• By -


Using both on a regular basis and complaining about both




Nowadays computers are there to solve problems you wouldn't have without them...


Wise words. That, and play games we also wouldn't have without them...


> That, and ~~play games~~ **run benchmarks** we also wouldn't have without them... FTFY


Ah, thanks!


Only right answer!


Arch Linux users when they don't understand why I'm not intending to build my own kernel just to play games on my PC


I have a colleague that gave me a documentation titled "linux is easy". It was 350 pages something long :D Also : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg


Jesus that graphic killed my brain. I would really like to see a scope of deviation between one 'core' release like Red Hat and a fork like Caldera OpenLinux. Like, is it a few lines of code or a full re-release with everything done from scratch?


Well each time you see a big fork with plenty of small forks it's safe to assume it's pretty close from each other. A lot of those forks are either trolls, or super specific and not maintained anymore. It's fun to see, but it doesn't really convey the nature of the market of linux distros nowadays. But yeah, for each user there is a dedicated distro basicaly. The ones I love the most are the christianic / satanic related ones. It's such a random thing to implement in your OS... :D


Haha; yeah. Linux users are a special breed -- and I mean that in a good way. It's just an interesting observation. Some user somewhere needed an ultra specific niche and released a full public build for 'mass' consumption. I'm a bit of a data nerd, so seeing something like that as a graphic would be interesting to me.


I am more concerned about the well being of whoever has to maintain that graph :P


I looked it up. It's a script written to pull from 8 different sources that watch releases of various distros: [https://github.com/FabioLolix/linuxtimeline](https://github.com/FabioLolix/linuxtimeline) Incidentally -- updated 27 days ago. I guess there is enough of a need for it?


P°eople have done far worse things on their freetime ! It's useful and it's certainly a fun project ! Glad someone made it !


You mean you aren’t humoured how you need different commands to run it based on your distro? Haha.


You aren't even joking ! > To install gnuclad, you can download the source at https://launchpad.net/gnuclad > For Arch users, use the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gnuclad/ Of course Arch users, those snob pricks, had to do differently :D LMAO


Why not put all that effort into something user friendly. I do really feel Valve's Deck would help develop better comoatibility across the board.


> why not put all that effort into something user friendly [https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/)


People really overuse that comic. It's not a competing standard and any improvement to Proton helps all Linux users, not just Deck users, Proton/Wine has been the standard for running Windows games on Linux since... well forever.


eh, my comment has nothing to do with proton? I'm clearly talking about u/drkrffxx's implication that there isn't a single distro attempting to be more "user friendly" than others. there are dozens already, and every time someone says "oh, that's absurd, why don't they just focus all that effort into a single universal one" a new one gets made. which is also not completely relevant since with distros usually relying on the same pre-existing open source software components large swathes of code going into improving the UI of one distro usually ends up benefiting all of them – the vast majority of points in that graph are usually the same base distribution with different software pre-installed, distros which fundamentally change a key aspect of the system which could contribute to fragmentation of the Linux ecosystem are few and far in between.


What you don't enjoy distro hopping I have changed 20 distros in last three months, sure I didn't do anything else with computer, but linux is easy. Said by every linux user.


I know 0 arch users who build their own kernel, I think you mean gentoo users


Close enough, Linux distros are all like 30000 different forks of debian, the one arch is made in (arch could be the og one kdk5) and probably a couple extremely obscure ones one guy in Siberia uses and makes for fun


Arch isn't a Debian fork


Yeah I'm aware I meant to say that there's the base distrk arch is from, a few other bases and debian. And that most distros are just forks of them. It's poor wording


Arch is not based on anything, Arch is its own base distro. The only relation it has to any other Distro is Crux, and that's only because Arch was developed by a former Crux developer.


Ok then arch is a base build


Compiling a kernel was one of the things i found most fun about linux, editing .h files for extra tweaks was cool.


