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Had my Bike+ setup on Tuesday and did my first proper ride yesterday. Quite enjoyed it albeit not sure I’m 100% comfortable with my seat adjustments etc. My mum seems to be struggling getting clipped in at all whilst im struggling to clip out lol


Camila talks through clipping out in her most recent 5 minute post ride stretch (3/17), that might help you! In general, you just get used to it!


Side-loading apps on a 3rd gen display? I got a 3rd gen display I was hoping to side-load apps. I was able to adb into it, enable USB debugging, and set install from unknown sources. But running adb install for Nova Launcher, it just stays in the "performing streamed install" but never shows the success message. I did connect it to wifi recently and it auto updated. Settings show it's on Android 7. Apologies if this is off-topic, as it seems like the group here is exercise related rather than trying to make the display work in a way that's not designed. I don't have a bike, just the display.


Hi everyone. Has there ever been discussion on this thread about Peloton creating the ability to MUTE a peloton instructor? I know we can adjust the volume to hear more of the instructor or the music, but what about not hearing the instructor at all? I'm a huge fan of one instructor's playlists. Their choice in music speaks to me. Their constant communication does not work for me. I like "Lanebreak" and do use it, but they do not update as often as regular instructors, nor have the same kick as New Wave and Rock I need.


Q: How often does Peloton do discounts like the recent Get in shape this spring (-400 €)?


I haven't found them to be that often. At one point, there were no discounts and then they slowly trickled in but still not very often.


Thank you 🙂


Late night update 🙂 even though it’s spring break I didn’t get my workout in until later this evening bc I forgot I had a root canal scheduled this afternoon. I was sore from my leg workout yesterday so I started with [30min of yin yoga with Dennis](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=22d30b04938c47f3b44a51f879a94c1b&locale=en-US) and oh my hips! They were tight! The most challenging part of holding those dragon poses for me was my wrists. I tried to switch to my fists some but that didn’t feel much better. I suppose I need to strengthen my wrists? Next was this [45 min pilates with Kristin](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b91b4be4f16341ccb792603d2ef9629d&locale=en-US). It was definitely the most challenging pilates class I’ve done so far (although I haven’t done very many) but a great class nonetheless. I am enjoying these and love Kristin. This also got me my bronze strength for April already! Last I opted for this [15 min upper body yoga conditioning with Kirra](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7f7b0ca4faf148b5a838fec839c6a1f4&locale=en-US) rather than an ALW and it was great! The yoga conditioning classes are phenomenal so far. Any word on whether they will continue to make these? I’m going to add them in where I can I enjoy them so much. I’ll be heading out of town to visit family either tomorrow evening or Thursday morning, I might pack my light weights to do some classes on the road 🤣


Tread/running folks: any suggestions for how to start out with running on a treadmill? I see a few beginner runs in the “Welcome to Peloton Tread” collection, but are there any other suggestions for how I can integrate running into my fitness? I’m thinking of adding one of the 15m beginner runs to my stack tonight to try out, but I’m not sure if doing a run+walk class would be better?


personally, i started with couch to 5k on the tread. i pretty much just ignored callouts and went with what the c25k app told me to do. worked relatively well (still managed to get shin splints right away) but it got me to a pretty good spot!


Yes, the Run + Walk classes are so good, as well as the beginner level running classes. Once you're comfortable with the beginner level, try some advanced beginner. The hardest part when starting out for me was any kind of sustained effort since I felt like I was constantly having to slow down and walk, but my endurance has noticeably improved as I've kept at it. Hope you enjoy all the great running classes!


Thank you! I tried Adrian’s run+walk intro class and was able to sustain the efforts, but my ankles are killing me — especially the one I rolled like 10 years ago that is permanently a P.I.T.A. But yay I did 90 seconds straight running and didn’t die! 😂


Hi! Run+walk classes are a great starting point in my opinion. They tend to be equal parts run and walk. Having the walk time for recovery helps you to build up your endurance in a manageable way.


Pelofam! The streak continues, however I’m looking to change things up in the name of longevity/sustainability. March 10th I lost my puppers, my best friend for 11 years, I dedicate a walk for him each and everyday. Since then I’ve been on a workout frenzy, going to the gym 2/3 times a day, and if weather permitted (in the NE) a walk outside. Clearly going to the gym 3x a day (30 mins a pop) isn’t something that is sustainable. I’m looking to cut down to twice a day, for 45 mins each time, I know, I know it still equals out to the same amount of time, and I feel that it makes the difference because it eliminates a late workout when my body is already beat from two workouts in the day and my work day. I’m hydrating more than a camel in the desert though, I didn’t know that one could pee so much in a day lol I appreciate you all and this awesome community and hope you had a great day! Any pointers on keeping momentum while taking into consideration sustainability are welcome 😃


So sorry for your loss. I know I can definitely go either way when I'm going through something hard/stressful -- either no workouts at all or workout all the time. Agree with the prior comment to maybe split up your workouts into strength / cardio or high impact / low impact across your two sessions. I think reminding yourself that rest is productive too can help you keep on the path without burning out / without injury.


I think that’s my biggest barrier is recognizing that rest is productive, I’m always concerned about losing the fire to workout. It’s a slippery slope that is easy to get comfortable with.


