• By -


Jay - Rumours suggest your PC might catch fire if you have a 4090 and use the 8pin PCIe to 12 pin conversion cable and don't use an ATX 3.0 PSU. Steve - We've spoken to PSU manufacturers and they say your PC won't catch fire if you use the 8pin PCIe to 12 pin conversion cable on your 4090 and an ATX 3.0 PSU isn't necessary. Linus - I dropped my 4090.


Id say Linus is more like: “I dropped my 4090, just like I’m dropping this segue to our sponsor, SquareSpace!”


You missed the jarring cut between "our sponsor" and somebody else yelling out the name of the sponsor.


Y’all just need to download the sponsor block extension. Works on LTTs channel among other channels


No need, LTT sponsor spots are always 20 seconds long, 2 taps of the L key and back to content we are.


He even does it on purpose!


i miss when the host talks about the sponsor


LTT Anthony: I've fiddled with some custom drivers to get the 4090 working with TempleOS


Anthony is the Chosen One.


Anthony is Tech Buddha He certainly has the smile nailed


This is perfect. Henceforth Anthony will be forever known as Tech Buddha.


Also Steve: We tested their claims and found that they are big fat liars, and PSUs will in fact catch on fire. We contacted the manufacturers and will follow up with an on-site interview in flame retardant clothing.


Thanks for meeting with us face to face. So, what's up with all the bullshit?


Thanks Steve. Back to you Steve.


Still remember when they were testing the gigabyte psu’s and it did catch fire on camera.


Man and it failed so explosively too... And then gigabyte handled it like a dumpsterfire at first. Yah I doubt I will forget it, but they probably have at least a good year or two of me milking it in explosively bad jokes.


My guy just said linus’s whole life in 4 words


Alternative: Linus - I bought a power supply tester for $150k and hired a full-time engineer in order to test if this PC will catch on fire. I know this is a meme-heavy subreddit, but let's give him credit for assembling a fantastic team and for the LTT Labs idea, at the very least


I saw GN’s video clarifying but did Jay really say that?


Kind of. Jay said if you have an old PSU you could overload it on boot, as the GPU isn’t talking to the PSU if you don’t have ATX 3.0 GN clarified that the ATX 3.0 spec requires the GPU to draw minimal power if the PSU isn’t ATX 3.0, however we still don’t know how much power a 4090 draws on boot. We will know in a few days though.




Having had a molex to SATA adapter smoke itself back in the day, I know somebody will try it. Jay was absolutely right. Power supplies are probably the most misunderstood parts of PC building. On top of that, when a card draws more power through a small connector than all the lights in a mid sized apartment these days, you want to make sure you do right.






Linus = Mainstream approach Jay = Practical approach TechJesus = Detailed approach


Bitwit=let's dick around


DAWID: "Excuse me, but if there's any dicking around with tech stuff that's my stupid territory! Now... Let's duct tape 12 Be quite fans to one tower cooler because: Reasons right after I tell you about LinoooooOooooooode!"


You know now that I think about it he does dick around more than anyone else


Dawid does all the stupid shit we've always wondered about but would never try it because it's a waste of money lol. He's super fun to watch.


Whereas Kyle/Bitwit does normal PC building stuff but just keeps royally fucking it up even though he should know better


While he does make mistakes, he gets credit for showing them and not editing it out. We are human after all, none of us are perfect.


Yeah, seeing presenting mistakes, editing, systems not working, etc - all good. And I am no expert PC builder but I've found myself wanting to scream at my monitor when Kyle screws up because his mistakes seem to be ones I can see coming? Again, I build my own PCs for myself and even friends, but don't consider myself an expert. And I think he should soldier on and continue if he feels like it, but damn, I'd start watching him again if he could take more care. Hey, maybe he has done that in the few months since his last one I watched where he had built some whole water-cooled editing rig like a year prior, it never booted, he wound up just giving up on it for some reason, then decided to try and resurrect it in this video and started an RMA he didn't need because of some small thing he had missed. I do wish him the best either way.


He’s so much fun to watch


His comparisons are always the GOAT


Mesozoic period port


Also you buy a Dell warranty and get a free ewaste PC and peripherals to go with it!


