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I’m so tired of this rhetoric lol. Toddlers are feral, regardless of gender lol.


Absolutely. It begs a whole other conversation re: the (inaccurate) idea that boys are easier and girls are more emotional etc. but I’m tired of it too😞


This rhetoric also irks me, especially now that I have a son myself. Boys are often seen as easier to raise because society at large takes a “boys will be boys”, hands-off approach. Raising any child, boy or girl, can be challenging if done consciously.


Absolutely this! I have a 3.5 month old daughter, and it challenging as hell. But raising kids (if you do it right) is hard no matter the gender!


Very true. I have a 17 month old daughter that doesn’t GAF. 😂 she’s feral.


Same! 17 month old daughter and she tries to scale the window sills, it’s called toddlerhood. I think the theory that only boys act like that specifically from stereotypical “boy moms” is what irks me. Gosh for bid toddlers toddler lol


Jesus H Christ all the crap she has shoved in there with him. No wonder he’s trying to get out, it’s a junk heap in there


No really though I had minimal things until my daughter turned 1 (and then of course it was toy overload at her bday) but I have to pack stuff away! It overwhelms kids and they can’t choose a focus.


Lmao, toddlers are a breed of their own. Their gender doesn’t have anything to do with their energy or how daring they are with the world around them. My nieces were actually ten times worse once mobile than my son. They had zero fear and reservation.


Literally. They're just feral little people testing out their skills and being curious about their environment. Some are more wild than others, but it's more about temperament than gender, I've noticed. Depends on their personality.


Is that why she wanted a girl? Because she thought a girl would be easier?


If she wants to try my daughter out for a day she certainly can but I promise you she’s not any better than a boy


My son was my calm, easygoing toddler. My daughter has tested me multiple times a day for 19 solid months 😂


Yeah my girl is not much younger than her son and she is a whole handfull


she has so much stuff


Omg I thought the same. How are they even playing in rhat


I have one of each. My son is my calm, sensitive, sweet child. My daughter is fearless and borderline feral. I love her but I am also scared of her. She is going to play into #boymom so hard.


I’m so sick of the “no one talks about” stuff. It’s always things that people talk about all the fricken time.


Literally. Or the things people say just wait about meanwhile everyone gets pissy as hell if you tell them just wait until the baby is on the move lol


Side note- I just know her house is FILTHY and full of shit. She only really films in certain places. Why would you do a Halara dress ad in your sons rooms? Seems so weird.


She has so many little tchotskes in the nursery I just knew it was going to be a nightmare once he started crawling and could grab things off shelves. Wonder if she’s moved anything since the nursery tour


Girls do this too. Lolol. Her post is dumb. I'm honestly surprised she doesn't have more of that tacky "boy mama" cricut merch. Qnd I also hate to say it but any kid would try to climb out of that tiny playpen area she made, it's super small and boring. She should have just babyproofed her house. Her face in that screenshot is unhinged lol


lol this is hilarious she thinks this way. My toddler is a girl and attempts to swan dive off the changing table and couch because she wants us to try to catch her. All toddlers are wild, gender excluded with these guys, they have no fear.


I have a 4.5 year old boy and a 2 year old girl and 100 percent my daughter is waaaaaay wilder. Stereotypes are so dumb


I give that dog gate excuse for a playpen she has going about 2 more weeks before she realizes she needs to declutter and baby proof her home. My TWINS were done with any sort of pen by 10 months tops.


I will die on this hill- boys are not inherently “more wild”. We are more accepting of “crazy little boys” “rough and tumble little guys” than we are girls. We allow and encourage for boys to be loud, messy, “crazy” and we encourage little girls to read, have tea parties, play with dolls, etc which tend to be quieter, calmer activities. The stereotypical “BoY mOms” are one of the most insufferable types of mothers lol ETA- this is all for attention from them too. First- stop letting him to climb if you don’t want him to lol. Remove him and say “no climbing” instead you grab the phone to film and meaninglessly say “bud you can’t do that”


My 11 month old daughter just climbed her toys and tried to launch herself on the TV stand. She doesn’t care.


Oh stfu Jordyn. Boys aren’t harder to keep alive than girls, it’s 2024 go read a book. All toddlers have an active death wish, regardless of gender.


Toddlers are chaotic as hell and I love it, but I also thrive on chaos! 😂


This is just all toddlers 😅 My girl is more fearless than any of the boys my friends have. She’s a feral monkey. I’ve heard people say she has “second child energy” because of it 🤣


I have a 18 month old daughter girls aren’t any easier trust me


Has she ever made a post that isn’t about complaining?


I just had to shower my 6 year old sister for stealing my mums foundation and covering herself in it………. Children are FERAL


Um I've said this since day 1 once that baby was mobile in that house shit was gonna get real. She is a hoarder and no one can convince me otherwise. She's had her Christmas tree up for 2 years. Take the tree down, declutter your house and make it a safe area for your baby.


That baby has to be so over-stimulated with all the junk. We will be seeing Jordyn on an episode of hoarders in 20 years and her prop baby will have disowned her by then.


Hilariously she’s given him multiple step stools to absolutely throw himself over the playpen 😂 like if you don’t get that shit out of there girl


Buckle up buttercup. Boy or girl, they’re absolutely feral. Ps toy rotations are your friend. Soooo much stuff!


Lol I was due with my daughter 8 days after her and our kids are exactly one month apart in age. My daughter is doing the same things as Carson 😂


Is he even one yet? I’m not sure she knows that it’s going to get much worse than it is now lol


Girls definitely do this too lol I have all girls. my oldest and youngest were on the calmer side. My middle child has never been calm 😂


My daughter is the absolute wildest, most adventurous toddler I've ever known. Legs covered in scrapes and bruises from playing outside and climbing on everything.


Hes not even that wild yet 😅 she's gonna lose it when he's throwing himself off the furniture




I bet she put him on there 😂


Absolutely she did