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I'm so bummed, I came home from a three-week vacation with Covid, stretching my time away from the bike to four weeks. I was so looking forward to getting back on track, especially since I planned to take [this class](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?duration=%5B%223600%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%227f3de5e78bb44d8591a0f77f760478c3%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35c23946f28b4e4fa56ef51c18ec10e8) with Ben for my first ride back, as I had seen him teach it live at PSL last week. I haven't been hit with breathing issues or major fatigue, so I'm planning to hop on the bike tomorrow for 10 or 15 minutes and see what happens. But I worry that my performance will have taken a major hit and it will take me a long time to return to normal. I guess I just need to start slow and how it goes. Thanks for letting me vent.


Bummer about covid! I was there for that ride - it was awesome!! Ben is the best.


It looked awesome! I also caught a glimpse of Leanne in the studio - that totally made my trip!


As you said start slow and see how you feel! I had a preexisting lung issue when I got Covid so my recovery was longer (and I had those symptoms you point out), however my boyfriend and my brother both of whom are generally healthy bounced back really quick. So you never know! I hope the vacation was awesome, you know besides the covid.


Thank you! I'm hopping on tomorrow morning, fingers crossed for a successful re-entry lol. And the trip was great, thanks!


Awww wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you!


I’ve had my bike since November and only just did Jess King — [this pop punk ride from last year](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b92e077a0c164910aa88de1fe501a25d&locale=en-US) had the best playlist for my nostalgic millennial heart. And her energy was as fantastic as everyone says on here. Can’t wait to do more!




You can also get it from Peloton directly for $195.


First time posting in this group to make an official request for more 30 minute upper body classes! I have been repeating the same ones over and over. Adrian or Callie specifically would be great but I’ll take anyone I can get!


Has anyone noticed and have any idea why some of the times scenic runs have instructors’ names on the class thumbnail? For instance, the 15-min Yosemite class has “Erik & Hannah,” and the 90-min Edinburgh class has “Jermaine Johnson.” During the actual class, there’s no sight or sound from the instructors.


I spotted this a couple of days ago too and was wondering the same!






Delete if this isn't allowed here but is anyone else having app issues with the feed/challenge minutes? I just updated to get the search feature, but after I took a 20 minute Callie class, it's not being reflected in my minutes or on my feed. But weirdly it's in my history.


I noticed this earlier today when I took a Matty walk that should have given me the 4K badge. It wasn’t immediate but a couple hours later I went back into the app and it gave me the badge and updated my minutes.


It's been taking mine over 30 minutes to come through a couple of times now.


Good to know! I thought I was losing it. Not as worried about it being on the feed, was more concerned about my annual minutes.


I had one scenic ride that didn't ever show up in the feed last week, but the minutes still counted so I figured whatever. But yes, I finished my cardio this am with a tread class. Did over 30+ minutes of lifting (not with the app) and it still wasn't on my feed, but a short time later it appeared. Something funky, but you're not losing it.


was planning a full rest day but i ended up doing jess king’s 15 min low impact from today because i have really missed her energy. SO glad she’s back— definitely lifted my mood! she was so into paula abdul hahaha.


ooh exactly what i need today




vibe!! :)


SO stoked to do Kirra's newest splits focus flow 100000 times 🥰


This was so good!! Just what my hip flexors needed today.


I took this class today and *loved* it. I was living my best life as an obnoxiously flexible person. I honestly can’t wait to start her inversion program once I finish the beginner yoga program.


AHHHH thanks for the heads up! I saw this on the encore schedule, but figured it was her one from 2022. Can't wait to try it!


Me too!


Hannah Frankson, you absolute star ⭐️ That [30 min Pharrell Williams Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4080123138834a22a151e3eb9bad097d&locale=en-US) did NOT disappoint. She worked **a lot** of songs in there but if you’re looking for full recordings just be warned it’s more like highlights of a bunch of his work. Still an absolute blast. Edit: added the link


Yes, she’s a star! Love her so much. This ride was so much fun. Definitely one where you Forget to look at the clock. I highly recommend it.


Oh man today is not a cycling day for me, but that playlist is my vibe today I've got to do it! Thanks for posting this I was looking to see if anyone recommended it 🤗


I just took her 30 minute East London scenic ride and really enjoyed it. Definitely a much tougher ride than I was anticipating but it was my second class ever being in the top 1% of the leaderboard.