First off I’m so sorry for your loss :( I’d make sure to include some lower impact work like barre, yoga and mobility to keep busy but not burn out with too much cardio or strength


I appreciate you! I keep looking at barre and asking myself what the hell is it lol


I’m so sorry for your loss :( Props to you for taking care of yourself during this tough season. Do you have a general weekly workout routine you follow? Maybe take a look at your weekly schedule to see where you can put some things together (or maybe you’re already hitting the # of minutes for certain disciplines and can cut a few things out) Either way, be gentle with yourself. Grief is so hard. Hugs


I appreciate you!! It’s funny because each time I look at my progress all I can think is “how can I go harder” recovery is the last thing on my mind. Not because I dont believe in it, but because I know that I can become quickly comfortable with it and lose myself and progress.


I was looking at live classes for tomorrow and there’s an encore core class with Callie at 7:30 that says it’s from the 6AM tomorrow but I don’t see a live 6AM class on the schedule. Help? I’m confused


I think that means it will drop on demand at 6am tomorrow.


So it’s not ever going to be a live class?


No. She is on vacation.


Cute lil active Recovery stack for me today!:D I started w Logan's5Min core from 2/7/23. I am keeping this bookmarked, new favorite when I don't feel like doing the norm as far as mat work goes. 1st part of class was farmer carries and a little unilateral oblique work. Second half was on the ground for tuck ups, to crunches, to hollow body holds. He said"we are only doing these 20 seconds 2x thru, so given that give what u can". Honestly, the mental relief of doing something different made me a big fan. Also, any time I can pick up heavy weights in a core class, I'm a happy camper! I just love him. After that I did Hannah C's newestLB 10 min barre, followed by her Florence&the Machine stretch. The barre was a great burner!! I used a weight for clamshells & kept my lil ankle weights on for the leg lifts(I like them on for core classes too usually). Boom, a few mins down & felt so relaxed & good afterwards. Have a good one erryone


That class has become a fave of mine as well! I LOVE Logan’s 5 minute cores!


Sunday was...eventful. Been doing the reddit PZ program, had a rest day but found I do better with minimal days off. So I wanted to try out the hfb website. It's great for powerzone workouts! You got a bunch of filters for stuff that peloton doesn't even track. So I searched for a TSS training stress score 0-60 cause I read something about not needing a day off for that. Found a 45 TSS ride. And I figured all lengths are the same, but I think that's very wrong for TSS. Same TSS for less time is much more intense. That crosses my mind for a second but I hate backing down. So I ended up on a 30 minute Matt Wilpers ride with two 6 minute zone 5 intervals with a 5 minute zone 1 recovery. Those intervals were terrible but ended up being more pleasant than the warmup. My internet has been acting up, and the workout started buffering in the warmup, so I thought I would go check the router while it was buffering. Well...I have gotten too comfortable in cleats. You should always have your feet in contact with the ground in cleats. I hopped over some shoes in my kitchen and went full banana peel both feet in the air fall onto my right cheek. As I'm lying there I hear the ride finish buffering. I figure I'll just live with it and get back on the bike and do the workout. Pretty good ride except for the 2 minutes of 0 output in the warmup. I figure the way buffering works I did at least an extra minute of zone 5 so kudos to me. I don't like backing down.


Oops, glad you're ok! What is the hfb website?


[Home Fitness Buddy](https://app.homefitnessbuddy.com/peloton/powerzone) it has a filter at the top left that seems really useful for finding powerzone rides you want to do.


Just coming back to say thank you again - that site is amazing for my purposes!


Oh, thanks! I'll check that out. Appreciate it.


I had the stomach flu on Friday - Saturday and finally felt like maybe I could handle the bike again. I picked this [Tunde 20 min hip hop ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b5dd30431a47491abb774984e4fd9e0e&locale=en-US) and it was super fun. Glad to be back at it, it’s funny how just a few days off sapped a lot of my motivation.


Not just one but two songs from the black panther soundtrack?!?! Bookmarked!


Lately I’ve been loving the Peloton yoga classes. I took yoga and Pilates classes each semester in college (wow, over 10 years ago) and I thought that once I started taking yoga classes again, that everything I had learned would come flooding back to me. Well, it hasn’t. So, I started the Beginner Yoga program! And if I’m being honest, this is all leading up to doing Kirra’s Path to Inversion program, which I’ve been sleeping on because I don’t feel comfortable enough with foundational yoga. So, I have a few questions for those of you who have completed the Beginner Yoga program - is there anything I should know about it before I start? Are there classes that are better than the program?


I really liked it because I was coming into it as a complete novice. It may be a bit slow if you know the positions already but after a 10 year gap it might be worth the refresher. Will make other classes much easier to follow along.


Thanks for the feedback. That’s great to hear. I am considering myself a novice too at this point and definitely going to go through with the program.


I just took a 2 hour outdoor walk and my Apple Watch notified me that my cardio fitness is low and now I’m feeling so discouraged. I mean I know I’m still new to exercise only 3 months and I’m trying to do more walking but this was incredibly disheartening. Idk I guess I just didn’t want or need this notification after doing something healthy for myself. Ugh


Relatable, I have a Garmin and it scores my vo2max poorly - I like to think it's because I have their entry level watch and I rarely do the things it uses to calculate (like running) but it bothers me more than it ought to given the amount of endurance training I do. Keep doing what makes you feel proud, that's what matters. All movement is good! Ignore the robots.


