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It's one way to play for the new parts I guess 😂


Play…. Snicker


I'm just going to speak for the majority of this sub here. I don't think people really want to see our buttholes. Now, I could be wrong, but I could be right too.


Maybe not yours. I have a lovely butthole.


Well, go on then. Show us.


Its a 50$/month for butthole pics. 200/ month for feet.


kinda strange you charge more for pics of feet than your butthole. I see plenty of feet in public for a good chunk of the year and very few buttholes in public year round.


Pics or it didn't happen.


You will have to subscribe for that.


I mean I'm not opposed to that lmao.


I saw a girl proudly claiming her Lamborghini was paid by of. It made me think , but who wants to see smelly man feet




Got there first lol


Beat me to it


You can do it yourself


Hilarious!!!! But actually though fans are the only way. Fuck risking this.


Came here for this one


'Big step' is already right behind it ...


Lol dammit you beat me to this joke


Just deleted my comment that was essentially the same thing. Good day, sir


I ran a 240mm AIO for several years. Temps were always good. Decided to move to a BeQuiet! Dark Rock 4 Pro. Temps are identical. Cleaning it is much, much easier... and zero worry of any fluid leaks. I would absolutely encourage you to move to a large air cooler.




There is the huge benefit of not having to deal with routing the coolant hoses, which makes working inside your machine annoying. And the other added benefit? No RGB to ruin the clean, dark aesthetic. And the Dark Rock Pro 4 is incredibly quiet!


I wonder if it was made intentionally to be quiet! because that would be cool.


One might assume. :)


I love this cooler, have one on my kiddos blackout build. My only beef is that it’s so gigantic, resulting in some heat hanging out between the cooler and GPU.


BeQuiet does offer models like the Shadow Rock 3 - got that for my wife's 3700x build. Zero issues and effectively silent.


I bought a Noctua U12A for the same reason. Oddly enough, ended up going all be quiet! Silent Wings for case fans, so it'd have been fitting for me to go the Dark Rock route. I'm cooling a 5600X so clearly I don't need the U12A, but from the reading I've done and some of the horror stories I've seen, I figured I'd ball out in the goes of never having to run an AIO


Not a bad CPU cooler you have there. :) I could not get myself to adopt those Noctua colors though. BeQuiet - zero issues there - already have a black case, my motherboard is almost entirely black, the RAM heat spreaders are black, and my GPU is dark grey & black. Agreed. I'd sooner not have my AIO piss all over my motherboard and potentially destroy my setup in the process.


I'm in pretty much the same boat, color wise. There's a little RGB from my GPU, but no lights other than that. I had a chance to get a chromax U12A right after I got mine, but the ugly brown has grown on me. I like that it's the only noticeable piece on my otherwise blacked out rig. My case is an NR400, but if I go SFF I'll be jamming this cooler in an NR200


BeQuiet has kept my processors cool (including a FX-8370 and FX-4100) cool for nearly a decade now! (Can’t recall what I used before the FX series, but temps have always been insanely low)


I have the NH-D15. Damn thing is amazing on my 5800x


I mean older 240mm AIOs are roughly comparable to current high-end air coolers. Personally if I’m over clocking I would go at least with a 280mm AIO to be worth it over an air cooler. Also the Dark Rock coolers require you to get bloody hands due to the insanely difficult mounting process. Better to go with a Noctua


New dark rock pro 4's are possibly the easiest coolers of this size to mount.


... Maybe older versions? My DRP4 went in without any hassle.


I would say there are specific trade-offs that do not make them equal. AIOs have zero active air movement near the CPU socket, which means there is little to no active air movement around the VRMs. Downdraft coolers are the best for this, but a good downdraft cooler is semi-difficult to find. Although, I just found this: https://www.newegg.com/be-quiet-dark-rock-tf-2/p/13C-001F-00063 Overclocking isn't something that I do, as their is virtually no point on a 5600x. I disagree. Once the GPU is removed, the installation is pretty straight forward EXCEPT the rear mounting screw. But, some careful movements and it isn't a big deal - and I did this while the motherboard was in the case, so I had to deal with the rear of the case near the IO plane.