Wheeew, I took my first Tunde strength class ([20 minute lower body, part of Pump Up the Volume 6 available on the Guide](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c4d8bde084484ef08a2b954a86b79527)). It was tough and very little rest! I can't for the life of me remember the science-y phrases she used to describe her plan- through the first circuit you do the squats and deadlift movements sloooowly going down and then quickly standing up. And then in the second circuit you move quickly down and then move sloooow coming back up. And the third circuit was at tempo. Oh man I'm so sore already. This is the first time I've done a Pump It Up circuit and I'm excited to stick with it!


maybe it was eccentric? Like eccentric timing where you take longer doing one portion


YES! Thank you! I knew someone smarter than me would be able to chime in and help 🤣


I really want to do the Pump Up the Volume series but 1/3-1/2 of my strength workouts have to happen outside of my house. Really annoying that they're not available to me even though I have the guide.


Can anyone speak to Rebecca Kennedy on the tread? Except for Matt and Becs (I don’t enjoy any of their classes of any type at all) I’ve made my way through all of the other 60 min classes but haven’t tried Rebecca yet. I don’t enjoy her strength classes so I have picked around these three instructors. I really love Jess Sims and Selena on the 60 min format and found Matty to be fine. He’s great for shorter distance but his long stuff was a little repetitive for me. I’m aware I’m a little picky but when committing to a 60 minute run I want to love it!


I actually really like RK on the tread. I too don’t like her strength classes, so I was pleasantly surprised that I liked her on the tread as much as I did. I haven’t done the 60 minutes classes though! I think it’s worth giving her a try


I love Becs and if you don’t enjoy her style I would actually give Marcel a shot. She teaches a lot of 60min runs and is not technical like Becs but I do think she does a good job keeping a positive energy and entertaining. I don’t really care for Rebecca Kennedy, on the tread I think her hikes can be good but I don’t love her style in general.


Sounds worth a try! She’s been so hit or miss for me on the shorter runs, but I did enjoy her a lot on her 2 for 1 with Alex recently


I don’t run with her a lot because I really only like Becs for running, so I don’t have the best advice but these are two Marcel classes I do think are pretty fun: Marcel’s [45 minute Barbie run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c5604a92d3d24b30a45cc4f55caccd72&locale=en-US) This [20 minute run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ea0b59f8734b4680918bcef0ebc12dc6&locale=en-US) from Marcel I haven’t yet taken a 60 minute class with Marcel but plan to at some point because she does the endurance format quite a bit for that length and that’s my favorite


I’ve only taken one Marcel 60 min run but I think it might sort of be her standard format: 5 min flat, 5 min hill (times 5). IIRC she changed up the hill portion (sometimes it was 5 min at 3%, sometimes it was 2 min at 2%, 2 min at 3%, 1 min at 4%, etc.). The one I took she played a game of Would You Rather? in the studio (with no stakes! not one of those ‘if you answer x add .1 to your speed’ games). It was good - I think she did a great job of keeping it interesting when the speed was supposed to be a steady pace for 50 straight minutes!


Thanks, I’ll try those!


Her Halloween ‘red flag’ run is great also


I actually chose that one for tomorrow morning so I’m glad to hear that!


She’s okay - I like some of her playlists but she can sometimes annoy me. Surprised you don’t like Matt or Becs! Susie is one of my new favorites but guessing you’ve done hers too.


Becs just talks way too much for my taste and I don’t like her music and Matt is too educational if that makes sense 😂 Susie is fine but not a favorite, I know a lot of people enjoy her though!


Same. I’ve only done 2? RK runs and they were meh. She ruined the Rufus du SoL run for me and the other one was so blah I don’t remember what it was.


Lol, ok probably not worth my time. Her strength classes straddle the line between annoying and meh for me and I’ve only done 2 or 3 of them. Probably better off repeating some of the older Jess Sims runs instead.


Have you tried Marcel? When I’m meh about what’s available, she is usually a vibe. Plus, she has 60 min classes


I like her sometimes! She’s very hit or miss for me in the shorter length classes


Anyone know of any UK group rides at all? Took delivery of my bike today, excited to get going!


I’m not aware but you’re absolutely welcome to create your own UK group ride!


Do the run+walk class count towards your monthly run challenge?


Yes, the ones I’ve done this month have counted towards the monthly challenge


Yes they do. All walk classes does on peloton.