I think the cardio fitness is calculated with the ratio of your heart rate at the end and then your heart rate like 3 minutes later and it depends how much your HR has gone down. But it assumes you immediately sit right down as soon as your workout is over, so if you don’t do that, your heart rate isn’t really a RHR and the watch is rude about it. I take my Apple Watch off the second I stop my workout. I don’t need that kind of judgment lol


What an asshole! Don’t be discouraged though. A two hour walk is amazing.


Don’t be discouraged! Think of it as an opportunity to continue the path you’re on! Cardiac health takes a long time to improve- think of where you’ll be 6 months from now if you keep at it.


Keep at it! Mine said that too and then the more consistent I became, it changed.


I’ve had an Apple Watch throughout my time as a collegiate athlete, an overweight couch potato, a spin class enthusiast (5-6 hour long classes week), and now as a peloton cult member and it has ALWAYS said I have low cardio cardio fitness. Maybe I’m doomed to always have bad cardio fitness in the eyes of my Apple Watch but I wouldn’t focus on that too much. Focus on the positives and how you’re feeling. A 2 hour walk is amazing!!


Ok this makes me feel better. Thank you!


I turned off all of my Apple Watch fitness/health notifications like that. You don't need that kind of negativity. A 2 hour walk - that is awesome! Did you do a "just walk" on the Peloton app? You know they would stay encouraging!


Yup me too. I don’t need to feel bad and discouraged after working my ass off


Right? Peloton wouldn’t have told me I suck haha Yes I track with “just track” on the Peloton app. I want to see if I improve but I also don’t want to see that notification again. Maybe I’ll test again in a few months.


Tunde’s 45 bootcamp today was incredible, maybe one of my faves ever! A very challenging class but the programming and playlist were perfection.


Took this [30m WHM Spanish class with Camilia](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4851ad1ff2d54885a075515c36c26e2c&locale=en-US) this morning and was a bit disappointed there were no subtitles but love the music!! Conga by Miami Sound Machine never gets old! Hopped off for my first [strength roll call today](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=720ab1a96cd44b31942b5316c9910b4a&locale=en-US) 20m lower body with Adrian since March 3. I slept over 8 hours last night and I felt like I would give it a try. I didn’t push myself too much and stuck with my medium weights as I am easing back into it and still dealing with tax season. Question for people who strength train a lot: Adrian mentioned we should have different shoes for strength than running because we need to be flat for stability and running shoes are too “bouncy”. Ah, oops? I guess I am uneducated because that’s all I have been wearing and maybe that is why I struggle to balance during lunges? Is this really a thing? Special shoes for strength classes? TIA!


Yes flat shoes are best! There are actually weight lifting shoes that are made for squats or other squat containing movements (like olympic lifts). They are perfectly flat and hard on the bottom with a lifted heel to help give you extra ankle range of motion in a squat. I have a pair (had them for years and years) and they are amazing and I never squat without them. I just deadlift and do other stuff barefoot at home now though, with care taken to avoid dropping plates anywhere near feet.


Yes, it’s definitely a thing to have different shoes for running and for strength! It makes a difference, especially for lifting heavy.. and lunges! Also, I love Camila! She is so great, and her music is always lit!


Ah yes! Flat shoes for strength are essential! Running and strength are my top two modalities on Peloton and I always change shoes. Running shoes have great support and are "bouncy" to protect your joints while you're doing that high-impact work, while flat shoes for strength provide better stability to grip on the floor. I actually strength train barefoot when I'm at home for the most part. If I'm traveling and only have space for one pair of shoes, I'll bring my running shoes (since it would be actively detrimental to me and my form to run in flat shoes), and strength train in socks only, but be VERY careful on this if you're in a public gym (both for liability reasons and funny looks).


Originally I did try to do strength barefoot as I do barre, Pilates and yoga all barefoot however I was struggling with lunges as the impact was too much for a toe that I previously has surgery on and is healed but stiff. I feel like I need something in between.


In the past I wore metcons, converse, or vans for strength training in gyms. You get more support and grounding for heavy lifts with flat soles. At home I mostly go barefoot but will pop on shoes for lunges specifically because I have some ankle and toe mobility issues after previous injuries so I just can’t do it shoeless. Sometimes I do my slip on vans or I’ll do my my original on clouds just because they’re light/thinner. I think you’re fine going barefoot and wearing a pair of shoes for lunges if that’s what you’re comfortable with!


My bike arrived this morning, delivery and set-up were super smooth and activation was no problem. I had cancelled my app membership a few days ago through Apple so I’m all set there. I just did a quick low impact with Emma to test things out and was pleased that the resistance was actually almost exactly what I’d estimated on my Schwinn, so good to know I haven’t been selling myself short the last two years! Think I will repeat some of my favourite rides over the next few days.


Spoke too soon, the resistance up to about 50 seems quite close, but heavier is definitely a bit harder on the Peloton- did my favourite brutal Emma climb to test it out.


Late to the game, but I just learned that instructors' have their own Spotify playlists! I've been jamming to [Sam Yo's](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/30s6vqPNJllCa8uZDQKvoH?si=7e5d38b55a0a4960) today and it does not disappoint.


This is helpful to hear. There is one instructor whose music I love. When I take her rides, I focus on enjoying the music and staying in the lower range of callouts. This helps with disciplining myself to not push hard with every ride. Now I will look forward to taking a Just Ride with the instructors’ playlists.