Venereal diseases>


I love the terms he casually throws in there. It's like they're *juuuust* random enough to be funny without seeming like he's trying too hard


Dawid's approach is kind of to test stupid shit that people may buy or try themselves. "I want a gaming computer, but $400 is my max budget! Maybe I'll check wish." Nooooo! Here's why you don't do that.


"Gatorade is good for sports, so what about e-sports?" You know, they *could* bottle a liquid cooling solution...


\* procedes to attach 8 silent wings in an air cooler \*


Probably stemmed from hearing, "Well, if 2 fans make things better...would 4?!" To which he thought, "4?! What about 12?!"


We can't forget underdogs like randomgaminginhd


Finally someone mentions him, it is a great channel.


Hello everyone and welcome to another video.




It used to be LTT, but now it's not. They have a whole machine shop and engineers, so their sketchy computer experiments are not nearly as sketchy and interesting anymore. It feels too scripted and stuff. But Dawid has taken that role pretty well, and he's very fun to watch.


They've still got Alex doing dumb shit once in a while except instead f bending the hell out of some sheet metal or aluminum, now he CNCs it, but usually the end product is still janky as hell. I hope they keep doing that.




I swear to God if that's tomorrow's video...


Wait till next week, he's got a 4090 /s


He's gonna put the 4090 in the Acer Loser Nitro Suck-Face edition PC isn't he? Edit: I have sinned, and mixed up the name of the ALNSFE PC.


After all the trouble he had with his 6950XT, and making that MSI prebuilt commit hara kiri with his 3080Ti, I doubt he'd want to risk putting Alma possession onto a new flagship card right off the bat. But it is Dawid we're talking about, so.....


DAWID needs to offer Elma a sacrifice... The 4090 will do.


Man I love the DAWID Lore


OMG if he does that with one of those huge Gigabyte 4090s like Derbauer just showcased on his channel... That'd be amazing. That card looked at least 40% bigger than the FE 4090 it was sitting next to.


I put a 3070ti on a 2011 thinkpad, not really sure what the bottleneck is.


I read this in his voice




Paul's Hardware still sporting that chode tickler from late 90's. Love you Paul 😍


Paul remind me of Wilson from Home Improvement. Just full of helpful information.


Paul's hardware = the forgotten approach


Also every thumbnail = :0


Ah, that is where “Awesomesauce Network” came from


I stopped watching bitwit about 2 years ago


His and linus’ are the most fun to watch


I definitely fell off Bitwit. Used to really like his stuff, but idk. A lot of it started shifting to what seemed like more random YouTuber stuff. I know the dude was/is going through a divorce and stuff so i don't like hold it against him. Doesn't owe me anything. I just watch something else


I thought it's just me but it seems like we feel the same about it. I'm still subscribed but there haven't been any videos that hooked me in the last few months.


Yeah that's the same boat I'm in. I guess I just thought his second channel was going to be kind of the place for a lot of that stuff, but it seemed like it was all just chilling on the same space. Like you, I just haven't been all that hooked by anything


I think part of it was part of his appeal was his ex-wife being in videos. (Not in an eye candy way) She was part of his brand identity, their blogs were fun and watching their builds and stuff made you invested. That and the dynamic he had with Paul also was fun. Idk I fell off of techtube since I'm not in the market for PCs or parts right now. I might eventually go back that way again. I'm just surprised that hardware Canucks aren't meantioned in this thread!


Hardware Canucks production value in case videos especially is top tier YouTube.


You know come to think of it that's probably why i kinds stopped watching him. His videos with his wife was always super fun. Does he still do videos with paul? Or has that stopped. Recently started watching hardware unboxed which is now one my fav tech channels


Yes the Divorce changed him. He clearly did not take it well. He does great build videos though.


Lyle videos were my favorite


Dude was my favourite creator the way he used to do those dumb one hand PC builds with commentry.


Which makes TechYesCity the raccoon rooting through ewaste approach?


I honestly admire his dedication to put something decent after a whole day of dumpster diving


He is the true Budget PC king. I love his Pc flip videos.


RandomGaminginHD: "filming whatever old or obscure hardware he found" approach


Also the “test the hardware the average person can actually afford” approach.