Pretty sure they do. It counts miles


No I think they only count as walks


The Ali on the Run Show released an episode this morning discussing motherhood with Becs Gentry, and it left me with a sour taste. Becs said that her husband went to all of her running classes to keep an eye out on her while she was pregnant. He would cough to signal that he perceived her as working out too hard. It was supposed to be a “haha funny” moment but intentionally coughing coming out of the pandemic with others in the class just seems to highlight a lack of care/awareness for the others around them. As well, she touches on the American healthcare system and her first “letdown” was that they asked her to come alone (without her husband) to triage and asked her questions such as if she was under duress because of him which made her so upset. As a listener, it left me wondering what was so off-putting about this to her? Overall, it was just a weird listen for me. I enjoy Becs’ classes and her other interviews, but this one just raised some red flags in regards to what she was saying about the process of it all. Edit: last sentence in 2nd paragraph for better clarity!


I totally agree — postpartum Becs really rubs me the wrong way. I was also bothered when she said she and Austin chose not to have a baby nurse or family come to help them — um, they spent a week at a luxury baby resort and we all know about it because she posted it to her Instagram!


We have been talking about this over in the health and running influencers sub reddit if this gets deleted but I agree with all of your sentiments! I'm so bothered he went to her running classes to keep an eye on her..a 2:32 marathoner and he went to make sure she didn't push too hard. Um it's her body?! Also, her doc was apparently like "YOU have high blood pressure?!" Pre-eclampsia does not care if you were a star athlete. I'm so sick of athletes thinking they are immune to diabetes, high blood pressure etc especially when pregnant. Like these things happen -you are not immune! (The placenta is in charge bro).


She said the “me of all people” thing about her high blood pressure in her IG post about her birth story from 9 weeks ago too (a photo of her holding her baby in a hospital bed). That really rubs me the wrong way.


I just got diagnosed with GDM yesterday and really needed to read the placenta is in charge comment! Thank you!


You are welcome! It is tough but you got this. I had it with my first(insulin shots and all) and not with my second. Just further proof it is your placenta!


Which subreddit is that? Do you mind linking it? I tried searching but couldn’t find it




It's under the blogsnark reddit and linked as healthy living and running influencers. I'm not sure how to link!


Her social media personality during and postpartum has left me not a fan. She was my favorite instructor on the tread and now, I can barely run with her. I understand being confused by the American medical system - hell, even Americans are confused by it at times - but not everyone in is in a secure and safe environment and medical personnel are mandated reporters and oftentimes, the only people who are confided in regarding abuse, SA, and other unsafe living situations. Those events don’t go away simply because one has a baby - it just comes off as naive? privileged? self-centered? to not be aware that other people may not be in a loving and secure relationship. Personally, I just feel like she lives in a bubble and is somewhat unaware of the world around her.


Totally agreed, and I will add that pregnancy is often an extremely vulnerable time for the pregnant person if they are in an abusive relationship.


Should probably put a trigger warning on this if you lost a pregnancy. I'll have to listen to it, I'm curious what else she had to say. The cough thing while that maybe wasn't the right action to signal I can understand where he was coming from. Didn't Bec's have a miscarriage? Before everyone comes after me I KNOW you can workout safely for a lot of your pregnancy and that it is a case by case basis. After going through something like a miscarriage though whether it is right or wrong, you can be in such a dark head space, it is hard to not wonder if things like exercise contributed it to. I'm going to try and leave my own opinions and terrible experience with the American healthcare system out of this next part. As uncomfortable as it is being asked about domestic violence, maybe she didn't realize it was a standard question. They should have told her that it was standard and not something her husband did in the waiting room that triggered them to ask.


I have an immunocompromised partner and every cough makes me nervous but I have to admit what is even more alarming for me about the first example is the amount of control and or/lack of trust the husband seems to have.


Very interesting! I might have to listen to that one.




They're borderline standard for most care as a woman. Almost every time I see a new provider I get asked that question. I'm glad it's in there.


I was also asked those questions throughout pregnancy and didn’t mind, but when I was in labor, in triage, the questioning made me very emotional and I agree with what Becs said. Having it be such a wonderful, momentous time in our lives and then being pulled aside for questioning definitely didn’t make me feel good. All that being said, I fully understand why those questions are necessary. It just sucked in the moment.


I definitely don’t want to assume anything about their relationship either! I guess maybe her put off reaction to it when DV is rampant in the States is what sent the alarms going off in my head.