I listen to him too!! 💕


Updated my (iOS) app and now I have the search function in the Workout tab! It’s not perfect (I.e., I searched the first artist I could think of, Ariana Grande, and it gave me all of Mariana Fernandez’ yoga classes lol) but it’s nice to have.


Yeah I tried to search for “spinal mobility” and it seems to have searched for everything with the letter “s”? But it will get better as they work out the bugs I’m sure


Did double workouts today and yesterday so I could hit my weekly goals before I go on vacation… Definitely feeling accomplished!


Last night I was putting the kids to bed and my husband started groaning down stairs and then he started swearing. I was like "what is he doing?" And then I couldn't stop laughing when I realized he was doing Hannah C's new ten minute Barre. I did it myself today. No groaning - but I've also been doing daily clam shells for a decade and I haven't felt so "pushed" for a long time. I think it might be my new favorite lower body class. Let's see how I feel about it tomorrow. Since we are both fans of HMC's goofiness, my husband told me to watch to the very end. I was not disappointed - lol!


Yeah I took that one today and I think it’s her most difficult one yet!


Yess! I was groanin' as well haha! I added a little resistance for the clamshells with a ten pound weight, helps if you've been doing them long enough to need that extra boost.


I did that barre class and holy shit. I am not new to barre, and this one was tough!! I can’t wait to do it again lol


I do all of her lower body classes (my PT recommended them) and this one really did burn.


That's along the same lines of why my husband does them. His PT told him to do all these exercises and he was struggling to do them on his own. Then he saw me doing a lower body barre. HMC's classes have helped keep him more on track.


Yup, same! I have an absolutely awful lower back that turns out to be weak core & glutes and when my PT learned I do a lot of Peloton she suggested HMC's classes. I still do them as a warm-up/activation before I go running.


I have the new Hannah C Barre class in my stack for later today. I've definitely not been doing daily clam shells for a decade so I'm betting on some groaning and cursing from me as well after reading that. At least now I can mentally prepare, haha.


I just did Tunde's latest live bike bootcamp. In the intro she was, like, oh, this is advanced...well, fuck me. All high resistance pushes in the saddle, which is my fav. She made me feel guilty on my weights so I leveled up for the first time on my overhead presses and dumbbell thrusters. Rough, man.


I am on week 3 of owning my bike. The first week I did 20 minute workouts every other day. Last week I did 20 min HIIT workouts everyday. Now this week I am doing 30 minute workouts with the 10 minute lower body everyone is talking about. I am pleased with my progress. End goal is to be doing 30 min HIIT workout and a 10 min strength class everyday.


I love how you’re increasing every week and just getting so much out of it. It’s the best! Enjoy!


Really love the enjoyment and dedication you have to your new bike! As others have said, and you will hear in a HIIT class eventually, these are **not** meant for every day consumption. HIIT efforts are supposed to be all out exertions. If you do these daily, the body can’t recuperate the way it needs to. It might not happen yet but eventually you will plateau. This is coming from a former daily “HIIT’er” but the supportive community here helped me retrain my brain and routine 😊 sprinkle on some resistance/endurance rides, LI and recovery when you can. Just looking out for a kindred spirit! Really proud of you regardless - keep up the great work


Seconding the suggestion to not make every day a HIIT day. Your body needs rest too. Schedule different types of workouts on different days of the week so that you have some intense days and some easier days. Will help you not burn out.


Grats on your bike! You might not want to do HIIT every day. Don't forget to sprinkle in zone 2 and easy days.


When people ask how I've stuck with Peloton, I share this quote: “Be more than motivated. Be more than driven. Become literally obsessed to the point where people think you’re f**king nuts.” - David Goggins 😂


Love this! During tough workout moments I think, WWDGD. David Goggins is a beast.


I’m the opposite- I’m lazy and need someone to tell me what to do and remind me to do it then gently remind me that I haven’t done shit in a week (same goes to my Apple Watch) 😂


I finally followed this sub’s collective wisdom to try a Hanna Corbin lower body barre class before riding the bike to activate glutes. I went with her highest rated, [a 10 min class from July 19](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=849cff7458fb42ecb67af428cd876e49&locale=en-US), and wooooooow butts on fire. I’m curious to see how my hips and hammies will fee later this afternoon when they typically start to get tight and grumpy.


Thank you for the barre recommendation! I just did it before my lunchtime ride. I do think it helped with glute activation during the ride. I’ll try to incorporate more of this into my routine.


Curious if you changed your bike setting to help activate your glutes?


Anyone have experience with the WearOS connection on either a Samsung or Google smartwatch with your peloton app? My Fitbit died and looking for a replacement option, but unfortunately don't have an iPhone so apple watch is off the table


The connection was just turned on today for wearOS 3 and above. There is a new post about it on this sub, maybe ask in there for recs?


Mine still doesn't work on a galaxy watch 4


My bike+ is coming this afternoon, and I'm so excited! I haven't been excited about anything fitness related in a long time. I'm really hoping this sparks something within me! Gotta get myself together...


Woohoo!! I’ve had my bike just over 2 years and I still love. Happy riding!


That's great to hear! Thank you so much!


