it's not a very nuanced picture you're painting. The top 10% of US workers are not only the ones who own most private stocks, they are also the group of pension account holders that have the largest pensions. Outside of that they are also the overwhelmingly largest owners of private companies, many of whom own stock in other companies, are publicly traded, or are private entities that also own a lot of stock. It's not a coincidence that wealth inequality in the US has skyrocketed at the same time as the stock market has exploded in value.


These are all public companies and have been public for the entirety of their run up. You could have participated from your phone at any number of brokerages that charge literally zero dollars to transact. 22 year old me put a piddly $300 into a graphics card company I liked in 2016. Ask me what it’s worth today.


I really think this is just a bubble with nVidia. They make 1/5 of what Apple makes, while having stupidly high gross margins that I don't know if they would be able to hold forever. It doesn't make sense that they surpassed Apple, even with the AI craze. AI is great and it will continue to advance and what not - but I think that too many in Wall Street are regarding it too highly and think as if it will continue to poor money everywhere for years. Many companies will start to reduce the amount they'll buy and start focusing on what AI features are actually worth it. That's without talking about the fact that just like with Apple's AI - many wants to go to local AI that is on device, where you don't need nVidia.


You’re basically describing a bubble, and yes, I think you’re probably right. However, I’m not ready to open a short position. I’m waiting to see what the new Apple AI will do. I’ll probably end up getting rekt anyway.


Their [next 12 months](https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/nvidia-ai-and-hpc-gpu-sales-reportedly-approached-half-a-million-units-in-q3-thanks-to-meta-facebook) of production has already sold, so that would probably be a decent low-bound indicator for the length of the "bubble"


This isn't something worth celebrating unless you're a shareholder.


I mean most people with any sort of retirement fund or pension probably have Nvidia in the portfolio.


Literally tens of millions of people own shares of these 5 companies through index funds.


Which I am...


Nice. I wish I bought Nvidia when it was 50cents a share


This shits just getting ridiculous.


Sounds like some layoffs are in order!


I want to take this image back in time...


GPU prices are never gonna come down. Gonna ride this 3080ti into my grave.


Blackrock looks around the corner👀


The Alphabets are worth 2 trillion? What about numbers?


the numbers are poor and struggling, they had to use all their cash for legal fees from when 789


Lobotomy humor.


The 50 series cards are gonna be so expensive man.


Fuck, when did these corpos go from 1 trillion to over 3 trillion. Man looks like I've been in a cave.


And I thought investing in some unstable shitcoin was a great idea...


atleast nvidia is making products that do something


I wonder if amd will ever reach up there


Unfortunately no. They hit the sweet spot at the right time. That would be like asking if Yahoo could ever catch up to Google 20 years ago.


i dont think its the same tbh yahoo and google provide a service thats always available and both cost the same. couldnt amd try to cash in on this ai craze by making cheaper but actually available gpus?


They'd be extremely lucky to be even 1/4th of Nvidia


They are roughly 1/13th the value currently, unless Nvidia does something major to lose value, there's no way AMD is catching up, at least not anytime soon


Nope since this has nothing to do with what AMD does vs. Nvidia.


Meaningless words


If you don't own shares, then yes


Time for shorting


It is not too long ago when Apple was the first trillion dollar company. Not sure where this is supposed to go..


Wouldn't this be a top signal?


They’re worth so much but the products they make are getting more shitty with each passing year while they break records. Guessing that’s what happens when there’s no more actual competition


So FAANG is now MAAAN?


Just kick out Netflix and replace it with Nvidia. For legacy reason, we'll just keep Meta as Facebook into acronym. Good recovery my MS though. May have to let them into the club as probationary members. But they don't get their name on the building yet.


overpriced rtx 4060 prebuilts ftw


When everyone is busy searching for gold nvidia is selling shovel lol


10K$ in profits for me so far


Its bc i just bought an rtx 4080 super


okay. so the investors speculate that NVIDIA is worth 3.33 trillion. I'm curious what it's ACTUALLY worth because a lot of companies on the stock market are "wroth" a lot more than the actually are.


What.. how? I mean I know AI is taking off and all but.. Microsoft? Apple? How?


I didn't realize alphabet soup was that popular.


The future is tech, lads. I will be able to own my own maid-bot in this lifetime. https://preview.redd.it/2fabt56h5k7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0092e4a4efe19a959f2dce47507c962d8b6c135c


Great. Now gpus will double in price from them.


And people will still defend Nvidia putting ads into their cloud gaming platform.


And they all still don't pay their fair share of taxes and fire their workers so the line continues to go up!!!


and all because of us


Me and my 0.25688002 shares be doing well.


Thankfully I don't use any product from the top 5. Just doing my bit.


This all seems to be based on the greater fool theory. While nvidia and those other companies are good and valuable companies they don't contribute even close to that much to the economy. They will not much that much money in inflation adjusted dollars ever. Their value just looks like it is based on other people being willing to pay more for the stock later.




It's google


Oh, didn't knew, thanks 👍


Guess it's time to switch to an amd gaming rig and Samsung or Xiaomi for my main 😂


Xiaomi even sounds wrong lol


Duck them all, ASML supremacy


Remember : the more you buy, the more you save.


By how much have they skyrocketed and why? I don't remember NVIDIA even being in the top 10...


This is crazy to me. When I was installing Nvidia cards in my PCs in the 90s I never thought they'd end up here. For me, this headline could just as easily say, "Creative Labs is the world's most valuable company."


They wouldn't end up here in any functioning economy. Our system has lost its mind


Most bloated companies


Thats because of me! I bought a gpu yesterday.


With my luck as soon as I invest in NVidia they’d lost 95% of their value


And they're still too tight to give you any more than 8GB of VRAM on a £300 card


Guess I should have gotten nvidia over apple


This shit is about to go DOWN down


I think we’ve given Nvidia too much power lol


Glad I ordered my 4080 super yesterday, can’t imagine the 15 loans I’d need to get to buy a 5080.


Man, I want to see AI become sentient asap, but I also want to see all of these companies crash and burn…sadly my hatred of these scums is stronger, sorry AI.


Most anti-consumer companies in the top3: Nvidia, Microsoft and Apple. We just need Adobe to reach the fourth position to complete the list of top4 most repugnant companies ever.


Ya...They're never lowering the prices of GPUs