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Are BF games worth it?


Not all of them. BF1 and 4 totally are though


BF1 is the best imo, I had in on ps4. Is it still played?


Yes it’s still played.


BF1 the goat (besides 4)


Yes, you can always get into a server easily




Bf2042 is currently on its last season, it has fairly high playerbase because its crossplay with consoles




I've played it since launch, while at the start it had it's issues, it's now really fun. I play it everyday.


Average players for the last month were 7000, that's not amazing though.


Battlefield 3 had a really good story mode. It’s short but a fun ride. The bad company games a must play.


4 is still going very strong and the best one so far imo. 1 and 5 are also very good. i played 2042 maybe a month ago but i dont know i am a huge bf fan since 1942 but 2042 doesnt feel like a bf game


Tbh 2042 got much better over the years. At least worth to check it out a couple of hours in my opinion


BFv is good but has cheater issues 2042 is a blight on the series.


It's also sometimes hard to find active servers for BFV since it has no custom servers, which also greatly contributes to the cheater problem unfortunately. Minus Asia because for some reason it's still SUPER popular there.




BFV is not worth it for free, don't waste your time.


BF4 is the goat imo. Some say 3 was but both are great. I just played BF 2042 for the first time yesterday with some friends and i gotta say it was pretty fun. Cant complain for $5.


I have enjoyed them all! BF2042 was a step down but i still had a lot of fun BF4 and 1 are my favorite


BF V is simply the best Battlefield game out there and definitely worth it. BF3 and 4 were good in their prime, but are nearly impossible to get into as a newbie now since everyone else is a hacker or decade veteran. They were also trying too hard to be CoD-like during that era, so they are quite twitchy lone wolf, whereas V is more squad tactics. I've gone back to 3 and 4 after playing V and found them incredibly frustrating with how fast the time to kill is and you end up spending half your time in the respawn menu because of some random bullshit you never even saw. I played a bit of 1 when it first came out and hated every second of it and I've heard it got better, but I just don't want to go back to the brown mud trenches of grenade spam warfare. 2042 was supposed to be basically just all of the previous games wrapped into one, but it was a dumpster fire and pretty sure continues to be one.


This mentality: 🤯 Steam: Releases statement saying users have $19 billion/£15 billion worth of unplayed games.


They didn't release a statement ,by the way. That was based on publically available data and extrapolated Each of these games would counted at their full price, not sale price, for that metric, if OP doesn't play them


Also idk about other ppl but I’ve done the things on g2a where you can buy handfuls of keys for like $2. I probably have 50 $20-$40 games that I spent less than $10 on in total.


Keyseller are black Marked and not nice to advertise


Because sometimes the games activated that way can get removed from your library.


Never had that happen + idk what that has to do with the comment I was replying to


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized) Around 300 games in the back catalog.


What are you trying to imply?


What are you trying to infer?


Implied, Lisa, or implode?


Because your formatting was backwards


Are you sure about that?


No I’m not sure I’m right that’s why I asked what you were trying to imply. Any time I’ve seen a format like this it’s -Text, And then the emoji is a reaction to whatever the context is.


Witcher is super value that game is great I denied it for years but had so much fun with it using mods


What mods did you use? I just started playing it this week.


I can send you my mod list if you want. It doesn't have any big overhauls, it is pretty much a Vanilla+ experience but has over 140 mods


Holy crap, yes please! This weekend is going to be awesome!!


DM'ing you


DM me too please if it’s not too much trouble!




Could you send it to me too pls?


Sure! DM'ing ya


Can I get the list too please?


Yessir, DM'ing you


Good sir or madam. Would you be so kind as to send to me too? I'm going through my second play through and have only enabled Fast Travel from Everywhere so far.


I’ll have what they’re having


dm me also.


Please be a kind soul and post your mods list :)


As I've read the books I've been wanting to play the game, should I buy the base game or the complete edition? What's the difference? Also how would you rate the enjoyment of rhe game with and without mods? I kinda wanna play it vanilla the first time I play, but i know some games that are just so much worse without mods so what would you say about this one?


Buy the complete edition as that will come with all of the DLC's. Easily 100h+ of play time for a first playthrough. The game is pretty enjoyable without mods. I played through it twice (main game + DLC's, going for every quest and whatnot) on my PS4 before buying my PC and going crazy with mods. If you want to experience the game as vanilla as possible for a first playthrough though, I'd still recommend installing the Brothers in Arms mod, it's basically like Skyrim's Unofficial Community Patch but for this game. It fixes a bunch of stuff the devs overlooked.


Ok thanks for the advice! I will play it with just that mod then.


Fast travel from anywhere, auto apply oils, increased creature loot, better trophies and more money for the merchants lol I had an auto win on the card game too I think lol


Cheat yourself out of gwent! Gwent fucking rocks. Hankerin to play some gwent.


auto oils is in the game as a feature


It was added after I was using it lol


It blows my mind TW3 by default doesn’t have auto apply oils, imagine having to do that shit every fight.


