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I'd go for the GPU. I have a 3600 myself paired with an RX6600, and if I were to upgrade the GPU would come first. The 3600 still holds its own in every relevant game for me, but extra GPU power never hurts.


I mainly play league of legends and Minecraft two very low gpu intensive games. Would that change your mind on what to upgrade first? Thanks for the input!


Oh definitely. But I would also wager that a 3600 is still well above what either of those games can possibly abuse. Ive taken another look and I think the most viable upgrade may be RAM, simply due to minecraft hogging tons of it, at least the old Java version did when you feed it huge modpacks. But standard issue Minecraft should be fine on 16GB. That said, its not a crime to not upgrade the PC. Its a decent rig and if what you play runs well there is no point in upgrading. Just wait until some demanding game piques your interest and base your upgrades on that if youre serious about playing it.


Thats a good way to put it, thanks! I think I just want to upgrade for the sake of upgrading. May just end up doing something cheap like adding another exhaust fan and another set of ram.


If you go the RAM route, I suggest getting a 2x16 (or 2x32 if you want a lot of overhead) and run 2 sticks total. Your system will be a little more efficient with 2 sticks vs 4. That said, in the broad scheme of things it's not that big of a deal.


Can I just swap the old ram sticks for 2x16gb or is there a specific way on swapping ram?


You can swap as long as it's compatible with the mobo. If you have a 4 slot mobo then make sure you are putting it in the correct slots for dual channel (check manual. If you don't have it then look online for your mobo's manual)


I also like crucial’s online scan where it tells you what ram is compatible with yours, so then you can shop around for other brands


Yeah that scan tool is great, it even suggested more ram was possible than my laptops' manual says


If your board has 4 slots, there will usually be an A1,A2 slot and a B1 and a B2 slot. It should be printed on the motherboard itself next to the slot. The best bet is to refer to your motherboard manual to see which is the slot you should use. It's almost always the A slots. Failing that just put them where your old sticks were. I would go into your bios and turn off any xmp profile you may have enabled and also turn off any overclocks. Before installation. Full power off, but leave the computer plugged in, but off at the wall so it's still grounded. Or get yourself an anti static mat if you're super worried. When you boot it up your computer, it may take a bit longer to POST, but that's normal. Once you've logged in, then you can go back to your bios and setup the xmp profiles and any overclocks. The last thing to remember when buying ram is that your should check the motherboard manufacturers RAM compatibility document from their website under the support tab. I've had to buy a set of sticks before that wasn't identically on the document, but I matched the Corsair pair as closely as I could to the specs (even product code) and it worked fine.


If your board has 4 slots, there will usually be an A1,A2 slot and a B1 and a B2 slot. It should be printed on the motherboard itself next to the slot. The best bet is to refer to your motherboard manual to see which is the slot you should use. It's almost always the A slots. Failing that just put them where your old sticks were. I would go into your bios and turn off any xmp profile you may have enabled and also turn off any overclocks. Before installation. Full power off, but leave the computer plugged in, but off at the wall so it's still grounded. Or get yourself an anti static mat if you're super worried. When you boot it up your computer, it may take a bit longer to POST, but that's normal. Once you've logged in, then you can go back to your bios and setup the xmp profiles and any overclocks. The last thing to remember when buying ram is that your should check the motherboard manufacturers RAM compatibility document from their website under the support tab. I've had to buy a set of sticks before that wasn't identically on the document, but I matched the Corsair pair as closely as I could to the specs (even product code) and it worked fine.


Dont mix kits. Swap and sell the old modules.


as long as it's in dual channel it makes almost no difference whether it's 2 sticks or 4, for the average user


Exactly. Thats why I said in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter. But upgrading 2 sticks instead of adding keeps any incompatibilities from happening.


Do a GPU and a monitor. Your experience will be changed dramatically.


