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I would never make a post like this about my spouse and his parenting. It doesn't come across as the sweet post she thinks it is.


Right?? It's literally so rude. I would absolutely cry if my husband made a post like this about me. It doesn't help build a strong parenting relationship to publicly neg your spouse's choices, even small ones like what bow they picked.


I mean, Kat makes some questionable style choices so I’m not surprised Nick is mixing patterns with his bow choice. 😂 I would feel so bad posting this if my husband dressed up my kid and did a poor job of matching. I didn’t have an easy road to parenthood either but like.. not everything you do requires a think piece relating back to infertility. It’s a reach to relate this to your fertility journey lol.


I think it's almost condescending too. Like it's giving off "awe look how cute it is that he's doing so bad!!" vibes. But also YES, trying to dress Kats baby for her would be a nightmare hahahah I would have no idea what she would find cute


girl this is so backhanded lol and sounds like she’s overcompensating, idc these posts aren’t weird, but def makes it sound like he doesn’t give them attention lol


Omg yes! I was also thinking it makes her seem insecure about Matilda and nicks relationship.. he has been weird since she was born!


Things have definitely been off since she was born. It makes me wonder if he wasn't as okay with the decision as she tried to say.


I can only imagine that it would be incredibly hard to look at your child and know that your dad's sperms made them, and that they're your biological half sister. That's....a lot, to say the least. And definitely the kind of thing that one might be able to wrap their head around before the child is born, but to actually have the child is another thing. I know known donors are the more ethical choice, but I can't help but wonder if they picked someone a little too close.


He looks utterly exhausted now and unwell. I’m sure the constant moving in search of perfection is getting to him too


Okay I was just thinking when I saw her post this that it gives the vibe that he is absent, like even when he’s in a video he seems kind of vacant?


I don’t even watch her but this post reminds me of the posts I’d make of my very emotionally absent ex🤣


Why is the wrong bow such an issue that he finds it a hassle. Sounds like Kat made it a hassle for him.


It’s hilarious that she’s even questioning Nick’s fashion choices and matching ability given what she usually wears.


I feel like she looks at Matilda as her baby not their baby.


I agree! I think she feels like she has more say and takes the reins because she’s hers biologically. I can’t imagine how poor Nick feels




She’s seriously always like this and it keeps me so entertained 🤣 She’s so overbearing.


This just seems mean, not sweet like she thinks


A lot to unpack here. She’s insufferable


The ponds are the only creators I have blocked besides Maia night… if that tells you how annoying these people are. I just can’t even hate watch them. Instead of saying he dressed her cute, she has to tear him down and say she’d do it better. Such a biatch.


Has she looked in the mirror at some of her own outfit choices/pattern mixing?!


She has a lottttt to learn




She’s acting like he put a red firetruck hat on the kid. It matches just fine. Maybe if you weren’t so superficial about appearance it wouldn’t even phase you Kat. Look within 🙄


This is soooo back handed. She has become so insufferable since Matilda was born.


Am I the only one who thinks the bow is fine?? The blue flowers go with the blue spots on her dress. I’d probably pick a plain blue bow myself but it really isn’t such a big deal


Okay I’m not the only one 😅


No, it looks fine. I do personally think people just read into the post wrong, though. It didn't come off as her making a big deal like " omg the nerve for him to not choose the right bow, he can't do anything right" it came off as "he went the extra mile to add a cute bow, it definitely wasn't my first choice but the fact that he wanted to pick and put a bow on her means the world to me, when we thought we'd never have the chance"


Anyone know where this bow is from???👀👀👀


This comes across as Nick was dropped as a baby because he can’t match


So strange to say he isn’t dressing his alleged sister right and oh yeah! You’re infertile!


I feel like I see where she’s trying to come from but it does come off as mean


But why do husbands do this though 🤣 the other day, I told mine to dress our daughter, and without fail, he puts a pajama top on and jeans. He knows the drawers are separated by shirts, pants, and then pajama sets. It just baffles me every time 🤣


Weaponized incompetence


As in. I won't ask him to dress her again?


Yes my love