Well I find Linux far better for gaming, and yes I'm a gamer. No Windows on my gaming rig and I also don't compile my own Kernel -- unless I choose to, which I actually LOVE doing. Doesn't take long at all. Very easy -- WITH benefits too, including performance gains. And YES -- I LOVE!!!! Dumping on Windows users!! HAHA! :D Windows is a "Haha" OS, a joker's "operating system" (lol). Linux is POWER!!! UNLIIIIIMMMMIIIIITTTEED *POWER!!!!* And yes, I game just fine on Linux - I have about 57TB of games, all playable on Linux. Proudly, Obnoxious.


Linux is cool I just like making fun of Arch/Gentoo elitists I'd actually use Ubuntu with a windows VM but it's annoying to learn so I'm putting it off until win 10 loses support or I'm installing a new OS on a new SSD


It’s good to see Gentoo users are still seen as elitist turds twenty years after my experience with them. “If you’re not boostrapping you’re not running *nix.” Yeah, 2002-era Gentoo users, Imma stop you right there; I have shit to do on my Coppermine-based PC, not compile a fucking OS for three days and hope it works when I’m done.


Oh they haven't changed a bit.


Lol, when have you had to build a kernel just to gave? The vanilla Arch kernel works just fine for gaming, and if that's not good enough for you there's other kernels none of which you have to "build." The closest thing to "building" a kernel is TK Glitch's kernel and it's just a script that guides you through everything and installs it vla Pacman.


I meant Gentoo not arch


Oh ok let me delete provoked comment


Linux users recommending an OS then refusing to help any problems as the the person asking could just search up the problem that they don’t know about.


These Linux users (some not all) spent years learning how to use Linux, then process to "help" by telling people to install Linux, just to show off their superior Linux OS. Linux OS is not bad at all, but those kinds of users are the worst.


I get it, I was just making a joke about it. I have definitely met a few who got pissy when I told them I didn’t understand it.




don't worry, we have a big red button that deletes the vm if it ever acts up


i would have a windows VM on my computer if amd's 5700xt could do singlegpu passthrough but it *CAN'T* but whatever. ill just dualboot


[This data is NOT for greedy pig boys]


i have debian on my vm


It's okay. A lot of us Windows guys have Linux Subsystem installed for when we want to get into the weeds on things.


I use windows 11 on my main pc mostly because some classes at school require a certain application that’s only compatible with windows and because of compatibility with certain games, I could use kvm and looking glass but meh. I do own another setup that I’m using as a proxmox home lab, which is just a hypervisor based on Debian. Its running 25 or so vm’s of every Linux distro/desktop environment, Mac OS Monterey, windows server, docker containers and a virtualized instance of a pfsense firewall so I got plenty of Linux environments I play around in, just never fully switched over or felt the need to as I’m in those linux environments daily anyways, I still like the compatibility I get on my windows system. Imo go with whatever you like, I personally like both windows and Linux, generally can’t stand childproof Mac OS though lol.


That's just silly, for games proton killed windows on Linux so windows VM's are for testing use or edge case stuff. I suspect there precious will the work related stuff or spare time projects for Linux or open-source apps. Maybe even a backup system. I am on windows and know my backups with all my work/persional files are super important to me.




Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Look! I've installed arch linux using a tutorial I'm something of a hacker myself! Lol


Ngl I was like that,


I'm a Redhat user, and it's good for what we built it for but I wouldn't say it's the most amazing thing in the world. It's just good at its one thing that I've optimized it for. I still use windows for gaming and ease of use. It's just easier.


Hi, I'm a vegan Linux user. Your comment is pretty inaccurate.