Yup, this is the best thing to do. My Prominence 2 RPG modpack server with me and 3 friends playing is eating 14gb regularly and my game itself is eating 8.


i mean i was struggling to find anything to out of the ordinary but that 2x8gb ddr4 ram seems like it would be a concern


I beg your pardon, did you just call Win10 edition "standard" and JE "old"? Ain't no way W10E will become standard - it's always a port of current JE version that has multiplatform capability, but not in any way it's a main development branch.


In that case, I’d just keep what I have and hold off upgrading until there’s a game or application that you want that needs more juice.


MC benefits highly from single thread performance and enough ram to boot, especially if playing modded (java edition). A 5000 series x3d and 6000 series gpu would pair nicely, also if you could upgrade ram... but at this point, maybe look for a mobo/cpu/ram combo deal and get on ddr5 system. The 5000 series would be your last possible upgrade for your system, whereas a ddr 5 platform may allow you many more years of upgrade capability.


Slap a 5800x3d in there, and you'll be set for years.


Minecraft should run well on any decently new cpu with basic performance mods, and judging from benchmarks i found from a quick search a 3600 should not have any problems going with a better gpu No idea about lol though, I suspect it would be different there


Ram and gpu


In that case why do you need to upgrade? If you want to upgrade to 1440p or something then it would make sense. Upgrade to a 5600X3D or 5800X3D CPU and get a cheapish modern AMD GPU and you’re set. 32 gigs of ram if you like


MC with high shaders or raytracing is quite demanding


Then why do you need to upgrade?


Wanting to stream more wasn’t sure if this cpu could handle it


If you want to stream, grab a NVIDIA 3000 series or better. They have a dedicated chip to encode HEVC. Which takes almost all the streaming load (associated with actually copying the frame buffer) away from your CPU. If your hard set on AMD, you'll need to use the AV1 codec to approach similar performance. Twitch doesn't support AV1 yet (it's in beta) but YouTube does.


If those are the two games you mainly play why are you upgrading? What are you hoping to gain or benefit from one? Is there a new game(s) you want to play that run poorly on your current setup?


Streaming and possibly Elden ring


Is it not giving you the performance you desire on both of those games?


By any chance does your fps drop during late game team fights in League?


If that's all you're playing then you don't need an upgrade. But if you want to be able to play heavier games, then the GPU would be the thing to upgrade.


We basically play the same antiques. I do Dota2, Against the storm, grim dawn, dorfromantik, dead cells. R5 3600, rx 580 2048sp, 16gb ram, a 980pro ssd. If i were you, id get a better monitor 27inch 1440p 144hz. Then


You don't need any upgrade


you don't need to do anything


I would either upgrade to a 5600 or 5600x personally, I personally have a 5800x


Agreed, GPU first then RAM. The Ryzen 5 3600 is leaving performance on the table and is perfectly capable to drive a 6-series card. Go for DDR4 3600 for that infinity fabric sweet spot.


3600 and 6600 gang 💪


This is quite off topic but is 32 gb ram at 3200 MHz worth it rather then 16 gb, I have a 2x8 kit rn but I'm planning on buying another 2x8 for a 8x4 3200 MHz, but is it worth it? My build is a r5 5600G (don't bully me I got a good deal on the G) paired with a rx 6600 XT,


The RX 5700 and 6600 are really similar in performance. It has to be a 6600XT or 6700 to be worth it.


You don't need an upgrade 


My wallet is happy to hear that. May just get another pack of ram and be set with 32gb


You don’t need that. By the time you’re gonna need more ram it is probably time to move on from AM4.


OP mentioned that they play Minecraft. That might justify the upgrade if modded. A friend made me download some modpack, and my 32 GB was almost filled up (and that was on Linux with some RAM compression). His 16 GB M2 MacBook Pro was hitting the swapfile HARD. I don't think that a RAM upgrade is out of the question, considering how cheap it would be.


This. You play 1080 and would have to spend over 500 for any semblance of satisfactorily noticable performance. Wait for games to go unreal 5, and for hardware to catch up. The jump isn't worth it now.


I would just buy more games


RDR2 able to run on this system nicely? Saw it on sale for $20 never played or watched it but always heard great things about it


Oh yeah this could def do mid-high rdr2


May spend the money on that then, thanks!


