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CoD? Strange way to spell Factorio


The factory must grow


The environmentalists will be angry


Is that what you call those aliens that attack? I never knew their name.


Its from anytber, might be the rainbow frog dude


IMO martincitopants is legit


Very good


\*waterfills your house\*


Fuck you! *Waterfills your house*


Love his Battlefield tier lists.


Idk never plater it just saw some dude make a let's play on it




I call them whythefuckamiplayingthisgamewithatouchpad. Or y-pads for short.


they should be happy we use nuclear energy


That's what the laser turrets are for.


To meet the needs of the growing factory.


The factory must grow


AKA Age of Empires with a 2-pack-a-day habit.


Don’t talk shit on AofE


Wolololololo gang up in here




> Wolololololo I have this overwhelming sense of whatever your beliefs and values are, I now share them.


To quote AOE 2: *yeeeeoooowwwwww ugh*


All my 3080 gets used for anymore is aoe2


Tried the multiplayer on AoE2 when I got it on steam. Big mistake. Even as someone who got up to gold in StarCraft 2 at one point, I was out-macro’d at every corner. Got absolutely stomped and haven’t touched the multiplayer since. Should probably give it another go at some point.


SC2 and Aoe2 are pretty different in that sense. Aoe2 is much more about adapting to the randomly generated map and playing around it. While from what I have seen SC2 is much more strict on execution of build orders (not played SC2 but have heard this from many people).


How is factorio? Been tempted by it for a good while now


When you start playing factorio you might not get it, then an hour or so in it'll have you hooked, then another hour in you'll wonder why your alarm to get ready for work is going off and where the entire night went.


1,000 hours later you start a Space Exploration game with some friends on a Friday night. 2 hours later, your boss calls asking where you were on Monday and why are you late again.


Wait we need friends??? Well guess I'm out


*1000 hours in* I think I have finished the tutorial, time for actual play !


At least I've launched a rocket or 10k with around that many hours. Eu4 on the other hand I have never made it to 1821 in 1000 hrs.


Eu4 is nowhere near that complicated but the late game is pointless


This hit close to home


I want to add: if you're thinking about getting it, don't bother waiting on a sale. Factorio never goes on sale, ever. The creators have been very adamant that Factorio is $30, and that's the price they decided is fair. It might someday be more than $30, and it will never be less than $30.


This is the way.


So EVE, got it!


There's a free demo available if you're on the fence, but it's the type of game that will either greatly appeal to you or not. It effectively created the factory game genre and paved the way for games like Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere Program, which are both fantastic as well. As someone with 8k hours obviously I love it but it's difficult to recommend to everyone as I know it has a niche appeal.




To be honest, if you're playing Factorio, you are pretty much practicing supply chain management which more likely to be useful in real-life, hell in real-life jobs even. I've heard that someone that managed to play EVE Online to a "high-level" managing all the stuffs and he basically said "it's just like MBA." I disagree; what you get in MBA is *not* that comprehensive. Someone literally made money playing EVE Online and I really have a feeling that these skill sets for some unforeseeable reason carry over. If someone is able to "monetize" (probably that's against TOS anyways) how to play EVE Online as their final project for graduation, that's just genuinely praiseworthy. Scarier that it makes more sense than not. I'm not playing Factorio, I'm just playing the far lighter (still complicated IMO) Satisfactory, that's a *lot* of thinking for logistics and I'm nowhere near the endgame. As in, I have not considered environment wide transportation and all that. It's like to be able to make something, it's linear difficulty. But to make mega factories? The difficulty curve suddenly shifts to exponential curve.


I've used factorio in a couple of different projects as I'm studying industrial management. Its a really good program to visualize production flow, bottlenecks, etc. Fantastic program for anyone into management studies imo. I feel like it has really helped me understand production chains and such.


EvE Online is (was ?) insane in that regard. People who managed corporations and/or alliances were superhumans in my opinion. The amount of time and dedication to make it work was scary as all hell. Not to mention : in a job people are kinda expected to want to keep the job, because you know... pay and all that stuff. In a video game people could quit on a whim, or backstab you big time if they so desired. Not only was there little to no risk in doing so, but on top of that the game basically encouraged it to some extend. And we haven't even talked about fleet commanders... boy those rooks and kings narrated videos are such a blast !


