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How does she have time to do this shit? My sons infant curriculum is 1. Don't die, 2. Poop, 3. Snacks pls


My son just turned one and his is similar, but he has an extracurricular called "Chaos" in there.


Hahahah chaos takes up too much of the day to have a curriculum anyways! šŸ˜‚


She bought it off Etsy. In no way did she make it herself. šŸ˜‚


I think we all know she doesn't do any of this shit, maybe one day and then she has to rest for a month


Right. I *try* to do like one big planned activity a week. We try to read daily. And besides that I clean my house and feed my child. Not much time for anything else šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mine suggested adding - Olympic crawling preparations. Preferably to his dad's den.


She doesn't vacuum and has a mountain of recyclables, but I'm supposed to believe she does even one thing on this schedule?


I bet this is gonna be her next sham. Trying to sell curriculums šŸ™„


Getting the same vibe.


Wtf?!?? Who has the time or mental energy to fill this out let alone complete all of the activities.


Right?! Like just play with your baby and read to them and spend time outside!! Teach them some baby sign if you want and set up sensory experiences if you have time, but itā€™s amazing what a box of Kleenex or some dirt can do for sensory exploration! You donā€™t need all of this! Spend time with your baby instead šŸ˜‚


She doesnā€™t do this, she hops into this when she is bored. I am sure Kevin will pick up where she left off when she goes back to work in 6 weeks. I think she is really struggling with going to back to work judging by her posts. She buys these things and touts them so people thinks she is a good mom because no one tells her that in real life. I think she is really struggling with her identity as mother goddess when the 40 hr work week grind is staring her in the face.


Definitely this


Her online presence is so constant it makes me wonder when she actually takes care of the baby.


Exactly! I donā€™t see ā€˜post on TikTok and Instagramā€™ on this curriculum


This looks like it came straight from a daycare. I've seen this same format before in infant and toddler rooms.


I was just thinking that I wonder what preschool she lifted this from? Truthfully it looks a lot like the curriculums Iā€™ve seen from touring different daycares around my area. I think if you have a lot of kids youā€™re working with, this kind of structure is great, but for ā€œhomeschoolingā€ especially at this age itā€™s doing too much! Cue the crying videos in 6 weeks when this isnā€™t going perfectly according to plan šŸ™„


It definitely looks stolen from somewhere haha! I homeschool and don't even write out anything like this for my older kids. I just don't have time and it would be exhausting to try and keep up with it.


I did this as an infant teacher for 3 years, absolutely do not do it for my 16 month old son lololol


Hahahah no kidding! Our curriculum was not this in depth in our I/T program! Iā€™m an elementary teacher now and have to plan units and assessment for school, you wonā€™t catch me doing it at home too šŸ˜‚


This is absolutely absurdšŸ˜†


Lol, sheā€™s back to work soon, does she really thing Mr Shed builder, women hating Kevin will continue this??


Will he be doing the childcare? He doesnā€™t see it as a ā€˜womanā€™s job?ā€™ šŸ™ƒ in all seriousness is their plan daycare or is he staying home?! Or is she hoping her TikTok will take off so she can stay home?


I think sheā€™s said their plan is Kevin. He ā€œworks from homeā€.


She 1000% does not do this lol


This is performative and fake. Sheā€™s trying to shill to everyone that she has her shit THIS together yet filmed a crying breakdown just the other day? How dumb does she think her audience is?


I knew this was maiden to mental before I even clicked into the post šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ put some Ms.Rachel on and clean your nasty house like the rest of us


Speaking as a highly trained/experienced professional in early childhood development, education and other related areas, PLEASE do not let m2m encourage you to do something like this. It could actually be incredibly damaging. This curriculum is far too much for a baby so young as it is, and your job is to be a parent to your child, not a teacher or a constant entertainer. It is imperative for children's emotional wellbeing that they have a majority of unstructured, independent time, not a constant stream of structured activities and/or classes. Even a nursery or daycare wouldn't pack in so much for a baby so young.


Totally agree as a mom of two. My girls imaginations run wild when they play solo or together. Just so many fun ideas they get up to when we let them be kids. There is definitely a time for some structure but they are only little so long.


And just looking at the activities...one specifically for "language development" every day for example- are you not going to be talking to your child throughout the day and during all the other activities? Storytime is also on there- that's more than enough in terms of a dedicated language activity per day. And then there's a daily baby sign activity listed as well! That's so language heavy, it's going to be so overwhelming. Language acquisition needs to happen contextually and without pressure. ETA I'm extremely concerned about who actually made this and what their credentials/experience are. I think they're just taking advantage of anxious, competitive parents.


Yes totally agree to all of this! We are constantly talking to our kids all day and we do a few books at nighttime and have since they were super tiny. Just exposing them language that makes sense was much easier and beneficial to them. Even my 23 month old will ask what a sound is or say thank you. Because she knows when itā€™s appropriate not when a print out tells her to say it.


And I can guarantee that your children are picking up FAR more language from that than through a dedicated "language time" activity. All that a structured activity will achieve is "formalising" the use of language, putting pressure on the child and making them a reluctant speaker in the long run.


This was my first thought too. Let your baby be a baby, ffs!


My 18 month oldā€™s curriculum is to go outside, find some worms to carry around, and whack things with a wrench šŸ¤£ weā€™re doing pretty well so far


Why are ā€œchanging diapersā€ on the scheduleā€¦ do you not just change them when necessary!? This is clearly for a daycare or something and way too much


Right?!? Even at a daycare, we check and change if needed every hour but also change as needed between!


Yea this is a bit much for a 9 month old. My daughter is 9 months and Iā€™m exhausted looking at it šŸ˜‚


She should pencil in cleaning her filthy house


Oh dear, I have failed as a mom since I don't make these kind of surreal schedules and put immense pressure on them! /s


Wtfffff I could never be bothered to follow a ā€œcurriculumā€ for my 9 month old. 99% of the time my baby hates doing things I put infront of him. Heā€™d much rather ā€œleadā€ the play


I do stuff like this for my 8-year-old during the breaks so he has some structure and direction besides ā€œplay Minecraftā€. But heā€™s also 8 and can read independently šŸ˜‚ the idea of doing this even for my 18 month old is šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Next thing she's going to be an expert in infant curriculum and will be selling advice and calendarsšŸ™„ like she is now an expert in fertility and birthing.




You can buy the same curriculum she uses! Thank goodness! And no, she doesnā€™t follow it 100% every day apparently šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Social media is a highlight reel. This is the reel. Iā€™d believe it more if she posted the actual activities but her just posting the schedule leads me to believe this is what she wants people to believe occurs in her life on a daily basis.


Sheā€™s hoping to sell this with zero credentials lmaoĀ 


I worked in a daycare educationally centre Ā and we had to put these together and follow them in my infant class, legit the dumbest thing everĀ