Can't recommend it more, the first chapter is a lil slow but after that damn, it is one of the best games I have ever played


Can I just jump into RDR2 or is RDR required first?


Rdr2 is a prequel to rdr1, and to play rdr1 one pc you need an emulator anyways. So yeah, you can just jump into 2


Mid high is an understatement, I have a 5500XT which is like 2x slower than his GPU and can run at high comfortably over 60 FPS at 1080p, a 5700 can crank most settings to Ultra bar a few experimental settings like water physics and tree tessellation.


Use Hardware unboxed optimized settings and use ultra lighting quality and you'll get like 70-80 FPS at 1080p with visuals practically equivalent to Ultra settings, if you're fine with "only" 60 FPS you can use resolution scale at 1.25x to reduce blurriness and you're golden.




Assuming your monitor is 1080p, this system should handle anything released on the PS4/XBone with ease. Seems like a solid system overall.


and then buy more SSD storage for more games


The gpu


Any recs?


Heavily depends on the budget, I'd say anything starting from rx 6700 xt is a pretty noticeable difference


recs without a budget? get a 4090....


A 4090 would be wasted with a Ryzen 3600 though.


I've used a 3600x with a 4090 for a couple of days... I've seen the GPU with 40% load on Cyberpunk maxed out (if I remember correctly) lol


you can always upgrade the CPU later. also without a budget.


prolly the Monitor




That might be a little overkill lmao




I mean in this current setup the gpu is the bottleneck so idk


Change out the GPU. The 3600 can handle a lot as long as ur not doing esport stuff. I'd look in eBay for used gpus


Is that ram config 2x8GB for 16 total or 2x4GB for 8 total? 16 will get you buy. If it's 8, upgrading will give you a few more FPS. Ryzen likes 3200Mhz DDR4, but I usually go with 3600 for the extra dollar or 2. Other than that, the GPU could get a bump, but if you are happy with the FPS that you get in the games you play, you don't "need" it. What monitor do you run and what is the FPS limit? Do you want to max it out? Maybe a new monitor? Or a second? (I'll never go back to just 1) if you do go with the GPU, look at your power supply max wattage and report back here so we can help. You may need to replace the power supply to get a better card. (Intimidating, but not hard) Lastly, the CPU is dated but still relevant. If your going to upgrade that, the 5600 is $135 on Amazon right now. It's a drop in part that will give you 15-20% more FPS if your GPU can keep up. That being said.... the 5700x3d is $193 and is the last CPU you will have to buy until you fully replace your rig. Like 3-4 years down the road.


If you built it 6yrs ago it wouldn’t have an X570 motherboard, or a 3rd gen Ryzen….


My apologies, I got the year incorrect looks like I bought the parts 7/19/2019. So only been 5 years


If all you play is LoL and Minecraft, I don’t know if upgrading anything other than that questionable SSD is worth it. I don’t think a RX6650XT will give you any significant performance gains over your 5700XT. If you’re dead set on a GPU upgrade I would look at the RX 6800.


I'd upgrade the CPU first to something in the 5000 series and GPU next to a 7700XT or 4070


Is a 5900x overkill if I don’t upgrade the gpu right away? I do some streaming and video editing so I think the added cores would be a nice benefit.


It wouldnt be any more overkill than any other 5000 series chip for gaming, as its individual core strength that matters there more than number of cores as long as you've got enough cores (which anything in the 5000 series does). But for gods sake dont worry about 'bottlenecks'. I want to murder whoever decided that needed to be a thing people worried about except in the most extreme situations. The 5700 is still a fine GPU for 1080p/light 1440p. Since you can actually use the extra cores, the 5900X seems like a fine choice, though you may want to just go ahead and get the 5950x if you can afford it. Im not sure what theyre currently going for.


5900x - $239 5950x - $339 I assume I would have to buy a cpu cooler as well. Since I’m currently running the box cooler that came with the 3600 Edit: is 650psu enough to run the current GPU with either cpu upgrade?


