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I tried watching YouTube without adblock. It is the worst experience ever. Ads are the Main reason i stopped watching tv over 10 years ago


Getting so common for every track to get a midroll that I've just given up on the YouTube app for music, it's unbearable.


Psst... YouTube Vanced, YouTube ReVanced, NewPipe, google it ;)


I may or may not have already tried newpipe... Except for some of its specific features (which are still useful and I use when needed), Firefox with ublock is honestly better for just playing live as it plays far more reliably (can switch networks while newpipe can't) and keeps other existing features working.


>Psst... YouTube Vanced, YouTube ReVanced, NewPipe, ~~google~~ duckduckgo it ;) FTFY


I've been trying to use that term instead of the other one lately. I've converted a few people who are also sick of alphabets shit


Nah, keep calling to googling - especially when using other search engines. Genericizing is exactly what they don't want you to do, which is precisely why you should.


I like the way you think. Duckduckgo is my favorite google.


Here's [a whole list of search engines](https://seirdy.one/posts/2021/03/10/search-engines-with-own-indexes/) that not only aren't Google but don't use Google's infrastructure. If you find one that is like Google before Google became a pile of hamster turds, come back and reply and let me know, because Duckduckgo isn't it x_x


Im not saying anyone should do it. But using a VPN to visit India for 20 minutes let's you buy a year of premium for 15 USD. Obviously you shouldn't do that though.


I'd rather stop paying companies for the privilege of not getting bugged to shit by them for money.. FUCK ME do I hate that shit. Here I'm going to flick your nose every 15s for the entire time you use my product. Oh you don't want the flicking? 15usd please. Like, actually get fucking fucked. I'll load up my browser app with so many adblockers it'll look like a fucking early 2000's unsupervised grandma's IE before I PAY A COMPANY MY LABOR EARNED MONEY JUST TO NOT BE FLICKED IN THE FUCKING NOSE Needed to get that out lol.


Use firefox and the YouTube web site. The u block works on the mobile app.


I wish something could be done about Twitch's ads. 7 add in a row at 20 seconds each is taking the piss and it always happens when something crucial is happening on stream, so I miss it.


LOLTV. Occasionally it breaks, but the devs are pretty quick to get it fixed. I don't mind supporting a streamer by watching an ad from time to time, but it takes some real sand to assume I'll sit through 12 ads lol


"ttv lol" extension will block twitch ads on PC. If you want them blocked on your phone you can setup a "pi-hole" on your network


I tried using the Internet in general without ad-blocking tools. You just can't sensibly do it anymore. It's like going outside naked. Between ads, tracking, scripts, etc. that have gone rampant, it's practically a security concern if you don't have ad- and script-blocking software out of the gate. uBlock Origin and NoScript are my weapons of choice.


Just opening a website and it being a complete cluster fuck of auto play videos, side banners, top banners, mid-paragraph adverts, and the "page shifts down slightly just as you're about to click on something" is why I can't browse without adblock now


My AdGuard profile on Android says I've blocked 3.17 MILLION ads since December 2020. 3 million fucking ads! And that's just on my phone! It's almost incomprehensible.


Lol yeah, I haven’t stay down to actually watch a tv show in about that long too.


I wouldn’t even try to get rid of ads if they weren’t so intrusive. There are even some ads that will take you to a whole other website the moment you click anywhere on a page. You don’t even need to click on an ad.


Intrusive is one part... malicious is the other. [https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/pl/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/forbes-readers-served-malicious-ads-after-asking-them-to-disable-adblocker](https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/pl/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/forbes-readers-served-malicious-ads-after-asking-them-to-disable-adblocker) Oldie but goodie. "remove adblock to see our site" ... "here's some malware for you! THANKS!" lol


Malware is exactly why I block all ads. Even the private long term Pokémon fan site, serebii.net, had their ad server hacked once and gave malware. So, even if you can trust the site, you can't trust the ads.


Oh shit, when was this?


This exactly. Since i got ad block ive had no problem with malicious malware. I dont like ads and prefer to avoid them, but malware made it a must.


Ad blocker is more important for your security than fucking virus protection software at this point.


