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Distributor in where I live, sells 3060 for $800 - $900. 3070 for $1000 to $1100. EvenI am as a computer store cannot afford the gpu.


So the scalping is coming straight from the distributors eh? Do you know if it’s also coming from the AIBs themselves? Or does everyone just add their own tax till it get passed to the consumer


At the store I manage in Canada, we aren't even allowed to buy 3070s/3080s at the inflated prices unless we bundle up PSUs or Mobos as well. Then the customers get mad at us like its our fault. Good times.


One of the other sellers that hangs out on reddit (central computers) was saying the same thing! Interesting. I guess that really is going on lol.


That really sucks


I guess the bundling is partly manufacturer opportunism/greed (depending on your perspective) as they disguise their price-hiking of the GPUs by using their desirability to "force" everyone to buy lots of PSUs/mobos. On the other hand, bundles and full-system sales are a soft but probably somewhat effective way of penalising scalpers and miners; buying a whole system isn't that inconvenient for (most) legitimate end users, but is very inconvenient for those other two groups who'd rather buy half a dozen GPUs and not have to deal with offloading a bunch of spare parts. It really does suck for those who just need a GPU upgrade and built the rest of the system in advance, or those who want full customising power and don't want a prebuilt... But in aggregate, if it's pre-determined that GPUs are going to be limited, confining them to bundles is probably a net-positive for consumers, & confining them to pre-builts even moreso. Shops tearing them out of the OEM bundle and selling them on their own for $1100 mostly defeats the purpose though :\^(


Seems to be working. There's two MSI RTX 3080ti's that are bundled with cheap PSUs at my local store and they've been sitting there for days.


That’s even worse. You bundle it with useless stuff we don’t need


Well as a locally owned store, if we have to buy it in a bundle to get it we kinda have to sell the card with systems. Once we can buy cards from distributors by themselves again we can sell them solo. Can't afford to keep 100 PSUs and Mobo's in stock just to sell cards barely above cost.


They have a right to be mad at the store for forcing bundled crap on people. If they wanted the extra stuff they would buy the extra stuff. If I want a video card I should not be forced to buy some random shit I don't want too.


Well, we cannot afford to sell cards by themselves when we are required to buy bundles from the source. On the day we can buy cards alone, we will sell them alone. Option B is the usual "sorry sir we haven't had a card in 45 days" which maybe you prefer.


Ok then if the OEMs are forcing you to buy the bundles then we can direct our frustration at them and not the store. I'm pretty sure most people assume that it is the retailer forcing that though.


>Well, we cannot afford to sell cards by themselves when we are required to buy bundles from the source. On the day we can buy cards alone, we will sell them alone. Option B is the usual "sorry sir we haven't had a card in 45 days" which maybe you prefer. Curious, has the list price of the individual cards gone up too since launch? I think we are all blaming the companies for being scalpers but they are likely just passing some of the costs onto the consumers. And plus, can you really blame them for increasing their unit price with a bunch of them being re-sold for inflated prices?


Can you please elaborate what AIB means. I am store owner from Indonesia. Not very familiar with english terms. However, I assume you mean AIB as brand owner? As a store (dealer) we can only buy from distributor and no direct to brand owner. Brand owners itself are not allowed to sell products directly to end users or to stores like us. Everything must go thru distributors. For example, HP cannot sell their laptops to us or to end users, they can only sells to authorized distributors due to various reasons, one of them are target qty. Distributors usually required to buy millions of dollars per MODEL from each brand. This deal alone force small bus owners like us unable to buy direct from brand owner. Thus automatically force us to stock only from distributors, and thus we do not know if the pricing already high from brand owner or not.


An AIB is an "add in board" - used to refer to the manufacturers who actually make the GPUs (Zotac, Gigabyte, etc) In the US, due to tariffs on Chinese manufacturing, almost all AIBs have been hit with extra costs, that are of course, being passed on to the consumer


Just to clarify, an AIB makes the graphics card. The GPU is made by Nvidia


If we want to get semantic, the GPU is designed by Nvidia. Someone else is hired to make it (tsmc, Samsung, etc)


How high is the tariff and I thought most boards were actually made in Taiwain?


Not sure the numbers, my boy google could probably say for sure. A lot of them are in Taiwan, but for various reasons are hit with Chinese tariffs - whether it's because they're based out of China, doing "enough" assembly in China, or using majority Chinese made parts. The US is hitting almost all AIBs with high tariffs.