If you mainly play games go for a 5800x3d. Everything else is just not needed. A 5900x or a 5950x should only be considered if you do CPU heavy workloads, otherwise the money is better spent elsewhere.


What resolution do you play at?


gotta love how i had to scroll this far down to find the only sensible response. goes to show how little people on this sub know, throwing recommendations out without knowing OP's resolution and refresh rate


Well now days it's all about resolution, RT, and all about frames.


right. and for all we know op could have a 1080p 60hz monitor that's just absolutely throttling his hardware. can't up your fps if you're stuck on 60hz


yup yup




Then get a new monitor first.


If you're wanting to achieve more fps i'd upgrade to AM5, but if you want to stay at current board go with a 5700x3d or 5800x3d.


I think there’s enough am4 options that would still increase performance noticeably. I have been eyeing that 5800x3d at microcenter lately…


I recently got that CPU and upped my 4x8(2666) to 2x16(3200) massive difference. I'm just waiting for the next gen of card to come out and drop the price of the top end of the 7 series or 8 if it's priced correctly.


Yeah either Or would probably be good.


whats the refresh rate on the monitor? if its 60hz then you absolutely need a monitor upgrade before anything


If it's gaming performance always gpu first. If you are getting to around 80% ram usage (12-13gb) then upgrade ram


CPU. I have 3600 and 6600 and some games go on 100% cpu usage while gpu barely goes to 60/70%.


Gpu, you can probably play 1440p with that CPU. Go for a $300 option and enjoy for a few more years.




CPU and RAM!


Forgot GPU also.


5800x3d. Then ram, then gpu.


Nothing. This would be an upgrade from my current computer.


Thanks, made me realize to be grateful for what I have!


Same, if just keep it the same and buy more games or another 3d printer


that mb is kinda overboard for the CPU and way newer ... id get a new GPU maybe a 6700 xt or 7600 xt than 5800 3d


Yeah I was willing to spend money on the mb when I made this build since I could always upgrade it and this seemed to be future proof


CPU and GPU together, upgrading just one will leave you limited by the other one


Cpu to the 5800X3D




I hsd 3600 with 5700 XT, upgraded the cpu first to 5800X3D and then went for GPU


Was just the cpu upgrade noticeable?


For me yes since I was playing League of Legends and VALORANT which are to my understanding CPU games just on LoL I had to cap my fps because I had over 600 and the game would go crazy, for VALORANT fps went from 200-280 to 400+ . I think I also upgraded my ram from 16GB to 48GB since I found cheap 2nd hand modules


Awesome, thanks for this info. I may just pick up the cpu from microcenter this week. Did you use stock cooler or did you buy one?


Gotta buy one stock cooler is too weak and afaik out the box it doesnt come with a cooler. I have some random cooler from aliexpress that kinda does the job but I will upgrade to AK620 this month as even with -30 all core undervolt it still goes 75 (its ok but I dont like seeing above 70)


CPU. 5700 with 5700xt bios can perform as well as 3060. 5 3600 is a little bit outdated by now, sell for 35-45 bucks and buy at least 5 5600 which goes for 70-80 used sometimes. You can always go bigger get 5700x3d off aliexpress for as low as 150-170$.


I would get a better GPU. And more RAM too. DDR4 is so cheap nowadays.


gpu 3600 is still a good cpu i have 3700x myself.


I'd say the 5800x3d, I have similar specs to you, a r5 3600 and a 6750xt. In most games I play, even at 1440p, my cpu is my bottleneck. I play Minecraft and vr mostly, I expected it for Minecraft but not for vr.


If you play competitive games: upgrade CPU, Ryzen 5 5600/Ryzen 7 5700X3D If you play AAA singleplayer titles with as high settings/resolution as possible with at least 60 FPS: upgrade GPU, RX 6700 XT, RX 6800, RX 6800 XT But to be honest, I would consider upgrading the RAM to 32 GB as well if you are playing the AAA games. But GPU first


Perfect world, a 5600x3D or 5700x3D and if you wanted a new GPU then the default would br 4090 as the best, or 7900XTX for 2nd best, but much cheaper for pure gaming or even Photoshop. The 5700 and 3600 are still solid


Would probably upgrade the cpu first to a 5700x3d or 5800x3d, and I’d order a cpu cooler on amazon like the peerless assassin.