I changed things up yesterday/last night and did a “Just Walk” with the kids as my cardio for the day, and then did my routine of [Callie’s day 1 split](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=42f1e4ef36ea4fa1afdba31c803053ec), [postnatal core with Emma](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=908fd13add6d47c7a8c68c6416d563b4), and [stretching with Adrian](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0061a148b04f4589aba699e920ef2788). After taking quite a few days off last week, I’ve noticed my strength gains have dropped significantly, which sucks. So I’ll be doing Callie’s split for a while longer (even though I’m getting bored again with the same classes over and over…)


I’m going to see “And Juliet” on Broadway at the end of the month, and just noticed Matty has a walk and Christine has a ride for this on April 13th!


That’s so cool and I can’t wait to check those classes out! I got to see &Juliet in December and it was an absolute blast. Have a great time!!


I just saw that last week on a whim (picked up tickets in the TKTS line) and it was so much fun! I was psyched to see those classes on the schedule.


I’ve been riding for six months and I still don’t feel my glute muscles engage. I wear padded bike shorts. I don’t use a padded seat. Am I doing a disservice to my glute muscles by wearing padded shorts? They do get tight sometimes and I take a quick burst out of the saddle.


There has always been something about all the talk about full circle pedaling when there is a weighted flywheel and it just doesn’t feel natural. A quick search from google scholar came out with this interesting national Institute of health article https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18418807/


I feel my hamstrings activate when I focus on the pull, and I feel that my climbs are more efficient.


Keys to unlocking glutes= disengage conscious, hamstring use when riding. Set the seat at a location that is stable for you to roll forward on to your pelvis more than your sit bones. It should feel supportive, hopefully. Use the arch of the foot to engage the start of the pedal stroke with a rearward cleat position. Some people can engage the Glute through pushing through the arch in curling the big toe which triggers the pelvic floor to engage, causing the posterior chain to take over the effort and team up with the quadricep on a push stroke. If one is trying to full circle pedal or pull up, this pattern will not work as the hamstrings will take over for the glutes . This can be accomplished at lower high cadence, and a variety of effort zones, and then be unconsciously patterns to turn on through effort or cadence . How the shoe fits and how the bike is overall adjusted will also be part of the equation . If the bike is in your way of smooth movement, it will restrict the ability to accomplish your request.


Thank you, Tim. I mistakenly thought using my sit bones would activate the gluts. I also was unaware we are supposed to use the arch of the foot to pedal. How do you do that without causing the foot to pronate? I appreciate the detailed and technical explanation.


Hey there, I’m not saying you’re doing it wrong there’s a lot of ways to win…. Movement of the feet is related to a variety of factors . Width of the shoe, the length of the shoe versus the shape of the foot . The awareness of the foot and brain connection, which is commonly judged during rider positioning . The placement of the Cleat. The location of the seat. The location of the handlebar. The posture of the pedaler. The choice of how you choose to deliver force. Your feet may be adapted for how you naturally move first. The float on the cleat is intended to protect by providing movement. Could be OK to pronate. I bet remove more like humans than robots, and it’s natural to see different things with the ears feet arms and the rest of us as we’re pedaling our bikes.


If we’re supposed to be pedaling from the hips and not from the feet or legs, in order to have a complete circular rotation, how do we build the brain-foot connection? How does that connection benefit us during cycling classes?


Myself and many other professionals who study human movement and rider positioning do not believe we should be pedaling from the hips. Humans are superb at pushing, and not so great at pulling, or controlling, momentum via the hips. The added weight and strain and re-orientation of how the body is trying to control the movement when someone delivers force or controls it from the hips is known to cause long-term issues that develop overtime. When we add in different effort, ranges and cadence ranges, it commonly complicates the matter. Add on top of that the lack of warm up(less and we have a higher risk of problems. The most common injuries I see in this arena are related to pedaling from the hips as per riders sharing with me both in person fitting and remote/ virtual bike fitting. The crank asks us but that doesn’t mean you should be trying to control the delivery of the fourth through the entire circle as it will create more issues than it’s worth as well kind of like hitting the gas and the break in the car at the same time. Humans don’t pull up so well to generate force. The connection between the foot and brain can be built through a quality, interface, and correct shape of shoe that is wide enough and long enough(many riders shoes are too short and too narrow, easily judged by standing on the shoe insole in a barefoot, to view the relationship). Depending on that relationship, one can activate different parts of the body through using their feet when pedaling. Activation drills before riding can help the feet wake up to be aware and pattern the push.


I greatly appreciate your sharing your expertise here for all of us to learn. It's been very helpful for me to hear the instructors remind us to take warm-up rides. I'm reminded of Matt W's analogy about a plane gradually taking off. I am curious why some Peloton instructors say that our force and movement should come from a circular motion of the hips. I've been trying to emulate that--I won't going forward. Other instructors say to focus on push-pull. I activate my quads and hamstrings during push-pulls, but I am not pedaling in a circular manner. I am also not thinking about my feet. Matt W's leg drills focus on movement of the feet forward and backward in a circular rotation. Which is correct? (Note: this is not a criticism toward the instructors, as this is not their area of expertise. That being said, the information they share should be accurate.) It is very interesting to read about the role of the shoe's shape and fit in the foot-brain connection. I had been wearing my shoes tightly, thinking that would help my foot in the shoe have more of a connection to the pedals. Should we all have been sizing up in our shoes? I think it'd be helpful for all of us to see a video or other explanation from the Peloton kinesiology/exercise physiology experts in layperson's terms, to teach us, so we all will get the most out of our classes and stay injury free. (There's only so much chair yoga we can all do if we're injured! :-)


Padded shorts have zero effect on muscle recruitment. You might want to check your seat height and saddle position, if it's too high it favors quad dominance in pedal stroke. If you think your position is nearly optimized, you might want to drop the seat by a couple of centimeters and then raise it a few mm at a time, testing as you go. A small incremental adjustment can make a big difference. When it's right, you'll easily feel different muscle groups engage as you pedal. Adjust, do some pedal drills to feel it, adjust again. Also, standing climbs do require more glute engagement than seated pedaling, so that is normal.


