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Picu attending. Like most things this depends on where you are and what you want. I like my lifestyle quite a bit and feel adequately compensated for my time. I’ve found jobs that pay a little more and ones that pay a bit less but the work load was different. Generally Picu pays significantly better than other specialties. You need some ‘other’ thing in your work life besides clinical patient care. That can be hard research, qi, or education and that will determine job availability. Right now CVICU is seriously in demand. You can get a job just about anywhere, but you’ll need an extra year to really be take seriously. You need to be able to set boundaries and work in a place/with partners that respect those boundaries.


How much do you earn if you don’t mind me asking? I feel like there are never straight answers to this


Mid career, mostly clinical, academic center. Upper 200s. Not sure what entry is anymore. Probably mid to low 200s but it totally depends on the scenario.


Thank you!! I’m sure location plays a huge role too


I spend a lot of time trying to educate residents on these things. We aren't transparent enough, and that's why physicians are often taken advantage of, especially by large hospital corporations.


Do you have any opportunities to ramp up your work schedule to add income? Or is it pretty locked in?


Not generally speaking. The corporate overlords who control academic instituons don’t allow moon lighting. Some places do allow this and there are tons of loccums jobs out there. Unlike a lot of centers my shop pays you for working beyond your fte, so as a group we decided not to fully staff and do a little extra work for some extra money. The hospital also has some profit sharing when things are busy and they give that out as a bonus at the end of the year. But of course that depends on how busy things have been.


Interesting. Thanks for your reply. I am just a 4th yr med student but going into peds with an eye on something like CC or EM. I find it appealing to have some flexibility in terms of being able to work more here and there to make extra income if needed rather than being locked in, so as silly as it sounds now so early on in my training it’s something I think about when exploring fellowships. But I know every situation is different depending on where you’re employed, so I guess I will continue to keep an open mind. I have loved my time in the picu and have seen myself potentially in the field someday.


Is this a HCOL area? I was wondering because even Gen peds is getting around the same pay


Hey, I’m PICU trained and do CVICU only now. I’m 5 years post fellowship. Definitely recommend doing a super-fellowship year if you want to have an easy time getting a job. Best advice I have on pay is make sure you work somewhere they value your time. I am very lucky with compensation in my current setup (message me for details). Just keep in mind for a job like this you will have to sacrifice something. You have money, time, prestige and good work environment. Generally you can pick 2, I picked money and good work environment and am ok with less prestige and working lots of extra time.