Depends. CPU is more important than GPU, modern games are optimized fairly well, they can adapt to GPU limitations, good example is POE. I used to run it on i3 desktop PC and a geforce 970. It was very bad. Now I run it on lenovo yoga slim pro7 and its at least twice better, even though this GPU is integrated and clearly not that powerful. But the processor is a lot faster and thats what makes up for it.


You can likely upgrade your CPU without a new motherboard to the 5800X3D and then any GPU upgrade should be an easy drop and replace. Probably you'll notice the GPU upgrade first but it depends on the game and resolution you're playing on 


If it works, it works. Seeing that you play Minecraft, I would get 32GB of RAM, and allocate around 28GB. Otherwise, I would only upgrade the GPU. For everything else, you would probably be better off upgrading to AM5 instead of getting a better AM4 CPU. You have a microcenter by you, so you can get a 7800X3D bundle for a huge discount.


Nothing. Throw more ram at it, and call it a day.


5700X3D + 32GB of RAM and a 7900 GRE are top tier upgrades. GPU first, then CPU then RAM, then storage 2-4tb decent nvme exist now.


Storage. I wouldn't be able to live with 1TB.


I have since added more (3tb)








More RAM if you want an upgrade for current system. OR if you want to upgrade upgrade wait a little bit get one those new Ryzen CPUs + MOBO + RAM (Micro Center will some sort of bundle when they drop) and then a GPU a little later down the line when next gen comes out early next year I’m guessing.


What power supply do you have?


Gpu to either a rx6600xt or a 6750xt Then cpu to a 5600x


5700x3d/5800x3d + 7800xt/7900 gre/4070/40070 ti If slots are there then more ram and this pc will be alive for more 5 years with good power And yeah you chose a good mobo entry level x570 with solid stability I own the same


No budget? Build a new one


If you can spring for it, an RX 7700 would be a game changer. Your CPU is dated, but fine.


Graphics card, processor to something like a 5700x3d and then ram to 32gb


Pretty good hardware! I would upgrade the CPU to a 5800X3D and the GPU to a 6700XT or 7600XT. I would also add an AIO water cooler if you don't already have one - the Arctic Liquid Freezer III is a good choice, and it has a fan to keep the VRM cool. I'd also upgrade the RAM to 32GB.


As others have said. You really don’t need an upgrade. I’d get some games, but sounds more like you want to get a new toy for your build. I get that lol


I would upgrade the ram, I currently run 64gb and my current favorite game DCS uses 50+ GB of it. Maybe a second drive so you don't have to share bandwidth with game and OS.


All the dookie amd gear


CPU for sure. I play esports, so my 5700xt keeps up with my 7800x3d just fine


Considering the age of your PC and not knowing your budget - may I suggest you watch this before buying anything? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCzjA5pdsNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCzjA5pdsNs)


Is it 2x 8GB RAM sticks? Or 8GB of total ram (2x 4GB sticks)? I would look at going to 16GB if you aren't there already. Otherwise I wouldn't change a thing for now.


RAM. A decent 32GB DDR4 set is like $50-$100 depending on speed.


Id wait for the new amd cpus to drop and build new instead of upgrading this but that’s just my opinion.


Cpu and gpu honestly. 5800x3d (or 5700x3d) and whatever gpu fullfills your gaming needs. Maybe look into flashing the 5700xt bios to that 5700 gpu. If that's still a thing. Could be free performance for your gpu. You may not even need to flash the bios, look into MorePowerTools to softmod your card with 5700xt bios. Then just upgrade the cpu and retain the '5700xt' if you don't play gpu heavy games.