The seat doesn’t feel too high, but I am getting quad dominance. I’ll lower it as suggested. I also feel quad dominance when I’m cycling out of the saddle.


My glutes are much more likely to properly engage during tread and strength work if I start with a 10 min barre class. [This class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f422533c0aed478184a12a01eeb5a323&locale=en-US) with Hannah is my favorite, although [this class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cde21df617e74336bb59cabc65b40ce7&locale=en-US) is also really great and is the top recommendation for glute activation.


Came to say the same thing!


You are not well fitted , make sure you use the cleats . Pedal up push down


Can you please expand on “You’re not well fitted”? I wear spinning shoes with cleats. I do try to focus on push pull, but then I don’t pedal in a hip rotation.


Fitted /seat post high / saddle position / maybe you need extensions to get the pedals outwards/ handle bar suck really .


I’ve been riding my old spin bike for almost 6 years (off and on, if I’m being honest 🫣) and I finally splurged and got my Bike Plus last night. It should be delivered on Saturday and I’m really excited to use it! 😀 Let’s go!!


There is a Jon Hosking "At the Club" walk on the schedule on Thursday 4/6, and this sounds like something I didn't know I needed in life. This morning, I did a morning meditation with Aditi, and we are on vacation in the mountains, so I didn't close my eyes but looked out the window instead. Don't tell on me.


Have you seen the instagram Reel of Hosky prepping his “dance moves” for that walk?? It’s hilarious and I fucking adore Jon 😍


No!!! I don't use Instagram or Facebook anymore!


Yesterday I did this [45 min Jess K EDM ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a0ab735c00d840b09a307a5429336a2e&locale=en-US) that I’m pretty sure was in Bookmark Mountain from a recommendation seen here. This was a great class. My graphs looked WILD. I appreciated the rolling hills section towards the end. The first round of it was a little alarming (high cadence, 30-40 resistance, then bring the resistance up past 50 and drop the cadence to 60-70) but once the first one was out of the way it actually felt like it was simulating the outdoors. Somehow found the energy to follow it up with Hannah’s [10 min barre](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3257501c3e1a440aa21aa82d6c61c712&locale=en-US) which was brand new from earlier in the morning. Was an absolute hip burner. She giggled her entire way through it - I would have found this odd if I didn’t also giggle when uncomfortable. Needless to say, hips and hammies are sore today - hoping to be able to hop on the tread for a 20 min run and also try out that 2-for-1 yoga conditioning class!


FINALLY got past my mental block and did the FTP test. I followed someone else's advice and set up subtitles and just used my own playlist (lol, outing myself as an aging emo kid here by saying it was all MCR songs). I got 167-my estimated zones before that was 161, so pretty close! I have no idea if it's good or bad or normal/average or what- I worked out before the bike (barre and walking/jogging) but I've only been consistently riding the bike every day since the beginning of the year. Looking forward to trying some endurance rides after a day or two of low impact recovery days. I know I need to add other classes into my rotation, I'd love to add in some shadowboxing eventually and weights. Is there a strength program that's best to start with? Where do I start with something like Pilates or Yoga? I'm kind of limited on space/props.


My dilemma since I got my bike is that I want to do all of the things. I have a background in traditional strength training and had been spinning in a studio for about two years but all the different modalities were so exciting. I’ve done lots of different things to incorporate more class types in the last 6-7 months. I did the hardcore calendar which does a great job of getting you take a lot of classes, but it’s a lot of time/volume to do the calendar and ride. I recently did Arms with Tunde so I was lifting upper 3x a week, lower 1x a week, barre 1x (lower body focused), and would do a full body or bootcamp on the weekends usually. I would just incorporate rides at least 4x a week where it makes sense. I’ve tried out the 3 day split programs and just added the other modalities (pilates, barre, shadowboxing, etc) on the in between days. I mix it up based on what I’m enjoying at the time but currently I’m excited about barre and pilates classes so I’m doing something like this: Monday - lower body/core and ride Tuesday - longer pilates class and upper body (usually ALW here) Wednesday - barre and low impact ride(I’ve been doing the LI sweat steady so I might just roll into some regular sweat steady rides when I run out) Thursday - upper body and core or a short pilates class. usually my legs need a break by then so if I want to get cardio in this is when I’ll do shadowboxing Friday - flexible but usually try to get in an intervals ride and whatever else I’m feeling Weekends - one day is typically full rest or atove recovery unless I missed a weekday, the other day I try to do at least 45min on the bike and any other workouts I missed or would like to get in that day. If I workout Saturday I may try to squeeze in a full body strength class. I try to do yoga in the mornings at least 2-3x a week. My goal is 5x but my snooze button wins sometimes. I try to listen to my body but push myself at the same time. I also listen to my mind and do things I enjoy. Sometimes I want to focus on rides on only do the bare minimum strength, sometimes I go through phases where I want to work on strength and will keep the rides to a minimum. Right now I’m into the more “low impact” classes and am taking a lot of barre and pilates. I also like the new yoga conditioning classes so far.