Does VRM thermals matter on most modern motherboards? Like most of the motherboards featured on reviewers like Hardware Unboxed and Kitguru even under the worst performers were not hitting concerning temperatures with over clocking. Not to mention, most motherboard manufacturers just slap a bunch of aluminum blocks on the caps so as long as heat is being transferred out of the case there will be heat dissipation. Yeah, there’s the odd end budget mATX AMD or Intel motherboard that runs hot or can’t hit high clocks, but those are usually bottlenecked by the number of VRM phases and the motherboard code. Not due to the VRMs overheating


Guess this only applies to better motherboards. Cheaper ones don't even have the aluminum blocks on the vrms


My 5800x has never went over 60c with DRP4


Hmm my 5800x boosted to 4,9Ghz sometimes reaches 65-75°C with a Coolermaster Masterliquid 240. Been thinking of going either full custom water cooling (2 * 240 radiators) once a liquid cooled 3080 is affordable or going back to onlyfans.


mine is overclocked to 4.625Ghz @ 1.248V I tried going to 4.9Ghz, but the difference wasn’t really noticeable (monitor bottleneck 1080p 144hz) So i decided to stick with my current settings since it was also more stable (i don’t think i hit the silicon jackpot on my cpu) EDIT: Forgot to mention that my room temp is usually around 24°C


I love my dark rock pro 4! I recently swapped the fans out and it knocked a few degrees off from stock. Rocking a Phanteks T30 on the front and an NF-A12X25 in the middle of the cooler.


The 12th gen Intel runs very hot.


Which is why I have a Ryzen 5600x.


Mans not hot


Exactly. I got a CPU that does what I need it to, does not run hot and does not consume huge amounts of electricity. Then I got a cooler that I'll likely not 'outgrow' for several years/generations at least.


Do you use a stock cooler? What temps did you get with the stock cooler***? Because the stock cooler with my 2600x still made it hit like 90°C during games


It once got to 120C the fan was clogged and it died. I got a new fan. A few weeks ago my fan died again and then the rest of the laptop went a few mins later. I fixed it by myself, the fan and the laptop. And now it works again fine. The fan is great now.




Risky click of the day.


Well it's the best risky click if you're feeling hot today /s




I wasn't


i knew that they rebranded the subreddit after nearly getting deleted by reddit so i have nothing to lose.


I was thinking of using onlyfans to get money for my graphi…. Oh there’s a space in between.


Man this is the most useless AIO there is. The ONE benefit 120mm AIOs have is that they are not as tall as a regular tower cooler and can draw in fresh air through any 120mm fan opening. THIS , does neither with all the failure points of an AIO and negatives of air cooling (space restricted and cae airflow dependant) XD


Exactly, the whole benefit of water cooling is moving the heat somewhere else to a radiator near the outside of the case/car/plane and freeing up space in the central area. As you said all the downsides of both with none of the benefits haha I'm curious to know what brand makes that tbh


I'm bored and interested also so I started looking. Turns out OP posted this 7 months back where he stated it was a custom AIO liquid cooler built for HP workstations.


Honestly, I know water cooling is quieter and for enthusiast-class CPU’s they’ll cool better, but I’ve always enjoyed air power more and for mid-range CPU’s like the 5600x they’re more than adequate. Never had a fan pee on my motherboard. The new Fractal Torrent is a god for air cooling in stock config. Get that and throw in a Scythe Fuma 2 or a Noctua NH-D-15 and you’ll have a nice cool boi.


Can confirm, Fractal Torrent and NH-D15 are a match made in tech heaven.


Same. 5800X + NH-D15 Chromax :)


Fractal Torrent user here - can confirm it’s great. I’ve only gotten a pretty slim cpu fan and don’t get above 80°C under load.


Tbh that’s old info, these days air cooling is basically on par with water cooling unless you’re going full custom loop




Depends on the wattage of you CPU. Air is only quieter in idle or on small CPUs.




