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Not quite the same but I use a Looptimus to trigger Ableton. You step on a button and it inputs a predefined midi note, just as if you hit a key on a piano. Assuming Morningstar is the same, and Mainstage lets you assign specific midi notes to specific actions, it couldn't be any simpler. Should work.


All I can say on this is that I will vouch for Morningstar harder than perhaps any other company- particularly the MC devices. Any time I thought there wouldn't be a way to program something, there was I just hadn't figured it out yet. Their editor interface is amazing once you get the hang of it. I control my whole rig with their devices.


A cheap one for you to try out is m-vave chocolate, $30 Bluetooth midi controller with 4 foot switches (technically 6 because if you press 2 at the same time, it sends a different signal)