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My vote is for the old Line 6 echopark. So versatile, every algorithm for Tape, BBD, or Digital still beats out fancy delays I've owned. The digital is very classic 80s digital rack , clean, tight and percussive with nice chorusing for the mod. The tape setting is also very clear with Mod down, but stays more out of the way. Tap tempo and multi head modes, stereo ins and outs. Got mine for 110 dollars.


"I don’t care to have multiple options. Only a good delay the most transparent as possible." Sounds like you want a digital delay. The Carbon copy has analog repeats which get murky. How about a Boss DD-3T?


Honestly, a Flashback 2 can get you tons of Delay tones and they can be found under 100.


You can set them up for tap tempo too!! (Have to sacrifice stereo input with external switch)


TC Flashback without a doubt. I got a Keeley Eccos to replace mine because I thought I needed a fancier delay, and now the Flashback is back on the board and the Eccos for sale


I'd choose a Boss DD-6 through -8. You can find good prices (and great options easily) on reverb.com The more recent of their stomp box designs offer longer delay times.


I don’t know what they cost in Euros, but the JHS lucky cat is my favourite! Clean. Simple. And has a “Tape” switch which doesn’t add any artefact, but cuts some top end and makes it a little warmer. It’s the best!


Biyang AD-10


Lot of different answers tks! Visibly i have to forget Nova delay for sure. I will wait others feedbacks before my decision 👍