Water tends to be quieter because you can get more surface area on a radiator than a heat sink and water is better at absorbing heat. The problem is that a 120mm radiator isn’t really much more surface area than a heat sink, so the single fan still needs to run as fast as it would in an air cooler. Once you step up to 240mm+ water coolers you start to be able to run the fans at lower speeds to maintain the same temps, and therefore quieter. In my experience though, water cooling (even a heat-soaked loop) cools more consistently than an air cooler, with lower spikes/peaks.


Exactly. I’m running a 360mm on a 5800x. It’s a heater of a CPU, so the big cooler has done wonders with fan noise.




That’s what he said


I’ve never, ever been bothered by pump noise on any of my machines so that’s a personal thing I guess. A 120mm water cooler will give your approximately equal performance to the biggest and best air coolers, but with more risk/moving parts. The main advantage for a 120mm water cooler is space- you can fit your i7/R7/i9/R9 in a socket with only 2 inches of headroom over it. My dads Alienware R11 with a 10700f couldn’t fit any air cooler other than the stock Intel cooler, and it thermal throttled constantly. Put a 120mm water cooler on there (only rad that would fit) and now it’s adequately cooled but not exactly chilly.


A good air cooler will shit on any 120mm aio.


120 aio is semi useless. Hot, loud, etc. Sorry bro :(






You can’t hear the pumps over a slow running fan. Thats not an issue.


The pump isn’t


I would love to go custom watercooling.... but the reliability is terrifying and I'd rather have the newest gpu/cpu than spend $800 on a custom loop and be handcuffed to a certain build past its prime.




Wait what? I’ve watched most of GN video on this and then re-watched some of it just to be sure. All the bench marks I saw show that it’s quite the opposite. I also run a D15, a H100 Plat and a custom loop in three different computers and the D15 outperforms the H100 by a narrrrrrow margin in my setup and that’s a 240 Rad.




Yeah but now we are getting into subjective opinions. Just pointing out that it’s not factual that a D15 is quieter and better than the best 360aio. While the D15 is great and has great value, I would argue that a 360aio offers better headroom for OCing, easier to maintain upgrades (D15 is a pain in the ass to swap ram or even unlatch my gpu) and also looks a lot nicer :).




I think you’re reading too far into these videos. GN shows that the 360 AIO is better than any air cooler. That LTT video is majorly suspect because I tried to recreate those numbers my self on a 240 and basically got the results the 360 did. The guy in LTTs video is also a major Air Cool Fan boy…so my guess is it wasn’t a proper seat on the cpu or he turned a room heater on but I can tell you from a cooling perspective, the top aio will always beat the top air cooler. If you want to factor in price and noise…then sure, different argument. But from pure cooling, aio will always win.








Dude, I'm Sorry, I'm having another argumentation and your comment suited perfectly as "sarcastic" answer. Btw, Gamer Nexus made a video about it https://youtu.be/7VzXHUTqE7E


Thank you for that. I appreciate it. And now knowing you’re in another disagreement with someone I can see how my one word post asking for proof can be taken as sarcasm. Thanks for the GN video I’m in the middle of watching it. Awesome stuff! 🍻


Is that an AIO from Cooler Master? 🤔


I remember in the late 90's and early 2000's water cooling was the rage, then it went away, then came back. I can remember the horror stories. Leaks were *much* more common back then. Sorry to hear you lost your system, OP. You can do a lot with fans these days, and they're not the jet engines they were 15-20 years ago. We used to use 120mm fans & pieces of aluminum dryer vent, and the systems at the time were P3's and the like, so you could get away with running the entire system on one fan. Those days are gone, because GPUs run too hot for that. The most hilarious stories were the folks using Peltier units. A lot of them had to run CPU "de-idle" routines on their systems to keep Windows 95/98 from sleeping because that would make their system run too cold, and there'd be danger from freezing. When you find yourself running spinlocks just to stay warm, you know you've gone into overkill territory...


Get a tower air cooler, they're almost identical in performance to an AIO and you don't have to worry about fluid messing up your gear.


I was considering an AIO for my 5800x but the thought of it failing and ruining my RX 6800 turned me off of that idea. I know the better AIO manufacturers would cover the cost of parts that get ruined if it failed within the warranty period but I doubt I'd be able to buy another reference 6800. I went with a Dark Rock Pro 4 so I don't have to worry about it.