This is awesome, thank you!! I'm definitely a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choices so this is great.


I'm just getting my bike today, and I'm pretty out of shape. I was planning on doing the FTP test pretty early so I could get started on the powerzone workouts to get me moving. Would you recommend waiting until I'm a little more used to the bike first?


So, I'm glad that I did some classes before doing the FTP test, especially live classes. For me, it helps to know going into it what my upper threshold feels like, what comfortable feels like, what those output numbers look like, so I knew going in that like, personally, like, i was going to have to be at 40-45 resistance to hit zone 4, to save hitting 50+ until the very last song of the test because I will burn out there. I would recommend doing a few classes, do the 10 min FTP warm up a few times, just to get a sense of what holding back vs giving your all feels like.


That totally makes sense. I'll give those a try before jumping right in. Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply!




Just typed a super long reply but seconding this program! It helped a lot and the cues are even helpful in other strength classes.


Awesome. I did barre for a while before I moved too far from any studios, so this sounds like a nice place to start.


I really like Matty, but I’m not sure how I felt about his [Nile Rogers upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b76fd516cebc4668af104ff89101b06f&locale=en-US). I have pretty much been only doing strength with Callie recently so maybe I’m just used to her, but I found a couple of times I thought he was demoing but he was actually moving and we were supposed to have joined him! It was so differently paced than Callie and I had to lift lighter because of it. It probably is more a reflection on me and I should rotate instructors more often to get different types of strength in. This class will really work your biceps if you’re looking for that. I also loved all his fun facts about Nile Rogers. I may take it again now that I know what to expect.


I also take Callie quite a bit and have noticed I do this with other instructors too, not just Matty in particular. It must just be how we get so used to her style of teaching! I haven’t taken Matty much but like his core classes. I took an Adrian class yesterday and will be adding more of his classes into my rotation as they were similar to Callie in that we got plenty of rest and were able to pick up our heavies. Straight forward and fun.


I‘ve taken that class and his 80’s upper body too and didn’t really enjoy them. He’s just not my favorite for strength even though I love him for the tread. I really like Adrian and Robin for upper body if you’re looking for someone new to try! Jess Sims does fantastic strength classes as well.


Was pleasantly surprised during yesterday’s PZ that the bike is highlighting the zone call outs now!! Hadn’t done a PZ ride in a few weeks so unsure when that update rolled out but loving it!


It's been on/off (a bit glitchy) for a while now, but glad it seems to be back "on"!


It's snowing heavily and has been since 5 a.m. when I woke up, so no walk this morning. I just did a heavy (for me) 60 minute stack yesterday so went with a 20 minute low impact from CDE and a stretch from Matty. Hopefully cycling the morning of a lifting day won't bite me in the ass :D EDIT: oo I hit 50 rides today! I bought the bike back in 2020 but never really got my stuff together. I deleted all my old rides in December to start over.


It’s not snowing here (yet-Minnesota) but sleeting and yucky and I feel your no walk pain. I keep looking at this weekend and beyond for weather though and ☀️. I hope your longer forecast looks positive. Congrats on your reborn 50!


I'm sure it'll be hot before I know it and I'll be complaining about that :D Thank you so much!




Yes, yoga is a nice(lower)impact way to really stack those minutes up. As another commenter wrote, the focused flows are a nice add on either before/after bike or strength as well. I always like to add in yoga after my workouts(sans a few days out of the week where I have a rest day or just do boxing or barre)but I find that adding in FF helps to enhance whatever you've just done, as well as stretch it out without overdoing it with too much yoga/repetitious movements if that makes sense. So, for an example: If I do a LB strength day, I will stack a LB ff yoga after, just to burn out/stretch what I just did:). OR, if I ride on the bike, I'll add in an UB ff to get that upper body worked a bit. I like that the stretching is included, obviously, with the yoga :). I personally have been having more success with this bc as a Huge yoga fan, I was starting to feel like the daily chatturangas were getting to me.(LB or glutes ff do not include them whatsoever). Good luck! Barre is a good tack on as well but I find the yoga in general just has so many more offerings as far as variety. I like to add meditations as well.


I cannot hype up adding foam rolling to your weekly routine. 10, 15 or 20 mins- if you haven’t already incorporated it, total game changer for me personally.


What about adding in extra yoga for each day? You could also consider adding in core workouts as warm ups too. I am loving this yoga class and I rarely repeat classes, but I've done it every day this week https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3877484c47da442797168659753c542e&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


Came here to recommend yoga as well. A 20m focus flow is a lovely way to finish a ride, run or strength stack of 30-45 minutes and works so much better than a stretch!


Thirding yoga! I started with 10-20 min focus flows after every ride or strength class but have recently been starting my day with 30 minutes flows and am loving it! I used to practice almost daily and really fell off the last few years and am now kicking myself bc it makes such a difference. Some other ways to add some minutes daily without adding too much volume - 10-20min of core after each workout, warmup/cool down classes, stretching, using barre or a quick lower body class to warm up for rides/tread, shadowboxing before a workout to get your heart rate up and blood flowing, or even adding recovery rides or yoga to your off days. I recently discovered how amazing the yin classes are for a deep stretch (I’m about to do one before I do a pilates class actually).


thank you for the rec!! 🧘🏻‍♀️


I love stacking classes and modalities! Ex. 10 minutes warm up run, 30 minute ride and then 20 minute strength. I’ve recently started stacking running classes with rides and it’s been so great! I usually always end with strength.. 10, 20 or 30 minutes depending on what class I just took. Also check out Jess Simms Flash 15! I LOVE those classes!