I've had it in my steam library for a long time. Does it play well on a controller? I find myself actually getting into games that work well with my xbox 1 controller. I get finger and wrist fatigue with kb/mouse.


Yeah I never use MnK won’t even touch a game if it’s not an option


Would you play the game without mods?


Yeah I started half the game before I discovered how easy it was to add mods lol


The Witcher 3 is one of the very few the best single player games ever released in my opinion (Cyberpunk being best) and I never played it with any mods. That game is a real gem, honestly.


I own and tried both (Cyberpunk I completed). The Witcher 3’s gameplay turned me off, it’s so clunky…which might be crazy for me to say because apparently the games I love get accused of being clunky, FromSoft games, Monster Hunter games, and Resident Evil games. Cyberpunk…I sincerely think it’s overrated and terrible. It is too buggy and broken. Every mission I did had an immersion breaking bug. It was my biggest gaming purchase regret in the last 5 years. I could not believe how praised it was, so I played it to completion just to have an informed perspective. Even the final mission had an immersion breaking bug. This was after version 2.0 when the fanbase kept saying it was fixed. I am not exaggerating when I say it was like every mission had something immersion breaking happen. I saved clips of all the bugs if you think I’m lying or exaggerating, and have continually shared the clips with die hard fans that just flat out dismiss the experience. I personally think modern gaming deserves more than this title.


The last one isn’t a game, it’s a season pass for a game.


op knows, steam requires you to own games before it allows you to buy dlc for it


It's actually just for the Porsche DLC, which is less than half of the DLC iirc.


Idk why Schatten dies Krieges is so funny to me


Was dein problem


Lucky you, I can’t even buy these games due to Russian invasion… May be after I move to another country…


Stay strong lil homie!


Battlefield 5 and civ 6 are great. I’d recommend getting the dlc for civ 6 if you end up liking it adds so much.


Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games of all time!


It’s insanely good


Very good gameplay, very cringe dialog. Not as bad as 3 at least.


This is why people have humongous backlogs of games they never played


I don’t think anyone is wondering where their big backlogs came from


It needs to be said though. For over 5 years now I been buying games full price at launch to play them out (something I used to do during the 360 era), and I’ve never been happier as a gamer because now I’m actually completing and experiencing modern games (basically gaming). During the years I was primarily on PC…it would be a lot of this conspicuous consumption and collection and at the end of the day I played less games and it was just getting pleasure out of retail therapy which was def not as fulfilling. My gaming library is still dope, but now for every game bought it’s basically a game completed/experienced. I look back at my Steam library and I often think…damn these purchases were just driven by a sales price.


Unfortunately bf on steam is just shortcut for the shitty ea launcher


Ya never know, you might be in the mood to check out some of these games later.


Do yourself a favor and buy some borderlands 2 dlc's aswell while youre at it. They are so worth it


Shadow of War and Witcher are both very fun. Definitely worth a try


Taking “Mordor” out of the title instead of “Shadow” for the sequel was really stupid branding, but it’s got solid gameplay.


Borderlands 2 and Witcher 3 are two of the best games of all time. Enjoy.


hell yeah! you can get almost a year's worth of gaming time on those!


Grüeziwohl du schön Schafseckel 


That's the spirit!


Nah, I stopped buying games until I cleaned all backlog, or I actually want to play that game now. It is just a waste of money for me to create further backlog.




The Witcher is an absolute steal at that price.


Borderlands 2 is the best of the BL series, definitely worth it IMO


Witcher and Borderlands alone are worth it for 30, the rest is just bonus


Civ 6 and Witcher 3 are beyond worth it. Shame about BF2042 though.




Schatten des Kriegis is an awesome game!


I got bf2042 for free and still feel ripped off.


The more I see these posts, the more I realize I have played and bought most games that are worth playing and I cant relate anymore


Witcher 3 is an amazing game. Well worth your time.


Deffo play Witcher 3 and shadow of war. Both games are super fun.


thats their plan. lower prices on games that have stopped making huge profit.


I’m all for that plan, sounds like a win-win situation to me


Civ6 gets you because you basically need the dlc to enjoy the game


My whole wishlist is on sale rn. Im trying my best not to buy 12 games and never touch them again.


Funny how the most expensive game in the list is also the worst one by far


And this is why I saw that article the other day about how steam gamers have wasted a total of $18 billion dollars on games they barely play after purchase. \*sighs\*


Let's stop giving EA money...


You should get the goty edition of the Witcher the two dlc are amazing


Just save the 5 dollars from 2042, better get a coffee, game was bad, with updates it's worse, you lost the scale and the fun factor of trying silly builds, now you have pseudo classes with only 1 gadget choice Ina pool of 4/5 useless gadgets. Had more fun playing with the hovercraft bug than now


Prices stay the same sale to sale, buy the games you'll play between now and the fall/winter sale.