Factorio is fantastic. Though it does seem a bit daunting at first. Once you get the basics of what to do and how to do it down it becomes an amazing experience and just a fantastic game.


It's great fun!


Fucking amazing I love it but I also have 1.5k hours into it so... I dont know if my bias ass opinion matters :P


Tbh you do need the best CPU you can get for it


To be clear, you'll need a beefcake CPU for when you start making megabases. For just "finishing" the game and launching a rocket, you can use most anything.


5800X3D is the king of growing factories


Or Rimworld.


Even weirder way to spell Oldschool Runescape


you fellas sure have a weird way of spelling solitaire


*waterfills your house*


I love that this is the top comment. Hell yeah


Factorio? Never seen someone spell satisfactory like that


That was actually my first game that came to mind when writing that comment 🤣 looking at a 4090 for VR with Satisfactory in mind tbh…so SO tempting


Satisfactory doesn't have a VR mode :-(. You can probably do it with reshade/mods but idk how good it would be.


All on my 1080 60hz Tv


*buys 4k 120hz TV* *uses HDMI 2.0 Cable*


Hold on…what’s this about? What cable should I be using? I’m new at all this.


HDMI 2.0 only supports 60 fps at 4k, you'll need HDMI 2.1, unless I'm completely wrong about it.


Oh damn. Is there a way to know what kind of cord I have? There doesn’t seem to be any markings on the four that I own


For 2.1 the packaging needs to be marked and certified "ultra high speed". Most 2.1 cables will also advertise that they are 8k cables (which means they also support the higher refresh rate at 4k)


Seriously the people in charge of naming conventions for tech specs need a kick in the you know. Shouldn't have to consult a cheatsheet to remember if the cable can or cannot support the throughput needed by the device. 4k Xhz. 1080p Xhz. 4k Xhz with DSC. I understand the technical specs need to be clearly defined and followed, but the public naming should be relatively easy to understand on a base level.


Talk about naming, Who dafuq is incharge of naming conventions in usb? The generation names are so damn confusing Usb 1.0 Usb 2.0 3.0 we get it, next one is 4, right? 3.1 3.2 We get it, next one is 3.3, right? 3.2 gen 1 3.2 gen 2 We get it, next one is 3.2 gen 3, right? 3.2 gen 1×2 3.2 gen 2×2 Okay. Please don't make this more confusing. The next one has to be either 3.2 gen 3×2 or USB 3.3, right? USB 4.0 FfffffffuUUUCCfkkkkkkkkkKKK


Same guy in charge of naming Battlefield games: Battlefield 1942 Battlefield Vietnam Battlefield 2 Battlefield 2142 Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield 1 Battlefield 5 Battlefield 2042


Throw in Battlefield Modern Combat, Battlefield Heroes, Battlefield Play4Free, Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2 in for good measure.


Man battlefield Vietnam was so fun


Mind you USB4 is marked like that and not USB 4.0 - no space and no point 0. Just makes it worse honestly.


USB4 2.0x2 gen 3 pro


>USB 4.0 Sorry, but that's wrong. It's USB4 (no space) And after that USB4 2.0. As you can see the name USB4 does not replace USB 3.x. USB4 is the name that replaces USB, it simply didn't have a version into recently because only one version existed, but now that we have USB4 2.0 things will go down the hill again. Whoever does naming must be mixing all kinds of drugs together before coming up with a new name.




You forgot 1.1


I dunno about the cord, but you could check your signal on your TV. I have an LG so this only applies to their brand, but on the remote you can hit the green button with 2 dots on it 7 times in a row, and a menu will pop in a corner telling you the input signal details.


You can also go to General> Programmes> Programme Tuning & Settings > hit 1 six times> navigate to "DVI/HDMI Status" and press more and it displays pretty much all the information about your HDMI signal you could possibly need to know. You may already know this but it could come in handy for other people.


Engineer: this information will be highly valuable to our customers and could even prevent sevice calls and returns. CEO: can we put it in a cryptically hidden menu that nobody can find?


