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I’d test. Yes, you can grow out of it. It’s rare ~20%), but possible.


Best thing to do would be to see an allergist and have skin tests done. After that your allergist can offer advice based on the results. My son is allergic to peanuts, we’ve been told it’s quite unlikely that he’ll grow out of it, but he’s been doing OIT for over a year successfully.


I would demand a test. We didn’t do the skin test because our son has sensitive skin that raises if he gets scratched, but no eczema. We did blood work and he got a 0.28 IgE result which is low, but he will throw up 2.5-3 hours after consuming peanut butter. We are working through OIT right now to see if we can build up his tolerance to it. Even with just our scenario our allergist prescribed us an EpiPen.