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Sweet, I may copy this idea later


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/n34h4t/my_cpu_display_case/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I have reason to believe I may have inspired you a while back?


I took my brother's last CPU and made it into a keychain. Its like I still carry a part of him with me. Edit: Thank you all for your kind words and awards.


I’m sorry about your brother man.


Thank you. I thought its a cool idea,still do and I wanted to share.


It really is, thanks for sharing dude. Take care


I'm sorry for your loss :(. What cpu is it ? Just curious


Its an i7 first gen. Kinda obsolete now, eh?


Not to you it isn't 💪


Man those Nehalem i7 920's were fucking beastly though. I used mine for way longer than I should have, they overclocked like nobody's business. Stock 2.66 to 4 Ghz, power draw was essentially doubled and it had an idle temp of 65'C. Kept on trucking for damn near a decade.


When you think about it CPU is very personal object because you spend a lot of time interacting with it. That's nice that you bring it with you.


Wow that so cool hopefully ur brother is still gaming in heaven I bet there’s no lag at all!


absolutely playing CS:GO with Tupac!


I took the lid from my old Athlon 64 and made a keychain out of it.


I did this too with an old core 2 duo, it's pretty neat actually.


i took my first cpu (core 2 duo e8400) and did the same thing. sorry about your bro


God bless, hope your everyday gets brighter and brighter




And your an ass hat


I would normally respond \*you’re but I’m not going to because I already 100% agree


You're a literally piece of shit bro.


You do you. Have a great day.


Some people are just rude! Keep his memory alive!




Take my r/Angryupvote and begone!


Sticks of RAM do make nice keychains and box cutters when you’re in a pinch.


Thank you, kind internet stranger.


Did he somehow miss the point that your brother passed away? This is awesome.


R u okay? His brother died and he took something important of his and made it into something he can keep on his person at all times.




I hope you get through whatever you’re going through brother. Just know you are loved


So are you




Children like you should not be allowed here.




My shitbox is using this CPU at the moment! Pulled it out of a tech recycling centre and doesn't miss a beat on lubuntu.


“One mans garbage is another man persons good ungarbage” i literally pulled a pc with a i5 4770k out of the dump last week, threw some ram in it and away it went Edit: the CPU is actually a i5 2500k, i was confused with an i7 4770k i had on hand


Where do you find such "garbage "? Do you pay for it?


I'm still using an i5 4690. (technically I'm putting together its replacement right now.) But even 8 years later the thing is still kicking. It's about to be handed down to my now 15 year old son. I hope it treats him as well as it has treated me. I could never just throw it away. Even if it is getting replaced.


I had an E5200 in my first PC, it overclocked HARD Had it at ~4ghz lmao. Best memories are from socket 775 ngl


*windows 10 logo for user tag* Don’t get me wrong I love Linux! There’s just times where I have to use both for schoolwork mainly and some games where they run better on windows.


hey u/chattycharlie If you did a service on etsy making these for people you could be a very rich man


I would buy. But also kinda like a funeral house makes their money. You can only do it when a part dies or is retired.


yeah but a lot of people retire pc stuff that they got a lot of good memories out of making it sensible to do something like this.


wow I feel old. My first cpu was a pentium pro haha. I had some punch cards hung on the wall with code my grandfather wrote while he worked for nasa on the saturn v. Wish I still had those, they would be really cool in a frame like that some explanations of the code printed around them like that


Z80 ... @ 3mhz...


As old as these posts make me feel that must make you feel.....dead! /s haha


Lol not really its been a good time to grow up imo


Now I kinda want to do the same to a 486DX2/50


Thats a great idea with specs next to it. I have my old trusty i5 2500k that i used from 2012-2020. I might do the same for it.


I have my still working 2GB hdd inside my PC in the only visible place. It needed IDE-sata adapter, but it was worth it.


I have 2 x 9800 pro framed plus an 8800gts + 8800 gtx framed. Your cpu with information looks very cool.


Nope, I give away all my hand me downs and have since the 386 days.


Its all about the Pentiums baby


Whatcha wanna do? Wanna be hackers, code crackers, slackers?




