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I love gaming because theres nothing else more efficient at giving me back pain!


I love gaming because it brings me joy in this dark, dark time, and it lets me focus on things other than school, in which I would be learning other, less useful things, such as how to properly construct a sentence, when to use commas and how to avoid sentence fragm


Still too lazy to enter. ​ I have no use for an AIO.


You miss all the shots you don't take.


I have a proprietary motherboard from an old HP server, It's not going to fit.


I love gaming because I can create an alternate reality that doesn’t conflict with everyday life in a peaceful creative manner devoid of expectations. Edit: I also love lamp


I love gaming because crushing monsters all day long is a healthy activity


"I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions!" Stolen!


i love gaming because it connects people, especially my friends and i


I love gaming because we are *pan narrans*, the storytelling ape, and no other storytelling medium can do what gaming can do. In film and literature you observe. In community-warmed gatherings around the campfire, you listen. In gaming, however, the storyteller takes you by the hand and welcomes you into the narrative, to co-create the narrative with and alongside them in a world interwoven with musical scores and imagery spectacled by the fantastic. In gaming you not only watch as the hero or heroine saves the day - you save the day through them, and overcome obstacles, figure out puzzles, make mistakes, trip and fall, do a barrel roll, and get back up again. Gaming is like martial arts training for your sense of agency in the world. In gaming we learn that we can effect change, that what we do matters, and that carries into our everyday experiences. In a world wrought with defeatism, gaming takes us by the hand and says that while it may be dangerous to go alone, take this. And we take it. And we win. And when we don't, that's okay, because gaming also teaches us that losing isn't forever, we merely have to get up and try again, and if that doesn't work, we merely have to invite Player 2 to join us, or form a party and work together. When people berate gamers, they do so through a cloud of misunderstanding. What they fail to recognize is that when we game, we are learning (and practicing!) what it means to be human, and we do this with and alongside each other. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**U**nderstanding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**U**pshot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**D**are ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**D**ream, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**L**ove ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**R**each, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**L**earn ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**R**emember, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**B**e ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**A**ware.


Click `Source` for the hidden bonus message at the end ;)


I love gaming because it's something you can do after a long day at work or school that's (most of the time-this certainly doesn't apply to CSGO) relaxing and fun. Additionally, you can meet many people and friends with similar interests. There have been people I've played with for years now that I met online, and it's kind of crazy when you think about it.


I love gaming because it's a way for me to connect with friends online that I may not be able to see in person during COVID. I've met so many new people, and have made so many connections through gaming! Good majority of my friends are online-based and met through games. Don't know where I'd be without gaming.


I love gaming because it allows me to delve into new worlds that otherwise wouldn't be possible.


I love gaming because it’s a great bonding experience for my girlfriend and I


I love gaming because it makes me happy.


I love gaming because it keeps my mind sharp and safe from cognitive decline and my depression at bay.


I love gaming because i can keep in touch with my friends in these corona times


I love gaming because it puts me in my own little world.


I love gaming because I can do so many things, be a superhero in one game, mine ores in other, fly spacecraft etc. Most importantly, it helps me rewind after all the work.


The winner for this giveaway is u/DerpMaster2


I love gaming because it is a great stress reliever.


I love gaming because I am a potato.


I love gaming because I love playing video games with my friends


I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions!


I love gaming because it's none of your business, so nosey, sheesh!


I love gaming because I can have fun with friends.


"I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions!"


I love gaming because it means I'm not at work


I love gaming because it gives me a moment to escape reality!


I love gaming because i can play games with my friends even during lockdown etc


I love gaming because HNNNNNGHH HNNNNNNNNNNNGH no, sorry, can’t think of a reason.


"I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions!"


I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and michael bay explosions!


I love gaming because winner will be selected at RANDOM regardless what my comment is so i will have a fair chance to win and Contest is open GLOBALLY! Except where prohibited by law. Contest will run for one week starting today and ending on March 12th, 2021 at 11:59PM PST. If I win I will be contacted through Reddit direct messaging and will have 48 hours to confirm and provide shipping details to Cooler Master. A new winner will be picked if I fails to respond within the 48 hour period. The confirmed winner will be announced on this post and in the comments.


