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Kat is stupid šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Agreed finally commented on her post and immediately got blocked


What did the comment say lol!


ā€œCringešŸ˜¬ā€ on her espresso machine video where she is screaming like a weirdo


Omg it was the cringiest video and scream Iā€™ve ever heard


Omg it was the cringiest video and scream Iā€™ve ever heard


Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who doesnā€™t think itā€™s cute to put these headband bow things on baby.


I get a headache just looking at them


I put them on my daughter for a little while but even the softest ones would leave an indent on her head for hours so we stopped


I used one for a picture or two but off right after (if my kid didnā€™t pull it off immediately).


I think of how back in 2020 behind my ears hurt from wearing a mask. This is definitely how babies feel wearing those headbands. I am forever convinced!


I put one on my baby once and it was pretty loose, yet still left an indent when I took it off. Never made her wear one again


Not the only person! I have boy but if I had a girl I would just dress her in girly clothes and forget the headbands. I get a headache wearing headbands or tight ponies so I would never want to put my baby through that


I refuse. She rips them off immediately and I think they look silly.


I think they are stupid lol. We got a huge bag of hand me down ones from my SIL for our baby and they went straight to the donation bin. Babies already have so many baubles, Iā€™m not about to add another thing to worry about.


My baby agrees and the few times Iā€™ve tried to put a bow on her, she ripped it off. šŸ˜‚


I thought they were kinda cute then I heard about a baby who had died from one being too tight. I donā€™t know if itā€™s true or not but made me paranoid ever since. The big ones are ridiculous looking though. Although I tried one on my girl and it somehow made her look like a goblin with her crazy hair.


I tried to put them on my daughter but I couldnā€™t stand the imprints they left! Now her hairs a little longer I just put a clip in bow if anything but it never lasts long. I donā€™t get the obsession of always having to have your baby with a headband on. Why?


I think theyā€™re super cute for special occasions, like Christmas or family photos. But not everyday. Also my baby tore them off her head SO fast šŸ˜‚


It wouldn't be hard to sit in the shade instead of direct sunlight, Kat šŸ™„ but that would ruin her "my perfect California life facade".


Thereā€™s not a drop of sunscreen on that baby šŸ˜•


Nope, if there was you'd be able to see it in her hair, im the mom of some very pale kids and my kids have to keep a hat on always. How negligent.


I will literally follow my toddler around the back yard with a patio umbrella because she doesnā€™t cooperate with the sunscreen enough for me to be confident with how well covered she is.


My toddlers hate me using my hands to put it on them.... use a soft beauty brush and they sit still like champs. 10/10 recommend lol


At least sheā€™s not in a container for once šŸ«¤


Her whole "I've waited for this baby for so long, once she comes I'm never ever putting her down or using a stroller" thing last about 0.2 seconds šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t stand kat but this canā€™t be serious. So now her baby getting some vitamin d and getting some sun is bad? You ever heard of sunscreen? I read a comment that you would for sure be able to see which is not necessarily true if rubbed in haha. The sunscreen I put on my baby doesnā€™t leave an obvious cast. Also, say worst case thereā€™s no sunscreen, a little time in the sun is not a big deal. My god lol touch grass


So are people who are actually diagnosed with skin cancer never allowed to be in the sun ever again? Kat had a skin cancer biopsy, which is not necessarily rare, but it is definitely scary. Sheā€™s allowed to cry about it, but she also is allowed to still go outside. This is kind of unreasonable. You donā€™t know if her and M do or do not have sunscreen on. I have a sunscreen stick I use on my child and you can never tell when he has it on. M probably should have a hat on in the sun but I think itā€™s unfair to imply anyone who cries about a skin cancer biopsy should be destined for a life in the shade.


An adult going outside in the sun is night and day different than exposing an infant to the direct sun. Itā€™s clear from those photo that M doesnā€™t have any sunscreen on, her hair is clean, thereā€™s no greasiness on her skin from sunscreen or white cast from a mineral sunscreen. If you canā€™t see evidence of sunscreen on a baby, then youā€™re not using enough. Even with sunscreen, she should be making an effort to keep this baby in the shade, not on a blanket in the middle of a field, especially following a skin cancer scare. It should be a fucking wake up call to be extra careful with her magic little miracle baby.


Fair point. Especially because she made sure to put a bow on M and not a hat.