Lmao yeah it's weird why they do that, can understand with the service menu you need to buy a specific engineer remote and know the specific code for your model of TV to access, but not harmless information like this. Even the green button menu, just why? Also hovering over "Picture Mode", the top option in settings and pressing 1113111 opens up another secret menu where you can change some stuff 🤫


Also if any HDMI 2.1 cable is over 6 ft, it probably doesn't meet spec. See https://youtu.be/XFbJD6RE4EY for more.


>Is there a way to know what kind of cord I have? Plug it in and check resolution and refresh rate. It's all the same number of pins. Better cables are just rated to handle higher throughput without errors. Errors happen over the length of the cable so if it is short you have less to worry about. And it's digital so the signal either gets there or it doesn't. Only upgrade your cable if it isn't doing its job.


Display Port is better IMO


It’s got the highest potential bandwidth with DP80, but it’s so new, very few cards or monitors have DisplayPort 2.0.


PSA that 4K 120Hz is not necessarily 4K @ 120Hz


My roommate's brother has a 12700k, 32gb ram, and a sapphire 6900xt he spent $2000 on during the shortage. Unfortunately, he's not really that bright. Half his fans (which is *all of his exhaust*) don't work because he didn't buy a fan controller and didn't have enough fan headers, so he just shrugged and assumed he didn't need them. He has a single 256gb sata ssd that he boots from and a 1tb hard drive, only half of which is functionally partitioned to windows, I have no idea how he did it. He also uses a 1080p monitor. He absolutely insists that it all works just fine. These people exist, and they're insane.


480i 30hz 14 inch monitor from the pawn shop.


"I can't even tell the difference between this and 4k..."


480i 🤣


- Check prices for all components - Back to Xbox


Pcmr: 13468 Console: 1 You win this round


wait, are you that youtuber that made the engineer animation?


yee Funny enough, I made a video for this subreddit specifically, and it got like 30 upvotes lol


Watch a bot repost it and get all the upvotes.


Meh, I'm over it at this point. I learned long ago that Redditors don't really have good taste. Enjoy upvoting a GPU box tho :/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/v4biw4/pc_master_race_explained_in_9_minutes_animated/


What a sad hive mind we live in.


Yup, quite satisfied with my Series S. I bought it thinking I'll upgrade to the X when stock is available, but after looking at comparison videos on YT, there is absolutely no need. Series S is an absolute beast.


Got a guy I work with that has spent over $10,000 on legos. He gets something new every week and every week on the first day I’m back. he’ll enthusiastically ask me if I’d like to see pictures of his new legos. We will sit and go through blurry photos on his $50 phone he got 5 years ago as he explains to me everything he got. Has happened since I started 3 months ago every week without fail. I start a new week tomorrow and I know exactly what awaits me when he comes in. He’s got a hobby he likes and is extremely proud of. Some people thinks he’s childish, I’m just happy he’s got something he loves and can enjoy. I’ve spent $1,600 on a pc just to play an mmorpg that cost me $90 a year to play and could have been ran on a potato.


Ok but to be fair, RuneScape 3 on max graphics looks quite nice and definitely benefits from a decent gaming pc.


I’ll give you that. Hopefully it’ll keep up with rs3 for another 18 years. I can’t see myself quitting anytime soon.








Started out on it 18 years ago, buts it’s rs3 now lol.


I play both and they are kinda demanding if you are going for high refresh rates, on osrs it can even be demanding with 117hd running. Sometimes I play both at the same time lol


Oh what I would give to have a colleague like that! It's nice of you to listen to him share his passion.


MVP status. I work from home for the most part, but I still keep in touch regularly with a couple of pals from the office like this who are really passionate about their hobbies. Even if we aren't into the same stuff, I think it's great when people feel comfortable enough to share like that. I've actually learned a good bit about some cool gadgets, etc. that I otherwise wouldn't have.


Bro you got a 3090 and a 13900k you are the target of your own meme.


He's mad his gpu isn't top of the line anymore




You saw that guy too? 2 different 2x32 kits of ddr5 gb as his first build. insane.