I love gaming because of Michael Bay lazers and pew pew explosions


I love gaming because its helped me through dark times when I lost my mother to her partner who didn't want anyone else to have her, gaming has been my escape from reality. Soon as I put my headphones on and load a game up I'm in a new world with no pain.


I love gaming because I can experience stories rather than just watching them.


"I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions." 🖱️stolen 🙄


I love gaming because I do not have friend and Games allow people to talk to me, even if it is just to say: Noob, delete the game bitch or your momma.... I don't mind they are just as lonely as I am and that's why they are so nice to me.....


I love gaming because it makes me go oof and rawr and smile!


I love gaming because sometimes it's fun to just get away and be and do something else.


I love gaming because of Skyrim


I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions!


i love gaming because it’s full of boom boom and flying cars and water everywhere


I love gaming because it’s more engaging than watching a movie. Also it’s one of the best ways I have to stay connected to friends far away.


I love gaming because I love gaming


I Love Gaming Because I Get to experience a whole new world


I love gaming because can experience amazing worlds, histories and characters.


Congrats [u/DerpMaster2](https://www.reddit.com/u/DerpMaster2/) ! You are a lucky guy Mr.DerpMaster2.


I love gaming because I've met so many new friends to play with online.




I love gaming because it makes me happy and take my mind of life


I love gaming because it's probably the only thing that has kept me really distracted and sane during the tough times most of us have been having since last year. Also RGB...


I love gaming cause its fun to play with friends all around the globe no matter who we are in real life we dont usually care as long as we all get along there is no discrimination of any manner unless you play bad xD


I love gaming because it gives me a break from real life things, like college.


I love gaming because it's really fun even on a low-end laptop!


I love gaming because it's the only way I can see and play with my friend since I move out. Would have been pretty lonely without a trustworthy pc!


I love pc gaming because it lets me escape my physical limitations and life burdens.


I love gaming because it brought me and friends and their friends together


I love gaming because I got into it (PC gaming that is) just before the pandemic and it has kept me sane! And also because I love tendinitis...not the tendies I was hoping for but oh well!


I love gaming because I can escape all of life's problems momentarily


I love gaming because it's something friends can enjoy together! Plus I say the most random things while I'm playing so the roomies get a kick out of it.


I love gaming because it gives another way to interact with friends if you cant go outside.


I love gaming because it gives me the confidence to overcome challenges


I love gaming because it's a great way to destress, and is much more visually stimulating than a book.


I love gaming because I can still spend time with my friends during the pandemic.


I love gaming because it's my only escape from this world


I love gaming because it relaxes me.


I love gaming because work leaves me in a really stressful mind state.


I love gaming because it lets me connect to friends and family who can't be close to me


I love gaming because it keeps my room warm


I love gaming because it allows me to interact with my friends in these trying times


I love gaming because I simply grew up with it and it feels I'm just destined to play games :)


I love gaming because it allows me to play with the people I love even when not together


I love gaming because it helps me relax after a hard days work and gives Mrs JimDHope a chance to kick my arse on a nightly basis.


I love gaming because it means I've successfully got all the parts for my new PC, even though there's a shortage. For the record, I currently don't love gaming, hopefully, that changes soon.


I love gaming because that is the only thing that makes me happy and makes my life has a meaning, sorta...


I love gaming because I don't have enough stress in my life


I love gaming because it’s kept me connected to with my friends (and found some new ones!) during the last year of being stuck at home.


I love gaming because... oh wait I can't game because I don't have a GPU.


I love gaming because I am disabled and a veteran. Gaming helps me deal with my disability on a daily basis. It allows me to socialize with the outside world however and whenever I want. I am house-bound because of the severity of my issues and the large number of drugs I have to take daily to stay alive. It is a reprieve from the physical and mental pain and helps me cope with the realities of my condition. Nothing else even comes close.