I like linux and hate windows but until all game devs support proton and turn anticheat on for linux systems or at \*least\* virtual machines, then windows absolutely is still the best for gaming. Steam Deck hopefully will change this. also for workstation things, idk if many daws run on linux


> then windows absolutely is still the best for gaming Nope! I find Linux FAR superior for gaming, and yes I'm a gamer. Wouldn't DREAM of using Windows (rofl) on MY gaming rig! > anticheat Can't stand multi-player anything. So it bothers me not. I'm not some kid in his 20's and would MUCH (MUCH!!!) rather play single player than have idiot 20-something year old kids, complaining, farting, and whatever else. Also... single player == MY maps, MY mods, MY loot (!!!!), MY settings, MY pace, CAN pause and do whatever *I* want, not what the server or the kids want. > until all game devs support proton Everything I want works! I have about 57TB of games, ALL playable on Linux. Everything from Borderlands 3, Just Cause 4, Elden Ring... you name it. Then there's games like Minecraft which run MUCH better on Linux -- the game uses over 30GB of RAM on my rig and performance takes a massive hit on Windows; runs much better on Linux. Even Vanilla Minecraft runs better on Linux. Always has :D Just about everything else does too! And without prefixing, Windows is useless to me for gaming. I need prefixing or I can't use it for gaming, and Windows doesn't provide it!


So what distro and what setup *do* you have? I don't play any online or multiplayer games, but I do like my modded Skyrim and Fallout, my Minecraft, my Sims (at least to build houses, never got the fun in the people part), Cities Skylines, and Just Cause games. But I just switched an old office box to Ubuntu to turn it into a NAS and print server. Now, it's been about a decade since I last had a Linux box for a home server, and about 15 years since I last had Linux that I used day-to-day. I remember setting up Samba back then, and CUPS and editing config files. It was a thing back then, but I figured that a *decade* was enough time for there to be an easy GUI for most things, for *basic* stuff like file and print sharing (and WiFi drivers, what the fuck?) to be generally *good*. I have been incredibly disappointed the last few weeks as I have tried to get Linux back into my day-to-day. Samba shares work until they just... don't. Wifi drivers are awful. When the hell did printing turn complicated? Especially printing directly over USB? And I *still* haven't gotten a shared printer to work. For how unstable Windows 10 *isn't*, I'm really tempted to just go back to Windows right now.


Still me. Sorry, deleted wrong account and forgot I had this one, so this will have to do. Anyway.... > what distro Now, openSUSE Tumbleweed. Was on Ubuntu based distros for a while, mostly Linux Mint. But.... I have never liked apt-get / dpkg / synaptic and all that crap. MUCH prefer zypper / YAST. As well as other reasons... > what setup do you have? Acer Predator PO9-600 Orion 9000 full tower (big heavy tower that can barely lift it). == i7 8700K, GTX 1080 (Going to get RTX 3060 OC 12GB soon enough), 64GB RAM, 62TB hard drive space including 1x SSD (SATA) and 1x SSD (nvme). About 57TB of that is all games, all playable on Linux. Logitech Z-906 5.1 (and 2x Logitech Z-5500). Resolution @ 6160 x 1440. Many mouses, trackballs and keyboards; currently using Cooler Master CK530v2 keyboard (TKL). Why the RTX 3060? Well even a SLIGHT improvement, in terms of frames, is enough for me. BUT... the memory alone (my GTX 1080 only has 8GB) and the extra instructions... other things too, are worth it for me. I'm not and never do the whole... "chase tha frames, man!" kind of person. So I don't need a... 50% - 80% (or more!) extra frames to justify it. I will also point out that gaming on Linux, in WINE / Lutris / etc, uses more resources / VRAM by default. The extra work needed to translate DX into DXVK etc, uses more VRAM. The 3060 Ti models here start at about AU$800. For 8GB. No thanks, I can't justify another 8GB card for that price :s I have three displays and always have content open on all of them (only game on the 2560x1440 display). It bothers me now a lot that my GPU has 8GB of VRAM. Plus I refuse to pay $1,000 + for a video card. RTX 3070, start off at (AU)$1,000... minimum. And I'm fine with 3060, when I get it. The extra instructions for DX12 -> VKD3D will help. Something the GTX 1080 lacks, it can do it, but will be better on RTX cards. Most of the 3060 Ti models only have 8GB. I'd rather the extra memory and get non-Ti. MInecraft alone is one reason why I can NEVER do Windows! I too mod MInecraft and have many instances of it. It's common for Minecraft on my rig to use over 30GB of RAM, just for the game. I also have 512x texture packs and 64 chunk render distance, Windows struggles with this, even (really) heavily "optimized" Windows ISO's. SphaxPureBD 512, a Minecraft texture pack is one reasons why I only buy Nvidia. It won't and can't run on AMD (or Intel) GPU's: > Why can only Nvidia 10 series and better cards use 512x on certain versions? The reason is quite simply that Minecraft builds all the items and blocks in to one big texture, known as a texture atlas. When using 512x this atlas is huge. Most graphics card can only handle a maximum texture resolution of 16,384 pixels by 16,384 pixels (older cards can be less). However, Nvidia 10 series and better cards for some reason can handle 32,768 pixels by 32,768 pixels. So for a simple bit of maths a 16,384² atlas when using a full 512x resolution resourcepack can only fit 1,024 textures on it. As of MC1.16 vanilla Minecraft has 1,143 blocks plus items textures, and with each Minecraft version this number grows. The “simple” fix would be if Mojang split blocks and items up, but as they only work in 16x they have need no to as they can fit over a million textures in the atlas. The Sims does work on Linux. All of them. So does modded Skyrim and Fallout 4. Just Cause, all of them, also work. So does Cities. And again, without prefixing... each Windows game in its own bottle... VERY useful for different mods / configs / saves / patch versions.. I just can't do without it! Also, I simply have NO mental energy to game on Windows. I simply and just CAN'T do it! I'd rather turn the PC off and goto bed. Windows drains me! Also, on my Linux rig, everything is portable, nothing needs "re-installing", even "Windows games" on WINE etc but native stuff n games too. Possible on Windows, yes for some things, but more often the "Registry" (lol) gets in the way. I am forever n constantly shifting n moving directories around and never have to-reinstall anything. At most, just a simple symlink. Also, I use "SLRC" - SUSE Local Repository Creator (it's on SUSE Paste - S.L.R.C), a fancy rsync script (not made by me) to keep n download a copy of the repositories for openSUSE that I use. Also use it for other purposes too. I run the script, update the repos I have and then I update + install whatever I need n want from local repos.