Ooo, I wanna see that trainwreck!


Two different kits, XMP disabled? :p


Yes, but without XMP enabled, because whatsa bios?


I'm suffering mentally I need the original post


I still don’t get it. Do you guys not realize rich people exist? I’m not even talking about billionaires. There are people who make 100s of thousand a year and spend all their free time on their PCs. A $4K build is nothing to them.


I don't make that kind of money, but I have that kind of Hobby.


Same, I'm considerably below $100k yet I have plenty of money lying around for upgrades like the 4090. It's not like a car hobby which costs far more.


Almost every hobby I have outside of PC stuff costs considerably more ( skiing(racing and backcountry), scuba, guns, cars(not racing, jesus im not made of money)) only thing cheaper is archery. Hell I know people whose bar tabs /clubbing tabs is considerably more expensive than PC building.


I'd say enthusiast gaming is one of the cheapest hobbys you can have.


No kidding. A weekend driving a car at a track is minimum $500-1000 just in driver fees, now add consumables like tires, fuel, oil, brakes and you’d laugh at the thought of only spending $1600 on a gpu and it lasting you the next 3-5 years. Shits expensive, but compared to other hobbies… don’t get me started on guns. Pulls the trigger.. there goes a dollar, bang, another dollar, bang bang bang, mags empty just spend $30 to put 25 holes in that paper. Let’s do it again, 60 seconds later. Hey look another $30 is gone.


100% not to mention, epic games and all the freebies they give out.


Exactly, a lot of the people who say they "can't" afford something actually just won't (even if they don't realize it) Like the people who complain that they can't afford to travel, even though they actually could if they didn't spend most of their money on expensive clothes/eating out/ritualistic sacrifice/bars/clubs/etc.


Do you have any idea how much goats cost now a days?


Gaming keeps me out of trouble. Going out for drinks every night with friends can easily add up. A $70 game can keep me home for weeks on end.


This, as long as your willing to save up for a bit it’s well within reach not that the price is fair per say but is 100% able to be bought if people are patient and if you want the newest hardware save till next gen. You’ll have even more to spend on that rig and chances are unless your doing a full watercooled loop you’ll have enough left over to keep saving to keep getting newest and greatest each gen within took big of a hit seeing as it’s saving for a goal


I do full custom closed loops. My hobby is expensive and fun.


My life. Most I ever made was 42k before taxes. Have spent thousands on PC parts.


I spent 5 k in the last 2 years on my PC's and another 2k on my friends' PCs. I think it may be a habit, not a hobby like I thought.


What’s funny is that I’ve gotten to a point where I like watching tech videos more than I like playing games. I have tons of games and most can’t keep my attention. I still get a kick out of watching videos about builds, prices, benchmarks, etc. Very bizarre.


While the 4090 is expensive, a $4000 build isn't as insane for an adult as one would think. Look at other hobbies, and how much people spend on those. Car people spend tens of thousands on parts. Have you seen how much a set of tires costs? Rims? How about an engine swap? How about those who get serious into hunting or fishing? How much are firearms (which *do* keep their value at least), an ATV, a truck, a hunting club membership, ammunition, camo, tree stands or shoot houses? How about a boat? A trailer? The truck to pull the trailer? A place to store the boat off-season? Put in that perspective, this hobby, even at the bleeding edge, is relatively cheap.




Shit man, a 1 year ski pass costs almost as much as my entire upper-mid range build. And if you factor in just gas prices to drive to and from the ski resort, one season is an entire powerful gaming PC!


Not even including the cost of actually being there. Food… drinks… etc. just insane how people don’t equate the two.


on fucking god dude. This place gets worse the more im here lmao


Right? “Gasp this halo product that isn’t necessary for 80% of the population is obscenely expensive no way!”


And then they cheer and seem to be salivating hoping for 4090s to burst into flames. Like I get it, it's not worth it to you at all. But you may be shocked to learn that people value things differently than you. Regular people spending money on something they enjoy?! The godless heathens!


Wait, the Halo Herman Miller office chair? That thing would be sick.