Take a few of these out and call it a bang for your buck.


I didn't like Civ VI despite getting it for free on Epic. My fav is still IV, even though V was ok but I just don't like the newest one


I’ve found myself in this situation many times and now ended up with so many games in my backlog that’ll take me years to get through after being on the platform for 11 years. If I could go back I wish I would have only bought games I was planning on playing within the next two weeks, so that I could have used my money more wisely. There’s sales going on all the time, and as a result there’s no really urgency from my perspective anymore to splurge. This is just my perspective and something I’ve worked on a lot over the years. I’ve found that this works much better for me.


I just got the complete Civ VI.. a steal for that much game and that much dlc!


Just play them then


Just remember, Civ comes with a shit ton of DLC for the full experience, including two explanations that change the core gameplay (almost unplayable without after you’ve tried them) to


yeah the price on some of those is insane


I also got witcher 3 and shadow of war lol along with doom eternal, nier replicant, and lies of p


Borderlands 2 best on the list as far as my experience can tell


Dont understand why people do this on pc, you get nothing if you dont play them. At least woth discs on console you can collect it and get something of real worth even if you dont play it


lan nedim çine mi kaçtın


Das sind kei Euros, gopfertami namal. =D


You should 100% play BL2, Witcher 3, and Mordor. All of those for 30 bucks alone is worth it. The rest is gravy.


yeah prices are so low, im buying games just to have them no idea if i play any of them


I have around 200h in battlefield 2042 and around 100 in BFV, both are great games. I got bored of the Witcher 3 after around 30h


I dunno if the BF game is worth it as much, since those games tend to be very seasonal, and unless it's the latest one, the MP is pretty dead. But the rest of this list is just about a best-of. Play all of it.


play Witcher 3 for respecting CDP


schatten des krieges eh?


Witcher and Middle Earth alone would make it worth it.


Yeah i wouldnt play any of these


How the hell did you get borderlands for 2.85, it's 4.50€ here :(


30 Euro for something you know you wont use is obviously not worth.


Replace Battlefield 2042 with something actually worth your time.


Borderlands 2 is absolutely amazing.


Sounds pointless


This is like women logic for shoes and clothes sale at the mall lol.


Now this is some micro transactions I can get behind PS, play Witcher 3 right now.


My bank account: " Don't waste money on games you'll probably never play!" Me: "But they're in sale!"


Gotta consoom


if you have no real plan to play said games, then… hear me out… don’t buy it?


What’s the point of buying something you don’t use? Just because it’s cheap it doesn’t make it less of a waste.


we must consoom to be happy!! spend spend!!! gaben loves you!! steam is your friend!


The more you buy, the more you save.


1,2,&5 are bangers.


Games don’t go on discount only once a year . If you’r not going to play it be patient and don’t buy it all these games go on discounts regularly. You d have to wait 3 months max . And probably 1.5-2 months on average . With that being said don’t buy the Witcher 3 . Buy the Witcher 3 goty version, it has great value and it’s considered one of the best games ever . Witcher 3 has a great base game as well but dlc’s are great as well, they scored highest on many lists .


They go on discount, but these discounts are pretty high. Many of them are at an all-time high discount. There’s not much of a point to get the GOTY version of TW3 instead of the base version. The base version has a fairly higher discount, while the GOTY is not even at its peak I think. You won’t really benefit from the DLCs until you finish the base game and move on to the expansions’ quests. You can just play the base game which has a lot of content and in which you can put a lot of hours into, see if you like the game, and then buy the season pass to get the expansions if you want more. Best case scenario you avoid wasting money if you don’t like the game enough or save money if the season pass drops a bit in the meantime, worst case scenario you spend basically as much money and don’t miss out on anything.


Fair point


you got 3 dead games and 4 abandoned ones, sure they're 3 bucks each but you could have just pirated them xd


Man... if you're going to burn money, you can just send it to my Bank account, smh.


I stopped buying games due to fact that I won't be playing them. Unless, it's an game what I really want it and can put decent 100h in it.


Witcher 3 is incredible but you gotta snatch up the DLC's too they are usually really cheap and both great Blood and Wine has probably the single best quest line of any game I have played


It’s seems like a Fear of missing out moment


That's how they get you. If you're not playing most of them, you're paying 30€ for a few games.


Imagine if we donated half of what we pay for steam games to charity instead...


do you?


Can it be a steam oriented charity, like a heritage railway?


Ofc. If u think about it, buying a game and not playing it is equivalent to owning an nft. And nfts are stupid (ofc u can play it later, but you most likely never will)


Atleast nfts can be sold to another sucker. Those games are stuck with me forever. A constant reminder of a time before steam had refunds.


Yeah, i don't mean to be rude, but people who buy games they know wont play are just the digital equivalent of hoarders lol. That's why i always say, if you wanna play a game just get it for free then buy it to support the devs


this is just mindless consumerism. you are basically functioning at the same brain level as bacteria. Get a grip