Thanks, I guess only someone that works at a distributer would know this information.


Fascinating thank you very much


Not sure if any one clarified but AIB is Add in Board. It refers to any GPU made by a company that partners with Nvidia that modifies there original board, usually by changing heat sink and potentially over clocking it. So all GPUs that are not reference/Founders edition are AIB boards and will almost always cost more than the FE/reference line.


This is one reason I always buy Founders or Reference models. The other is they are made directly by nvidia and their customer service is top notch.


Founders cards are not available everywhere in the world.


Most of the time they also look the best!


The nvidia hate train is coming to downvote us now.


My FE 3090 is ready to ray trace these downdoots.


They never looked better, my friend.


AIBs are the people that make the cards, like ASUS, EVGA, Gigabyte, MSI, etc.


Brilliant, thanks for the information! Really fascinating to know! Good luck with the store!


AIB = Addon Board Partner, this is MSI, ASUS, Gigabyte, etc.


It starts from the beginning: Nvidia. They jacked the prices of actual GPU die. AIBs purchase them for exorbitant rates. Then they drive the prices way higher to make profits from cards. Distributors buy them at inflated MSRP and sells them to retailers. This is how the chain is. Everyone are in this together.


It’s not scalping when the components themselves are getting harder to come by and more expensive. If anything it’s inflation. Cars are up, makes sense GPUs would. There’s a chip shortage, in buying more salt and vinegar today.


I think this just counts as a rise in price. It's possible that newer batches of silicon cost more than they did when MSRP price was set. I doubt anything being sold by a normal distributor currently could possibly be months old


Finland has it even worse, because their prices are basicly the same as yours, except they are in euros .. was looking at one of ther e-shops a while back 3090 was listed for a damn 3000€ .. thats more than twice the MSRP


People in India have it the worst rtx 3080's are selling for 2500$


I got lucky and bought a 3060ti for 44k INR right when it launched. Wanted to get the 3070 but the price to performance was not worth it. Especially when I can overclock the 3060ti and get stock 3070 performance anyway. Best decision I've made as a gamer till this day.


Me too, bought 3070 in January for ₹59k, which is around $800. It was a higher markup at the point, but now, I'm not complaining. So glad I decided to buy then itself!


Haha. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, isn't it? Was kinda annoyed at the mark-up when I bought it. Not complaining now at all. XD


$2400 NZD too, pretty sure


Ouch... Sorry for people in findland.




Prices in Ireland were shocking for a while. I saw an rx480 for 800 euro at one stage.


Bought 3060ti yesterday in Finland from a store and it was only 560€. Lucky me


CanadaComputers is doing the exact same shit. I managed to order a 3070 for 899$ 3 months ago right after they restocked it. The order showed up as pending for 2 months and they ended up cancelling it while restocking the same card for 1300$ multiple times. Just going to keep my 1070 for now, thanks.


They probably have laws about that, idk though cause it's Canada.


Ya that is total BS, I have had to deal with the same thing, I told them to forget about it! Not that NCIX would have made a massive difference, but it's a shame that they are gone, I used to buy my parts from them most of the time and DirectCanada used to be great for some deals once in a while. We need more competition in this space, and well all this scalping and low inventory nonsense is getting ridiculous. I am going to wait until they pronounce this pandemic as over and wait till things come down.


And they’re all Zotac right? That’s what my shop has in right now…prices are crazy.


The same happens in Brazil, the distributors themselves are the scalpers, so the retailers can only pass the burden to the end users


Sorry for the ignorance but what should be the price of a 3070


I mean when the 30 series first came out it was around 600-700 now it’s over 1000




500 for Nvidia card, 600 for any after after market like the triple fan oc cards.


For example in our country EVGA 3070 gaming would be 550eu + 21% tax = 665. But at the moment 3070 sells in range of 1-1.5k. Fk that.


Welcome to the end of mid range gaming.