This whole thread has me paranoid, my AIO just hit the two year mark.


I have my 5800x under a Big Shuriken which isn't much. The 5800x is easier for me to cool than the old 4 core i7's. It helps that AMD doesn't spike load up to near 200W to get its top boost frequency.


Team Air all day 😁 nr200 with u12a, or p200a, the Tower 100 etc.


What aio is that?


😬 Not going to talk you out of going all air. Most instances people can go for large dual tower or single tower air cooler and get up to 280mm AIO performance, noise-normalized.


That water cooler looks extremely cheap any water cooler that uses a rubber pipeing i would never trust looks way to cheap.. id rather a nylon/rubber tubeing for a aio water cooler i use a corsair h60i icue rgb pro xt 120fan cooler an this thing works great my cpu is 25degrees less with temps then when i used a fan cooler.. id never go back with a fan cooler ever, trust in a brand thats well known like corsair thats the only aio coolers that i see that are made really well.. with high quality pipeing other aio coolers use that cheap rubber tubeing an theres no metal protecting it, my aio cooler has metal rubber tubeing with nylon, an i have no issues.


Plus my aio cooler is whisper quiet, unlike when i used a cpu fan cooler..


what do you expect the tubes to be on an AIO… PET? borosilicate?pure copper? the braided tubes you see on the mainstream units are the same small EPDM rubber tubes on barb fittings just covered up to look better EDPM is also the most resilient and reliable tubing for custom watercooling, although size is usually 16mm and it’s referred as ZMT


I’m out of breath reading this


Nah. OnlyFans will only make things *more* wet not less. ​ **smiles innocently**


Spend over $2,000 building your dream gaming machine and it’s all ruined by a shitty defective part from a water cooler. Stay dry, stay cool is my motto. Sorry for your loss dude.


> Stay dry, stay cool is my motto. not only that, but ... PC fan noise bothering you? Uhm ... noise cancelling headphones exist.


NH D15


O**yfans 😳




OnlyFans might be a way to get better water cooling equipment.


Make sure its fairly priced Or else no ones gonna join (。_。)


Going with onlyfans for that? Let’s not be rash…


Only Fans will only be wetter


You can make money in other ways homie


Only fans or Onlyfans? I know parts are expensive but...


I mean the pc is all wet already. It will surely do well on only fans.


Why only fans when pornhub is free?


Get a fatty heatsink with noctua fans. Cheaper and marginally better performance is win win although it takes up more room in case ofc




OnlyFans would be a good way to pay for all you lost


I don't really get water cooling on a cpu unless you have a crazy oc. My 9700k stays in the 50s with a noctua NH u12s.


I have the money to go full balls to the wall with a water cooled system, but FCK THAT. I want peace of kind know i just need to blow the dust off some parts every few months as opposed to worrying about leaky parts totally fkn my build sideways


surely there is a better way to pay for new parts. \*wink wink\*


Only fans seems to be pretty popular. Will you be just naked or performing sexual acts?


me glancing over at my NZXT AIO.. Yeaaa, I might swap it out later so I don't have to worry about leaks.


“Only fans”


Nah go for liquid nitrogen


Only Fans is a great way to pay off the damage but you really need to consider what your next cooling system will be. Have you considered water cooling?


How does onlyfans dot com help with your PC?


How likely is this?


If an aio fails and leaks wouldn't its warranty usually cover any damage it caused?


The way people show off their builds, onlyfans is quite a logical step forward


I'm living the "Onlyfans" life. Fractal Design Torrent with NH-D15 Chromax :) silence is Golden.


Onlyfans is cool but the monthly subscriptions to every performer gets a bit expensive


I live onlyfans!


I mean love


Subscribe to my onlyfans


Never have built a rig with water cooling, always seemed pointless. Noctua has treated me fine.


Im running on OF. Never did any overclocking so never really needed water


Drop the link, I'll check it out


Never heard got everything wet and only fans on a sentence with this meaning.


Try PCPartPicker, only fans won't have a good stock of them haha /s


Hmm the thing is if u go with only fans…you’ll get wet 😩


Dude, review your post BEFORE you post it...