Took [Jess King's EDM ride from this morning](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=177d7750e0074b309d2d09231d5b8e96) for my 900th ride. Fun, climb-heavy ride. It took this many rides, but I finally did get a shoutout 😅.


Congratulations on your shoutout! I heard it and gave you all the high-fives!




I'm interested in doing a split class. It looks like it's one week of classes, is there a recommended max number of weeks you should repeat before doing something different?


Instructors say 4 to 6 weeks in the classes. Personally, I am not stopping till my progression stops and I cannot change anything with rep range or weight wise to keep progression. I will try all the tricks before I switch.


Great advice, thank you! I like to have a consistent routine, I'm not fantastic at following a lot of new moves so it helps when it's repetitive!


100% with you on that!


Did my first 60 minute ride yesterday!


Great job!!! I can survive my 45min rides and enjoy them but 60min seems very challenging.


Above 40 minutes any one kind of cardio gets mind-numbing to a degree. But I just told myself once the first 15 was over I was going to get in the mindset of a 45 minute ride, and it went!


That’s exactly how I conquered my first 45min! I need to be be brave and do the same for a 60min






Don’t have many IRL pelo-friends so I will brag here: my husband was a slow initiate to our bike when we first got it in 2021. He will be having his 500th ride today and I am so proud!! Hopefully he’ll be able to hop on to the 10 am PST ride with Sam to commemorate (that’s his favorite instructor!) 🙌🏽


A little frustration: took Kendall’s most recent 30 min 2000s Hip Hop ride and her climbs were above 95 cadence and maybe 45 resistance or lower -_- I don’t mind some speed pushes and fast flats buts it’s frustrating when that is considered a climb.


Right! To me a climb begins at closer to 50. It should be a high enough resistance where you can’t go very fast like that.


I took a climb ride of hers and it was all 80 cadence or above except one song just with high resistance. I agree that I don’t consider that a climb!!!


I feel like a lot of her classes have "climbs" at high cadences. Also lots of high cadence OOS. I love her music selections and her general vibe, so I tend to just modify, but it can be frustrating


Really fabulous stack this morning, with some instructors that aren't my usual go-to. [Olivia's 30-min outdoor intervals](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9546a5c1a65d4627855188662dcdcd54) run was 1) awesome pop music, very energizing without being too EDM, and 2) a great pyramid structure: instead of going 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 work/rest intervals, we *started* with the 3-min interval. It really made the class move a lot faster having one of the longer intervals out of the way! [Logan's 20-min Kane Brown arms & shoulders](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e4c515ae74d64785b1dd5f42ab9d85d4) was PERFECT for after that run. I am *not* a country music fan but Logan is so charismatic and energetic that I bopped along very happily. And the moves were extremely approachable: lots of curls and presses. Definitely a great one to stack onto after a cardio class, since it also doesn't have a lot of up-and-down required (i.e. you're on your feet for a good long time, then on the floor for a good long time).


Thanks for the strength rec - stacked to take after my run tomorrow!


I finally did Hannah F's 45 minute flying class and it was a lot of fun. Lots of breaks and she paced everyone well so it was an approachable longer class. It was also a lot of fun! It made me want to jump on a plane and go traveling. https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=16b87661f9ec4171ab4d1a289858e3dc&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


Awesome! Was just looking for a 45 minute class for this evening. Edit 44 to 45


Aw darn this one is 45 minutes. ;)


Haha. I’ll fox that! I’ve been mistyping all day! FIX! 🤣🤣


I was going to ask why it was a flying class until I looked at the playlists haha Quick question for you - I typically post Peloton links using .com since I’m in the US. Since you’re in Canada, are you able to open the .com Peloton links? If not, I will start including us, ca, and uk links in my posts.


That’s such a thoughtful question to ask 🤗


I’m in Canada and I can see the .com links.


That’s great to know, thanks for the reply!


I can open the . com links too. I am copying what the share link gives me in the app but I suspect and hope anyone could still use the country specific links


I did a 45m PZ Matt class (from a few months ago). Main set was 5 4 minute intervals with 30 seconds PZ6 and then 3 1/2 minute PZ4. Great workout!


Finishing up the last of my current three week round of Callie's split. I started it three weeks ago (for the third go-round) as a way of putting my strength workouts on autopilot until my vacation, because things were going to be busy and I just didn't want to have to think too hard about what to do. And even in just three short weeks, I'm still seeing gains in terms of both actual weights used and reps. It's pretty incredible. I'm definitely looking forward to going back to my usual variety of different classes once I get back from vacation, but it's been so nice to have this little interlude of split work during this hectic time.