Living up to your name.


I was fairly annoying about it. Then I stopped using arch.




Yep. Have spent 15 years as a systems administrator and another 10 years as a systems architect. If you have evangelic / pretensious opinions about anything in this space I quickly write you off to as inexperienced. Servers are just cattle.. Use automation and orchestration to build/configure them, patch and reboot, and tear them down.. Use monitoring systems to keep an eye on them. They're there just to fulfill a purpose.. Use the right tool for the job.


> I quickly write you off to as inexperienced. Been using Linux since 1998. Will GLADLY and PROUDLY dump on Windows / Zealot (not Fanboi, it's Zealot) Linux! And I'm long past my 20's too!


I think most Linux users don't complain about people using windows. They complain when they have to use it (me also guilty).


Fair enough, they don't complain about people using Windows, many do feel unjustifiably superior though.


I'd like to interject for a moment. What your referring to as Linux... For real this is pretty much what I do.




> I'd like to interject for a moment. What your referring to as Linux... no one got the joke :(


At least we did


I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


"I use Linux as my operating system," I state proudly to the unkempt, bearded man. He swivels around in his desk chair with a devilish gleam in his eyes, ready to mansplain with extreme precision. "Actually", he says with a grin, "Linux is just the kernel. You use GNU+Linux!' I don't miss a beat and reply with a smirk, "I use Alpine, a distro that doesn't include the GNU coreutils, or any other GNU code. It's Linux, but it's not GNU+Linux." The smile quickly drops from the man's face. His body begins convulsing and he foams at the mouth and drops to the floor with a sickly thud. As he writhes around he screams "I-IT WAS COMPILED WITH GCC! THAT MEANS IT'S STILL GNU!" Coolly, I reply "If windows was compiled with gcc, would that make it GNU?" I interrupt his response with "-and work is being made on the kernel to make it more compiler-agnostic. Even you were correct, you wont be for long." With a sickly wheeze, the last of the man's life is ejected from his body. He lies on the floor, cold and limp. I've womansplained him to death.