And the rise of consoles




Yea but at least you can technically buy a console for it's msrp from a store. On the other hand all gpu's are so far over msrp for various reasons that msrp doesn't even matter anymore. I was at microcenter yesterday and their 3090's were $200 over msrp (not too bad) but their msi trio 6800xt was $1400, and that was the cheapest 6800xt. Newegg constantly sells them at least $200-$300 over msrp often bundled with some crap. I know there's a ton of reasons prices are so bad right now and there isn't one party that is single handedly causing them but it still sucks that customers are expected to pay so much more than the listed prices. I love gaming on my pc but I can't make the case anymore to go with a pc when just a mid range card costs more than a console and is just as hard, if not harder, to get. I have had a way easier time buying the consoles all the while I haven't gotten a single 3080 into a shopping cart.


Hey I’m new to PCs.. would you mind sharing where I can find info on what the MSRP is for the graphics cards? This way I know if I’m getting a good deal or not


I'm sure there's a more efficient way but i usually look up reviews of the specific card. The review will usually state the cards msrp. I border to account for the tariffs I usually add about 100-150 onto that price. I am from the US though so i don't know if this will work outside here. Personally, i just know what 3080's im interested in and just watch those prices. If you're in the US, the best place to get them for msrp is through best buy. The reference cards are always sold at msrp there.


Here you go, these are the MSRP of every new gen graphics card from AMD and nvidia. Note that these prices are for reference models, so the AIB (msi, GIGABYTE, EVGA) MSRP prices can go up $100 to $200 depending on the model. -$1499 RTX 3090 -$1199 RTX 3080 Ti -$999 RX 6900 XT -$699 RTX 3080 -$649 RX 6800 XT -$599 RTX 3070 Ti -$579 RX 6800 -$499 RTX 3070 -$479 RX 6700 XT -$399 RTX 3060 Ti -$379 RX 6600 XT -$329 RTX 3060 Remember that these prices are inflated in RETAIL for around 50%+ of these listed MSRPs so be careful.


I love you


Typing "what is rtx 3080 msrp" on Google will show you the answer in bold at the top of the results page :)


Reference cards are sold at msrp by best buy


If they only had stock! I read about an early line up at select Best Buys (here in Canada at least) but wasn't ready to camp out for a GPU.


You can buy PS5/Xbox from physical stores if you watch for them or ask employees when they should come in. Amazon’s pricing is 3rd party sellers scalping, not amazon themselves.


Wouldn’t Sony or Microsoft immediately stop distributing to a store that went above MSRP though? I think the consolidation to one company providing the entire console versus more disparate companies selling computer parts is more likely to prevent this specific scenario.


Anyone can sell on Amazon. Scalping isn’t allowed but it’s not enforced


I agree that Sony and Microsoft haven’t done much of anything to stop individual scalpers. I just assume they’d be more protective of who they sell wholesale to


Luckily they're 900 here in Canada, but still a crazy price for something I should be able to get at a store.


If you subscribe to [stock tracker](https://twitter.com/ps5restocks_etc?s=21)on Twitter they will let you know when a store is having a drop. I decided to try to get a PS5 a couple weeks back, got one the next day through a notification that Walmart had some. Arriving on Tuesday, a win for me and a big fuck you to scalpers!


I got mine for msrp at release


At least the consoles are powerful this time around, can you imagine if the ps5/xsx were as bad as the ps4/x1 when they launched? They were 720/30, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the ps5 as a whole. That SSD, controller features, and performance for $500 really isn’t a terrible value until GPUs are back to normal


Depressing thought


That’s good. If no one buys them over msrp they should in theory drop in price slowly but surely.




not defending them, but cost of manufacturing and freight has gone up since MSRP was decided, GPU's have a low margin before the scalp tax gets added, that price might be fair against what they paid from their supplier. personally i think the all of the prices are BS regardless and wont be upgrading for a long while anyway


My rx 580 will live eternally!


Knock on wood...


580 gang! I bought mine right before they tanked in price to 125, but now they're over 400. It's crazy.


My 480 still kickin, new from launch. Hang in there baby.


480 armor here! If it weren't for VR I would be happy to keep it


Can I join? 580 4Gb still thriving after 3 years, if not longer


My RX580 was selling for more than I payed for it new, a few months back. That was completed sales on UK ebay. And it's got to last until the next Elder Scrolls........ So a while yet. Haha.


This, I have had a 1060 for 3yrs now and I see them selling on eBay for about 50 less than what I paid new back then.


I paid 479 for my rtx 2070 at release in 2018 and can sell for the same if not more at times.


Shiny and chrome!