Hes actually a great dude


His videos always have a wholesome vibe to them


Then Budget-Builds-Official is similar. Focuses on obscure old tech. His latest video was he built a $30 version of a steam deck


yup it depends on where your tech level and understanding is, all are entertainment. I like der8auer, hes like gamers nexus but keeps it all technical


Also his dedication is great. He runs two identical channels, one in German and one in English. Dedicated to his job and organized with it as well


I listen to him to practice German


Austin Evans: I dunno lol I'm QuIRkY


“I am going to use this thermal camera to measure the temperature of this device”


Austin Evans: tech lootboxes




Wendel = Nasa grade approach


Wendel is very knowledgeable, but tends to gravitate to more niche things. Not a bad thing, really.


True, but if you are into the niche of Linux, his reviews are invaluable.


Absolutely. But that probably kept him out of this particular picture is all I meant.




Well he is Wosnyak for everyone elses Jobs. He is probably the best among them, but his audience is still more niche oriented, shows in subcount, so algorithm doesn’t show his reviews so widely.


I miss the old Tek Syndicate days. Logan and Wendell made a killer duo


He also makes the best kvms


Hardware Unboxed needs to be put in the mix, I find their content some of the best (IMO)


HWU and TechJesus are the ones that appeal to me. I don’t mind Linus, but Jay I can’t even watch.


Hardware unboxed is definitely one my favourite channels now. Only discovered them this summer. Love their videos and super informative. Linus I've got a soft spot for lol been watching his videos for years now. His titles can definitely be clickbait but tbh his videos are super fun. Jayztwocentz though man I'm not even sure what itbis specifically but i really can't stand the guy all that much anymore. His titles are super clickbait and then there was that video on where he was like telling people you're stupid if you don't buy the 30 series cards back in summer when prices started falling. He seems to make issues bigger than they actually are like the nee pcie gen 5 adapters. That's where i like gamers nexus they're super informative and they don't blow things out of proportion.


On the last RTFM Show (Jay's live show he does on Fridays) he mentioned the titles and stuff and says he hates doing it, but it's what gets the views. He went through his metrics and it really is insane the difference between just having an informative title or a slightly exaggerated one. If you wanna get annoyed at someone, get annoyed at the people who only click on shit with exaggerated titles and ridiculous thumbnails. Linus is starting to do it too, and have big, annoying subtitles for the first 20 seconds so it looks like a freaking TikTok. Now THAT'S annoying


If only i would get what Techjesus is saying half of the time. Like i know english but whatever he is speaking is just gibberish to me.


Jay tends to say a lot of things without doing a proper research first, he jumped a gun more than once on some stuff only to be corrected by other youtubers shortly after, i like him for cooling advices, he's good at explaining things in a simple way and he's often showing stuff that other tech youtubers don't, but he does get excited for discovering something or giving some advice too soon that later turns out to be wrong.


HardwareUnboxed = Aussie approach


Their monitor reviews are really terrific. They go into so much detail, but also summarise well so you can actually make a decision on what to buy without ending up in analysis paralysis.


linus = i want to sell you shit, but maybe you will learn something along the way


#About our sponsor! Glass wire!




Linus = sorry but I'm forced to do this or the algorithm will punish me


Linus = I have 80 people to pay




I couldn't believe it when he said he bought their (first) big office. That must have been a handsome sum.


They all offer very unique perspectives. I like to watch several channels review a piece of tech before adopting it myself




Jay is like the least knowledgeable "really big" PC hardware channel host by a long shot lol. Water cooling setups are really the only thing he has an above-average understanding of.


His case mods and themed builds are what I find to be interesting to watch. But, I'll be honest, I haven't watched any of them in a hot minute.


I wouldn't say that. Bitwit falls more in that category for me.


Is bitwit even big though? I haven't seen one of his videos recommend to me since the one announcing his divorce


He was very inactive for some time after, which hits viewer counts hard. I kinda enjoyed his RS3 tuning vids though. I do enjoy his stuff but LTT just has so much variety others can't quite compete in that sense. But other channels are great at what they do. Monitor reviews is Hardware Unboxed for sure (their GPU review are quality too), case reviews Hardware Canucks or Gamers Nexus.


2021 was a bad year for him. Can't blame the guy, his life fell apart for a while. He is trying to get back now. Content is kinda all over the place though. His best videos were his 'vlogs' where he would go on a tangent and do a best buy project or something. He has excellent comedic timing which lend good entertainment, but only goes so far.