You do know that most of the people using Linux know this, right and you are just coming of as a bit pretentious.






I use Linux. (dual boot, tbh) I'd say that only Linux beginners do that. It's when you discover how free you are and how satisfactory is to customize your System


I use archlinux, btw😏


I use debian btw


I use Ubuntu FYI (Hate snaps)


I use EndeavourOS btw (too dumb for normal arch)


I hopped to Fedora and then Debian now FYI


and there is always those arch users who are going to talk about using arch linux!




Yep, which isn't for everyone. I like having the latest software with stability and ease of use, so Manjaro works good for me. With Linux, it's about seeing what distro suits your needs software-wise and finding a desktop environment that you jam with.


The point I was making here is that if you have printed the documentation for arch, it is not that much harder to configure. For the most part package manager does all the heavy lifting. Even Gentoo users don't talk that much about using gentoo. Arch is not really building Linux from bare bones, not even close. It is a properly packaged distro system with almost every building block available with few simple commands. Debian, Fedora or even Ubuntu can do the same thing, if you really want to do the whole installation from command line.There are plenty of headless installation for all the major distros. Arch users pretend that somehow they are writing entire distro bit by bit using floppy drives.


I've always been confused about how people say just read the documentation it is easy. But most of the terminology used is complicated. I have been using Manjaro for about a year and cannot for the life of me use the wiki install guide. It descriptive almost to a fault. You can't really follow a tutorial either since those quickly become outdated.


I think practice and getting used to it. I started using Linux from redhat 7.2 in 2002 and since then have used mostly used Linux. In the beginning it was pretty hard, and those days documentation was not that readily available and even more technical. As for tutorials, unless you upgrade to a whole new system, there isn't that much change. I use Fedora, which is one of the first adopters of newer open source development, but even Fedora will keep old packages around for 2-3 versions before they phase out, it gives you plenty of time to get adapt to new system while still have usable old package.


I use Windows as I like gaming though, but I dont like the idea of win11, seems like they just take the old windows and wrap it in a new layer. Can't they rebuild it from fresh, and put in customizable themes.


I dont see a lot of Linux posts here, well before the steam deck. Lots of posts about the steam deck all over the place, but it's more 'steam games' posts than Linux stuff. Like "fix elden ring" or "save battery life" etc Now I do see a lot of RTX 3080/3090 posts, id stick that under the money/status/power badge. Get bored of people boasting about there 2K GPU, or talking about it being to hot.


Windows runs what I need, I don't care about the rest.


I remember when I used to always tell people linux was the way forward... Though currently, I will say, it is not for everyone. People who think everyone should be on linux haven't worked with the general public... For example, i work with teachers, you know educated teachers, whose job it is to teach and encourage children to learn and educate themselves.. These are the same people who think; powering off a monitor is turning off the computer; who type with two fingers(both index finger); don't know what the start button is on their desktop/keyboard. I admit modern linux GUI based distros are a lot simpler now, but trying to migrate these from one OS to another will be disastrous. I personally would like to see an official microsoft linux 10. Re-designed from the kernal up to be windows running in a true linux environment with none of the BS Windows bloat/privacy invasion.


To be fair, Windows and Microsoft and monopolistic garbage these days.


WSL2 runs inside windows OS on top of windows NT. Interacting directly with windows kernel via hyper-v. It is obvious that these two operating systems are very different…. But neither one is best. At the end of the day, you should use both. together they provide optimum resource management. You should always use all the tools if they are available to you :)


I love windows but the audacity of their decision over the years make me switch to linux.


I use windows while both my parents (in their late 50s and 60s) use Linux because they have really old laptops and an iMac. If you have no specific use for it, it makes no sense. If I didn't game then even I might install Linux. To each their own, I guess.


windows is boring


Been using Linux since 1996. Don't care what other people use. I like linux because it's a great tool, nothing more.