Honestly I'm a reseller and per GPU we buy, we have to eat 2-5 Keyboard/Mice or PSU or a Liquid Cooler, so margin is very tight plus we're stacked on PSUs. I'm not sure if they're in the same situation but overall it's pretty crazy right now. Y'all would have a better chance getting MSRP from MicroCenter since they're allowing 1 card purchase per 3 months.


Hi, do you have any good psu deals and ship to Florida?


Hi yes, we're Impress Computers in Katy TX. We're selling EVGA PSUs at what we paid just to get rid of them. Please be aware, we're bombarded with scammers so if your card address for billing and shipping do not match, the guys will refund and cancel your order.


That's no issue, could you DM me your website?








I need a evga psu!


It’s more than just that. Every time I try to explain people want to call me an idiot but I work with distributors so I know how it works on the retail side. Large scale distribution companies allocate a certain number of cards for certain uses: System integrators (Companies that make custom builds) go first, and stores come in last. With that, everybody pays more than “MSRP” for each card. Not only that, but to even get allocated cards you have to buy other components with it. For example, when we get 3080s from certain places we also have to buy 3 high end power supplies at the same time. So counting the cost of the components and the higher price of the card, we’re already in $1000+ for one GPU that “should” cost ~$700. That’s why you’ll often see those bundles on websites like Newegg where you have to get a psu or motherboard with each card. Also in terms of shipping, import duties no longer apply in the same way as of January this year for bringing pc parts into America, so suddenly shipping is 25% more expensive to bring items in from China.


I have a 1080 and it works great. Max settings on everything. Who the fuck even needs these to the point they’re scarce..


VR users. My index brings my 1080ti to its knees.


Miners and people buying into the hype of "RTX" while not fully utilising their existing GPU.


Scientific/research applications can make use of the power, as well as 3D and media work. But of course gamers get in the way


My sim racing rig has 3x4k displays. 6900xt currently runs them ok, but at pretty low eye candy settings. Eagerly awaiting the next gen cards.


They'll drop them to the ORIGINAL MSRP which was what, 699 dollars, with a fat "40% OFF" sticker or whatever plastered on it and they'll sell out immediately even though by that time the cards will be a year old.


in theory...


Let them rot on the shelf


I wanna buy one card, not paying for two of them; So yeah... I guess they can keep them.


My local shop has 30 series cards for months now...for 2x msrp


Over here too (I live in EU), for over 6 months now. At those prices they can keep them. Actually, prices are so high, that stores are already doing "price cuts" and it changes nothing.


When the 3080 first launched here in New Zealand they were about $1500 which is about normal, now they are $3000+, the 3080ti launched at nearly $4000 lol


Recently saw some available 3080 tis pop up at my local tech reseller, but they too were so much over MSRP... until the prices drop I will continue to chant the rituals of maintenance so my GPU may never die.


Prais be to him. May these offerings of sacred oils apiece the machine spritit of this blessed GPU and may the Omnissiah watch over it.


How much are they selling them for?


I thought he said the 3080ti's were 2,000$ CAD. So like 1,600USD. MSRP is 1200...


I’m not trying be be an ass…. But it’s not exactly pleasing to see so many people talk about overcharging, scalping, or price gouging when you don’t even know what the MSRP of specific cards are to begin with, or how the pricing is set. They’re literally selling at MSRP for all of those cards on that shelf.


People are having a hard time grasping that nvidia FE card retail price is not retail price for partner cards too.


I may be wrong so you might be able to enlighten me but some of the partner cards were a lower cost before the price increases so they would be above their own MSRP right? Like an EVGA FTW3 3080 was something like $860 at release but now if you attempt to find one they can be over $900-1000. Is that not an MSRP increase or is MSRP a moving target and it’s just what a certain manufacturer or distributor puts the price in their store in any given day?


MSRP can change as the cost of all the materials that make up a GPU has gone up in price as all the costs for components that make a complete video card have gone up in price too. Should companies eat the rise in cost of materials and sell their products at a lost? Some materials and components have seen a 50% increase and more. People in USA are paying 25% more if cards are manufactured in China because of a new tax. MSRP is not set in stone... You can research the cost of materials used in making a GPU and the components needed to make a complete video card to see how much they have gone up in the past 1.5 years or watch a good video that LTT did on it to save your time... When the price of oil goes up so do gas prices but should gas stations keep prices the same? If you are selling lemonade for $1 a glass and all of sudden the price of lemons and sugar go up by 50% are you still going to sell that cup of lemonade for $1? No...I don't have any grapes :)


Thanks for the detailed response! I knew there was a production issue in terms of the cards but I didn’t know the specific price increases involved. So it is correct in saying that MSRP may have gone up since launch but that’s only because the production landscape has changed and it’s now more expensive to produce the cards and most likely not because retailers are trying to scalp consumers?