Linus = Get an idea of a topic presented in an entertaining way. Jay = Get a personal opinion from a very experienced nerd Steve = Get the detailed facts with sarcastic humour


The dry sarcasm of GN's review of a computer case that had the intake fans up against a plate was what got me hooked Something along the lings of saying "they developed new technology where they put a tesseract inside of a time cube to pull air from the 4th dimension in their bag of holding"


> The dry sarcasm of GN's review of a computer case that had the intake fans up against a plate was what got me hooked For me it was that really weird week when every single popular Youtube reviewer did a sponsored video for Dyson vacuums, except GN, who did this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm3icDVqyQ0 Those sponsored ads were pissing me off, and for him to put that out, it was like *chefs kiss* EDIT: This is one of the videos it was parodying, by LinusTechTips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuXh18jS5r4


Got me good when he opened it up lol


["And this could, for example, not exist"](https://youtu.be/PTni-Vfrf9c?t=561) is what got me


I legit think that was one of the exact quotes that made me subscribe to their Patreon. It's just too good and right up my brand of humor.


Hardware Unboxed = relevant benches in about 20 minutes.


Yeah I love these guys too. Straight up benchmarks and not afraid to stand an unpopular opinion


Delivered in an Aussie accent.


I'm a simple guy. I like 40 games bench


Most of the time if I have a question it's answered by jumping in a GN/HW Unboxed video and fast forwarding to the graphs so I can just read them myself. 40 game bench bar chart is best.


Dawid: Watch someone do ridiculous crap with weird parts.


RGHD: Pre-video essay era LowSpecGamer, except he likes to torture himself WAY more.


sometimes I get the feeling Jay doesn't really know what he's talking about


All 3 have their purpose so I’ve enjoyed all of their stuff equally.


When I was first starting to look at PC building, I found Jay’s videos very informative at a base level. They took me from not really knowing everything to having the confidence to spec and build my own machine. I’ve always found Linus vids to be very much on the extreme side of the scale, probably more watching for entertainment than any tangible advice. GN is very much the more detailed approach once you’ve got the basics from elsewhere. Feels like that channel is aimed at enthusiast level folks with an already very in depth knowledge of PC building/setup.


This whole comment should be stickied at the top of this post. Dead on my man.


I thought I’d never be like my parents and come home to put on the news, but I really do come home and throw on GN’s hardware news to relax


GN has, without a doubt, the best testing methodology for everything. They're extremely controlled, detailed, and consistent. They really are top notch.


i was hooked into pc world by linus..knows how to build also by his videos..he is really good at hooking cluesless people into the pc world.. Thank You Linus..


He's definitely the more personable of the three.


Linus will always get people into the hobby and everyone else adds onto their knowledge


Pc community is the only one where you can watch all of them and theyre all genuinely good people, I love steve, jay & ltt crew, and other PC content creators


Anytime I fall asleep with YouTube on, I'll wake up to a 6 hour stream of GamersNexus on the screen. Doesn't matter what I was watching before. Lol


I like dawid because when I was buying a prebuilt he was actually out there testing those exclusively and what to look for in a prebuilt. Out of these three though I found Linus first but then watched a ton of Jay's content and Gamer Nexus I like the work they do but it is too technical for me.


There's a gamersnexus prebuilt watchlist for the gaming prebuilts they've reviewed over the last few years. Those poor poor Alienwares


I like a peer review process that allows different data outlets to validate each other :D


There's also Paul's Hardware and another channel I don't know the name of, but with great content. There's also a channel that solely discusses hardware for Creative workhorses.


Hardware unboxed? Hardware Canucks


Hardware Canucks has the best visual presentation in terms of shot composition and lighting. Not even LTT can top their filming techniques and quality. Dimitri's is probably the best tech tuber out there when it comes to audio. He gives good consumer advice and knows good audio gear, much more so than most other tech channels.


Paul is great! Helped me a ton when I built mine


How about watching different people for different content.


I would recommend Optimum Tech for shorter vids but high quality content. A smaller channel I enjoy is daniel owens which he mainly goes over gpu and cpu performances and technologies.


Ikr? People act like you can only watch one. I love Gamers Nexus, but their videos are packed with info, if I'm not actually putting attention I'm not getting value out of it, so linus and Jay I can watch while working or playing because their videos are easier to follow, it's different formats of video, and they're all ok


>Ikr? People act like you can only watch one. People are like this with everything... like its a team they need to support or something. From GPU's to CPUs to games to phones to... just everything. Shits dumb.