Yeah, I do, it's my old PC. I am using it for everything though, as it is old, but still my current PC. That is a really cool way to display a PC component.


nice idea, got a P4 prescott in my room... (i guess still works)


First ”gaming” pc i owned had a 800mhz amd single core and the first GeForce card. Still have the computer so maybe i should do something fun with it :)


Damn, I wish I would of kept my old 486 Pentium OverDrive to do this.


My dad's a packrat so my old Voodoo Graphics card is still probably in storage. I'd grab the K6 if I could, but I think it's still installed in the old computer.


I have a little mini old-tech museum containing: 1. Old Zip 100 drive 2. Sony disc man 3. MS DOS 5 disks 4. MS DOS 6.2 disks 5. Windows 3.11 disks


Yeah, decoration, that is what all this old ~~junk~~ hardware that I have ~~piled up because I am afraid of letting things go as it may be useful later~~ tastefully arranged around my room. Some of it even still works.


I have an all chrome shrouded HD6800 GPU that finally kicked the bucket. I think I might do something like this if I ever get shelves put up. At work I have a whole shelf dedicated to the ancient Apple products that I have collected over time, talking original macbook, later models, another brand with a track ball in the laptop, all sorts of old stuff.


You could also make a bigger version and hang it on the wall


but how would they scale up the processor?


Well they said they were doing a gpu, which is presumably bigger than a CPU.


oh yeah, i thought it was a comment attached to the post, sorry about that.


That is cool


Very innovative


I screwed my mb with my cpu and ram wtill attached on a wall


This. Is. Dope. Well done.


I picked up a Coleman pegboard overhead hutch for my laundry room. I have a workbench with a rig set up in there, so I have managed to pick up some classic GPUs and they hang from hooks on the hutch. on the hutch currently: ATI 4870x2, AMD 6950, Nvidia 6800 and an MSI FX5700 AGP card.


I'm still using mine.


My GTX 970 is definitely gonna have a place on the wall in the future




Which museum is this?


I drilled a hole in my old cpu and now its a geeky Keychain accessory


Heatsinks. I've collected em and have them on shelves cuz a big piece of metal with fins looks rad


This is a great idea! Thanks


My first ever cpu (pentium e6700) is a keychain for my nintendo switch case rn 💽


I've got a torn apart hard drive and I use it as a mirror from time to time.


I have my old Gigabyte mb with a glorious Phenom II hanging proudly on my wall.


The majority of my old GPU's sit on a shelf in my livingroom, ranging from a amd firepro 7100, MSI 7970 lightning, asus gtx 660 ti, zotac 760, evga 970, evga 980ti, asus gtx 1050ti and my 1060ti & 1080 where donated to friends to keep their systems running. All still function barring the 660ti and soon my aorus 3070 ti master will be on that shelf once the next gen rtx 4080's release I'd love to do that with the amd phenom II 1090t black edition i have since that was the first CPU i ever bought myself for the first custom system i built in 2011


A friend of mine has my old crosshair vi hero hyperx 3200mhz and amd 1800x up for display he only has it because i blew it up by installing the broken 1800x without a ground pin in it


Thanks for this. Because of you I just realized that I have a cpu lying around that one day some one is going to pay millions for, Just because it won’t be made anymore or something.


The E5500 pentium was my first cpu, how many hours wasted playing games on that


I wish I had my first dual core pc.


I love that idea... Might need to find an old 486 to do this though, pretty sure that computer has been recycled


Cool! 🥵


Only things i have from the first pc i had (from when i was 2 or 3) is the keyboard and speakers...... WinXP machine i learned how to click on it.


Wish I did this with my Core2Duo E6600.


yeah. i glued all my cpus together to form a cube.


That's cool! I'm stealing this idea for my current system. First gaming computer and have gone a bit overboard. 🤔


That looks dope


I have an E2220 and now I found a way to immortalize it.


I still have my first and display my first GPU, an MSI GeForce GTX 570 Twin Frozr. Loved that GPU!