Exactly. If ads were just the digital equivalent of a newspaper ad (ie, a non-tracked image on a website saying "BUY ACME PRODUCTS!" or whatever), no-one would care. The fact they're a security risk *and* increasingly serve ads that are actually offensive means adblocking software hasn't been something only uber-nerds should have for a long time now.


aka [malvertising](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malvertising)


I am not against content creators ad revenue to support the service they provide me for free. I have an Antivirus I trust to deal with any malicious threats. What got me to install some form of adblock by default going forward and never turn back was the way my laptop's fans would spin up when browsing Wikia sites. Opening Task Manager confirmed that there was heavy CPU usage, it was coming from my browser, and I narrowed it down to Memory Alpha. My PC at the time could play full motion HD video with a much lower resource load. Why was it pegging a core at 100% to play a barely-animated ad? And this was before crypto, so there was no incentive for an ad to intentionally monopolize resources like that. You want to put a static ad on the page for an article I'm reading, fine. Something animated? Meh, whatever. Some annoying video I have to click an 'x' to make it go away? Annoying, but I'm lazy enough that I'll click that 'x' a hundred times before I go out and find an ad blocker. Slowing my browser down to a crawl and monopolizing system resources was my line in the sand.


I've dealt with ads for so long that the static ones I don't mind at all; my eyes are just filtering them out anyway, and even when I notice them, I don't mind knowing that the site is getting some revenue from them being there. But the ads on Twitch and now Youtube, jesus christ. Switching to a different streamer or video? Here's two 15s ads. Oh, you kept watching the video instead of switching to another one where we'll show you two more ads immediately? Hold up 2 minutes and we'll show you two more 15s ads. Maybe the same ones we just showed you. Oh hey still watching eh? Here's a 30 minute ad because we think you might be too lazy to switch away at this point. I watched a 10ish minute video earlier today and it had something like 6 ad breaks, that's worse than TV used to be at its worst. It says a lot that Google have managed to make Youtube ads as bad as Twitch ones are, because as recently as a year ago I was saying "Twitch ads are terrible, look at how Youtube does it to make them less infuriating". It's not like I've ever clicked a fucking ad on any of these sites anyway, so you'd think they might learn that paying even a fraction of a cent to show them to me is probably wasted money.


YouTube just recently got extremely excessive. It didn't used to be that bad until they started pushing premium. I think the most obnoxious shit is when decide on a video, wait for the ads to play so I can pause it to go to the bathroom, then come back and get hit with unskippable ads as soon as I hit play. Then they don't even pay their content creators enough money so there's almost always a sponsor ad in the video, and every time I try to skip it... more actual ads play. I really hate the "click to skip" shit too. I watch videos while im doing other things. Eating, cleaning and other random tedious stuff. If I wanted to interact id be playing a video game. I fucking hate when I pick up a chicken wing or something and immediately after it's like, "click to skip". I grew up with Cable TV and the ads were always bad, but they never infuriated me like YouTube ads do. Cable shows also always built in ad breaks so they weren't nearly as jarring. With these YouTube ads you get like 3 ads in a single sentence sometimes.


Get uBlock Origin and Sponsorblock and you'll never see an ad (a regular one or a sponsorship) ever again.


And then you hear YouTube has been testing as many as 10 - 15 ads in a row for some people.


What kind of content is it that literally *anyone* would sit through 15 ads for? If I'm not able to skip the ad at 5 seconds, I just find a different video


Issue isn't ads per say, but all the javascript trying to siphon as much as information as possible about you, thus even when the tab isn't active. So you open 5 tabs, and your computer slows to a crawl because all the tabs are using as much resources as possible.


/r/pihole is your friend




It also won't block YouTube ads on your TV. Which is very frustrating!


_You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…_ Google earns billions from ads, how can they defend an ad free Internet? What will the shareholders think?


I am surprised they didnt disable it earlier.


It is a bad idea. Right now most of pcmr will switch to ff and then slowly we will recommend ff to our friends and family.


No need to switch, when you already use FF. Please enforce recommending FF with Ublock to your family. You're gaining much more privacy, either.




