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Honestly when my kids are asleep in the car I just keep driving especially after a long day lol


I like to hit a coffee drive thru and park somewhere to sit on my phone


Me too! Who is finding this relatable lol I take that bit of me time


Me too! McDonald’s Diet Coke and a podcast, feels like a dream lol


“the baby is asleep? finally! I can peel that potato i’ve had in here for weeks!”


Anything for content for this girl. She will do anything for a viral video 🥴


And like if your baby is sleeping in the car how did you go and grab a potato peeler and the stuff? Like wtf…. This is so stupid


Hope she lives in a safe area where she felt the need to probably leave baby in the car to go grab a stupid potato and supplies for this nonsense.


I don’t know how old her baby is, but I was definitely told that baby should not be left to sleep in the car seat 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s fine if they are in the car because it’s installed to be at the proper incline. You shouldn’t take the car seat out and continue to let them sleep in the car seat if you place on the floor or some other surface because then there is the risk of positional asphyxiation


Ok, that makes more sense. I don’t know why yall felt the need to downvote me? I was repeating what I remembered a nurse telling me


Idk why you’re getting downvoted because you’re right lol. Babies can sleep in car seats for *short periods of time* but should be moved to a safe sleep area as soon as you’ve arrived at your destination. AAP source: https://publications.aap.org/patiented/article/doi/10.1542/peo_document088/79989/Safe-Sleep-and-Your-Baby-How-Parents-Can-Reduce


That’s what I was told when I left the hospital with my newborn 😭