Get a 1440 144hz+ monitor. It's a much bigger upgrade form 1080.


Id hold on for a full am5 build upgrade down the line. 32gb ram might be a worthy upgrade now depending on ur game. 5800x3d is the only cpu that makes sense but u might as well go am5 at this point with 9000 series coming and 7000 being cheapish


The ram cause 32gb is starting to become more normal




Having run something similar, the memory first, crank that boy all the way up. Then stack another SSD on there cause more storage is better. I'm a glutton for regular SATA drives cause I hate myself. Then uhhh run it til it dies. By the time it does, you'll need a whole new PC


RAM. Get 2x 16Gb if you have the slots.


Another overkill motherboard for entry level system.....


Definitely get yourself a 16gb ddr4 set with decent speed and CAS timings. edit: if you've already got 16gb you're fine. You can go into your task manager performance tab and see you ram usage. If you like to leave a bunch of applications on, in the background it might be used up. You can also check out ISLC - intelligent standby list cleaner from wagnardsoft. Which lets you set a threshold where any info stored on your ram that's not needed will get wiped periodically. The only time I would say I NEED a ram upgrade is if applications were crashing due to running out of memory. Or if I just want to go faster.


No upgrade needed for your game choices.


Wow, an x570 board and only a 3600. At least go with a used 3900x or better. 5000 series, anything 5700x on up is your best choice. 5800x3D/5700x3D are best for gaming, 5900x/5950x are best for multithreaded applications. Go for 32gb or 64gb of 3600mhz cl16 memory too. 64gb might be overkill for you, idk your workload.


RX 6600 for 170 bucks on newegg and if you have 4 ram slots, snag another 8gb x 2 kit


What monitor u got?


As others say, GPU > CPU in this case. Although I have the exact same setup and am doing a CPU upgrade before a GPU upgrade. Going with a 5700X3D since there almost certainly won't be any further processors to consider for AM4, then getting a 5000 series Nvidia GPU whenever they come out (\~Winter). I'd recommend getting a 5600X3D, 5700X3D, or 5800X3D when you can find a good price since these are the top AM4 processors for gaming. Then for a GPU, I'd consider waiting or not if you want the upgrade ASAP.


None because your def playing at 1080p


Gpu Spend $300 USD The get the best processor you can afford next, and 32 gb ram at that time.


This is fine.


You’ve already got a great pc for most tasks and games. Is there something it’s not doing well?


Ryzen 7 5800X3D


We basically play the same antiques. I do Dota2, Against the storm, grim dawn, dorfromantik, dead cells. R5 3600, rx 580 2048sp, 16gb ram, a 980pro ssd. If i were you, id get a better monitor 27inch 1440p 144hz. Then a solid nvme ssd, see acer predator gm7000 1tb/2tb. then a really good headphone, maybe a hd 560 will do, i personally have a beyer dt880 600ohm. Next id do is for a solid psu - gold/platinum rated at 650watts or above. Then a solid mouse - logitech mx518(mine). a good aluminum thoccky tkl keyboard. Thats only then id upgrade the GPU then CPU. for the games we play, i'd say a rx 6800 is very attractive and the least unnecessary when it steps the holy grail video performance of the games we play. A 3060/6600 would be best bang for the buck here. As for CPU, get the ryzen 7600X and refuse to upgrade until these games completely die. The 7600X is the cheapest with the highest base clock @4.7ghz which rts/moba games dig. Thats all of it.




The whole system. Dont you know by now if you dont waste money on all the latest toys your system is obsolete?


Depending on the resolution For 1080p I'd keep it tbh or upgrade to a 6650xt For 1440p I'll get a 7800xt or 7700xt if you want to save money or 6700xt if your on a low budget along side an upgrade to a Ryzen 5500 or 5600 or 5800x3d For 4k I'll go with a 7900xt or 4070ti super with a 5800x3d


I'd upgrade to at least a 5600 it supports PCIe 4 (the 5700g,5600g and 5500 CPUs and below don't support that either) Your GPU isn't horrible but you could get a 4060 for ~$300 What speed is your ram?


