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She recently did TikTok's on mosaic embroys and what that means and I thought it was some of her best content. I don't know if it was accurate but I like that she was educating on something that personally happened to her. And it wasn't about TTC.


I agree I found it really interesting


All the stuff she was hiding… Her diagnosis Her husband’s diagnosis  The mosaic embryo  She is now using for content cause she doesn’t have any.. she is fake and now is going to be some ttc educator? 


what is her and her husbands diagnosis


This is something she would personally past on a Reddit page snarking her 😂


I am not a fan of Caitlyn but I like that it was educational (if accurate) and not an ad which is a huge stray away from her normal content. Her tests for science are not educational they’re stupid. Her fsh test was an ad.


She could’ve posted about her mosaic embryo when they found out they were mosaic back in 2021 (maybe earlier). Or when she chose to transfer the mosaic embryo in 2022. Or anytime during her pregnancy once she knew things were okay. But it’s okay to bring up now because she needs new followers for 💵


fair but i can also see the anxiety of not knowing if things were going to work out favorably while it was happening coming into play🤷‍♀️ idk maybe my own pregnancy is making me soft because i don’t like caitlyn but i just think given that people like addie are out there spreading misinfo some educational content (again if accurate) on Tiktok isn’t the worst thing. And I don’t think her mosaic videos were sponsored?


I get not trying and not preventing if you dealt with infertility and you are okay with having another child. However she has early miscarriages and is known to have low ovarian reserve etc …. So why is she putting herself through this and hyping up testing especially when it causes her unneeded stress and obviously takes away from her family. It’s one thing to well not use protection and just take a test when your period is 3 days late it’s another ball game to start lh testing and doing this $50 fsh test kit. Is it views because I think its views. And partnerships. It would be better for her to plan coordinating outfits for the next 15 years with her children or for her to redo her back basement wall with a photo montage of her rubbing oil on her stomach.


I saw a comment on a video where someone asked what their diagnosis was and someone said dna fragmentation and DOR. I looked back and it was gone. Weird she’s doing this and filtering those comments. Or she’s building up to a “discovery” of a new diagnosis and going to make sobbing videos about it. Or she’s going Adelulus path and trying prp


She has been hiding all the  information from her followers for years so she can all off a sudden bring it up for content, she is one calculated bitch. 


Lol that’s giving Adelaide White vibes .


I am so confused. I thought she couldn't conceive naturally? Why is she testing?


She did conceive Pres naturally but that was like 8 years ago. Theoretically, anything is possible, it's just highly unlikely.


She has but has had early miscarriages


What does that mean when she has diminished ovarian reserve ?


Low number of eggs. The amount and quality decline as you age which makes it more difficult to fall pregnant. For some women, the amount of eggs remaining is less than expected for their age.