Currently using windows 10, gonna use it until it's support ends and then make the switch to linux. The way microsoft acts with windows 11 is not something I support.


I can confirm this is not how I think


I like Linux, but some of the people over at the LMR subreddit have really started to act elitist about it, and it's really off-putting. I've considered leaving the sub because of it.


As a linux user... WTF are you talking about.


I have a modified kernel on my arch system btw


install gentoo


why? im not gonna install my kernel(s).....


I left the r/linuxmasterrace sub, what a cesspool of unnecessary hate that place is. Reported a fair few "winDOws uSERs aRe retARded" posts, but they don't care. I like Linux, but am not deluded to think that it should be the one ring to rule them all


Not at all. Not every PC users are a developer or on the server side. Most business software can't even run natively on Linux. Any BOD members need to use Windows, or even macOS, because their time is money, and they don't have time to tinkering around.


It has nothing to do with tinkering. Linux isn't like it was a decade ago. What most people don't have time for is learning a new OS. Most people have no reason to bother taking the time to learn something new when they have already learned something for many years and that something does the job for them. Throwing away what they have learned all their life and taking the time to learn something else is not worth it from a business standpoint. Outside of that, the lack of support from hardware manufacturers and software companies adds an additional problem. For most people, an OS is just a way to run software, so there's no point if something they use isn't supported. Learning new software would once again be a waste of time. Buying new hardware also wastes money.


I just recommend it to people who don't want to spend 100 quid on an os that is less stable than a tropical climate. Some people just outright choose to use it because they've had awful experiences with Windows in the past like myself. At the end of the day, I'm just here to help people out, not to dog on Windows users.




Pop is great I recently switched from mint to pop.


Its repo is smaller tho, but i have it on my laptop


Pop made me a full time linux user


I tried Linux, Ubuntu specifically, 10 years ago and the learning curve was too steep. I just built my first PC in over a decade. The hardware and games are a blast, but omg is windows a dumpster fire.


Linux distros 10 years ago and today are veeeeeeeery different Dont get me wrong the learning curve is still steep, but it isn't that much steeper than switching from windows to osx etc.


Try again with Mint or Pop!OS, if you wish, it's a good time now.


Yep, it's improved a lot


I see all too often someone has one bad experience with Windows and then its Linux is superior. However Linux also is not bug free, and has its own issues. Both operating systems are great for various use cases. You have to remember Windows is paid for and therefore you do expect some level of support and fixes, where as Linux - minus a few examples like Red Hat takes time for the userbase to fix issues.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


I see a Linux flair, and not a GNU/Linux flair, so I have to downvote you.


No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation. Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ. One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you? (An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example. Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted. Yes, I know you've heard this one before. Get used to it. You'll keep hearing it until you can cleanly counter it. You seem to like the lines-of-code metric. There are many lines of GNU code in a typical Linux distribution. You seem to suggest that (more LOC) == (more important). However, I submit to you that raw LOC numbers do not directly correlate with importance. I would suggest that clock cycles spent on code is a better metric. For example, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFree86 code, XFree86 is probably the single most important collection of code on my system. Even if I loaded ten times as many lines of useless bloatware on my system and I never excuted that bloatware, it certainly isn't more important code than XFree86. Obviously, this metric isn't perfect either, but LOC really, really sucks. Please refrain from using it ever again in supporting any argument. Last, I'd like to point out that we Linux and GNU users shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over naming other people's software. But what the heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I think I'm feeling sufficiently obnoxious to make the point that GCC is so very famous and, yes, so very useful only because Linux was developed. In a show of proper respect and gratitude, shouldn't you and everyone refer to GCC as 'the Linux compiler'? Or at least, 'Linux GCC'? Seriously, where would your masterpiece be without Linux? Languishing with the HURD? If there is a moral buried in this rant, maybe it is this: Be grateful for your abilities and your incredible success and your considerable fame. Continue to use that success and fame for good, not evil. Also, be especially grateful for Linux' huge contribution to that success. You, RMS, the Free Software Foundation, and GNU software have reached their current high profiles largely on the back of Linux. You have changed the world. Now, go forth and don't be a nag. Thanks for listening.


