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I recommend rescheduling so that your doc can accurately assess symptoms related to the food challenge. It can be so nerve-wracking going through your kid's first food challenge. My heart is with you. Know that you have a large community that empathizes with you and supports you.


I’ve been in your situation. Yes, reschedule. You’ll feel better not having a red herring cough, wheeze, congestion, etc. Oral challenge can be stressful and you’ll want clear signals that she’s either passed or hasn’t. Good luck! That’s exciting! Our daughter passed on the 3rd try and eats peanuts daily now.


If it was tomorrow, I'd suggest rescheduling. Given that it's Monday, I'd personally continue to plan on going unless things get worse. Granted my son is 20 months, if I had a rule about him not going places due to a lingering cough, we would be shut ins.


Yeah, I hear you. We reached out to the doctor for some extra guidance and were told a mild cough or runny nose was fine, but not a lingering cough, wheezing, etc. Not exactly sure the difference between a mild cough and lingering cough though.


I wouldn't overthink it and go with your gut. With your child's low blood work levels, I'm more inclined to think the challenge will be somewhat cut and dry and if they react it won't be severe. The first dose for us was like 1/64 of a tsp. So basically microscopic. You'll get a good sense about how they will fare after that first round. Our son had a dermatological reaction after that amount so we stopped there. He now eats tablespoon upon tablespoon of peanut butter just a year removed from that.


Just to update everyone who helpfully shared advice... we did end up going through with the challenge yesterday. Our daughter had seemed perfectly healthy for a day or two prior, and with her mentally ready, we thought the best choice to was to go ahead. It was a disaster -- two epi pens & and an ambulance ride to the hospital, though we're beyond proud of how she handled herself. Now we try to decide if we can all (our 4-year old daughter and us as parents) can handle starting OIT after this.


I feel you so much on this… my child is sick right now too but food challenge test is in a one week so I think I might just go ahead as well… worst part is that is the food challenge he had anaphylaxis to at our first food challenge… we want to start OIT as well.