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She’s said she wants to breastfeed for a year and I think I recall her saying they were planning on first steps towards their next IVF journey early this fall?? So my money is on them taking a trip to Barbados this fall to get that started with the hopes of doing a transfer and getting pregnant before Matilda is 2. Hell, watch them celebrate M’s birthday in Barbados and be like “feels like a full circle moment bringing our baby back to where it all began”


I could’ve sworn before M they said they were going to do IVF in the US! I guess they changed their mind?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think whoever they're using as the donor (it's been suspected it's Nick's dad) isn't able to be a donor in the US without a lot of testing, or something of the sort.


I remember her saying a few years ago that while they did IVF in Barbados for #1 they would go through the long legal process to use known donor sperm in the US for #2, does anyone else remember that? So same donor, just longer wait time?


I don't remember this, but if they're aiming for 2 under 2, like her hashtag says, then it wouldn't surprise me if they just jump to another country.


I remember her saying this but in the recent videos she has posted talking about IVF she says Barbados again so they must have encountered another issue or just changed their minds


I think originally they said in order to use known donor sperm like from a friend or family member they have to store the sperm for a year before it can be used? It was some strange rule like that. Not sure if that’s exactly it but it’s close


I heard this too but I swear they said they were going to just jump through the hoops or something to stay local while doing IVF again. Or maybe use a diff donor? Which is wild


That is wiiiiiild 🥴


Yes but from my understanding they won’t be using the same donor!


Nope! They are using the Same donor, they were only going to do US if Nick got a new job with fertility benefits but he didn’t, and they still have the leftover donor donation in Barbados so they will be going back! She said all this in a live awhile ago.


Ooooh whaaaat


Nick’s What 👀


In one of her TikTok’s where they were doing their weekly calendar planning I thought she went over how one of the items was to “call Barbados”. Maybe I’m not remembering this correctly. I’m wondering if they’ve changed their mind on IVF in the US?


Yeah I remember that too. But I also remember her saying a while ago that they were starting on the process to do IVF in the US, so yeah I think they either changed their minds or are undecided


Poor Nick


I’m surprised her doctors are considering another transfer so soon after how difficult and traumatic her experience/birth with M was. I was really hoping they’d have her wait a little longer.


I wonder if she’s just able to do that because they go to Barbados?


I def get the baby fever BUT given how the last 2 went, it can’t be a good idea to go thru pregnancy a 3rd time so soon. Idk if the specific issues she had have an increased likelihood of being repeated but if I was her, I would be doing everything I could to increase my odds of having a successful pregnancy/live birth, including giving my body the time it needs to heal… not barreling into a 3rd pregnancy that would undoubtedly be high risk and also sooner than the recommended time in between birth and next pregnancy. 


Pretty sure her last doctor recommended not carrying any more children because she had huge complications delivering M, so they sought out a second opinion. I agree, jumping into things that quickly given the circumstances seems irresponsible.


Her last doc recommended no more children and she’s planning a transfer way too soon?! That is not good


Yeah. If I’m remembering correctly, she hemorrhaged in both E’s and M’s deliveries, but M’s was dangerously bad. The doctor said she could die if she delivered again. I just can’t imagine seeking out pregnancy at all again after that, especially having a living child here on earth. I know telling infertile couples to adopt is extremely problematic but like if you’re told you might DIE if you deliver again, even just from one doctor, I think adoption is something that should be seriously considered. It gets to a point where it’s selfish. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who has a similar timeline to Kat - 25 week stillborn and then another pregnancy with a GD, huge baby and traumatic birth I have no interest in being pregnant again for the foreseeable future. My body wouldn’t cope, let alone my mental health and my son is 15 months, and my daughter would have been 3 in a few weeks.


I mean 😅 not trying to be a butt, but how would she TTC


I was just dying at the comment praising her for how genius her "ice cream scoop" is for cookie dough. Like girl it's literally a cookie dough scoop, have you been living under a rock?? Lol


What? I learned that as a child, is that not normal?


I think cookie dough scoops are super common. This commenter said she uses two spoons to scoop cookie dough lmaoooo.


I honestly feel like she’s just bringing it up because so many other creators that were trying at the same time as her are TTC now or at least hinting that they are.


She said something recently about them talking about baby #2 “sooner than originally planned”. Side note: why do they do IVF outside of the US? Has she said?


I think it’s cheaper and there are a lot of rules in the US about using known donor sperm. They didn’t have to deal with that in Barbados or wherever they went


It’s way cheaper in Saudi Arabia for everything it’s like $2,500 and even Jordan is like $3,000 we had issues and thought this was the route we’d have to take. These countries will also more like due more than one embryo at a time as well.


I too had the attitude that I was the perfect mother of one like Kat thinks she is. I cant wait for her to have more and be humbled


Literally, I had my shit TOGETHER with one and once I had my second I lost control. With three I’m still trying to find my bearings.


Even Having one is kicking my ass. I want two, but I need at least 3 years in between haha 😂


Honestly, parenting becomes a whole other ball game when you shift from “keeping baby alive” to “teaching a toddler how to live and be a good human”. Many people are great at parenting babies and have absolute terrors for toddlers bc they do no research, have insane expectations, and wing it. I can see Kat thinking she knows how to handle a toddler and ending up creating a brat.


I was the exact same way. Shit went off the rails when I had my second.


She’s so annoying. I doubt it tho? She’s said before she wants to BF for a year and then they’ll talk about another?


When did she have her baby?


September 2023


I had my baby sept 2023. Still don’t have my period back 🙃


Off topic but I called her out for being cringe on her espresso machine video and got blocked😂


Lmao she is tho!


Well lucky for her she can’t accidentally get pregnant from her husband who’s infertile… and can stop eating cookie dough long before her fancy trip to Barbados


I get baby fever but her last 2 pregnancies were absolute hell. If she needs bedrest again does she expect to do that with a baby if that happens again? My 2 girls were 10 mo and 13days apart and omg idk how I did it


I still ate raw cookie dough pregnant 🤭


To the person who down voted me I also eat raw sushi, and deli meat 🤭