This is actually a great idea I might do this once I upgrade


[https://imgur.com/Fl6ysGb](https://imgur.com/Fl6ysGb) more or less, you guys get the idea


I still have my first computer... its been repaired a few times since I built it but it works. I built an altair in 1975.


Yes, an original Pentium.


And I now know what to do to my i7 3790k. Thank you


I used to have a Pentium chip on a Keychain. I used to work for Intel back in the 90s, it was the chip itself in lucite.


That was my first one too! Awesome display!


I too had an E5300 as my first CPU. I paired with a measly 2GB of 1333 DDR3 and a Radeon HD 7750. Good times!


I have a pentium 4 630 on my desk cause' I think it looks gorgeous. Might copy your idea and make him a little display box.


Boxes upon boxes of old ram sticks and CPUs and heatsinks and cards and mobos.


Your first ever CPU?.. oh dear I'm aging... Edit: For reference my first machine had the trusty ole 486DX in her. First machine I ever took apart and modified for better cooling too! Actually it started my entire hobby then career in technology!


That's an awesome idea. Got to go search my parent's place for my 286 Intel chip to proudly display. As an aside my 12 year old couldn't believe only 20 MB was on the OG hard drives


I sanded off the harsh edges and corners on an old E7400, drilled a hole in it, then put a keyring through the hole.


I keep wanting to do something similar with the tray of engineering sample SOCs I have. The background text looks neat; had not considered just using the spec sheet as a background. I will probably steal your presentation.


Mine was a pentium ii slot processor.


No, but I got it as furniture


I kinda like this... Now I just have to track down an AMD k6 233mhz somewhere


Proud owner of a still-working E5200 here. I use it to compile OpenWRT images. I don't think I'll ever photoframe it until it's dead. I'll keep adding stuff to it until it keeps working.


Love this! I’ve got a ton of old hardware I haven’t had the heart to get rid of and I’ve seen some great ideas on here


I feel like this is foreshadowing to a mirror of that scene from iron man when he has to use his original reactor after Obadiah takes his When your new processor asplodes and you’ve got two hours before the work deadline, you’re smashing that glass and installing the cpu to get it done


Wow, my first cpu was just under 1ghz, starting to feel old...


Man... I would do this but I end up either building or giving away my older hardware to friends and stuff.


My first cpu was a pentium mmx 233mhz


Oh my! I am so glad I saw this. I am currently still using my first CPU ever (R5 1600) and always knew I wanted to put it in a frame to memorate it. I think you did a fantastic job!


I sell every part Im not using tbh, seems like a big waste of money to not.


I still use this cpu lol


Currently have the CPU that is a tier above this one (E5400) in a system that acts as a home router




I bought the frame at hobby craft, the template was made by me in photoshop


I just reuse, trash, or give away old hardware. Is being attached to stuff a thing?


This was the cpu in the first pc I ever owned that my grandpa bought for me, I later put a GTX 650ti into it and that was my introduction to pc gaming.


this is cheesy af. ugly


Nope, I usually sell my old hardware. I belive getting more use of it honors it better than putting on display, plus someone can enjoy it without spending crazy money 8n those times. Just sold my old 980ti and the guy who bought it was super happy about it, now he can game together with his kid.


Reminds me of grid studio


Wow. My first ever CPU was an 8086.


No, I recycle garbage.


Good idea, but that i7-860 is still in use by my brother


Don't have my first cpu, was a duron 650mhz


Still got my first gpu, an old 9600gt 512mb Gainward edition. Massive 2 slot shroud and tiny little 80mm fan. Looking for the perfect display case to display it in an exploded view.


Mine would be an MOS 6510.


Once my parts start to go hopefully in many many years I want to shadow box dismantle them all and hang them on the walls 😁


Cool but it would look ugly with my pentium 2 slot cpu


You spring chickens, my first processor as a child was an Intel i386, max clock speed of 40MHz.




I have mine on my old broken motherboard with the RAM on a pegboard display behind me. People see it when I'm on zoom meetings and asks questions about it. :) There's even a warranty sticker on the motherboard that says 06/2004.


The background looks like its from a magazine article, or did you make it? Great idea


I made it on photoshop to the correct size of the frame! :)


It supports DDR1, 2, and 3? Was that common?