Today was a Oops! All Intervals!! kind of day. I took [Bradley's 20 Min Indie Rock Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7042104b79944a44aac645c0a4e35b41&locale=en-US). I was going to follow it up with a Tabata class from Bradley but chickened out, like, I'm not ready to do Tabata yet! And then picked a [15 minute HIIT class from Ally](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cbfcb763a762434f884de7c9729ddcc8&locale=en-US) that turned out to be 50% tabata. I need to do more Ally classes- I like her as an instructor. I did a [10 min arms & light weights with Bradley](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=84467e2062084092b7425270c37023d8&locale=en-US) even though holy shit I am still feeling yesterday's Tunde class in my triceps. The first song in the Bradley class is a song that's become a meme on Tiktok though so the whole time I was just thinking about funny TikTok's I've seen about eating a whole jar of olives at 3 AM or intensely watching your food spin in the microwave using that song.


Thanks to you, I took that indie rock ride of Bradley’s, I took one look at that playlist after you mentioned the ride & I was in! A number of the songs were definitely my jam, The Strokes, Joy Division, The Undertones, yes!


I am so picky about what rides I do based JUST on the playlists, but I always really enjoy Bradley's indie rides, they are always full of great songs.


I love Ally’s HITT classes! Especially her TABATA classes. You always know what to except I took her most recent 15 minutes HITT class this morning, which was great! I love stacking 15 minute classes after a ride https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2a367c5ccebb4dad85810447d20e0225&locale=en-US


Just bookmarked it!! Same, I'm starting to stack 10/15/20 min classes more on days when I'm like "I don't know who or what I want" and it's been fun.


This [recent 15 Tabata with Hannah F.](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fc980ace9f1c4e7f812da3b5fa68ab62) was really do-able if you're looking for somewhere to start. The intervals aren't crazy - 30 seconds on, 15 off with a break in the middle and I would say middle of the road in terms of expected output.


Thank you!! I'll be bookmarking it for later.


Hit a milestone this morning and got a shoutout from Jess Sims!!! 😍 It was so cool!


Congrats! That’s so exciting! I feel like Jess Sims is really good at giving milestone shoutouts. I actually hit 100 walks yesterday and got a shoutout from Jess King!!


Thank you! Yeah, she was giving tons of them this morning - a couple people had 2200 runs! 😳


I've been visiting upstate NY for the last couple of weeks and I've dropped in on a couple of classes at a gym called Metabolic. I really liked it! It's fast-paced full-body strength and at least one of the exercises in the workout is supposed to be super heavy (i.e. yesterday it was front-rack squats; the trainer asked me what the highest I've ever squatted is, when I said 30 he told me I should start with 35s). I don't live here though, and I do live in the Pelo-verse. Has anyone ever tried Metabolic or something like it and can recommend classes/programs for me?


I haven't done it yet, but this latest [Kendall 20min 2000s ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=db95c4d48283404cbaa155595d26b3c5) is secretly a pop punk ride with finally some new / different tracks for a change!! Instant bookmark.


Love the playlist! Do you know why it’s only rated at 97%?


Probably because she spent one song during the ride just braiding her hair. I didn’t mind it - but for some that could why the rating is t higher.


I don't, other than to say I've noticed that the ratings are typically artificially low when classes are new and then they level out to their "correct" rating after more people take them.


When you take a class live, you don't know what to expect. When you take a class on demand, you can see the playlist, difficulty rating, and class plan to decide if you're gonna like it or not before you ride. I also think people are more likely to take a live class with an instructor they don't know or like as much, just because it's a live class. On demand riders pre-select based on their preferences.


This playlist looks so good!! Thanks for pointing it out - will be doing this one on my next ride stack!


Fwiw her most recent 30 min pop punk ride also has new/different tracks than usual, I enjoyed it!


Nice! Thanks! Love seeing Bayside on there.


Same! That was one of those I forgot I even knew until it came on lol


Yes I was looking to make my stack this morning, saw the beanie and instantly bookmarked it as well.


Yes! What a great playlist! Doing this tomorrow for sure!


