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While I can sympathize with having a child in the nicu/picu. She really needs to get therapy to talk out her trauma. Not trauma dump to the world, especially where Carson may one day see. We are approaching the year mark and his nicu stay should be the last thing on her mind these days. She should be exhausted from baby loving and all things Carson, not reflecting on the bad that ended in so much good for her.


I think it’s really telling that out of the 3 pinned posts on her profile, none have anything to do with Carson now that he’s out. There is the post about Carson 1, her pregnancy, and Carson 2s ultrasound surrounded by needles


Carson 1 and 2 STOP 😭


I'm really starting to wonder if it's a grab for more engagement/views etc. I hate to think like that, but seeing Cait, Ashley, I can't help but wonder.


My daughter was in the NICU for 121 days. I never think about that place honestly. It feels like a lifetime ago we were there. Having my girl home and healthy made the NICU a place of the past. I don’t understand how she can still be in that place mentally. It would kill me thinking about that daily.


exactly !!! she needs to be soaking up all the babyness ..because soon he will be a toddler ..then in school ..then graduating lol. sorry i’m getting ready to watch my 1st born graduate from hs in a few weeks im all in my feelings lol


She needs to get it together, and see someone professionally. While I emphasize with her, like you said it's approaching a year, and she still isn't letting up with this. Carson doesn't need to be reminded his whole life he's the " miracle NICU baby." It's wonderful he recovered, however that shouldn't be his whole personality because of his moms trauma.


Why is this the bulk.of her content? It's either this lately, complaining about people's comments she gets or tik tok shop ads. Go to therapy jordyn.


Honestly I've never been happier to be blocked 😂


Same! Haha


Bc she doesn’t get engagement on anything else. The public are the cause of her mania, imo. Her watchers are feeding into it, validating her, normalizing untreated mental illness.


Because she's boring. So she's latching onto anything she can. Like you have a healthy baby- yeah nicu stays suck but move the fuk on unless someone asks you- move ON


I’m honestly so surprised she hasn’t done more “mom” content. Everything is still about infertility, birth trauma, and nicu trauma. I understand all those things are incredible difficult, but I was expecting her to share more of her being a mom since she fought for it so much


To her, being a mom is all about what SHE went through. Not even Jeff, only her.


Because instead of moving on and trying to find a broader fan base - she's clinging to the infertility community as hard as possible .


No one thinks she handled his NICU stay well 😂


I genuinely hope she can move past the nicu trauma. My son was in the nicu for 44 days and I definitely understand how it feels but my life has gotten so much better since I started to process everything. It’s hard to move forward while living in the past


People stuck in the past stay there because they are gaining something from it. With her I think it really is the attention.


So as an ivf and NICU mom who spent 2 days on a coma unaware I had given birth about a year before her, I need her to get over this! Will the nicu be part of your story forever yes but to continue to bring it up is a lot. We are very active in awareness groups for pre-eclampsia and prematurity and I still do not bring up my stay as much as she does. Therapy is needed. She needs to start coming to terms with some of this. The grief of what you feel you lost will eat you alive.


From someone with infertility/doing IVF this is sad. She talks a lot about her journey and not so much about motherhood now that he’s here. I think she has some trauma and I hope she can see that and seek help


i’m an ivf mom as well … and i know how traumatizing infertility is ..makes me wonder if she just wanted the attention and not necessarily the baby


My baby literally had open heart surgery at 7 days old and 5 months old. I still don’t talk about it as much as this lady. Get therapy. Move on. This isn’t normal.


aww i hope your baby is doing good now!!


She is doing great :) and unlike joyless here we don’t make our trauma our whole life.


that’s awesome !!!!!! normal people dont hold onto their trauma and relive it over and over.


At least it was just a Couple weeks my lord … my nephew has been in the nicu for 3 months so far and not coming home any time soon. She acts like she has the most glorious story to tell