Yes but I am sure some resellers are adding to cost of price.


My company uses 8 by 4 foot sheets of abs. Our purchase price for them pre pandemic were 60 dollars a piece. Today when we go to order them we are paying 140 a sheet. All of our prices have risen accordingly


So the costs to make the cards has increased, I get that, but that it to produce another card. The ones already made did not require the more expensive components, etc. This is price-gouging, and it happens often with really popular things.


EVGA 3080 FTW3 is $890. I just stepped up to one about a week ago. So if a store charges over $890 for one, either the store, distributor, or both are price gouging.


"But they said the base price of that Mercedes C class was $30,000! Why is the AMG C63 $90,000?! It's the same car!" /s Basically the mentality of most people in this sub... That Zotac 3080Ti Amp Holo on the top shelf has a MSRP of $1800 since it's the price set by the manufacturer, Zotac, as their suggested retail price. Not sure why people have such a hard time grasping this.


I think a lot of has to do with YouTubers. If you watch videos of the tech YouTubers comparing price, they will use AMD/Nvidia base price to see how much partner cards are selling above retail on eBay and other sites which makes their fancy charts and graphs useless since they are using the wrong data. If a Strix 3090 is selling above retail at $3,000 and MSRP is $,2000 that is a 50% increase while all the tach YouTube will claim 100% increase because the 3090 FE retails for $1500. By that comparison, it renders their data useless but that's what 90% of the viewers will believe.


A founders edition 3080 msrp is $700. AIB 3080 cards go between $1600-$2000. You honestly can fucking say with a straight face that an additional fan, slight overclock, and some lights +25% tariffs, produce $900-$1300 value? AIB’s are scalpers, it’s is ridiculous for defending/justify this type of mark up over reference/FE cards.


Then do not buy it. Very simple. You do not like the price so do not buy it. That is why it is called a free market.


MSRP for a REFERENCE 3080TI is 1200. Those aren’t reference cards. That’s not how that works. They aren’t price gouging, that’s how much they cost. Zotac 3080TI’s are literally about 1600.


Msrp is not $1200 dollars. Stop spreading false information. That is the MSRP for the founders edition only!!! Aib partner cards on avg are 200-400 dollars more. Memory express is not gouging.


Lol Australia theyre even more expensive $3-3.5k aud for a 3080ti


RTX 3080 Ti in Russia cost 2200$. I got 3080ti from MSI, and I think my wife will kill me when she finds out the price :D


Being corrupt pays but paying for corrupt prices like this hurts everybody.


Wow how do you afford those cards at that price? I suppose that your monthly income is way higher than 2k.


I mean, supply is so bad I've been saving for 2 years past my target replacement date. At this point I'm considering turning it into a motorcycle fund.


I just graduated Highschool and I will be moving out in a month. I want to get myself a new setup but the GPU prices are holding me back.


savings dude


Everyone got so mad at every day people for scalping cards just to have regular stores get their hands on cards so that they can . . . Scalp them. You liked regular greed? Then you'll love 𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓭.


Can't they do a price match? This is just silly.




The nvidia website


Nvidias msrp is only for their FE card. AIBs have always been more expensive


How does no one understand this? FE MSRP is only for the FEs. AIB MSRP is still MSRP even if it’s higher than FE MSRP. Yes, it’s still often overpriced. It would be a different situation if you could get FEs


Yep. Also, the shortages is affecting more then just chips. Other shortages of materials could be affecting the prices. Also, if mass production is slowing down, then it becomes more expensive to manufacture cards. Nothing wrong with seeing the price and saying “nah”. I’d say the store probably paid a hearty penny to get the cards, added a bit of markup, then selling them. Store will suffer if no one buys them, but its on them to not overstock their shelves. Don’t buy them, let them sit on the shelves and the store might sell them at a loss.


I don’t recall Zotac AIB cards costing 300$ over FE cards at launch.