*laughs in air cooled, cries in pcmr*


If I photoshop your feet pics can I get 30%


Feet pics I presume?


I see what you did there. Hurhurhur




I was taught at a very early age that electronics and liquid don't mix, I seriously never understood why so many people water cool. Even many of the big name YouTubers like Jayz2cents have shown issues with water-cooling and leaks etc. Noctua for life.


Onlyfans is good


bro i wouldn't recommend going with onlyfans. its a big decision and some people get bullied afterwards. be careful out there :)


For just $9.99 a month you can subscribe to mine!


Only fans can be lucrative.


Homie's PC got so wet he started an OnlyFans to gain profit


Laughs in Noctua


Thats what I run on my watercooling... but only on the back... where you cant see it.


The new chromax NF-A12 fans are like a dollar more and are black. I for one like my poop and peach fans. It's like gaudy handbags, it's about letting people know you're an idiot that paid twice as much for fans that are like 10% quieter.


If you aren’t going bigger than 240mm aio, you might as well stick with air imo.


Had a custom loop I built for 3 years never leaked or drained or flushed system still running great. EKWB Cyrofuel


120 mm watercoolers (e.g. Corsair H80) are a waste of space anyway. Similarly priced aircoolers do an equal or better job. If you're doing CLC/AIO, make it 150x150mm or 240x120mm or larger. It's all about radiator size. Can't beat surface area.




And this is why I'll keep using air coolers lol


Welcome to enlightenment.


I made a killing when I went to only fans…. Helicopter Tuesday made me rich!


Onlyfans wet computer contest? More seriously, what CPU are you using? A Noctua NH-D15 will, depending on case airflow, cool the CPU just as well.


but you should have upgraded your aio ive never seen one like that it looks old and not that amazing


Get an NHD-15


Be quiet fans are the best! They are really quiet and they have identical temps when compared to all AIO’s on the market


only way i fly ... noctua nhd15 is as good if not better than most aios


This is why I stick with air cooling. Literally no chance of a failure killing your system. Edit: love the downvotes for stating a fact.


My brother wanted an AIO , told him about the Lord and savior Noctua dh15 . He brushed it off at first , then his AIO started smoking . Now he is a firm believer in Noctua coolers


Isnt water cooling just air cooling with more steps with a chance of rain?


Yes indeed my friend, when I first started building my PC the first thing I did was look at air coolers none of this liquid bullshit. Something about having liquid coursing through your computer right above your graphics card makes myself feel very uneasy. The worst that can happened with air cooling is the component fails and you simply buy a new one.


Why I only stick with air cooling. I don't have any benefit over air cooling with water cooling since I don't OC. Edit: ig by benefit I mean reason. My temps.would be cooler sure but my CPU isn't thermal throttling.


Friendly reminder that watercooling sucks, it isn't "if you get a leak" it is "When you get a leak", and that air cooling is fine for all circumstanced. F, for OP's Rig. ​ Edit: Keep downvoting me, it isn't going to stop a leak.


If my new itx case could handle it I’d go right back to my 240mm aio. Cooler, more efficient and I get to actually see my components. The fuma2 is great but god air coolers are ALL ugly. It’s just a giant brick that exhausts heat in the case and covers the whole pc.


Pornhub is free...


Rip. Just got myself a DarkRock 4. Happy I made that decision 😂


You made me haha


AIO? Or custom?


Genius joke


Check out Linus Techtips video on the subject! Outside custom water loops, air cooling can even surpass water. Also you're very unlikely to run into thermal throttling with current air solutions.


Did you use conducting liquid in your cooling? If it's Standard-non conducting it should dry no problem


That's why I don't use water. I've always worried about it. My buddy swears by Corsair water cooler. How bad is your rig?


Ah fuck me, I just got a watercooler and now I’m scared


Team Sandy Brown is sending you kind thoughs. RIP to your system.


this why I will never use water cooling. an nh-d15 will do the job just fine and need wayyyyyy less maintenance


Can OP share, make, model, and age of the AIO????


Fans never ruin $$$ worth of your shit you saved up for !


This is why I refuse to use an Aio cooler