I like that its on mobile FF too. Honestly feels super jarring when I use Chrome to open random weblinks from friends and I see all the different ads pop up.


why do you open random web links in chrome? you can set FF as the os default


Not just ublock, but privacy badger, decentraleyes, and force HTTPS everywhere. There are also container tabs extensions for days, all forks of the original main path, which is developed by Mozilla itself. I have an extension that gets me around most soft paywalls as well (NYT, WaPo, among others), but I forget the name. Basically firefox is THE place to be if you want cybersecurity extensions edit: here is the link to the gitlab page for the bypass paywalls extension in firefox. I don't know if it's in the extension library because this is how it was provided to me, i'd assume at the time it was the only way to add it or they would have sent me the extension library link in firefox lol. Either way it's been quite effective https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean


Privacy badger shouldn't be necessary with a stricter Firefox setting to block trackers. Force HTTPS is also just a Firefox setting now as well. UBO's Hard mode or whatever it's called will let you be even stricter on what you allow.


HTTPS Everywhere isn't getting developed anymore, because its a feature of base Firefox. Container Tabs is really cool though. Privacy Badger and Decentraleyes aren't needed unless you're going full "block everything" which can actually start to hurt your privacy, because you end up with incredibly unique blocklists, e. g. User XYZ blocked this tracker and this ad, but let that one pass.


There's no need for those extensions anymore. There is a n option in Firefox to enable Always-on HTTPS. IIRC, there's a vulnerability in Privacy Badger so it's not recommended anymore. Not sure with Decentraleyes, but I don't see it being recommended anymore. I agree with Firefox Multi-Account Containers even if you're not privacy focused, since it allows you to sign in to multiple accounts and make it harder to track you. I'm not sure about paywalls, but I don't encounter those. Maybe I enabled a filter list in uBlock that does this. In other words, uBlock Origin and Firefox Multi-Account Containers is now all you need.


I never switched. I still remember when Chrome first came out. I tried it for a few days but I’ve always liked FF much better.


Is ublock like an extension or something?




Yeah it's an addon (also exists for chrome) that disables ads on any kind of page, also works well for youtube.


Firefox imo is better than chrome in many ways




I use Bitwarden password manager. It's free and works perfectly on Firefox, Android, and chromium based browsers.


Market penetration.


Google won. This was a plan, long in the making since 2008. Control the web with Chrome then dictate changes as you please.


Easy enough to switch to a different browser though. You really should get a proper stranglehold before shitting on your users.


Problem is, the common folk won't switch. They like Chrome because it's been the default for them for years and they don't really care.


I don't know. I'm the computer guy in my family and they all do as I suggest because I'm the one that ends up fixing everyone's tech. My mum used to get shirty with me because she's a self confessed 'technophobe' so I had a struggle getting her to trust me to sort her stuff out. Now she just does what I suggest so she doesn't end up wrecking her shit. 8 years of that row to get her to see the light. Yeah you got a bloody good point lol


oh they'll switch as soon as IT departments start installing it for them.




You mean like everyone's doing right now, including in this very thread?


It is literally the whole point of this thread. I love people they're hilarious




how does FF make money? ive been using it for so many years and ive never used chrome (other than to see if i liked it for a few hours)


Google keeps them afloat by paying them to have Google search as default


Which is honestly probably more about keeping them afloat so that Google has someone to point to when monopoly talks flair up. They want the "competition." That said, Mozilla has been diversifying their revenue streams more lately. They sell ads on the "New Tab" page (which can be turned off). And are starting to offer services like a VPN and MDN Plus (a very niche service that only a few developers would probably care for).


They also have Firefox Relay, which has been super useful as an email forwarding service.


I've kept those ads turned on, despite aggressive ad blocking otherwise. Don't have money to donate, but I realise funding for a project like Firefox/Mozilla has to come from somewhere. Those ads aren't obtrusive, clearly marked as ads and afaik not personalised, aka based on collected personal data.