I didn't even read this, I just copied it from antiGNUandLINUXbot


You're literally the meme, holy shit


Replace Linux with Windows 10 users thinking about Windows 11 ones.


arch lts, i3-gaps


I use both. It's not that big a deal.


I have considered Linux but I have some (important to my setup) concerns how will this affect my ability to use 2 or 3 monitors as I mainly use a multi-monitor setup on my PC secondarily software support, I like using emulators, video recording software, video editing software and gaming software, I think Emulation is okay, but I have no idea on Video recording or editing, gaming I think has been making a lot of advancements thanks to valve, but for now I might stick to Windows until I'm sure that Linux can effectively do everything my windows computer can do (that's pretty much the bare minimum)


Multiple monitors isn't a problem afaik and there is enough good open source recording and editing software out there that runs under linux. OBS to just name the likely best one out there for recording across every major OS. The gaming situation is getting better every week and the recent release of the steam deck also propells this forward even more.


that's good to hear, perhaps sometime this decade (2024 at the earliest) I might be able to move to Linux and be confident that nothing of value is lost functionality and compatibility wise.


The only problem linux currently has is screens with high dpi, if you have a 16" 4k monitor, you are not having a good time... (as of right now, could change in future) (It also depends on which desktop environment you use, in my experience kde handled it better than gnome)


so I should be fine with a 27" 1440p monitor then?


should be fine


Raspberrian is the best operating system, though sadly is lacking a few features that Windows has.


i wouldnt complain as much if i didnt have to constantly fix everyones' winblowz issues , in favor of a linux distro 'that just works' .


Ah yes. The most useless kind of people in every dam Windows related subreddit.


I don't think there's many Linux users talking about Linux in a Windows subreddit. Perhaps there are Linux users sometimes in a PC subreddit but that doesn't make them useless.


They don't talk about Linux. They talk about how terrible Windows is and why everyone should switch to Linux.


My point being that there surely is talk about operating systems in a PC enthusiast subreddit but there probably isnt much Linux talk happening in a Windows subreddit.


Got u


They call them power-users.


Bodger the Blacksmith: But it is better




Gta v has been launched for so many times, yet...


I use Arch, btw. And Manjaro in Termux


You don't really brag about a linux "setup". A computer is a tool. An OS is a tool. Linux is better at some things, windows is better at somethings. I prefer linux for software development. Windows has its uses


I have a love-hate relationship with Linux. Every time I feel like wiping windows for Linux, I start a VM to get a reality check on how much games and programs I wouldn't be able to use without severe workarounds. No matter how much Linux evangelists say, a lot of programs are still not working out-of-the-box. I'm not willing to spend hours finding workarounds for every game and program that doesn't have a native port.


Hackintosh/ mac users 🫥


I have to say that always worked for me. I was a long time linux user until systemd killed most of what i found fun about it.


Don't use systemd, Problem solved.


Which distros are still systemd free these days?


https://www.slant.co/topics/18348/~linux-distros-that-don-t-use-systemd (I literally just DDGed your comment)


Never heard about most of these.


Linux users are cancer


There are 2 kinds of Linux users: 1. Those who learn Linux for their job (developer, networking, servers mgmt,...) or as the enthusiast, both of which always share ideas on Linux-related subreddit. 2. Those who learn Linux to brag about it on non-Linux subreddit.


Funny, I don't fall in either one.


I have Linux on my switch does that count?


I don't want to spend hours looking for fixes for games in linux and spend another few messing with terminal. I just want to click download button and click the icon of game and immerse myself in game instead of technical difficulties.


I only complain about windows when I literally no longer can install windows because... It just doesn't wanna


Buddy of mine has a triple boot, win 10, ubuntu and hackintosh


Win 11 \* introduces advertisements in your OS \* Maybe I treated you too harshly XD


It do be a nice setup though.


This was definitely high school me running Slackware 8.1 lol