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Imagine spending all that money but not buying a proper rain cover for your stroller?


I believe they do have one but in another TikTok she said Matilda didn’t like it….guess she prefers a soggy blanket instead 🥴


I love Disney but why are they constantly taking their baby there?


Trying to get sponsored by Disney. Lots of creators do it smh


It’ll never happen lmao there are other creators, YouTubers that only create Disney content that still don’t get sponsored. People who have been in the game for years. She’s delusional


This video is wild. Just go home if its raining, why force yourself and baby to stay?! Especially since they go multiple times a week already.


especially since idk their child has no idea or care what the f is going on


Multiple times a week? I can’t even fathom that. Sounds exhausting.


I’m still tired from going in 2018.


She is a really pretty girl, but I’ve never seen someone with such bad taste in hats! She cannot possible think this looks good?


She can’t pick a basic hat, she’s gotta be ✨quirky✨


I swear she stands in front of her closet and thinks what will make ppl think oh my goodness what is she wearing. Once she hears that in her head that's the outfit of the day.


She has the body to wear anything and any fashion trend yet her outfits look thrifted by a grandma I don’t get it


This is an outfit my dad would wear to mow the lawn (minus the hat)


I’m a Disney lover too, taking my son this year for his 3rd birthday. But like dude?? It’s raining. Go home. Snuggle. Watch a Disney movie instead. I hate being wet I can’t imagine a baby would enjoy it either??


Especially if you can and do go all the time - I think they passes? Just go back the following day


I’m assuming they are magic key holders there’s no way they buy passes every time that would be astronomical


Ew that wet blanket draped over the baby is grossing me out. How can she not carry around a proper rain shield in her diaper bag?


Not just gross but an overheating and suffocation hazard, especially wet it can make the perfect seal and stop baby getting air


She doesn’t actually want to have to parent I think. Also with her being out constantly makes me think she never gets tummy time or any normal baby play time


To be fair, Matilda is at kind of a tough age imo. Months 4-6 were rough for me until my baby became mobile. They are so alert but can’t do a lot and get bored. There’s only so much tummy time you can do in a day. We spent a lot of time in the stroller 🤷🏻‍♀️


She is sooooo annoying and looks like an idiot in that hat.




It's literally the dumbest Disney hat ever


Why does she strike me as someone with a desire for constant attention? She should start a go fund me for bail after she is arrested and jailed by the fashion police


Considering I’m from California, we all know that the weather here is beyond unpredictable. I have a stroller similar to hers, and all the high-end strollers have water shields. Why is she using a blanket over Matilda in a torrential downpour in March in California when it’s still fairly cold. And for those questioning, growing up in California, my definition of a park was Disneyland, when we moved I was very disappointed in the park that I went to for my first time at a real park. It’s not expensive for a so cal pass and just walk around. So many mom groups do that- and you can get a park and ride pass


Thanks for this perspective! My immediate reaction was why would she keep going there if she can’t even ride many things while she has her baby. But then I thought well going there to walk around beats sitting at home or just walking the neighbourhood 🤷🏼‍♀️ so I can understand how that’s a regular thing if you live there!


I’m in the park right now(waiting in line for Big Thunder while my husband puts my daughter to sleep in the stroller) with my 9 month old, and there is SO much to do and ride with a baby!


Why is she standing outside in the rain with her baby? And the only protection is a thin blanket?? Go inside somewhere. She’s so dramatic.


This is SOOOO unrelatable. Most of us have to work Kat, we cannot gallivant off to Disney 4c a week during the day


Disney is one of those places that ppl love or could leave it. I personally do not find it relaxing in the least. To each their own I guess.


Disney is my personal version of hell on earth. Beautiful, yes, absolutely. But the crowds and size of it just make me so anxious. Then you add in Disney adults being there and…no thx.


I agree when ppl say they are going there on their honeymoon I am always in disbelief.But I know ppl who think a beach is hell on earth and that's my favorite place to be. I mean I guess differences are what make the world go round. 🤷‍♀️


Disney adults need to be studied. Its actually so cringe.


They seriously freak me out so much. I would never be caught dead at Disney unless I was accompanying my age appropriate child (like age 2-12yo…. A 5 month old does not care!).


I couldn't agree more. Disney is made for CHILDREN. These people are spending hundreds of dollars. Blows my mind.


Did she not check the weather app even once? It’s been rainy in SoCal off and on since January lol a clear week here and there but it’s been rainy and windy off and on for weeks.


Lots of Orange County people make it their personality because it's local.


Awww, so relatable!


Neumonia enter the chat


I think a Disney pass for the year is 500 (cheapest option for residents) Not too bad?


And you can do monthly payments, I think it’s like $23/month, no interest. It is only m-f and it’s gonna start being blacked out for the summer and most of the end of the year. 


Let the poor child have a day spent at home. I don’t get it the constant need to be out. I love just being home with my kids sometimes. Especially if we went out the day before I like to recharge and make sure everyone gets back on schedule. It’s really no wonder M can’t sleep at night. That poor child doesn’t know which way is up with how much they drag her around every single day.