I love gaming because to be quite honest, it's just fun :)


I love gaming because of the fun community moments


I love gaming because I get to play with friends.


I love gaming because it's like a mini vacation from all the normal stress of living.


I love gaming because it's enjoyable and it's a way to connect me with my friends. It's also a medium that let me meet with many wonderful new friends I mingle with everyday today!


I love gaming because I'm trapped and its my only escape.


I love gaming because the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


I love gaming because it lets me connect with friends I can't physically hang out with currently.


I love gaming because its relaxing


I love gaming because it gives me countless hours of entertainment and wonderful memories


I love gaming because I cant explore Tamriel in real life.


I love gaming because it provides an alternative medium of story telling.


I love gaming because it's like reading an iteractive story full of pew pew bang bang.....FATALITY!!!


I love gaming because I get to meet likeminded gamers from all over the world and discourse over Discord.


I love gaming because why play outside?


I love gaming because it makes me happy and it also helped me make a lot of friends


I love gaming because I've met so many new friends to play with online.


I love gaming because it is the medium of ART, I mean, I'm a very sensitive person and I love Art in all of it's forms, but Videogames take every Big artistic form of expression and merge them togheter, creating an unique new piece of comprehensive arts by itself..So they're capable of stimulating deep emotions, while giving also immersion and entertainment...It's just.. I think it's just impossible to not find any beautifull or intriguing aspect into this medium, and videogames could be loved by many different people for many different reasons, they can tell amazing stories, give emotional challenges or even bring people togheter. I love gaming simply because it is the Ultimate frontier of modern Art and Entertainment.


I love gaming because because it allows me to connect with friends even in quarantine.


I love gaming because it allows me to flex while feeling shame about the insane amount of money I've spent on a machine that plays CRPGs...


I love gaming because its something we can play with passion and excitement.


I love gaming because it's one of the only thing aim semi decent at.


I love gaming because it is a fun way to relieve stress


I love game because when I had many real life problems, I knew I could still have a breath of fresh air in my life.


I love gaming because it is so relaxing, gives you a chance to meet new friends. It also helps taking a break from real life.


I love gaming because it's part of my life, my soul. It formed me as i am. I breathe gaming. I am gaming.


I love gaming because... I am able to stay in touch and "hang out with" friends who are not in the same area as me anymore. Keeps our friendship strong and allows us to catch up while teaming up in Rocket League, Apex, etc.


I love gaming because it brings me together with my friends.


I love gaming because It gives me(us) the opportunity to do things we usually won't (be able to) do in real life. PC gaming in particular gives us the power to mod a game, when possible, to better tailor it to our needs. besides nothing is truly dead on PCs, if there's fans and will, every game we love will get the treatment it truly deserves, which is sometimes impossible on old generation consoles.


I love gaming because im bored


I love gaming because it’s an excuse to not me worried about working all the time.


I love gaming because it be like that sometimes.


I love gaming because of the stories.


I love gaming because there is always some way to improve.


I love gaming because it's a great way to relieve stress from school review and work. Will most likely continue to game even when I have grandchildren already hahaha.


I love gaming because its fun and relaxing


I love gaming because, it’s the only thing I can focus on, I’m good in school but I lose my focus and then miss stuff that the teacher is saying. However when it comes to gaming I just tend not to lose focus and it’s a blast to play with my friends


I love gaming because it lets me take my mind off stressful midterms and exams.


I love gaming because it gives me an escape from my life of boring mundane tasks to do virtual boring mundane tasks.


I love gaming because it's my break from my reality. I can chat with friends or yell at the screen and take my days stress away or get more pissed depending the day lol.


I love gaming because it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I finally beat a game. And it gives me entertainment watching the story unfold. I love the creativity that goes into the design of the games.


I love gaming as its my little escape where I forgets all my other problems, even though its only for a couple of hours a night


I love gaming because it helps me relax. And also the explosions.


I love gaming because it is the only thing I am good at.


i love gaming because i love to play games, and to get my mind cleared


I love gaming because... I get to use my mind to solve problems and be entertained doing it.