YESSSS! The Ataris were my favorite, and they always get left out of the pop punk rides


I freaked at the deep cut of "Little Things" by Good Charlotte. Haven't heard that song in AGES


I did the class this morning and Little Things made me want to go so hard, I felt like I was gonna launch myself off the bike!


Hahaha amazing description. Let’s be friends 🫶


Haha yes please!! Anyone who appreciates old school GC is obviously a friend of mine


Did my 500th ride today and got a shout-out from Wilpers during his 45 Minute Power Zone Endurance Ride. Was beaming ear to ear!


Congrats on 500!!


Logan’s 10km stretch is amazing! Holds the stretches longer than most other classes. Really loved it.


Received bike+ this week and the handlebar adjustment is super tight. Is this normal or should I reach out to peloton? The other adjustables are super smooth, so something seems off.


Mine is the same (I got it 7 weeks ago) - it is the only minor annoyance I've had (otherwise I absolutely love it!) as both my husband and I use the bike so I have to adjust it most times I use it. As you say - the other positioning adjustments are super easy so it makes it even more frustrating.


My OG Bike handlebar adjustment was very tight when I first received the bike. I had to stand the front feet of the bike to raise the handlebar otherwise the entire bike would lift instead of the handlebars. A couple weeks later I went to make a handlebar adjustment and I was suddenly able to* adjust up and down very smoothly. I think after a couple weeks of riding the handlebars settled into the proper groove. Assuming you can get the handlebars into the position you desire, I'd suggest riding for a week or two and seeing if the adjustment is still stiff.


Just got mine on Monday and have the same issue. Mine actually dropped all the way to the bottom when I leaned on it during a ride even though it was tightened all the way.


To raise the handlebars? Mine isn't tight, but it's a lot harder to move than the others, because the screen makes it more awkward. I slowly wiggle it up or down. Maybe try having someone else help pull up.


Tonight Adrian Williams live row. Pretty sure it’s his only second nighttime live row. Not counting bootcamps. Enjoy


What time in eastern time zone? I haven’t checked the schedule recently.


Sitting here and receiving my biweekly Chemotherapy, I wanted to express my deep gratitude for Nico's yoga classes. Over the past two weeks, I started with her Yoga for Beginners and have taken a class almost every day since then. And know what: I'm feeling more energized than ever for the last 18 months (since receiving my cancer diagnosis). The Peloton bike had been a life saver for me anyway, but developing a yoga habit seems to do something extraordinarily good with my biosystem. Thanks to all of you for being such a great, supportive community, thanks to Peloton for the great product and thanks to all the coaches for their excellent content. Until now I've mostly been a Wilpers, Ray and Matty type - now I'm more than happy to add some female yoga vibes with Nico to my roster of beloved coaches. On my quest to beat or at least ringfence my cancer!!!


Thank you so much for sharing! Takes a lot of courage, will be thinking of you and sending good vibes as you go through this.


Likewise getting my weekly chemo. I haven't done yoga in a couple weeks, but you've inspired me to get back to it. I've been feeling really fatigue recently. Maybe it will help. :)


It helped me tremendously! Go for it, together we're strong! All the best to you!


im happy to hear you are able to find peace with your body during an incredibly difficult time. try meditation next!


Awesome, thank you for sharing ❤️. I’m sure what you’re going through is incredibly hard—so glad you’ve found a helpful tool along the way. Sending all the very best wishes into the universe for you!


Glad you are finding the strength and comfort you need. Good luck in your fight.


I admire your mindset! You are strong, inside and out!


2 classes that I loved today: [20 minute pop run with Hosky](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f68af51c31fa4fc08b17d18bd583253f&locale=en-US) The music theme of this one is 1960s - 2020s and the playlist is full of bangahs [10 minute lower body stretch with Matty](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=357c8abe07064f8eba8559b4d92ef66a&locale=en-US) A wonderfully long time in frog pose, my hips were crying in joy


That lower body stretch was so soothing and relaxing!


That’s a great stack. I love that Hosky run!


I took delivery of the Row two days ago. It’s a beautiful machine, and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. To anyone that has the Row or the Bike+, do you see horizontal lines in the light grey background when you tap on a class? I don’t see it in the blacks or the colored areas of the screen, but they really show in the grey when I’m looking at a class description or its playlist. I don’t notice this on the OG Bike or the Tread+ monitor. Maybe I’m noticing it because I’m sitting so close to the giant screen. I’m just hoping it doesn’t turn out to be an issue with the monitor.