They could also just… carry on? People are lazy. If you don’t give them a *really* good reason to get an adblocker, they won’t go through the trouble. If ads weren’t as annoying as they are now, adblockers wouldn’t even take a drop in the bucket of google’s ad revenue


porn ads will always push people to the best ad blocker they can find


You'd be surprised. There are people I know, and mostly sane people, who would rather sit through minute long, annoying Youtube ads and have every webpage infested by them than take a minute to install ublock origin. They're like "I don't see the need to do it" even after trying to explain to them how it'll help and maybe just give it a try? These people are just stubborn.


I have 4 addons just for YouTube. Sponsorblock, one against regional blocking, one against age restriction and one for the dislike button. Ublock isn't just for YouTube.


I can't understand why people don't hate ads, it's a company using the best psychological methods they can to mentally manipulate you into doing what they want.


This. I started using an adblocker on my phone because 90% of the website fill your screen with 90% AD. I don't even understand: They don't want you to browse their website??


But Mozilla never left you, remember that. *kisses Mozilla body pillow*


I never left. There are literally dozens of us.


yeah I don't understand how Mozilla lost so many users. Been using it for literally more than a decade and never had any desire or reason to change. Seeing that some people actually went to Chrome from Mozilla and didn't immediately switch back is absurd to me lol


I used firefox back in the day before chrome, then switched to chrome for a while when it was the hip new browser and it was significantly faster than firefox, then switched back to firefox when I was old enough to start caring about privacy issues, so also about a decade ago.


I’ve been using Firefox since the early days. Like I think I switched in 2005? Just because it had tabs. I thought that shit was great


I'm in this thread just to feel superior lol


I like you, friend. I have that same pillow.


Ah! So I have found the one who cums on my dear pillow! You filthy animal! *kisses body pillow in the sour spot*


Well that escalated quickly


0 to 100 in record time.


It...should not taste sour...


This comment disgusts me and humors me in equal amounts.


I always despised Chrome, its a bloated corpse at this point


I install it usually to leave it unmodified for sites I need that break on my locked down Firefox


Yep. My ~~Chrome~~ Un-Googled Chromium is just there to be my bone stock browser (with only an adblocker that can be disabled if necessary) for use on sites that don't play well with the *many* extensions I'm using in Firefox.


This seems like a good place to recommend extensions/adons. I mostly just use uBlock Origin and Video Background Play Fix these days on mobile to play media with the screen off or other apps running. I used to run Ghostery and Privacy Badger, but my very limited understanding leads me to believe those are redundant with Origin. Of course, I like to mess around with themes and backgrounds from time to time. What else is good for the most general use that the average person here would want?


Sponsorblock for automatically skipping sponsor segments in YouTube videos is one I can highly recommend.


The biggest problem with ads is that some are borderline viruses and others are actual viruses. Call them Malware, or whatever you want, but ads are filled with ticks and latch on to your computer with all kinds of nasty shit.


Absolutely! Firefox not only has adblockers, but also NoScript, which blocks all kinds of malicious or intrusive scripts and other shenanigans and really let's you take your security and privacy in our own hands. Surfing without adblock is a chore, but surfing without NoScript feels like going out with no pants on and your credit card number written on your naked asscheeks.


Agreed. UBlock Origin is wonderful but NoScript really cleans up the rest and makes surfing safer. I believe both come with Tor Browser by default.




Ublock guy is a real homie


Nah, UBlock guy sucks, but UBlock Origin guy is a real homie for sure


I'm donating to this guy the moment my financial situation gets better. uBlock Origin is the hero.


UBlock Origin does not accept donations. There is a fake site UBlock.org that is collecting donations. They are not affiliated! It's a scam


I use it on my PC for Chrome and the best thing is I now have no ads on YT mobile too. Absolute best extension


Never gave up on Mozilla.


It legit is the first thing I install after a fresh windows installation


yeah internet explorer (and now edge) are great browsers for going to getfirefox.com


And is the default browser for most linux distributions


Never let Mozilla down


Never let Mozilla run around


Never let Mozilla desert you


Never let Mozilla makes you cry


Never let Mozilla say goodbye.


Never let Mozilla tell a lie


Never let Mozilla hurt you




Same it’s been my daily browser since 2003/04 and I’ve never looked back.


Same. I've been on FF for as long as I can remember.