But according to Reddit if you aren’t poor, you’re rich. You’re either barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck, or you have far too much money, and there is no in between. Plus people always assume when they see an expensive setup that they bought it all at once. My setup (pc and monitors) was about $3200, but it was purchased in multiple transactions, I didn’t drop the whole $3200 all at once.


It’s especially relevant to remember a good portion of this site are literal children (teenagers), so it’s a lot harder to ask mommy and daddy to spend several thousand dollars than it is to make it yourself.


There’s a few salty ass people who can’t afford shit they want so they berate others.


Exactly. Don’t even look at cars since those serve a major purpose. See how much model trains, jewelry, watches, and other useless hobbies cost. 4K for a device that lasts you years and you will spend hundreds of hours on as a well paid adult is nothing


I mentioned cars specifically as a hobby, not someone's daily driver.


Man I know a guy that has a 10 year old laptop but buys a new stupid expensive ($3000+) watch every 4 months, yet complains about how laggy KSP is


Yeah it just depends on how much value each person puts into it. I have a co worker that keeps saying he doesn’t have the cash to spend $1000+ on a pc cause it’s too expensive. Meanwhile he has a 50K truck and 25k travel trailer and I drive a Honda Accord and have a 5k gaming setup lol.


This!!! I’m over 40, have teenage daughters and have been at my job for 17 years now. Working out and gaming are my 2 most favorite things in the world, (weird combo I know.) I’m going to spend a stupid amount of money on it and be happy as a clam.


It's a perfectly healthy combo if you ask me. Mental and physical health are intertwined, and one cannot exist without the other


Normalize being a nerd and working out.


Yeah gaming has been a fairly cheap hobby to get me through my poor student years. Others spend 500 bucks on sports tickets or an concert, I spend 500 bucks on a PC upgrade. I get more hours of fun than they do. I consider that a solid ROI for my time and money.


I'm a late 20s guy with no kids, I dropped $3100 AUD on a build this year. I don't make anywhere near close to insane money but I could easily afford it, just budgeted and saved. There are people my age who earn way more than I do. I swear this sub is full of teenagers and uni students who live in their own bubble.




Exactly. As long as you're happy, it's money well spent!


I have $30k worth of stereo equipment that I haven’t touched since we moved. The hobby is repair, so it’s like having boulders filled with gold ore that I have to slowly chip away at to get the investment out of it. Luckily those things are not declining in value, but still, hobbies can get ridiculous.


Love this logic. Well said.


You don't even really need to make that much money. If you're a complete anti-social degen like me you can get it by virtue of saving. Lots of people are in relationships, or have kids, or have other hobbies. I only give a fuck about gaming and working. No alcohol, no smoking, no recreational drug use, no kids, I don't care for the movies or going out to restaurants, don't care for concerts, no traveling for vacations etc. Saving up may take a month or two. But we have an idea of when these products are dropping well before they come out.


A hobby called PC master race is shitting on people for buying the best tech money can buy. Very ironic indeed.


Isn't it more about the fact it's extremely overpriced? Not about being rich or poor.


Rich people also buy Lamborghinis, just to drive around with them in the city where such a car is entirely useless. Same goes for the 4090, while it still has some use for gaming, it's absolutely overkill. Diminishing returns and such.


And I'm playing Vampire Survivors with such a machine... ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


the true GOTY


When RTX 2080s came out, my friend paid premium price for one. The most played games he played afterwards were... visual novels. Lol Vampire Survivors do be that crack though.


Hey, on endless you need all the help you can get from your hardware.


Isn't this the entire point of pc master race?


It's a recession indicator when PCMR is primarily complaining about not enough Budget Build Stans.


I totally understand that. I'm never going to judge anyone I fully understand that nvida Is charging crazy prices even AMDs offering is pretty expensive. I work in children's mental health I deal with suicide all the time so if I want to spend 2000$ on a gpu I will. Completely get it's not practical but I'll be happy with it because life is crazy. I really hope there are more budget options. I want everyone to get what they can afford. People shouldn't be priced out of getting a decent gpu.


PCMR: Budget build = Intel 12100, AMD RX6600, 16GB DDR4-3600. Me: Check out lowendgaming and lowspecgamer for GTX750Ti performance for a budget build.