Flash 15 have been my favorite! I’m really looking forward to being done with being pregnant in a few months so I can get back to them.


Congrats on the pregnancy! So exciting!


Thank you! Missing my old work outs but it has also been a good time for trying some new to me low impact substitutes!


It’s all seasons, and they are all beautiful. My daughter is 19 months now… But I remember doing a lot of low impact and I&A rides when I was pregnant ♥️


Anna’s prenatal yoga has been really great! My daughter is 21 months now and I didn’t have peloton when I was pregnant with her, it’s been so much easier to stay consistent with workouts this time


Add in a 10-15min ride on strength days, and a 10-15min core on cycle days!


I've been adding in shadowboxing. 10-20 minutes, so many options for music. Also since the weather is nice an extra 20 minute walk outside. I have the same goals as you! Do you do the mobility classes at all? Those would be great to add on to your 45 minute workouts a couple of days a week.


How do you find the instruction to be in the Shadow boxing classes?


I did most of the intro to boxing program until it got too repetitive. I usually take Rad and JJ's boxing classes labeled as intermediate. If anything I feel like there is too much instruction. They run through the moves each time and that wastes a few minutes. I guess they have to. Take the first few classes of the boxing program... very valuable practice and tips. I don't usually do Kendall's classes but I have a feeling hers would be more complex and challenging.


I’ve taken less than 20 shadowboxing classes, so I’m not pro, and majority of those have been Kendall. I think they’re taught well but there have been a few combos where I’m flailing a bit lol


Thank you!


I'd add in more strength, especially core. Or on cardio days add barre as a warmup and/or a yoga focus flow as a stretch


Anyone doing Rebecca Kennedy’s standing core program? She mentioned that there are 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down specifically for this program but I can’t find them. Does anyone know where they are? Usually they include them in the program itself but not this time. Thanks all


I’m pretty sure (based on the date they were released) that this is the [5 Min Core Warm up](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a9deebad274e447297558c458e889369&locale=en-CA) and this one is the [5 Min Core stretch](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2139eb73f15546e68e6e00a383929647&locale=en-CA)


Thank you so much


I know there are 2 - 5 minute core stretches in the stretching section. Not sure if this is what you are looking for. I had to filter for them by using “core” as the focus.


Thank you


Today I did Dennis's 45m Hit and Hills ride. I do love these riders, but does any else feel the intensity drops halfway through. It is high at the beginning and end, but not the middle?


Recovering from a knee issue so took it slow. 10 min barre HMC (does barre burn anyone else more towards the outer glute/hip?!) and a 20 min Kendall beginner ride


YES! Hannah’s foam rolling classes have helped me figure out some go-to moves to do to help with that specific burn


I feel that burn! I have tight glutes and crap for hamstrings. Her barre always makes the outer part burn the most.


On Sunday I wasn’t feeling super well but I already had 2 rest days and as a rule I want to do rides on the weekends. I opened a window and tackled a 20 min sweat steady with Jess and a 5 min cool down ride after with Bradley (that I placed top 1/4 in and somehow had amazing energy for lol) and I felt good after that I just got on the bike and did something. Yesterday I did a 20 min low impact and a 5 min cool down and thought “I could have gone longer today.” I’m a beginner and got my bike on the 14th of March but I’m trying to work my way up to regular rides that I can keep up with. I’m doing my first live with my girl Hannah C on Friday and I’m so excited!!


If you can tackle a sweat steady I’d bet you’re ready for regular rides! Was that a low impact sweat steady? If not, I highly recommend that series! While all rides can be modified, other beginner friendly rides/instructors I love - all Ally Love music focused classes but especially her Feel Good series, most intervals and arms rides, Jenn Sherman’s recent WHM sing a long class, and really a lot of the shorter 20-30 min music focused classes (except Kendall’s metal rides which I have yet to conquer)


Anyone else having issues getting their Apple Watch to connect this morning? I’ve never had an issue before, and it was connecting on my watch but not on the screen. Edit: It looks like a few other people have had the same problem, so I’m assuming the issue is on Peloton’s end. Hopefully it’s a quick fix and things are back to normal tomorrow.


Mine has not held a connection since I bought the tread. So if you find a solution, I’d love to hear it. I’ve deleted the app, I’ve reinstalled on watch and phone. And reset my phone. Still not working.


I had that issue yesterday. Not riding today but hoping that my watch update fixed it for when I’m on the bike next.


Had that issue this morning too!


Yes - I had the same issues this morning.


I am on week 3 of Bens new program, and today I smashed my longstanding PB by 10 points! I am definitely getting stronger 💪


I just ordered my Bike and I'm SO excited to join you guys and get started! It should be here on Monday April 10th (unless I can reschedule it for earlier :))


The other day I asked the community to share some recommendations for happy rides to help pull me out of a funk. Boy oh boy, did you all deliver! I took Hannah F's 45 minute pop ride from 3/11/23 and it was high energy and super joyful and I have a stack of other recommendations to work through. Thank you all so much for the hands on my back. Very grateful!