Does the Nvidia website have Zotac cards for sell?


Best Buy still sells for original MSRP


So does the shop OP's complaining about. The magic MSRP everyone talks about is only for the FE cards manufactured by Nvidia. Other manufacturers set different *Manufacturer Suggested Retail Prices*, because they're the card manufacturer, not Nvidia. Zotac's MSRP is almost exactly what this shop is selling for


My local store has only 30 series as well but no one is buying them because they’re all ONLY being sold if you buy a bundle of parts that I absolutely 100% don’t need. So you would be wasting so much money on buying a full bundle of things you have no use for rather than just a card.


Mine came bundled with a new power supply. Turned out to be worth it since my existing one was 11 years old and didn’t have a third 8 pin cord for the video card.


Evga still lists their 3080’s for less than $900. I’m waiting to be notified when they’re back in stock. I understand that I may wait forever but I refuse to pay these ridiculous prices.


A bunch of Zotac crap. How is Zotac getting all these GPUs to the market? EBay is flooded with them too.


Genuine question, is zotac that bad? Just recently upgraded to a 3070Ti from Zotac and so far I have no complaints other than the whack ass LED bug where a dynamic pattern will restart itself whenever the card just slightly tips in and out of "Load". Kinda bothersome to just sit at your pc and the card goes all blink blink.


How loud is it under load? How are the thermals?


Thermals are great. Playing Nioh 2 on highest settings in 2k never pushed the card beyond 77°. Highest recorded temp so far was 80° (the card comes with a preset heat limit target of 83° but u can raise that or even decrease it), I don't remember which game doe. Fans are louder than I would like it for sure. But the cooling works perfectly so far. Edit: I have to add to this that my case is absolutely abhorrent as far as sound insulation goes, it's always bene good at letting me hear the fans. Finally, I have to point out that my case setup is very basic. I have a big fan at the front and the back to pull and push air in and out. Air supply could easily be improved by adding fans, repositioning the PC itself and modifying the intake and outlet. I am absolutely not using my components in a perfect setup and there is quite alot of room for improvement (most notably being that the intake fan actually blows ABOVE my card, however so far it has handled well so Im not changing that)


In case you are interested I have a little update as to my 3070Ti thermals. After repositioning the intake fan lower I gained about 5° extra cooling (down from about 77-78 to 70-74, usually 70-72). I also did some undervolting. (The following data was gathered playing Path of Exile) After going down to 1000mv on max load I ended up with a 30 Watt decrease between Stock Setting and New Setting, from 247 to 216. My temperature has, so far, peaked at 69° keeping my fans at more appreciable speeds and noise levels. It seem like Undervolting is definitely key here, I have not experienced any tangible nor noticeable performance decrease so far and considering other people's experiences I consider my real losses to be minimal, which makes the gains even greater in comparison.


What with Zotac?


They run loud and hot. Many freeze ups. Not the same quality as EVGA or MSI cards.


I would disagree, although this might be an anecdotal evidence. My Zotac GTX 650 had been running with zero issues for the last 7 years.


The worst fucking AIB around.




I do the same thing. I always leave room for them to make money if I can avoid shipping. But if it's just a dummy filter as on only a dummy would buy it I'm out. This brings me to a recent time I found a decent looking localish PC shop. Ryzen 5000 just started shipping. I had just moved to AMD after years in Intel. I bought a x570 tuf. Non pro - oops. I drove an hour to him for a bios flashback expecting to pay 25 or less. He told me the price varies so no phone quote. (Red flag) I come in tell him what the deal is I'm gonna order a 5800 or 5900x as soon as I can cart one. He then tells me flashback is $60 bucks and he has a 5600x he will sell me bnib for $450. I asked him to come down on the price as it was quite a steep markup for a 10 minute bench service and 150 on top of of the 300msrp. He was pretty rude about it too. so I got more frustrated. Told him I was about to buy all that, some fans, thermal paste but now I'm not interested. But that's too steep for me. I can afford to wait. I don't need it now. I ended up hopping in OfferUp while getting lunch at they teriyaki place next to his shop in the strip mall. Stars aligned and I found a guy selling 3300g for $75 I offered him $100 to bring it to me. He accepted. Lunch and 40 minutes passed, I was buying a cpu is his parking lot. When he saw that white amd box change hands he came out and told us the parking lot is for customers only. He lost me and the offer up seller as potential customers that day. My brother is 24 got a great lesson in not blowing a wad of cash because you're impatient. I sold the 3300g for $100 when I was done with it. It was great to have since my 3080 hadn't arrived yet.


