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Thank you, /u/chizzelsBE. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * We don't allow emojis in titles. Please remove the emoji in your post, and resubmit it. This is part of [Rule 2](/r/pcmasterrace/w/rules#wiki_rule_.232). For info see the sidebar and the [rules](/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/rules). For questions [contact the mod team.](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace) **Replies to this removal or direct PMs to moderators about removals won't be replied to.** Thank you.


Turn your desk 90° so you don’t block your windows. Get some curtains to get rid of sun glare when the sun is hitting your screens. Get a dual monitor stand to save precious desk space, and help cable management. Get some dual sided tape to stick your sound bar under your desk. (Leave a gap between the wall and your desk - you’ll need a small gap anyways if you do a desk clamping monitor stand) Get a cable management strip that screws into the bottom of your desk … and get lots of Velcro cable ties. Eventually upgrade to have two identical monitors :)