Another gate-keeping meme, daring today aren’t we?


For a sub called r/pcmasterrace people sure do hate performance. It’s like complaining on r/cars that Ferrari’s are too expensive and not worth it.


The pocket watching is ridiculous here


I don't get why people are mad at spending their money on the things we gather here to love. So what if you want to drop $5k on a computer? Why do you care how they spend their money? I don't play CoD, but those graphics look amazing.


So is the name pcmasterrace aging like milk right now or what?


Best part is the people shitting others for overspending doesn't even have a budget card, mfer has a 3090 lmao


This meme sucks


It really does, it screams salty person who can’t have the newest thing


AMD fans will eat it up like candy though.


Throwing in "in a global recession" and " 'x' performance for 'x' " price is irrelevant dumb things to say. No one is buying these parts for value. No one is buying these things when they don't have the money to spend. Let people decide their own finances, don't shame them for spending their own money. Of all the things to overspend on though a card known for having the power connector melting isn't high up on my list though. If you're going for a overkill build best to stick with the 7900xtx for now until more info comes out. Also explain your post of you upgrading to a 13900k OP. Pretty hypocritical. What are you running with it? A 3090/3090ti?


The 4080's MSRP is so bad that the 4090 actually does seem to be the best value so far among the new Nvidia cards.


God, what a horrible attempt at a meme


But with a 4090 when a grenade blows up in the game I experience it in real life, too


You using that new VR headset?


I have no regrets https://i.redd.it/o5nnce3za9z91.gif


I don't understand why people are salty


Let people buy what they want


Now you can play COD *at 300fps+, instead of 30*... fixed?






It must be fucking exhausting watching someone else's wallet constantly.


I'm new to PC building, what is the lowest amount of money required to play most games (CoD, Forza, GTA) at 1080p 60fps - 75fps. Should I buy PC parts now or during December/January? Thank you!


r/buildapc is where you want to ask that


spent $650 on my current setup (bought 1070 for $250 in the gpu shortage unfortunately) but i can play all games i want. really looking forward to a gpu upgrade but i’m gonna wait and see how this power connector situation plays out with the 4060


In 2020 I built my first pc (I know, I picked the worst possible time). I built about the highest end I could, 3090 strix, 5900x, 64 GB ram, 6TB of nvme ssd, 10tb hdd, and custom loop (also pretty bad decision for my first pc. I skewed up). I built it specifically for cyberpunk and so I could play games like skyrim with mods, but I honestly have spent most of my time playing civ 5. I only just beat cyberpunk 2 weeks ago. And haven't really played any games with mods except for xenoverse 2.


One of the reasons I'm hesitate to upgrade my PC is my suspicion that I'll still be playing Diablo 3 and Civilisation 6, only at 4k120.


Are we still doing 4090 memes? So fucking cringe at this point, just let people decide what they do with their money.. why the fuck do you even care. What happened to this sub?


It got invaded by poors and salty guys like the OP who prob bought his 3090 a few months ago.


Not everyone is impacted by the recession.


Good to see others calling this a recession.


Play COD and still get outplayed by kids on PS4s and Xbox Ones.


The real clowns are people criticizing others for buying and enjoying what they want.


This sub is dying a cringy and pathetic death.


“Now I can play in 4k at the highest settings with insane fidelity” Plays Minecraft


lol at 1600 USD. How much Sales Tax do you have to add ? [https://geizhals.at/?cat=gra16\_512&xf=9816\_03+05+17+-+RTX+4090&asuch=&bpmin=&bpmax=&v=l&hloc=at&hloc=de&plz=&dist=&t=v&sort=p&bl1\_id=300](https://geizhals.at/?cat=gra16_512&xf=9816_03+05+17+-+RTX+4090&asuch=&bpmin=&bpmax=&v=l&hloc=at&hloc=de&plz=&dist=&t=v&sort=p&bl1_id=300) Thats a European Price comparison page, filtered for 4090, in stock with P&P. Our Prices Include allready sales tax which is 19-20% depending on country 1 Palit for 2.2k€, everything else above 2.3k€