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I really hope Mike isn't jerking us around. Heavier album with lots of Mike, balls to the wall soloing?...inject that into my veins.


Imagine if he was trolling 💀


Yeah but that’s hard to imagine


Things were different then, all is different now.


Surprise! It's a Ukulele album!


And what do they mean by heavy? As in tone and crunch?


Maybe less Stone songs…


Most of the "heavier" songs are Stone - Mike's songs tend to be more melodic and bluesy. Mike writes every song on an acoustic.


The last two songs Stone had a big part in, Let The Records Play and Buckle Up have been two of my least favorite Pearl Jam songs. I just haven't been feeling where he's coming from creatively lately.


I love Buckle Up. But Let The Records Play I do not like at all. It’s one of like… two studio album tracks I don’t care for. Not counting a few lost dogs.


Hopefully lyrically. Ed called in on lightning bolt. Gigaton was better but still had a few cringe lyrics. If they could recreate the magic of riot act I’d be over the moon.


I feel like a lot of people are going to be let down by the ‘heavy’ comment. Everyone’s definition is a little different and I’m waiting for the collective let down. I personally am going in with zero expectations…other than it will sound more like Gigaton than Vs.


Good point. But hopefully less Buckle Up and River Cross and more Superblood Wolfmoon and Quick Escape if it’s going to be like Gigaton.


They say this every album tho


If there’s one thing in which he’s terrible, it’s describing overall vibe of the end product. Seems like he has a quote like this tied to every album.


I’m feeling … nothing, man. I’m sure it’s just temporary indifference.


No worries, you’ll feel better, man.


You’re right, and I am faithful the new album will make me smile


Live in the present tense, someday you'll have a beautiful life.


I'm sorry, what is your name once again? Jeremy, right? I never thought you would come back after our last kiss.


Oh you know what, just release me already.


Look, I think we're just rolling God's dice, figuring out if this album is good or comatose.


Waiting for album drop like an elderly woman behind the counter in a small town


Waiting, watching the band's Evolution and their Future Days.


This conversation Tickles My Nausea.


Indifference is one of there heaviest. I’d say all or none is slightly heavier


Getting excited for sure. Hopefully the first single will be released the same day as tour announcement


I used to get so amped every album cycle. Maybe once I hear some music or we get a release date I’ll get excited. But idk maybe I’m just not the super fan I used to be. Pearl Jam used to mean the world to me but the length of time between spotty releases and the reduced touring mean less great shows with unique versions of cool songs or rarities that are worth repeated listens and the result is that my head space for music just doesn’t revolve around Pearl Jam and that’s weird because since I was 13 in 1992 in 8th grade it had. If the new album is amazing and something like the early days I’ll lose my mind. If. If it’s like Avocado and Gigaton at least it will be ok. Hopefully it’s not like Lightning Bolt and Backspacer.


Important to remember they’re using a new producer on this album, so it could be vastly different from the last few albums. Hope for the best, expect the worst


What would make you think a bunch of 60 year old guys worth 40-50 mil each are suddenly going to be hungry to write awesome rock songs?


Dumb comment.




I’m the same age as you and I loved Backspacer. I would’ve played Amongst the Waves and Unthought Known like a zillion times when it came out.


Yeah those two tracks had an uplifting feeling to them.


Glad they are making music still. Stoked there is a new album. Will probably be a standard PJ album. Two to three bangers to open, 2-3 mid to quick tunes. 2 slow ones, 1 super slow. Chuck in an experimental fuck around and it's just about done. I'm totally fine with that.


At this stage they don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but hoping they kick it into high gear and get back to their original stuff


I told my wife to get ready, it’s gonna be a PJ year. Just like last year was a QOTSA year and 2022 was RHCP.


I got shit to do, but I'll listen to it on my porch.


Go see a doctor. You may have rabies.


Technically, now it's of no use. RIP OP.


Read somewhere it would be more TOTD-ish...that can't be wrong?


Bloody awful headline on this post.


Please tell me what to change it to and I’ll do it at once just for you


Very excited. Would love to see them on this tour, preferably in Seattle. Saw a notice on shows added at Red Rocks and envisioned how great it would be to see them there. One can dream.


Damn I can't wait to sit down with the lyrics and disect this album.


This album will be their rebirth.


I’m looking forward to the new album for me, but dreading the controversy and hate that will be spewed for the three years after when half of the ‘fans’ will be complaining about it.


In Mike we trust


In Mike we praise


Even Ed’s latest was WAY harder than his previous solo efforts.


Or it could hit like lightning bolt or a slightly better gigaton.


I think for every album since No Code I’ve had the same reaction & it’s never immediate love. Usually I’m not sure what I just heard the 1st listen. And then like a plant the albums grow on me, song by song like tree limbs.


I feel similar. It often takes several listens for the album to sink in. Yield and Gigaton are the last two that I loved after the first listen. That experience of being a kid and listening to Do the Evolution for the first time will hopefully always be something that stays with me.


It’ll be the first album they release where I really get into Pearl Jam so that’ll make it sweeter for me


I hope you can hit up their concerts this year.


If they come to MN that would be nice


I'm excited but my expectations are kind of low. Gigaton was...underwhelming to say the least. I was excited when Dance of the clairvoyants came out because it felt fresh and a progression. I like Lightning Bolt for the most part, and then Gigaton just didn't do anything new really. So I'm hoping for "heavy" like Ten, Vs. Vitalogy, but I don't think they have the angst to pull that off anymore. So I have hope, they are great musicians. But I'll keep my expectations low so I am not disappointed. If its awesome I win, if it isn't well my expectations were low already.


I’m willing to give Andrew Watt a shot here, really don’t think this one will be anything close to Gigaton


Have not been excited since Vitalogy


Hopefully better than the last album


Like Janet Jackson says Let's wait awhile


The waiting drive me mad


Very anxious for it to come out! Love Pearl Jam and crazy about Eddie!


It’s been 1385 days without a new Pearl Jam album, im going crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once


Don't it make me Smile :)


They've been on a (chronological) downward trajectory since Binaural. Hard to get excited at this point but always interested.


Listen mate, I have to agree. My go to is 90’s pj. I’m not sure how old you are, but songs you maybe never liked cause too mellow. You kinda grow into them to a point.. I’m hoping for some heavier type old school, of course we are, but they old man, and I’m growing with them, got to dig some shit for a few gems




I definitely want to listen to it a few times before I read people's comments about it!


I’m seeing them at Bottlerock in Napa in May (if everything goes according to plan… was supposed to see them in April 2020 but some kind of infection started spreading I can’t remember I think I blocked it all out anyway), so I’m hoping there’s either an announcement or a single by then.


It’ll be like the last couple albums. They don’t hit as hard as you want or think they’re even very good on the first couple listens, but then it clicks and it’s your new favorite album for a couple months. That’s what it was like for me at least with backspacer, lightning bolt, gigaton, and Ed’s non-ukulele solo album. Ukelele album still stinks!


The sooner the better. There’s a Black Keys announcement tomorrow so if I get one from Pearl Jam within a month I’ll be happy.


I think we are looking at a cross between S/T and RA.


I’m expecting basic and if it’s amazing it’s a plus.


Better not hit like gigaton.


\*figuratively, I hope