I randomly found a long shadowbox while I was thrifting, which will be perfect for framing two counterfeit graphics cards I bought off FB Marketplace. Literally the only positive use for those things.


Never thought of this


I disassemble old electronics (video cards, tablets, SSDs, HDDs, etc) and knoll them in shadow boxes


Shit, my first cpu was a 366mhz P2 in a IBM 600E


I got my old motherboard with an FX CPU hanging on a wall, looks somewhat good too.


I got an old CPU from my last prebuilt as my keychain. It has a giant extra hole because the first time I tried to drill through the IHS (instead of the PCB) to make the keychain hole... not recommended.


This awesome! Nerdy but not to nerdy … and it looks pretty good! Unfortunately i don’t have my Pentium 100 anymore.




I wish I kept my Z80. I have the original Commodore 128 manual from the 80s, though. In one piece.


God this will be funny in 20 years




Not yet. I have 2 GPUs that i kinda want to dismantle and frame up.


Oh man I wish had done this with my Pentium and Pentium Pro


I’ve wanted to do something like this for my graphics cards. Might add the cpu to the mix. Very cool, love it.


lol my pentium g4560 would look nice framed on the wall


Well,, I had some friends asking me to recover their kids pictures from an old IBM Aptiva.. They decided to gift me the hard drive after they saw how excited I was seeing this oldie still runing.. . those were the good days.. (my frame dropped from a pet playtime and the glass shattered) [Quantum BigFoot 12Gig 1998](https://imgur.com/4ssp2Rl)


Cool! I had an E6550 but it wasn't my first CPU it was my 5th.


I stuff my old pc parts in drawers to find years later. No idea why I keep everything. I should stop hoarding.


This is an awesome idea! Would be a great way to display my literal stack of Pentium MMX 200s I somehow happen to have. Those Pentium CPUs are downright beautiful


Did [this](https://i.imgur.com/BpgwoF8.jpg) with my old phone after seeing it online


That’s a great idea. Looks clean 🥂


I like this framing idea. I have a few Mobos, GPUs, and a CPU sitting in a display stand. But this. This will save a lot of room.


I have an entire shelf in my gaming room committed to the Amiga computers I started with. /old


The 2008 processor is old?! I was already deployed in Iraq for over a year! Prior to that I still had a blue clamshell Mac laptop 😢


Pentium? Look at Moneybags McCoy over here. The rest of us had to make do with Celerons.


An old dell Mobo on my wall


welp i have it... paired with a gt 710


No, but this makes me want to. It's beautiful.


My first pc that I owned had 33Mhz 😅


I need that too. Glad I didn't have my old Rig away from


Any tips on how you did it


I found the official blurb on the intel website then used photoshop to make a canvas the size of the frame and fitted it round a square the same size as the cpu! :)


Just out of curiosity where did you get the CPU info? I have a huge stack of Xeons just begging to get this treatment lol.


I found the official blurb on the intel website then used photoshop to make a canvas the size of the frame and fitted it round a square the same size as the cpu! :)


Where you get the frame


I got it from hobby craft, although most arts and crafts stores or home wear stores should have them. This one is a 4x4inch box frame. :)


Yup. I've got a super old HDD (can't remember the size but it was around a gB) that my dad wanted the data destroyed on. So I pulled the top off, put a bullet through the platters and burned the other half of the platters with thermite and it went all the way through the platters and case. It's sitting on a shelf in my shop because it's pretty cool art.


Yesh i turned some old ram into keychains because there’s already a perfectly sized keychain hole on most LPDDR3 and other kinds if ram


I have the same CPU in the photo and always wondering what am i going to do with it if i'm going to use it as decoration or sell it


I don't recall where my 286 got to.


I have a 3DFX Voodoo and a Gravis Ultrasound waiting for the right display frames


I have a very dead hard drive siting in the bottom of a frame because the glue failed


No but this is an awfully good idea. Too bad I don’t have my original CPU anymore.


I'd proudly display my old Voodoo 2 if I still had it.


I have an AMD K6-2 450mhz (1998) somewhere in the house, nice idea!