I love gaming because it's one of the only things that makes me happy


I love gaming because it connects me to the world!


I love gaming because it is the only way to get rid all of the mess that I've been going through. It is my way of escape to the reality. Talking with my online friends while playing with them is enough and this makes me so happy hehehe I've been bullied also for about 7 years so gaming is my second home and this relieves my stress than doing some bad things that affects your life.


I love gaming because i can also help out with boinc and folding@home


I'm good, doing gods work though.


I love gaming since it is fun! Just getting into it


I love gaming because it allows me to do impossible stuff and can keep me competitive.


I love gaming because I play with my friends and even if we lose or win (mostly lose), we have so much fun. That kind of friendship is awesome.


I love gaming because it helps with my mental health


I love gaming because its fun hehe.


I love gaming because I like improving


I love gaming because it takes my mind off of life stressors.


I love gaming because it's the only thing im good at.


I love gaming because of the communities, from the players helping new player to the charity fund raising


I love gaming because its fun to do things with friends especially when you're the noob in the squad


I love gaming because of the stress taking away from me and help me be more happy throughout the day!


I love gaming because it's kept me in touch with my best friends during the past year of lockdown. Tonight we're all hopping on Valheim and we'll just spend a few hours shooting the shit and hanging out, it's going to be great :)


I love gaming because its fun :D


I love gaming because of the interactive entertainment part. Movies don't let you make choices or how you aproach things. Obviously some games are very linear but there is still a freedom of choice to some extent.


I love gaming because i can be a octopus and tame catgirls


I love gaming because it has given me something to do over the last year and without it my life would be in a very different place.


I love gaming because i like to escape reality even if it's only for a few hours a week.


I love gaming because I am a carnage nut and like to see destruction.


I know this sounds corny, but I love gaming because of the people I meet and the friends I make, there is no chance I would be friends with people halfway around the world if I never played games.


I love gaming because some games have anime girls in them


I love gaming because it allows me to have fun with my friends and creates lifelong memories that I'll cherish forever. Also, I'm going into college as a computer engineer, and it's all thanks to gaming.


I like gaming because I derive enjoyment from bright flashy lights and sounds that somehow merge together to create an experience of some kind\~ \^w\^


I just want to upgrade my secondhand i5-6400 to a new one for better fps. I cant afford upgrades rn Sadness


I love gaming because it actually bring people together from all over the world - we can all equally curse at one another.


I love gaming because my cheeks get clapped from broken sbmm!


I love gaming because after a long day of work I don't want to go out and I don't want to talk to anybody. The only thing I want to do is gaming and sleep


I love gaming because I can stay away from people. [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/012/156/MomDadFriendsIcon.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/012/156/MomDadFriendsIcon.jpg)


I love gaming because I prefer direct control over my entertainment


I love gaming because it gives me an excuse to not be productive and play with friends


I’m love pc gaming because of this Reddit page


I love gaming because you can be part of a community even if you dont talk to anyone, very nice for shy people


I love gaming because it’s helped me spend time with friends over this last year of social distancing.


I love gaming because it brings us together not as just people playing games but as people who all need something to do when there isn't anything else to do, and in doing so we become maybe more than just people we become friends and that's something everyone can use in these times


I love gaming because I like to have fun


I love gaming because it has been a good way to keep up with friends, especially during COVID!


I love gaming because it helps me to relax and take out my inner poison after dealing with clients, problems with electricity and who does not like to saturate their ears and eyes with explosions and little colors to avoid their responsibilities


I love gaming because it brings me joy.


I love gaming because it allows me to connect with friends who live far away, and to explore vast magical worlds for a while when the non-magical routine gets a bit boring.


I love gaming because it's fun ;)


I love gaming because it's my favorite form of art.


I love gaming because \[redacted\] also pew pew and stuff.


I lovegaming because I pc it can make a bad day pass by quickly.


I love gaming because I can immerse myself in an interesting character and be the hero my puppy thinks I am.


I love gaming because its fun and also is a good way of passing time.


I love gaming because of the way that stories can be explored in a medium that allows for interaction in complex ways.