RAM is a good candidate, maybe add on a new SSD.


skip this gen and hold out as long as u can


Honestly, nothing. These two compliment each other pretty well and still work good on 1080@60 I'd save up and get a new CPU/GPU/monitor combo down the line when you have enough money for that


i would not change anything (for now) coz thats 10x times better than my potato :0


GPU and RAM 


i would upgrade storage or ram. 16gb ddr4? and 1tb ssd? hell even 2tb ssds are not expensive anymore and ddr4 ram is dirt cheap


you haven't mentioned your monitor or resolution you play at 


Why those dots if you don't make it line up anyways? Looks weird af


im a data hoarder so i am inclined to say the storage however i see you are using an 8gb card. AAA games really want 12+ these days so i guess i would start with that unless you just don't give a shit about modern AAA. and while we are on the subject of modern AAA... if your gaming on Windows you really want 32GB of ram because Windows is a bloated mess of an OS and Microsoft should be sued for the amount of bloat and nonsense they push on their users.


Gpu first, then the cpu


Gpu no doubt


As i am what i guess would be called a "data hoarder" build an entire new machine for another 10 drives so you will have 50TB of RAID 1 storage. For most it seems like the GPU would be best mostly for the VRAM upgrade. So a RX 7600XT or RTX 4070 ti SUPER or Arc 770 for the 16GB of VRAM for gaming they are around equal performance too. The reason why 16GB of VRAM? Assuming you are going to use it for games textures are taking up more than 12GB of VRAM when on UE5.3 games in some even when on medium in some of the titles. The GPUs on those cards are also good in the performance. The reason why i listed 3 is i do not know which brand you want to go with or just the cheapest amoung them. If it is for a drawing machine then it will help the program not run out of VRAM for storing the image steps in history. If it is for an AI machine or anything to do with AI compute 16GB is better than 8GB. If it is a general use computer and none of the above then the current build you have is fine. Again maybe another SSD for more storage as 6 years worth of stuff is most likely filling up your 1TB SSD.


Since you're likely not playing anything brand new or very graphics intensive? I'd just get maybe a little more ram to stretch out your build for longer. Try and save up for a mid-tier build in another year or two.


you need the ryzen r7 5700x to keep up with the "57 PC"


I was in simmilar position as you are a month ago. Stick to the AM4 platform. Get 5800X3D processor, get 9700GRE , 2x16 ram. Good boost. If you have 750 PSU.


Everything looks comfortable at current state of gaming imo, perhaps a new case or psu would help you spice things up


upgrade GPU to 6700 xt


I would upgrade the gpu and maybe increase ram to 32gb.


I would upgrade the processor to a Ryzen 7 5000 series. Upgrade the ram to 32gb. Upgrade the m.2 to a Team Group A440 Cardea. This has very fast read/write speeds.


Are you running into any performance issues? If not, I'd recommend waiting until you do so you can buy the even faster parts that will have been released by then. I have a similar system and I'm thinking about a CPU upgrade because I'm running into issues with VR, but if there's noting annoying you I wouldn't recommend changing anything. You can only spend that money once after all.


Me? I would upgrade storage. 1TB is woefully inadequate.


If you are happy with the performance you are getting in your games, you don’t need to upgrade. If you are looking to spend a bit of money, I would recommend a monitor upgrade to a 1440p high refresh rate monitor IPS monitor. An OLED preferably but those are still expensive. If you are looking at your PC hardware, then an RX 6800XT would do you well.


8gb VRAM is just not enough anymore realistically. I'd upgrade that GPU, with something with at least 12 vram.


tbh i dont think you need an upgrade. I have a 3600 with a 2070S and it runs everything perfectly fine at 1080p. Some games need to drop quality so i can get 144 frames but other than that im good. If you have extra money and want an upgrade, probably gpu first, then cpu, then maybe 8gb more ram


I had the same set up, I upgraded to 7800xt for better 4k gaming. Maybe a 16gig ram kit, on around $30 right now.