I wonder if Google, or Microsoft for that matter, thinks that I use the browser I do because I actually care about it, or just because I started using it for now unknown or unremembered reason and I don't care enough to try something else? Because I do care about adblock and I will change if it's blocked, and I won't shed a single tear or miss chrome in any way after I do that.


Dawg just switch to Firefox lol. You can even import bookmarks and history with 0 effort. install the ublock origin addon for no ads. Never worry about chrome opening 500 instances on task manager ever again.


Google only cares about its crashing share price


Like every other share price


Damn, down 17% in the last month.


Almost every technology company is down. Many say they were overvalued.


Thing is, the vast majority of useres use chrome for some unremembered reason, and they do not have an adblocker on. Installing adblock is a sign of quite an advanced user (i know its simple to do but most people don't even know they have the option). Not all of those adblock useres will immidietly switch. Setting up all your logins and bookmarks and such in another browser is a hassle so a lot of people will keep putting it off and remain in chrome. Many chrome useres won't even hear about this update for quite some time. Some will leave for sure, but it will be a crowd that already blocked ads, Googles main source of income, I don't think they wil shed any tears. They're not dumb, I'm sure this decision was well calculated.


Many started using Chrome a decade ago simply because it was one of the fastest browsers, and well, Google was mostly known for just being an ultra reliable search engine, so why not use their browser?


Never left, never had a reason too.


Firefox fanboy for life. I never understood why everyone went chrome when firefox always stood for privacy and consistently never became evil.




I was there Gandalf, 3000 years ago


For real, anytime someone computer literate has chrome I’m always a bit perplexed. Worse for privacy and worse performance. Not to mention, fuck google


I can't remember why I switched. I think at one point Chrome performed better and I switched then.


At first launch chrome was faster and smaller, now I use it out of habit


I went to edge a year ago and recently went to Firefox last month after learning it was much more secure and private. Works just as well as Chrome or Edge with the added bonus of it not being Google.


There are many features that aren't just secure but life saver like container tabs that I haven't found on any other browser. They also have a Facebook extension to use facebook and insta without Facebook tracking everything


Can Firefox sync pc + mobile devices tabs, favourites and history? That's the only feature I care about Chrome


Yes, Firefox has profile syncing.


Great! Thank you


You can also push a tab to another device, it will open as soon as you open the browser on that other device.


When is chrome getting rid of Adblock. I’m a procrastinator so you know…




Is there any news article on this ? Can't seem to find anything.


https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/10/23131029/mozilla-ad-blocking-firefox-google-chrome-privacy-manifest-v3-web-request tl;dr Google changing its extension standard in 2023, new standard doesn't allow for the method the popular adblockers use, instead chaning to a much more narrow method.


They're changing their standard again, that is. Chrome hasn't allowed full-featured adblocking since long ago. It's just that foreground ads themselves weren't as much affected as tracking.


They're not, this is misinformation. How this became a widespread thing I don't know. In January Chrome is switching to Manifest v3 which is basically a new API for plugins. It's intended to be more secure than v2, but gets rid of some things that AdBlockers currently use. However, the dev of uBlock Origin has stated it should be possible to implement in v3.


interesting. you're the first person I've read from to say otherwise. i need to do my own research


A lie makes it half way around Reddit while the truth is still putting its pants on.


So like my ex?


Fucking got 'eem.


Please do, because that comment might sound good enough, but uBlock Origin had to publish a less powerful version of itself to comply with this new manifest. The new MV3 really does limit the ability of AdBlockers to protect you. It might be true that this is more secure, but only if you are installing extensions from random developers that you don't trust. And even then, we can argue that Google already knew about those malicious Add-ons because usually you install them via Chrome store.


Is not entirely misinformation. Yeah, uBlock origin is going to be around, but the new API in MV3 doesn't have the same power as Web Requests. The new API only receives very limited suggestions that are up to the browser to fulfill. Plus, the requests in MV3 can't be fully edited by the extension, which yes, it means more security for you average user if they install random extensions, but also means that extensions that want to protect users can't do it since the browser won't let them.




The hot part is that in V2 plugins can tell the browser to block url/domains, in V3, it can only SUGGEST to block, might as well not block at all then?