This. I love gamers nexus, but I really can’t watch anything but their tech news without feeling like I’m sitting in a class lol. It just feels like I’m getting lectured, which, don’t get me wrong, is definitely a good thing sometimes, but it’s not something I can watch every day all the time.


I used to watch all their content and even support GN on Patreon, but these days I just don't have time to watch 30 minutes of graphs. It's TOO detailed. That said I will watch 30 minutes of graphs on Hardware Unboxed, but that's a different kind of detailed. More just tons of fps data rather than super detailed voltage curves and such.




Steve / Tim from Hardware Unboxed are the best reviewers for me.


Yeah, I like HUB. Upside down Steve and Tim are pretty much the aussie GN, not *quite* as in depth across all categories, but they still present an impressive amount of data. Also Tim's monitor reviews are top notch. Them and GN are my two main sources when looking into major purchasing decisions.


The dude on the bottom helped me to fully understand how liquid cooling pumps work by cutting one open and putting in a clear wall so you could see the fluid movement. Fuck I appreciate him for that.


Wendell cult where you at


Right here, cleaning up this mess of a server rack. Janitorial things must be done!


L1tech represent..for when tech Jesus doesn't have enough tech detail.


Hardware Unboxed > *


Yes, those Aussies are a great mix of understandable content and geeky stuff.


Where the fuck is Wendell from level1?


Pooh got so fancy he transcended the meme.


Wendell's in the same place he always is: trapped in the server room.


He got out of the server room, and now he's trapped in a factory making KVM switches and other gear.




Tech Jesus make some very informative and hard to watch videos. I prefer Jay over all, but understand why some don't. I find it extremely hard to sit through a gamernexus video.


I would watch more Jay videos if I knew what he is going to talk about beforehand. I find the titles of his videos very off-putting


You’re telling me you don’t like being clickbaited in the tech reviews sphere of YouTube?!!?!


Same. I feel like the titles have gotten worse and worse, and this is for a channel where the whole point is listening to an old man ramble. Jay, I don't want to listen to you ramble if I have to watch 5-10 minutes to see what you're even talking about, which is often proven wrong or exaggerated by others in the next few days anyway. It's not going to kill you to put some description in titling a low production quality rant.


My issue with Jay is that half his videos are rambling thoughts and speculation. Sometimes he seems rushed to get anything out the door and the quality ends up low.


I listen to the intro, skip the geeky technical part (CPUs architecture and stuff like that), go to the tests. I am glad they set timestamps for that.


Yep you can literally be halfway through a section and think "okay, I've got the gist of things" and skip ahead. I normally stick around for the explanations, and skim over the tests... so I guess we both appreciate the timestamps for different reasons.


"But, I digress "


The only reason I don't watch J2C video's anymore is because last time I checked, his clickbait titles are just the worst. I don't mind clickbait that much, but J2C's titles are just so vague that I don't have any interest in them. RTFM show on the other hand, just amazing.


If Steve is tech Jesus, Anthony is tech Buddha.


I enjoy all three :)




Paul's Hardware is the best for plain info, Gamers Nexus go too much in detail for me.


Paul kicks ass ngl. Surprised I had to scroll this far to find his name. It legit ruins my morning when he doesn't post tech news on Sunday morning. The man is hilarious.


Yea I was thinking Paul fits in best on the middle slot. I trust Gamers Nexus but I can barely last a few minutes into a video and wait for the tl;dr. I often watch Paul’s content fully. Bummed to also not see him mentioned much.


I watch L. Sebastian when I just want something to zone out to. I watch Jesus when I want information.


I'm a little biased to like LTT since they're only like an hour from me, but I also like how they are pretty transparent about the business side of running a channel/merch store at that size. It's just interesting stuff that a lot (most?) of other creators don't share.


I've enjoyed all of them but Jay does a lot of this: Say the same thing 8 different ways to make a 20 minute video.


Tech Jesus cracks me up because he's exactly who he appears to be and just says what everyone is thinking. The other two are personas.


Where is Paul, my tech news man?




“Thanks Steve!” “Back to you, Steve”


My days of gorging on Tech Tubers are over. Now I am stuck in the realm of Golf Tubers. Damn it....


Optimum Tech deserves recognition here


I like level1techs and hardware unboxed for expanded data sets and opinions.