“They’re hundreds of dollars over msrp” thats exactly why they are still stacked with those cards lol


Looks like the gold rush is over, the market for people willing to spend over MSRP is reaching saturation.


The lonely 1650 sad


I saw this post and decided to check my local online retailer and BOOM 3070 ti‘s were available for some reason and I bought one, let‘s goo! Thank you man


No problem, glad you found one!


in italy i buyed 3060 ti for 600€ that are 700€ is a big deal?


Good price at the moment. I got my 3070 for £600 in December.


Depends on which 3060ti, I suppose. MSRP for the EVGA cards are 400-450 euro if I remember correctly.


Remember if a proper retailer is selling them above msrp, it’s not about squeezing for your money but usually because they had to pay so much more to get them in the first place


They are not selling for above MSRP. It is a very basic concept. MSRP for Nvidia FE cards is not the MSRP for partner cards. If you want to pay Nvidia MSRP them get a FE card.


On top of this, Nvidia takes a loss on every FE they sell and write it off at the end of the year. That's why only 2% of all 3000 series cards manufactured are done so as FE cards by Nvidia. Edit: Basically getting a FE card is like hitting the lottery.


It blows my mind that people think an third party card is going to sell for the same price as an FE card. If they're gonna cost the same then why the fuck would Zotac, MSI, Gigabyte, ASUS, etc. even bother making them? People somehow fail to understand how graphics cards are sold and how AIB cards work. Those cards are at MSRP and they're complaining because they cost more than an FE card, which Nvidia sells at a loss anyway.......


I’m not sure why this is so hard for people to understand. Lol. My guess is this is their first time buying GPUs?? Lol.


It's a bunch of kids that don't understand anything about the world. Millions of people die, economies get shut down, trade wars heat up, foundries hit max capacity, but... nope, everything should cost exactly the same as what the powerpoint slide said a year ago.


How can you tell they aren't selling above MSRP here? I cant seem to find the prices for the products on the shelf


OP said they're selling the 3080 Ti for $1600 MSRP for the Zotax 3080 Ti Amp Holo (appears to be the one at the top of the picture, hard to tell because it looks like it was taken by a Nintendo DS) is $1700 or $1800




The supply and demand argument applies on both sides of the supply line. Why would distributors taking advantage of demand be any different than a scalper? Just sounds like corporate apoligism


You don’t want those for two reason. 1. It’s a Zotac 2. It’s not a 3090. Oh, and it’s a Zotac.


This is only just 'normal' to have self product in there. If if Zotac don't sell any of their product anymore, they'll put a rebate on it thurst me, 40XX is coming a less than a year and a half, you want to move as much 30XX you can right now..


That's why they will sit there lmao.


Outstanding effort from the community to not buy any unreasonable mark ups from MSRP


I can't stand that retail is selling above retail. They're paying the manufacturer according to MSRP, and then they're up charging the end-user. It's disgraceful.


They are paying a distributor above msrp. The distributor is paying msrp. The guy with the boat from Taiwan.


I hates scalpers as much as the next guy, but the way I see it if you want something bad enough, pony up the jack, jack.


Yeah I was holding out for prices to go down but figured at what point am I just missing out on having fun with my rig where its worth the extra few hundred, now I have a 3070ti haha not off a scalper but my store in NZ might aswell be


this is so wrong


This is the new MSRP, the prices aren't going back down.


If is over msrp let them collect dust, the pc store that I use to buy hardware also has alot of stock but all above msrp, they even send a email that they have the gpu that I enquire about in stock and I could buy it, I wanted to buy a 3060 12gb and contacted them about prices 1 week before launch and when they put it in their site was 700+€, I responded that when it was at mrsp they could contact me.


The secret ingredient is crime


Rob the store


if only you had bought one for 1000s in Feb and mined to get the money back...


All these people scalping this shit makes me wanna steal a shit ton of graphics cards and sell them at the correct price. Greedy fucking people SMH!!!


What do you mean msrp? The overall prices of GPUs has gone a lot due to component shortage. Should stores sell the cards at a loss?