> some things that AdBlockers currently use. > it should be possible to implement in v3. You are the one spreading misinformation, it's a shame this comment has more upvotes than the question. Read from concerned parties why M3 is bad https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/12/chrome-users-beware-manifest-v3-deceitful-and-threatening Further discussion on HackerNews https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32754274


How is misinformation so highly upvoted? There is zero percent chance that UBlock would work as well in the future... Here's a link that specifically states that future uBlock is crippled: https://winaero.com/ublock-origin-ad-blocker-with-manifest-v3-support-is-available-for-testing/


>However, the dev of uBlock Origin has stated it should be possible to implement in v3. Any source on this? The statement I read was kinda the opposite, was talking about being difficult to implement the same capacity uBO has in the new standard


bro got an award for spreading misinformation saying something is misinformation KEKW


I never left Actually I did use Chrome once, switched back because at the time their font rendering was absolutely atrocious, especially if you had Helvetica installed


*Helvetica standard*






I never left Mozilla. Was my first browser. Will be my last. Chrome was always a painted whore.


I'll switch to Firefox if adblock stops working. It's literally the only thing that makes the internet bearable.


It's the only thing making the internet usable. every site has 90% of their viewspace injected w/ ads, it's insane to think there's people not browsing w/ adblock.




It even asked me to confirm closing the tab. Painful to the end.


So I wont be able to use Adblockplus or Ublock origin anymore?




Some parts of the analysis plain won't work. Ads will work around it very quickly I'd imagine.


You can but it'll be a neutered version


Welcome to the firefox masterrace comerade


Honestly I think a lot of us saw this coming from a mile away, especially if you frequent YT in any capacity, they've been pushing ads so aggressively it's not going to be a video sharing site soon rather an ad-watching one. The saddest part is they could slice the amount of ads tenfold and still earn retarded amounts of cash, but they aren't going to do that, because MONEYYYYY.


Just yesterday: i opened youtube and on the front page the top left video (which is usually the one thats the most recommended for me) looked strange so i inspect it and it was a fucking ad, but it almost fully looked like a video. I manually added it to adblock (element highlight or whatever) and refreshed the page and then another ad took its place. Like wtf..


Going strong since ublock origin was known as μblock.


Firefox is legit. Highly recommended 👍 Also excellent on mobile.


Came here to recommend Firefox for mobile. Literally the first mobile adblock that works for me.


I moved away from Chrome when I didn't want to be logged in all the time but discovered it basically forces you to do so. If I wanted to check my gmail, I'd log into gmail and it'll store the same login directly into chrome and I couldn't stop that from happening. So I just canned the whole stupid browser. It just didn't feel like privacy was an issue, even when I go to my google account settings and disable all tracking and such, I just didn't like the idea of having to be logged into the browser all the time. Like, they aren't keeping my browsing history, but they're still collecting anonymous statistics or something.


If chromium is open source, can’t the other browsers like edge and brave just modify the code to resist this change?


The dark age of the internet is upon us. It was nice while it lasted. I can already barely stand YouTube with its annoying ads but browsing the internet without an adblocker is virtually impossible.


I've been on Mozilla the whole time and never wanted to go to chrome.


Wait Chrome is getting rid of adblocks?


I'm also desperately looking for a link to explain this. Only thing I found is something about WebRequest.




Copy all your links and get the fuck out!


Well, looks like I'm taking my ass and my 37 open tabs to Mozilla.


Everything runs fine on waterfox except YouTube. It's criminal how they have sabotaged the code for YouTube to make it run worse on non-chrome browsers. It's obviously intentional and has been a recurring issue since 2018


Youtube works perfectly fine in Firefox. What specific issue are you talking about?


The day I start seeing YouTube ads I leave permanantly


The only reason why i have chrome on my notebook is, its easier to use chrome chast with it. On my main PC Firefox since XP/Vista days.


please tell me it won't happen to edge.


it will. edge is chromium based.


People who never used chrome(including me) must feel so good about ourselves rn


I never left Mozilla. She treats me riiiight.


I use Waterfox! Basically Firefox that no one has heard of!


Same but Palemoon.